Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1920)
NATI RDAY, Al'GtNT II, Iteli. Classified Advertising (.KANT* l*AMH DAILY (X)CIUKh PAGE BEVE' \<>TI<'E OF HE 9 KING ( t'ontlnu< d Irwin page six) tition« should not be granted, and the failure of any person Intereated to show caune as aforesaid, shall be deemed and taken a* an asaent on hla , part to the inclusion of «aid land* In the District as prayed for in the pe tition. The said |>etltlon and the nam<« of <be petitioners are In words and figures as follows, to-wit To tlw’ Board at Director* <«f Th, Granta Paas Irrigation District In J<aa«|4ilnr and J s B msi C<mnti<-«. Hfabi of Or>sc»n: Come now the undersigned, your petitioners herein, who are holders, of title or evidence of title represent ' NATI ICE’S MOST WONDERFUL I^ABORATOKY Ing a majority of the acreage of a ANDOI T-OF-DOOR PARADISE body of land adjacent to the boun I darle* of The Grant* Paas Irrigation i District and situated entirely in Jose "Yellowstone National Park is ideal for camping phine County, State of Oregon, which out. When people relize this it should quickly lands are suareptlble of Irrigation become the most lived tn of all our national from a common source and by the parks. RMBembor that the Yellowstone is your*.” same system of irrigation provided or to be provided for those lands now j Franklin K. Lane, former He retary of the In and heretofore Included within the , terior. boundaries of The Grants Pasa Irri ITS IKtTEM ARE MARVEL« OF HIPER1OR SER VICE gation District by diversion of the water* of Rogue River, and hereby petition that the lands hereinbefore referred to and hereinafter describ ed be included within The Grants! Pic«« Irrigation liiatrlct, your petl-1 LKAVES l*DRTLA.SD S:0O P. M. tloners hereby expressly consenting! to such Inclusion. The tract or body Apply at Heath * Herman's office. FOR SAI JO OR RENT Mr place of land hereby sought to be included I 47tf of «2 acre* located on Missouri fist are de«cribed as follows, to-wlt: Also good young team, barneee. WANTED ■Place for high school Beginning at a point on th* pres ent boundary line of The Grant* Pass ■ OPERATED RY THE wagon buggy and farming Imple girl to earn room and board Ad Irrigation District at the HE corner! mania Good milk cow Juet fresh dress No 1812 care Courier 4 9 of the KW'4. Section 30. Township; UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM for sale R W 4’ralg, Murpby. 36, South. Range 5 West, Wiliam-j Ore 52 WANTED—-Experienced dish washer ette Meridian; thence South along ». ¿on at the Oxford Grill. 4Rtf the center line of Section 31 to the l^et our representative explain the various tours *Foit MAIJC On« mare, cheap, will HE corner SW% Sec 31; thence T <>] j which enable visitors tò see all at Yellowstone so FOR EVITI ANGE West along the South line Sec. 31 work single or double 12 years to the SW corner Sec 31, Twp. 36 comfortably and at minimum cost; also quote old. weight 1100 One half mile R 5 W , W M.; thence South fares, prepare your itinerary and make your north of Murphy, ■ Hleley. Rd. 4. TO TRADE 10 a< res of land, run “ along the Hast line of Sec. 1 Twp. 37 ning water all year, woven wire reservations. 49 Box 41 S . R. 6 W . W M.. to the SE corner fence, and three lots In town, to i . ¡NE14 Soc. 1: thence West along the J. H. O'NEILL. Traveling Passenger Agent, with trade for good car. Me Derricks. | ,.enter )|ne , to th<, corner t'ali FOR SA I JO Good milk row headquarters at 701 Wells Fargo Building, Port 49 HE 14 NW >4 Sec 1; thence North 49 at Hull's ranch. Rd. 2. land, will be "lad to call personally on anyone - ! along the West line of East H NW'4 • PIANO TUNING, |to the NW corner NE'4 NW >4 Sec. wishing to visit Yellowstone, and arrange all de FOR HA1JC Ford touring car In - 1, Twp 37 S , R. 6 W . W M ; thence tails. Drop him a card, or address fine Condition Owner aliout to LEAVE ORDERS FOR PIANO TUN- North along the Wert line SE14 leave country E, P Chandler, Ing at the Josephine Hotel. W. P. SW'4 Sec. 36. Twp. 36 S , R 6 W , 50 YU>Kue River WM. Mc-Ml KRAY Brooks, l'almer Ibano House, Med- 'v to the NW corner SE14 SW14 ... ,. ¡Section 36; thence West along the G«w><waJ Paxeenger Agent 20 FOR HALE 80 ».rm hillside, rora. ore. ” South line NW'4 SWtJ Section 36, Portland, Oregon ----- and the South line North >4 South ares under cultivation, 3 acres .M1N4 KLLA.NK4H H '4. Sec 35 to the SW corner NW >4 ! several assorted fruit trees, _ SW’4 Sec 35; thence South along I spring*. 