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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1920)
BATI RIMI GUANTO PAflfl DAILY IXH'RIKH PAGE FOUR GRANTS PASS OAILÏ COURIER Published Dally Except Sunday A. E. Voorhie*. Pub and Propr itered at poetoffice, Grant» Pass. Or» , as second class mail matter ADVERTISING RATES Display space, per Inch —......... „..10c Local-personal column, per line ...10c Banders, per line................... ....... DAILY COURIER By mall or carrier, per year..... 86.00 By mall or carrier, per month. .50 Ml.IM II. 1M9 I |Buhc€hurck$| A Cold Bottle GINGER ALE ASHLAND LITHIA WATER LEMON - ORANGE PINEBROSIA GOOD HELP Salvation Irmy Sunday school 2 P- m Holinoe» service 3 p. m.. led by Mrs Atkin Young people's meeting «'> 15. led by Josephine Edward» and Blanch* Glasier Salvation servie* 8 P m Big »pe dal enrollment of soldiers also juniors Special song by Mr Sin clair. ot St Paul. Minn Instru mental music Everybody invited Helping hand meets Thursday. 3 p m. All ladles Invited JCnvoy and Mrs Gray In charge GRAPE JUICE WEEKLY COURIER I I» almost Impossible Io obtain and my Welch Repairing ha» grown to such proportion that I am «impelled to discontinu» certain lina» ot repairing AFTER JI LY 1HT I will not b* in a position to accept for repairs any J»»*liy or »mall work, but will make » specialty of Fin* Watch Repairing ■ nd IXatuond Setting BARNES, The Jeweler By mall, per year 82.00 I MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Pre« Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all new» dispatches credited to it 101 and 105 North 6th er all otherwise credited tn this tYtureh of < hri-t paper and also the local news pub- Bible school at 10 a m Mehed herein. Communion at 11 a. m fptlowed All rights of republication ot spe- !«KM TODAY by sermon J D. Boyd, city mis eial dispatches herein are also re of—they didn't use 'em—is staging served an aquatic festival at the municipal INSURANCE -Fire, automobile, mail sionary of work of the Churches of Christ In Portland, and pastor of the GET READY FOR FALL PLOWING SATURDAY, AIG18T 14. IMO. swimihing bole." including in Its pa kage and plate glass liability. Woodlawn church of Christ, also a T M. Stott. 810 N. «th St. 44tf list water races of all dimensions and s.«ii In l.iv of Mr and Mn W J. Ver ♦ ♦♦ varieties, swimming dashes and WANTED Hop pickers by Sept I non will preach In the morning The ORBGON WEATHER ♦ sprints, canoe racing and other Heavy crop, clean picking Will evening service will be the union ot 4 the church*« and will be conducted pay 1 He per pound and free daily sports that may be developed Weather for the WeeA ♦ transportation Put in your ap by th* Methodist minister at Pacific Coast States (renerai ♦ Better take Jimmy the Second plications at once Leonard Estate Church of Christ ♦ iy fair; normal temperatura. down to the river thia evening vnd Mr* Boyd and Mrs Drake 47tf Co., phone 607-F-ll. 4 help him Improve hi» stroke tor th« sing at the evening servire fair 4 Tonight and Sunday distance swim, he probably didn't THE PICTURE MILL will reopen 4 Continued warm. tor business Monday, August 16th. First lYturvh of Christ Scientist have enough time during the day- ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ with hours from 10 a. m. to 4 p. Christian Science service» ar* held light, and the big electric tlo.xl-Ught m , dally, except Sunday -with every Sunday In the W Q W. hall, * .ALL IN THE SWIM will make up for lost hours of swim other hours and Sunday sittings by at 11 a m. Wednesday evening appointment Mrs. Bancroft at meeting at 8 o'clock. The subject There was a time when swimming ming In days gone by. We're all in tended all ot the sessions and dem Sunday 1». "Soul." in Rogue river was confined to a the swim all the time. Reading foom 1» open from 2 to onstrations of the Eastman School class of miniature Yankees who were 4 p. tn. dally except Sundays aud for Professional Photographers re Governor Cox is reported in the popularly dubbed "water rats," but cently held In Seattle and returns holidays, The public is cordially day's news as having opened fire- to her work with many new and cited to atteud the service» and otherwise known as Jimmy and ( water?) on his republican opposi valuable ideas For appointment» visit the reading room. Johnny when we got them home and tion. and complains that they are phone 283-R or residence 140-J Baptial < "hurt'll •colded them tor risking their lives 49 hiding behind a "smoke screen ". Bible school at 10, classes tor in that treacherous and ice-cold "May we be permitted to inquire" ORDER YOUR CANNING OORN now ages. •tream COME AND SEE THE Morning service al 11, aerinoti whether the governor draws this con for future delivery Evergreen Jimmy and Johnny are probobly clusion from the fact that he finds it The Glorified Christ." All orders corn just coming In Union service tn th* Christian grown up now. but very probably so hard to score a direct hit? Per of 5 dozen or over dtflivered. church at night. SO Phone t-J they often wonder at the «banges hap* It is his personal “interpreta- Midweek serttce Thursday evening wrought by time. Maybe ;-4>u’re a tion.” ALFALFA HAY |20 PER TON In at 8 o'clock. THE KIND FORD USES EXCLUSIVELY the field Within <-tty limits grandfather or grandmother now, or C. ,M. Cline, preacher. HIS BIG MICHIGAN FARM Phone 31S-R. * 49 Yesterday was Friday, the 13th nearly, or old enough to be, but Nowmaa M. E. (liiinli merrily you splash around in those and it was noticeable that the town E L. GALBRAITH—Reai Estate. In Sunday school at 10 a. tn. surance. and piate glaaa liability. waters which are not one whit lees didn't burn dowm or anything like Epworth Ijeagues at 7 p m. 609 H G Street, phone 28. 