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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1920)
HVri IU>AV. m<H NT II. BEGINS Tomorrow Matinee One Car Load of Chevrolets * One Car Load of Nash Cars * ON THE ROAD PLACE ORDERS NOW FOR EARLY DELIVERY IN STOCK—1 Baby Grand; 1 Nash Touring; 1 Nash Roadster; Several Second Hand Cars. W. S. Maxwell & Co. CHEVROLET AND NASH PARTS s Used Ford Location Moved I am now located at the Collins Garage, where I will Tokio. Aug 14. Former Premier Paul 1'uinleye of France who stop- ped here on bis way from \mertca 'to China was quoted as saying as he I disembarked at Tokio. The ¡>eace of the world lias uoih 'ing to gain from an Americanized or an Anglicized China. Without {any way meaning to offVud our 'friends or allies, we feel that to the ' French belongs the moral obligation I to encourage and develop the intel- Ilectual, scientific and technical re lations which exist plready betwe- n ! China and France "France must not fall, time, while China, seeking to mo dernize herself, is calling tor intel lectual guides ami technical couusel- 1 >rs, to answer that call Anything that fails to present French culture to China leaves the way open for I German kultur, to our hurt. ' M. Painleve said his mission to China, which is his destination, 1 nothing to do with finance, but purely educational, sctentifie technical, with the idea of laying a I foundation for- a more thorough knowledge of the Far East Above all it -was his aim to guide toward France the Chinese who are seeking a higher education. < His visit is deemed here to tie Im- | portant in view of the preparations I already under way in France to re ceive Chinese students who are In creasing in number. A project has been started at Paris by Senator and . Mme Hugues lei Roux to found a so cial club for visiting Chinese Jas. K. Manuel, Owner CLEVERLY STAGED HIGHLY AMUSING 1 Irresistible Star * Ethel Clayton IN deal strictly in USED FORDS. EASY TERMS ON ANY CAR PI j AYS THRU TUESDAY ADDITION Al, IXWAL Nib's Bank Director— Clyde E. Niles, manager of River Ranks Farms, was recently elected»a member of the board of directors of the Josephine County Rank. AT COLLINS GARAGE. 511 H STREET More Deadly Than the Male” Yesterday Hotter Still— Yesterday proved to be the hottest day yet recorded this year. The ther mometer at the courthouse reached Founded on the Game of Love as played smallest sympathy. There has. a maximum of 103 degrees, one de by a resourceful man and an equally therefore, been started an agitation gree hotter than the day previous. for relieving citizens of the burden resourceful woman. Temperatures in other places are I of these charges higher still. California cities fairly sweltering AND \i-s laklder Installed— W. O. Hadley, of The Dalles, su- I*rotznian Cotifesw Byron Protzman. who was arrest Dublin, tug. 14—The sums award perintendent of fish ladders for the ed yesterday by Sheriff George Lewis MUTT AND JEFF COMEDY FOX NEWS ed by the courts to the victims of state fish commission, returned to on a charge of a statutory offense, "malicious injuries" in Ireland now Portland Thursday having completed has confessed to the allegations aggregate nearly $5,000,000. They the work of installing a new ladder made by his step-daughter. Deputy are payable out of local taxes and it at the Ament dam to handle the big Sheriff T.ister said today Yesterdsv is the duty of the new local Sinn Protzman was quizzed by Prosecut Fein councils to levy and collect the run of fish during the spring freshet, ing Attorney Miller and by the sher and extending the old ladder 36 feet money. This they refuse to do and. iff and he is said to have.signed a so far, the relatives of the murder to allow the fish to go up at low written confession He has been liv- ed 'policemen and others, as well as water He says the river- is lower ing at Merlin with his wife and step the owners of destroyed property, now than ever before and that fish daughter for past two weks. hav- are unable to obtain payment. Even only have one foot to jump to reach Ing come to the Rogue valley from TONIGHT-An Arsene Lupin Story, “THE TEETH OF THE TIGER' If the Sinn Fein councils were will the ladder now. He believes there Washington As the girl was of age ing to assist the claimaints, however, will be no more complaint about the when the crime was said to have I the sum is -so great that it is said Ament dam.