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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1920)
/ NATI IlDAV, AlGlMT II. ÌL* LOQÆL Your Business r< ' our toualne» la Just a* loi|M>MAat to you •« John I». ICockrfellrr'a huadueaa la to hint. lU'gnC'lle** of the line of huelnena you follow and re- Kartlhwa of the «I mi of your buaineaa, you need tin- ailvanl- agr of iiMxlcrn iMuikliig faciliti«« -mb aa we fumigli Mrs. Dellte Reas •’F» > <>«r ««mut torre OF HOI TH Kilt OHM,O A Thermoid Tires Proper Clothing COST MORE PER TIRE BUT LESS PER MILE II » ASK US WHY . I THEY MUST MAKE GOOD OR WE WILL i Rogue River Hardware Co THC ’W/NCHim/t STORB Shoes for the Family MKN’H V|IHI,I\ NIGHT Hill RTS M> < OOI, For Fall A. l-atbrop went to Portland Oil stoses al Cramer Bro«. law Wilson »|wnt a day In the vi’y Hile morning to spend a few day« returnlug this morning to Glendale, loklng after some busin»*« matter« Mrs Lida Crawford arrived la»t where he la »(»ending the summer. 49 night from Atchison, Kan , to visit "Lux." Babin baa it. Hewing machine« for sale and rent. her brother, II F. Kenyon. 49 Fishing tackle at Cramer Bro«. 4» Holman's Furniture. Mr* E. ftehkopf Miss Ruth Corbett, home demon Chl»f of Police and Mrs C. E. Mc- Isine went Io Ashland thia morning | st rat Ion agent will leave In the t> «pend the day visiting with [ morning for Corvallia to apend'-two weeks visiting with her parents. Miss friend«. Fly swatter» at framer Bros 49 t'orbeit Is getting her annual vaca Mrs II S Dedrlck and «01^'Jack, tion. Big Value» in Tailoring That returned this morning from Sno Poultry tonic at Cramer Bros. Satisfies homish. Wash., where they bnve been Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Linch, HorkmMrntdp of the highent quality by that'old Ml**»» Esther Weichleln and visiting for the paet month naiMtle firm Our slock» of beds again complete Turner left this afternoon for CT»- In all »lAw and all finishes Holman’s J ter latke for a four day campine At the sign of furniture. 49 ' trip. They will go as far as Ptoa- Ye Jolly Thermos bottles at Cramer Bro* l>ect tonight. Utt le Tailor I • ome in and inspect the new wooiems and styles Misses Dora' Birchard. Prudence Cane poles at Cramer Bros. 49 Pardee, Jeanette Cramer and Edith C. D Thompson, who has charge GEO S. CALHOUN !>ahlberg are at the Galfce ranger of the agricultural training in the Xmriy sixteen tears exclusive local dealer. station »pending a few days with M t Medford high school for the coming year, is spending the week end at 1 apd Mr«. Hopkirk. 4» his home in this city, Mr. Thomp- 1 Fly screens at Cramer Bros. Miss Helen I-ayton arrived this son says it Is "rather warm" In the morning from lx»s Angeles and will Bear creik metropolis. Dr and Mrs. W F Reiffert and visit in the city with friends for a few days Miss I*ayton has been in Ml** Edna Niecamp. who have been here inspecting the Del Norte Claim lx>s Angeles since last February. For Men and Women Try Dr Tompkins treatments for I Holders property at Waldo and Ta- disease of the bladder 44tf | kllma. returned to their home at for Vacation Trip» While Miss Dorothy Romig is visiting in 'Quincy, HI., this morning. the city with Miss Alva Wilson Mis. hyre they were the guests of Mr. and at Wilson. ^1r* H L. Wilson and Mias Mrs. A. C. Hoffman Romig will spend the week end at W. Vanlsewven. of Mountain View, Cal., is spending a few days with Mr. 1 the Wilson home here. Japalac at Cramer Bros 49 and Mrs. J. H. Hathaway, making the I call sell you a good Ford on trip by car Mr Vanl-ewcen and Mr. terms that are easy .* Jas K Manuel. Hathaway went Io Gal Ice Thursday More Overland* Sold— Return* From Xavy 511 H street. 49 and returned Friday with Mrs. Hath C. L. Hobart & Co. supplied Over Herbert Edward Ament, who has Mrs. rt E. Allen and daughter. away, who visited her daughter, Mrs. been serving in the United States land cars to Mrs. Merrill of Takilma who have been visiting in the city Hopkirk. and F. B McLaughlin, of Hugo. Folding camp stoves at Cramer naval forces for the past three years with Mrs J. W Masterson and Mrs and nine months, returned this W. J Moore, loft this morning for Bros. 49 morning to his home in the city. Mr. Annual Picnic Tuesday, August 17— Cedarville and Alturas. California Emil Schmidt, who has been spend Ament has been doing foreign duty, The annual picnic of the S. B A., Wanted Hop pickers by Hept. 1st ing the past three years in San Apply at Temple Market, phone 134. Francisco and Hacramento. is visit having recently been In Turkey. He formerly the K. and L. of 8., which or address A. F. Knox. 55 ing