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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1920)
GilANTN PAI* DAILY miHIKH "11 PAUK NX 1 \<>ll< I or HBARING or rwri- Ofr' HONK HW IM’I.ISIOA ia\l»S IN THE GRANTS PAHN IRRIGATION DISTRICT Bicycles and Accessories 9 William Garage & Cyclery Second Hand Bargains Chevrolet Ford Mitchell Six—New 2 and 3 Ton Trucks in Stock I NOTICE IS, HEREBY GIVEN. that there have been filed with the Hoard of Directors of The Grants rasa Irri gation District situated In Josephine and Jackson Counties, State of Ore- ' gon. the petitions of the holders of I title or evidence of title representing a majority of the acreage of a bod* of lands adjacent to the boundaries of The Grants I'ass Irrigation Dis trict and situated entirely In Joae-J phluo County. State of Oregon, to- wlt: Beginning at a point on the pres ent boundary line of The Grants Pass irrigation District at the SE corner of the SW 9». Section 30. Township 36, South, Range 5 West. Willam ette Meridian; then. <• South along I the center line of Section 31 to the : SE corner S\V>, Sec. 31; thence West along the South line Sec. 31 to ttk> SW corner Sec 31. Twp. 36 j 8., R 5 W , W M ; thence South [ along the East line of Sec. 1 Twp. 3 7 S . R. 6 w. W M . to the SE corner I NE*-« Sec. 1; thence West along the center line See. 1 to the SW corner I SE Vi NW 1« See. 1; thence North ’ along the West line of Bast '•» NW >4 Ito the NW corner NE'« NW «4 Sec 1. Twp. 37 S . R. 6 W . W M ; thence North along the West line SE'« SWV* Sec. 36. Twp. 36 3., R 6 W . W M.. to the NW corner SEk. SW’* Section 36: thence West along the South line NW'« SW^ Section 3«. ¡and the South line North t, South . *4. Sec 35 to the SW corner NW 9, |SW>4 Sec 35; thence South along i the East line Sec 34 to the SB cor ■ ner thereof: thence West along the South line Sec. 3 4 to the SW corner SBKi SE>4 Sctlou 34, Twp. 36 S.. R. 6 W„ W. M.: thence South along the East line WH NEK and East Rne NWN. SE>4. Sec 3, Twp 37 S. R. 6 W. W. M . to the SE comer W, SE'á Sec. 3; thence West along the South line NW1, . SE *4 and South line North H SW «4 Sec 3 and the South line North 4 South *4 Sec. 4, to the SW corner NW'« SW1« Sec 4: thence North along the West line NW *4 SW t, Section 4 to the NW comer thereof; thence West along the center line Section 5 to the SW corner NW % Sec 5; thence North along the W. line So.. 5 to the j NW comer Sec. 5. Twp. 37 S . R. 6 W W. M., thence North along 5 THKREVER cross-country tour» lead, over hill», v * through sandy roads or on long, steady grade», the driver of this five-pa»»eng*r open car i» assured the satisfaction that comes from the available power J such as only the Buick Valve-in-Head motor can fur nish. While economy, beauty, comfort and stability, fcr which Buick cars have long been noted, appeal to the owner, it is thia sense or feeling of reserve pow< r in the Buick Valve-In-Head motor that adds the final touch to contented motoring under all condition.« fttro f. ». fc. flint. Michigan IIWVO0 IIWAOO ■ taaaa oo M-J-l Hi« M~t.i k m . • >z««s oo (K> l.’AVbUO f*rtr«a H Abe Buick Model K-bn 45 We Have in Stock for Delivery All Models of Chandler Cleveland and Motor Cars AND A Complete Line of Federal Trucks A See Us For Second Hand Trucks Seely V. Hall Motor Co. Medford, Oregon e When In-tter automobile* art* built. Buick will Imihl them rOPl West line Sec. 32. Twp. 36 3.. R, 6 W„ W. M. to the NW corner SWt* Sec. 3 2; thence following In a gener ally Northerly direction through Sec tions 31, 30 and 29 along the ren ter line of the Jess ditch. Baume Slough. Red Bluff ditch, and the east ern boundaries of the bottom lands of the Applegate River, to the East 29. and West center line of Sac more particularly described as fol- I lows Reginnlng at the NW corner SW >« , Sec. 3 2 ; thence North 79’ 40' West 193 O'; thence North 24’ 47' I West 748.0’ ; thence North 42* 58' West 412 O'; thence North 51’ 57' j West 409 9' ; thence North 99° 26' West 403.7 ' ; thence South 72° 24' West 263 3': thence South 62° 25' West 356.9'; thence South 35’ 46' West 294 7' ; thence North 64’ 25' West 305.6'; thence North 28’ 00' West 173.3'; thence North *> • 59' West 419 7'; thence North 25’ 53' East 159.5'; thence North 87* 30' East 139.7'; thence North 51° 20' East 333.2'; thence North 51° 49' East 443.8'; thence North 58* 15’- East 957.1' to t the Nor’h line said Sec. I 3 1 when N E corner thereof bears North 49’ 33' East 1018.3'; thence North 6,0’ 00 ' East 264.6' thence North 68’ 05 East 524.0'; j thence North 4 8° 4 2 East 474 4 '; I thence North 4 2° r.o East 757 9': ; thence North 31* 50 East 203 7': thence North 18’ 33 East 175.4", | thence North 3° 17' Bast 315.4'; I thence North 26’ 12 i I 307.3' ; | thence North 27° 28' East 5 65 6' to i the East and West center line Sec. 29 whence the Wont % corner bears North «S’ 24' Eaat 1133 1'. all In Twp. 36 S . R. 6 W . W W.M.; thence East along the cetner line» of Sec- tlons 29, 29 and 27 to the NE corner SR% Sec 27; thence South along the East line of Sec. 27 to the SE corner thereof; thence East along the North lines of Sections 35 and 16 to the NE comer Sec. 36, Twp. 36 8., R. 6 W. W. M.; thence East along the North line Sec. 31, Twp 36 S . Il I WMt, W. M. to the NE comer NW *4 Sec. 31, Twp. 36 S., R. 5 W.. W. M„ to the point of beginning, which lands are susceptible of Irrigation from a : common source and by the same sys tem of Irrigation provided or to ha I provided for those lands now Includ ed or to be Included within The ’ Grants Paas Irrigation District by the | diversion of the water« of Bogue f River, the said petitions, names of the petitioners, the deecrlptlon of the lands mentioned In raid petitions end | the prayer of eafd iMtUloners bel» g hereinafter set forth. And pursuant to sal<4 petition aid the provision« of law relating thereto and In ac'-ordsneo with the Require ments of Section 36 of Chapter 357 of the General laws of Oregon for the year 19It, NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, I That on Tuesday, September 7th, 1920, at the hoirr of 10 o’clock a. m In the office of the Board of Directors of The Grants Pass Irrigation Dis trict at the County Courthouse, Grant« Paw, ln Jositphfne County, Oregon, a hearing will be had upon I said petitions at which time all per lons InterceUld may appear and show cause if any they have why the pe- <Continued on pa*« 7.) THE SHABBY Dilapidated oi your rar ana be mudi' to fit and look like new —at lit Un cost- We repair, re cover aiwl rentoro to|w—you'll l>c pleasantly surprised at the low coot of your job. Get our figure« on it today. G. B. BERRY