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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1920)
Why Not Electric Cooking? AGAIN (X»AI,LMHH AMOKE-LMHH The Rugged Splendors and Beauty of the Yosemite are Better Seen and Enjoyed Because of Savage Tires 111 HT-LEMB TBOl BIJD-IAMH Mectric coofcla* provideo the <»ee thoroechly practicad, _ conveniez, olona aad aaaltary method of coofc. *■<- KliariaMia dirt, daat, üben. Waa aad worry. Cook witboat waate. 1 1 4 California-Oregon Power Co. FASHION GARAGE & MACHINE SHOPS PHONB IBS BRING U8 YOUR MECHANICAL TROUBLES OF ANY KIND, WE HAVE THE BEST OF TOOLS AND EQUIP MENT AND OUR MECHANICS ARE THE BEST TO BE OBTAINED. WE MAKE A SPECTALTY OF ELEC- TRICAL TROUBLE SHOOTING, O,V ERHAULING LATHE. AND MACHINE WORK OF ALL KINDS. .ALL KINDS ACETYLENE WELDING WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF AOCE8BORIE8, TIRHS. OILS AND GREASES, ALL GOOD FRESH 8TO<X. AT YOUR SERVICE DAY OR NIGHT WHOLESALE DtmUBUTOHS Of swme tires and nac C. F. BURKE and E. KNOX, Prop*. H. G. Enders Wholesale Company " DISTRIBUTORS ASHLAND, OREGON AGENTS EVEEYWHt HAD IT ALL PLANNED OUT Eat lots of » w it. It is cheaper to buy wholesome fruits than it is to }>ay doctor bills. A sweet juicy orange or a slice of uscious pineapple is more pleasant to “take” than a dose of Calomel. Eat fruit and avoid irritating, weakening purga tive medicines. Fruits are nourishing too, ai£ easy to digest. It is absolute necessary to qat them to “carry of” heavy meats. Our fruits áre always the “choicest.” Try OUR Groceries J. Pardee 108 PRINTIN6 »EATW DONE IT THE COURIER OFFICE Colored Soldier Know Exactly »"hat He Was Going to Do With All Those Black Clothes. Here is n story of two negro sol diers, who were talking just after the signing of the armistice: “‘Itastus,’ said one. ‘what you gwlne •to do when you-all gets home?' “‘Wlmt am 1 gwlne do? Wai, In the fust place, nigger, I's gwlne buy me a white suit o' clo’es. 'n white shoes, ‘n a white shirt, collar 'n tie, 'n a white bat. I's gwlne be white nil over, nigger, an' den I's give up you nigger folks n alius do my 'social Ing wld white folks.' “The boy ¡«used, then asked: ‘What you-all gwlne do. Jake?' ‘Wai,’ says .lake, ‘I's gwlne buy me a black suit, ’n black shoes, 'n n black shirt, 'n a black tie. 'n a black Imt. I’s gwlne be black all over. I'en. when dot's done. I's gwlne buy me a big piece of black crape and fasten It round my black bat.* “ 'Man,' says Rastas, ‘what you-all mean by all deni black clo’es and by dat black crape? What for you gwlne wear dat black crape?' “'Nigger,' says Juke, 'I’s gwlne wear dal' black crepe to your funeral.’"— Wendell D. Howie In the Beaton Transcript. A Leech. A man on the Boutl^dde advertised tils car for sale. EnrlWli.' next morn ing a mun who lived across the street cimie oxe^and said: “Pardon me, but I see by Inst night's paper you adver- tlstwi, your ear for sale." “Quite trub," said the man who ad vertised the ear. "but surely you nre not In tlie market for It" “Mo," was tlie reply, ‘T>ut I only live acrosi the street and I also want to sell my car. And there would tie no need of me spending my money for on advertisement if after the |>eople were through looking at your ear you could Just send them across the street to look at my car.”—Indianapolis News. « Ths Idler the Busier. Curiosity, which* la called Idle, la al ways on the job.—Albany Journal. The Scrap. Southern Oregon Representative Freer Interrupted the reading of a report to say: "Official language is always rather ludicrous. Once two scrubwomen In government employ had an argument, as a result of which the weaker vessel was laid up for some days. "An official Inquiry was duly held, and the victorious scrubwoman re ceived a letter which said, among oth er things: “ 'Is It true, ns reported, that said Mrs. Hagan received certain ocular and nasal contusions at your hands?" “The scrubwoman In official language wrote buck: “ 'I regret to say that the answer is in the Infirmary.' ” Transfer and Trucking Co. Estet & Corbin, Props. Daily Freight Service between Grants Pass and Klamath Falls •‘At a Boy! At the speedway races a tire com pany gave away toy ballons as ad vertisements. A lad about four years old came up to the man on the Job and said : “Please may I have two balloons?" The man replied: “Sorry, my little lad, but only one balloon to a boy. Have you any brothers at hornet’ After a minute of deep thinking the lad gave this answer: "No, I have no brothers, but I have a sister who has it brother."—Indianapolis News via Medford and Ashland with stops at way points The Milk Pail Law and the Profits. soon shows the profit in using “How did you come to be a prof iteer?" "It was all because of the law of supply and demand," whimpered the culprit. “I was trying to get a suffi cient supply of money to meet the «■demand for it." our feed. More milk at the same cost is wtgp,t cornea from our dairy feed. Give it a trial. It will cost you ao more to make the test. The result will prove itself. Buckwheat In Europe. In some part of continental Europe, buckwheat Is a common crop, espe cially In northensteni Germany and In Brittany.‘FrancK In these districts the soil Is rather poor, but In such soil buckwheat will thrive. When used as a human fond In these countries, the Hour Is usually made Into a pottage. In England buckwheat Is little grown except ns f««>d for pheasants. JOSEPHINE C Corner Third and G Street J ■ ■■ !J FLOUR MlfJu Phone 428 ............. J1-1 WORTH KNOWING I Statistics show that more persona __ * | commit suicide on Tuesday than on OoUu blindness Is more common , anT o,ller day of the week. among educated than among unedu- • * Asbestos is feathery as eiderdown vested people. I and c,n ’P”0 or woven.^An ounce India lias perhaps a greater variety | llM been ,I,un ln,o a string more than A "Bull Roarer." of plants than any other, country In ! yards long. • Tbe "bull-roarer." used by the A us the wqgld. having 1.500 native specie«, j Fifty men.tpll of them blinded In trino natives, la a blade of wood at tached to s short string Whirled la or about J5O per cent more than Is em- | tbe war, engaged ln*a spirited boat braced In the flora of the Whole of, race the otlier'day over tbe'famoaa the air this produces s great roar. Hurup«- j Thames rivet; cqprse In England.