2 Jersey cows. 1 horse, BANKERS LIFE COMPANY. De*<thp Rftfa )tnP 34 to the SE | 50 ohlrkeiui. house, and outbulld- .Moines, Iowa. District agent. My- ner thereof: thence West along the Ings Crop Included Paul Weiss, ron C. Gaston. Grants Paas. Ore South line Sec. 3 4 to the SW corner Rd. 1, 1 mile north of city. 50 Over 17.500,000 In force In Ore-; SE’4 SE'4 Section 34. Twp 36 S. R. 6 W . W M : thence South along gon 95tf the East line W«4 NE>4 and East Eaat line of Sec. 27 to the HE comer FOR 8A1JÎ 50 S C. White leghorn NW’>4 SE>4. Sec. 3. Twp. 37 S.. thereof; thence East along the North hens, one year old. Good pro KNIGHTS OF PYT»«J AS — Ther-' line R 6 W’ W M„ to the SE corner lines of Sections 35 and 36 to the NE durera St 50 cach Ed Wilson. mopylae lodge No. CO, meets every NW «4 HE % Sec 3; thence West I corner Sec 36. Twp. 36 S . R. 6 W . WE ARE NOW SELLING 51 second and fourth Tuesday even along the'South line NW1» SE14 W M.; thence East along the North Murpby, Ore ¡line Sec. 31. Twp 36 S.. R. 5 West, and South line North «4 SW «4 Sec ing. Visitors Invited. 09tf 3 and the South line North *4 South ! W. M. to the NE comer NW *4 Sec. FOR HALE Hay press Call at the Leaves Sec 4, to the SW corner NW’ *4 > 31. Twp 36 S., R 5 W . W. M.. to Granta Paas Feed Barn, corner 7th 'ADILLAC AUTO STAGE SW14 Sec 4; thence North along the ! the point of beginning. and 1 streets, phone 15-H. 46tf every morning for Creecent City West line NW'4 SW 1 i Section 4 to And your petitioners hereby con- , orner thereof: thence West ■«ent that as a condition precedent to FOR SALE Dining room table and I at 9 30. Passengers only, Head- |he the center line Section 5 to the granting of thi« petition the chairs, bed mattress, and other I quarters Fashion Garage Orlan-lalong 13tf ’h" SW corner NW', Sec 5; thence Board of Directors of The Grants do Hiller household furniture. Mason jars. 1 North along the est line Sec. 5 to the Pass Irrigation District may require Call Friday and Saturday at 1042 ALBANY NURSERIES. Inc. —"The •'“W corner Sec 5, Twp. 37 S. R. 6 ; that the petitioners shall severally W M.. thence North along the pay, contract to pay. or become Hable 48 East A street old reliable." Trees of quality. Al j West W line Sec. 32. Twp. 36 S . R. 6 for. under bond issue or other form bany Oregon F. E. Jordan, spe- w w M to the XW corner SW *4 , of indebtedness incurred or that may FOR SALE CHEAP 40 acres raw cial agent. Granta t’aee, Ore. 37tf.Se- 32; thence following In a gener- be incurred by the District, to such land, 514 miles from Grants Pass --------------------------- ally Northerly direction through Sec- ! District such respective sums, as Inquire 332 Bridge St. 72 I PRACTICAL ROOFI.NG—Asphalt i tion* 31. 30 and 29 along the cen- j nearly as the same can be estimated ' , " and gravel paper and composition h‘r rhi,‘ '— jlitch. Baume j by the Board, as said petitioners or FAIR SALE Ford In good condition EXCLUSIVELY ¡Slough, Red Bluff ditch, and the east- their grantors would have been re roofing. Leaky tanks repaired Inquire E I a Churchill at Ford . .. „ ern boundaries of the bottom lands quired to pay to such district as as cheap. Repairs a specialty. Four-|0f tho Applegate River, to the East sessments for the payment of Its pro Agency 58 leen year* experience. L. J. Otis. and West center line of Sec 29. rata share of all bonds and the inter FOR SALE One young Jersey cow. 740 North 10th St., Grants Pass. more particularly described as fol- est thereon which may have previous lows Beglnnlng at the