with friends in the citv for a few secured his discharge on July 29 at was to have been held July 23, will the Brooklyn navy yard and since be held at Riverside park next Tues Miss Mae Webb has left for Mos- days. Mr. Schmidt says that he can that time has been visiting in Chi day evening. Al! member« and fam- n. WIs.. where she will take up see many improvements in Grants the supervision of schools «••-* Pass since he left. He expects to go cago. He will probably remain at ilies also Junior members and fam- Webb came In yesterday from her on to Portland tonight or in the the home of his parents. Mr. and ilies are invited to bring baskets of Mr». M. C. Ament, for the summer. food and oome for a good time. home a< Waldo and ha* been visiting morning. here with friends. Money in a safe bank is a good in Dry your fruits and vegetables by Fun a* < 'amp Easy— Flashlights at Cramer Bros. 49 vestment, the same principle applies Members of the Camp Easy party Mrs. C. W. Kienle and daughter, to a rood Ford Jas. K. Manuel, the latest method of evaporation. 49 Home Fruit and Vegetable Evapora on Rogue River above town are en left this morning for Newberg, ac 511 II street. llotpolnt Irons at Cramer Bros 49 tors. See them in Holman's Win joying fine sport with swimming and companied by Mrs. Kienle’s father. 49 fishing. > > - - • dow. J C. Colcord. «'ho ha* been visiting i here at the Kienle home Mrs. IM >RX Many at Concert— Dr. Britten's Office Open— Kienle will, spend about a week at t ’ HILLTPS To Mr. and Mrs Win-' The ¡»ark was filled to overflow New berg Office will 6e open and ready for fr»d Phillips, 322 West Burgess ing at the band concert last night, business on Monday, August 16. More of those good springs, the comfortable kind. In sto k at Hol-1 street, Thursday. August 12. a many automobile being unable to son. even enter the park and were forced Ashland Short Attended— man'« Furniture Store 49 j to park along the highway. The “Linger Longer Ixtty.” the musical Mrs. C. B. Wolker. who ha* been concert numbers were especially cotnedv given at the Ashland Chau visiting here with her sister. Mrs. D good last night, some very difficult tauqua auditorium last night, proved H. Wells, for the past four or five numbers being given The crowd to be a drawing card for people from days, returned Id her home at Glen-| showed its appreciation by remain this city, a number making the trip dale thia morning Miss Joyce Rae*«, ing silent during the rendition of the to see the show. They report a very also f>f Glendale. has been visiting pieces. The pew director. J. R. Hig entertaining attraction. th Mrs. Wells ginbotham. has been able to get some Mazda lami»s at Cramer Bro«. 49 very good reeults from the band. The Dance at Gold Mr. and Mrs. W. C. King and fani- I dance following the concert was well At the open air pavilion. Saturday Ily. of Wlllnims valley, expert to < leans while it colors. AAill I patronized, a large number remain- night. Music by a Grants Pass or- leave about the Brat of the outing n«»t stala hand* nor injure fin- ! ing until the last dance was played. chestra. The road between Grants month for Utah to make their home. e*t fabrics. The band took in a fairly large Pass and Rogue River will be open. Mr King has been in the emplov of I amount to help pay for the upkeep Vo. iMtiling Macy and Toppings for the past few I of the organization. ' Portland Man Married Here months. ALL COLORS 10c — S. R. Bristow, of Portland, son of More tight, less extu'nse if you ■ < Md Fellows and Rebekahs— <*. R. Briatow of this city, and Mrs. use Mazda lamps from Cranter Bros. All Odd Fellows and Rebekahs are Sarah F. Long of this place, were Misses Jennie and Mavme Detweil 1 requested to meet at the 1. O. O. F. married at the Bristow home Wed er have been in the city for the past I Sunday afternoon at 2:15 o’clock nesday. August 11. Rev. C. M Cline week looking after their pear crop Sells Drugs and Books | hall to attend the funeral of Brother L. officiating. The bride and groom in Tokay Heights. They left this | AT Jamison, Odd Fellows conducting visited for several days on Evans morning on their return to their the service. Manuel, noble creek, and leave tonight for their home at Kansas City, joing by way I grand. 49 home in Portland. of San Francisco. I MO.ItWEAIC IT PICK ES THAT Peerless Clothing Co. LLKAY’S Dye Soap CLEMENS Another Shipment of THORS Received Some of These Are Sold, ßut We Will Have Two Left 1 HORS are the Same Price Everywhere We Have Them in Galvanized and Copper Tubs Phone for Deinmstration PAUL’S ELECTRIC STORE Phone 47 203 South 6th Street