40tf "treacherous and ice cold" than they that. Maybe there isn't anything to The theme for the morning ser- 108. MOSS AGENCY—Fire used to be when Jimmy the Water the old superstition after all. mon at 11 o'clock is "Christianity, a THE IMPLEMENT MAN ance, plate glass liability Rat enjoyed the "swimmin' hole" Disturbing Force." , And the weather report says "con- ' ance. 204 H Sixth street In the evening there will be union down below the old power house. tinued warm." with the ice supply CALI. WHITE LINE TAXI at Clem-1 services at the Church of Christ. But whatever the thoughts that low. ens Drug Store. 46-R Residence accompany the change in times. It's phone 381. 7-3-Stf , popular for everybody to be in the NOTICE rwlm, and everybody enjoys being , Em pounded August 7th. One black FOR EXCHANGE—80 acres, 18 un der cultivation, stock, farming ef popular. Whether our swimming marc about nine years old, white left fects and present crops, also two hind foot, weight abcut 1000 pounds consists in standing on the edge years of an unexpired learfe. Will ■ Can be seen at Grants Pass Peed where the cool waters lave our an accept city property; fl-acre tract ; Barn Owner can recover property kles, or whether we — plunge preferred. Address No. 1821. — in » fear - - by identifying and paying costs. lessly and strike out for the other 50 i care Courier CHIEF OF POLICE. Grants Pass. Ore. side—it's great We've missed a lot 1000 CEDAR POSTS going at t 10 I / What the Authorities Say About Gasoline during those years of the dark age« 54 cents each Wimer store. Boats Interfere With Swim mers— — when only water rats infested the It has been brought to the atten MRS JAS M. DOWERS. music river, but we’re making up for it tion of the park authorities that studio over Barnes Jewelry, mo now Henry L. Doherty says: row boats at the swimming beach are dern methods insure to you econ- j omy of time and money. Phone There’ll be gasoline for us. for our children and Next Friday evening. August 20, interferring with the swimmers. It 265-J 54 ; our children’s children. the bathhouse committee, something i is asked that the boats keep either I above or below the swimmers so that that Jimmy and Johnny never heard they will not be bothered. A NICE MODERN HOUSE—With U. S. Geo. Survey says: six rooms, bath, two sleeping t 7,629,000,000 bbl. of oil still in L’. S. fields porches, fine water, small garage, enough for 20 years at present consumption rate. fine orchard, beet of land, six acres World's deposits 604)00,000,000 bbl. enough r in all. See L. J. Otis, 740 North 10th street. Grants Pass. Ore 4 9tf for 168 years. KI 1>Y&TRTT JOHN DEERE 2-Way Sulky Plow Deere 40 Tractor Plow ON D. C. McINTYRE FACTS ABOUT GASOLINE Indian Moccasins FOR SALE- Acre and a half just I across bridge on Sixth street; fruit | trees, berries, plastered bungalow, barn, excellent well and other im provements. Inquire G. W. Gross. 50 PIGS FOB SALE -Dixie ranch. Phone 610-F-34. 54 FRIED CHICKEN tomorrow a| the Western Hotel Dining Room. 49 MEN’S. BOYS’, WOMEN’S AND INFANTS’, NEW SHIPMENT JUST IN. PRICES REASON ABLE CALL AND SEE THEM i Golden Rule Store * MASON FRUIT JARS EVER SEAL JARS JAR TOPS AND RUBBERS Preserving Kettles Fruit Presses And all Canning Helps Valley Hardware Company i’ Ottawa, Aug. 14 The Dominion' board of railway commissioners to day granted an Increase in through rates to United States roads in Can ada to conform with those recently approved hv the interstate commerce commission, at Washington The In creases apply to air commodities ex J cept coal and coke. 1 — Bill of Sale blanke at the Courier 1919—3,957,- i I CANADA GRANTS I I . S. KUl.WDs I . Total production of gasoline in 857.097 gal. Eighty samples of gasoline tested by Bureau of Mines from different sections shows practicallv same grade everywhere. Transportation difficulties have helped to bring gasoline shortages in some western states; not ably, California, Oregon and Washington. Average passenger car consumption per year. 300 gal. Average motor truck consumption 1,500 gal. , Annual cost to car owner of 5 cents llirlTHH' III gasoline $15. New oil leasing bill will greatly stimulait- oil production.' San Diego Reached— Mrs. Mamie Whipple recived a let ter from the A. Reich family, say ing they had arrived in San Diego safely, hut would soon be on iheir way to Mexico. They drove through in two cars, leaving here July 13. Mr. Reich formerly ran the Grants Pass hotel. FULL STOCK OF U. S. Bureau of Mines reports: Reserve gasoline stocks in March reached 626,- 393'046 gal., an increase in 30 days of 80.330,617 ’ gal. Fact* for Car Users THESE 1X)TS ARE A-l- 100x100, fenced, 2 blocks east of 6th street, with deed and abstract clear. Cost 8300 some years ago, will consider t purchase price, deducting lm provements. taxes and other ex penses for quick sale, Will take payment and balance monthly, Chas. Morrison. 622 L street 4 7 STORE CLOSES AT fl P. M. EXCEPT SATURDAYS AT 9.30 Canning Necessities FOR SALE -I>odge speed wagon. Price right. Fashion Garage 50 * SWOPE AUTO CO. W. S. MAXWELL & CO. BATTERY SHOP, Hazelton & Disbrow. C. A. LINCH C. A WINETROUT C L. HOBART CO. J F BURKE I 4 !