NW corner ly thereto been issued by said Dis fresh. fine horse buggy and har- Ore. Phone 211-Y. 69 ,SWL , Sec. 32; ; then,«■ North 78’ 40' trict had such lands been included in ness Twentyelght laying hens, West 193 O'; thence North 24’ 47* said District at the time th<> same was TAX. Cheap for quick sale. 507 E street. | Wert 748.0’; thence North 42" 58' originally formed or when said bonds Phone 147 M 4OONER TAXI Phone 262-R for West 412.0'; thence North 51* 57' were so Issued. : \\ est 408.8'; thence North 89* 25' This petition is signed and present Jitney Luke or Cutler. Calls an i West 403.7'; thence South 72* 24' Sold at the same price everywhere FOR SAIJ-: 3 milk goats, 1 kid and ed under the provisions of Chapter swered anywhere, anytime. 86tf I West 263 3': tbence £<>uth 62* 25' 357 of the General Laws of Oregon 1 billy. Address J. C. Johnson, [ West 356.9': tflence Routh 35* 46' for 1917 and of Section 36 thereof in Holland, Of* 50 PALACE TAXI—Phone 22-J. Tom West 294.7'; thence North 64* 25' counterparts, all of which, when at Wind. 03tf < West 305.6'; thence North 28* 00’ tached together, shall constitute the FOR SALE Ten Barred Rock hens, 173 3'; West thence 59' 2* North good layers. Call at 104 2 East A KERB Y-GRANTS PASS JITNEY— West 419 7'; thence North 25* 53’ complete petition herein, and your petitioners hereby consent Chat such street. 4 9 Leaves Grants Pass at 9:30, and East 159.5'; I thence North 87* 30' proceedings may be had In said mat 139.7'; I East 20' thence North 51* ter as are provided for or are requir FOR SALE Household furniture at I Holland at 1 dally. Country trips East 3332': thence I North 51* 49' by said Chapter 357 relating to Fashion Garage 726 N. 8th street. No second-hand attended to at all times Everett East 443.8': t thence North 58* 15' ed the inclusion of lands in an irrigation man need call. 4 9 Hogue and Pete Beagle, phone East 957.1 to the North line said district Wherefore your petitioners pray 61 Sric 31 when N. E. corner thereof Panama Cafe, 228^1. FDR SALE Furniture of 4-room bears North 89 33' East 1018 3'; that a time be fixed for the hearing house, will sell complete or by thence North 60* 00' East 264.1 6' of this petition and thereupon ••’fh DR WAGE AND TRANSFER thence North 68* 05' East 524 0 piece. leaving the slate by the proceedings be harf as are prov d by Chapter 357 of the general laws 21st. Call J W. Moore. Three THE WORLD MOVES; so do we thence North 48* 42' East 474.4 thence North 42* 50' East 757.9 of Oregon for 1917, and that this pe Pines, Ore., at once. 49 Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phot* thence North 31* 50' East 203.7 > tition be in all things granted accord thence North 18* 33' East 175.4 349. ing to its tenor. WANTED thence North 3* 17' East 315 4 And yottr petitioners* will ever F. G.'ISHAM, dray age and transfer. thence North 26* 12' East 307.3 .pray, etc. WANTED Second hand 5 or 6-ln<'b : Signed by: A. L. Edgerton. Gust Safe*. pianos and furniture thence North 27* 28' East 565.6' to centrifugal pump In good condi East and West center line Sec. Coorln. Homewood Farm Company, moved, packed, shipped and stored the 29 whence the West 14 corner bears tion. Isaac Beet. 28tf per A. Wylberg. Pres.: A. Wylberg, Office phone 124-Y North 88’ 24' East 11331'. all in John E. Moore. W. W. Tucker, F. M. Twp. 36 8.. R. 6 W , W. WM.; thence Armstrong. John H. Robinson. J. C. GRANTS PASS-MEDFORD TRUCK East along the cetner lines of Sec Morgan. Chicago latnd Company, by MICKIE SAYS Phone 3 33.1. 58 tions 29. 