—Medford Tribune lies returned Sunday evening from how John C. Slavin, musical comedy been committed, the penalty In this It would prove "Intolerable to the Crater Isyke where they had been en actor, received a fractured skull WILDERVILLE state is not so very severe. The case overburdened taxpayers." joying a few days outing while in McGraw’s company early may be taken up with the Washing Courier classified a.|- br g re The lurdb-s Aid is to meet vitb The largest taxpayers are unionists Mrs A. Ruttencutter and grandson Isst Sunday ton authorities, however. Protzman Its Try a classified Mrs. Scott Robinson Thursday of who do not relish the prospect of John, expect to s|>end the week end claims that he has once In an having to pay for the outrages of Hammermill Bond printer» at the Insane asjrl im and that he thinks he this week. Two weeks ago they met at the Paul Ruttenc itter mill near with Mrs A Ruttencutter when they Kerbv Thia will give her a chance men with whom they have not the Courier office is still a little unbalanced mentally made plans for an io cream social to visit the families of both Paul and to be given at the Daws and Dicken Barrel and John a chance to visit his Paterson, N J.. Aug 1 I Richard son homes, date to be announced la parents. J. Forean. who survived the world ter. Guy Weatherby and family were war with wounds, suffered while a E. boughridge and Alva Woodard Sunday guests at Ilie M 'Bon sema n nu-nila-r of the 309th machine gun with their families are expecting to home. battalHon was killed todny by light go on a little vacation thiB week to Mr. Ernest and family an>l Ellen ning Crescent City. -------- -T the John Ree Morrison Is expected home Lloyd spen' Sunday at I^>yd homo ami Dick Lindseys entcr- soon from a several months’ stay in II IICIHNG WILL Nl’KAK Fl KMT I Mr Lloyd -l:-'<-r and t.i.slly California where she has been at AT MINMCNOTA STATE FAIIl tending summer school and visiting, from Grants Pass. Bad Ilobinson has finished the friends and relatives. Chicago. Aug. 14. Senator Hard MAKES HAY WITH A FORDSON The McCanns ami Ixzvelace faml- neighborhood threshing and has pull , ing will speak at the Minnesota state ed bls outfit home They are much | fair in Ramsey county on September - pleased with their new Caso tractyr Sth. Senator New, chairman of the republican speakers' bureau, an JE HAVE WON p. noimi cd today. I FIRST-PRIXE p McGRAW RAYS MIND IS WITH OUR- ."BLANK" WHEN Ql IZZED Candidates for Brainstorm«. BATHROOM Once we were young and now we «SUPPLIES/ New York, Aug. 14.—John J. Me- lire older, but never yet have we seen G-raw, manager of the New York n disciple of wind blown doctrine« Giants today told the district attor who didn't end by hnvlng n brain Pumps 100 miner inches 24 feet high ney IBs mind is "blank” relative to storm.— Dnllss News. 1* I OREGON FredHyde of Murphy Irrigates for $3.00 Acre Reason BURNS KEROSENE JUST RECEIVED 5 quarts an hour—It burns cheap fuel 1 pint of lubricating oil every 16 hours Runs 16 hours a day—No trouble CAN YOU BEAT IT / Always on the Job—Never Gets Tired C. A WINETROUT AUTHORIZED FORD SALES AND SERVICE Wa have won a great big Joy It's call Pwblic Ap- ful irlze proval. It waa given tu us in recognition of the dependabiI- lly of oitr bathroom supplies.' And by the way we took the lies out of supplies and charge you Just exactly what they worth that's all. B. S. DEDRICK Mil F Street Phone 30H-J $ / A Ton of Congoleum GOLB SEAL -GUARANTEED RUjGTS /PND YARD GOODS at HELMER’S “The Home of Good Furniture’’