28 and 27 to the NE corner Clyde E. Niles; A. E. Sheehon, K. M. SH14 Sec. 27; thence South along the C. Neill, Carl B. Livesley. Alfred ■rJvO.6lR. MtCMAtL O'BRtEtS I WE HAVE SOLD ALL WE HAD PIANO TUNING Flux, Luther Robinson. Jacob Ger- lOu CSril GO DOWN TO Tnt < PHYSICIANS LISTED LAST WEEK, BUT WE witz Estate, by Nancy Gerwitz Hir- 16AIN AO GMHtR MEINS GEO. W. CROSS a tuner with 17 verw A. E. Voorhles. contract: Frank HAVE A Bl K K SIX—JUST GOT IT L. O. 01 .EMENT. M ITEMS fOW THE PAPER,FO« D., Practice leone, J. K. Murphy. years practical experience, includ TODAY—IT’S GOOD AS .NEW. IT’S VOUiE GOING TO CHURCH limited to diseases of eye. ear, nose WITNESS The Board “ of Directors ing 9 year* factory training. Head A BARGAIN. COME AND SEE IM- with me . » should T hink and throat. Glasses fitted. Htnira of The Grants Pass Irrigation Dis quarters Josephine hotel. Your MEDIATELIY. IT AVON’T LAST VOUO GST ENOUGH OF THAT 9-12, 2-5, or on appointment. trict. this the 6th day of August. satisfaction Is my success. R2tf LONG. PRINTING office during Phones, office 62; residence 359-J. 1920. CHAS SMITH, the week without HAVING Director-President. s. lAll’GHRIDGE. M D. Physician IT ON NOUR MIND AW GEO. A. HAMILTON, DAS SUNOAN 1 and surgeon City or country calls MRS JAMES M. POWERS. Instruc Director. attended di^y or night. Phone*. GEO. FEI.DMAIER. tor on piano; studio over Barnes’ Director. Res. »69; Office, 182; 6th and H. Jewelry; open 9 to 5 dally, except Attest: WILFORD ALLEN, Tuesday and Wednesday. Phone Secretary. E. J BILLICK, M. D Physician 265-J. and surgeon, office Sehallhorn RUT AGENTS FOR. block, phone 54 j : residence. 1004 The California and Oregon RKAL ESTATE MAVÌ HUDSON M I-awn ridge. phone 54-1,. Coast Railroad Company E T. M c K instry , eon g st., phone CHALMERS ANO ESSEX CARS TIME CARD 13-R; sonerai real estate business. \V F. Ill THERFORD Manus' ’he- Best of soils for fruit, hay or gen rapiitlcs. It gets your atvment. Effective Nov. 24. 1919 eral farming office over Bnrnes’ Jewelry store Offl o hours 9 30-12; 1:30-4. ACCIStORItS ANO REPAIRING Tralns will run Mondays, Wednes- CIVIL ENGINEER -Geo M. Ash- RALPH W. STEARNS, M. 1) Phy- days and Fridays PHONE 317 P.M. ford. Land, mine, drainage nnd ’alelan and surgeon X-ray "«lUlp- Leave Grants Pass........... 1 ment. Me- 5// H STRBET, GRANTS PASS, ORE. dental X-ray. Offlce, 515 P.M. Irrigation surveys. Address Arrive Waters Creek.... a .. .2 sonic Temple Bldg Phones Of- Leave Waters Creek......... 2:30 P.M. 50 North Sixth. Phone 146-J. flee 2 1-J ; residence 21-1. P.M. Arrive Grants Pass........... 4 VETERINARY SUIM.'EON information regarding freight For DENTISTS and passenger rates call at the office R J BESTUL. Veterinarian. Residence 83 8 Washington boule E. C. M VCY, D. M. D. First-class of the company, Lundburg building, or telephone 131 dentistry. 109H S. 6th St. vard. phone 398-R. roi< hale WANTED W id trues for dining room, and chamber maid for hotel. F Ht SALE Choice baled alfalfa Apply at Western hotel 44lf bay, |3H per ton, f o. b. Grau la Paas Riverbanks Farms K5lf WANTED Position as housekeeper In home of widower or bachelor. PHONE 379 R for dry slab wood 67 Address Daisy Faulkner. Gen. Del., a cord while It lasts I, F Boat Granta Pass, Ore. * 49 34tf THE BtXJViM.K property, Nos 802, WANT T imber CLAIM Ha»« a 7 room house and four lota In Med 816. 832. 850 North Seventh St. ford. Oro . close In free and clear, all under Irrigation, four bouses, to trado for timber claim even up for sale Inquire Mrs W H. (lari A Patzlnf. Roaeburg, Ore. 56 Quail. 832 North 7th St h» FOR HALE The Griffin ranch on IXXrilEllS and mill men wanted at the M-J lamber Co . Glqnd*le, Hear creek In 'llleoie valley near Ore 57 80 acres with cattle, Kerby 'horsee. cows, hog*, furniture, WANTED Hewing of any kind, by farming implements, bay. ■very- the hour or by the piece ('all at thing gone Water. Evnrythlng 659 N 4th St 46tf ready to commence to live Ixively oilmale. good buildings, * good WAVrUD Hop picker* by Aug 28. Apply to J. E Verdin, Granta fencee. etc Flue dairy much, 6 57 Pa». Rd 2. cow», creamery check every week. John B Griffin. Kerby, Josephine WANTED Hop picker*. tricking be County. Oregon 50 gin* Aug 26. II 50 per hundred. YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK THROUGH SLEEPING CAR DAILY PORTLAND TO WEST YELLOWSTONE PACIFIC SYSTEM Studebaker Cars In Four Models J. F. BURKE Good Used Cars Sell COLLINS ÀUTO COMPANY Old Newspapers, 5c and 10c Bundles