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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1920)
P. hati iida Y, augi « 14, iwao GRANTS PA» DAILY The Overland Little Four Don’t decide on a car until you look ^them over, Let us demonstrate to you the easiest riding small car on the market. Sturdy construction---high class baked enamel finish which will always look like new. Owners are all enthusiastic. $1130 Grants Pass Another Car Load Due MONDAY! C. L. HOBART CO. EDUCATION PAYS FOR THE INDIVIDUAL AND FOR THE STATE A Person with No Education has but One Chance in 150,000 Render Distinguished Service to the Public. With Common School Education------ 4 Chances With High School Education ............ 87 Chances With College Education__________ 800 Chances ARE YOU GIVING YOUR CHILD HIS CHANCE? te Those States Are Wealthiest That Huve Invested Most In Education Oregon Agricultural College 'hrough a "Liberal and Practical Education" prepares the Young Man and Young Woman for Useful Citizenship and Successful Ca reers in Agriculture — Engineering — Mining — Home Economics <’ommerce — Pharmacy — Forestry — Vocational Education The Training Include: PHYSICAL EDUCATION, MUSIC, ENG LISH, MODERN IsANGUAGE, ART and the Other Essentials of a , Standard Technical College Course. Fall Term Opens September 20, 1920. Tuition Is Free. FOR INFORMATION WRITE TO THE REGISTRAR. Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Ore. Grants Pass-Medford Interurban Autocar Co. Effective Aug. 5, 1920 LEAVE GRANTS PASS 7:00. a. m. 10:30..a., .m 1:00 p. m 4:80 a. m. LEAVE MEDFORD 7:00 a. m. 9:00 a- m. 1:00 p- m- 4:30 p. m. Windmill G*ierates Electricity The windmill has not been general ly found available for the generation of electricity because of the Irregular ity of the air currents, but this has been overcome by a Swedish inventor. Instead of tiring directly connected to the dvnntno in the usual manner, the mill-wheel .«haft is geared to a hoisting device, which serves to ele vate a two-ton weight to the top of a '•3 foot steel and wood tower. When the weight reaches the maximum height, it Is released, and. as it falls, actuates the dynamo, which Is mount ed on a bracket at the apex of the toweV with the mill «heel. A storage buttery And switchboard are housed In the lower portion of the tower. New Mesleo's Big Turtles. Fos-.l turtles softie id lllflll not leas than three million anil others seven million years old have recently been found in San Juan county, north ern .New Mexico Iteninlns of ex’ti ct turtles are rather cointiion, but It -st of them consist of ninny small pie- es, badly crushed and flattened or oft.i-r- wise damaged The remarkable feat ure of ninny of those lately discovered In New Mexico Is that the latny *>ox- like shell Is almost as perfect a« when It was occupied by the body of the living animal during the tertiary and cretaceous periods. No less titan • *> specimens were perfect enough to he Identified and described by specialists of the United States geological sur vey. Sixteen of them are new to sci ence and huve therefore been given new uantes. Just Like an Wpple to Marjorie. Little Marjorie n ho Is three, told her mother, the wife of a Muncie man ufacturer. the oiler evening, that while fhe mother was uptown shop ping she had been taken by a serv ant to call on her father in the latter's office. •‘What time did you go?" u«ked the mother. “Oh. In the core of the afternoon," replied the little g. i. "Mother doesn't understand what you mean by the ‘core’ of the after noon. ' It was explained to Marjorie. “Why. I mean the middle,” she «aid simply, as wondering at the Ignorance i of grown folks.—Indianapolis New*, OPERA HOUSE Saturday, Aug. 21 Courier for commercial printing. ¡Seats at Horning’s Used Car Bargains 1 HM7 DODGE—A GOOD ONE 1 UHM DODGB—FIRMT CLAM. 1 1MIM III ICK ROADHTHK—BARGA IN Swope Auto Co. Prlson. To dream of llvlng In a prison con trsrlly promise* consulatlon for troll- ble. To vlslt otte In your dream I» a sigi! of a legsey freni some distaiti ridi relative. To dream of deputi- Ing fruii) » prison ls a «Ign of comlng happlni « To drenni of en- terlng noe si -- . - «afety In some ac- Clllcllt E’ - uri-.-e The queer acting buttery Is the one we like to see— for we quickly remit the trouble at Ils source nt Ihe minimum ex- pense anti semi you <>n your «ay nn advertisement for THIS STATION. Skilled service anti nrHleat i linrgtsi make this the I1IPU- LAR 11 VITERV STATION. ADAMS 111 ( IRK and BAKERY SHOP Exldti Service Station, 506 South Sixth Street Daily and Sunday ♦ Grants Pass Waiting Room Notice! / BONBONNIERE Phone 160 w 33«K> \SrASON ■: NO FUSS OR FEATHERS BUT A FULL T1MMIE AFTER A VISIT TO Camp Handy HOT DOUGHNUTS NEW APPLE PIE FRESH CAKES • It E COLD BOOT REI It • PtOPLf 4Q. X _ the F amous G eorgia M instrels B and £ O rchestra WATCH FOR THE BIC STR ;F7 PAPÀ DE Advertising Pays—Advertise with the Courier AT EAST SIDE OF AI TO O nly J how ofitj PARK KIND IN THE WORLD ▼ llnmmermlll Bond In nil color* India’, Cave Teinpies. Cave-templos (>f Elioni are ri serie« th« Courier office of remnrkiible rock cut temples, 13 mlle* northwcsf of Anmiignliiid Inditi und exciivated abolii .'Itili A. II., al ' thoiigli lllndoo legends givo ilio dille I of thè excavatlon as 7.OHI years ago. Tliere ari* 34 temples of largo illmen- atons. some of wlileh me cipeteiuples prò,ter, cut oli, In thè Interior of thè soliti rock, and bave an exterlor as nell ni riti Ijiterfor tirchi tori il re. Tlm must fanmiis of thè Intter ls calmi thè «alias IL- Interior befng 103 feet long, "fi feet whle nini 17 feet liigh. and — AT -‘ stand« In thè center of n vasi qund- Ringoiar court, emlielllshed wltli olio- llsks, colonmitles and sflhirixes. Competent Mechanics and Prompt Service Head thè cìassirieti CHICHESTER S PILLS W TIIK IMAM ONI» HHAND. A I.adtt «! A*It ynur Wiiafwtat f < hl-rh«M»-trr • iMamondTtrnn I'llia li> lirtl and Ool«t (m noiM, aealel with Rina R Tail« no other H A-Uf'tfi' l»IAM<»M» |<KAN year* k nown at Rett, Safe«t_Alway% R Htablt SOI D BY DRL-GUISTS LVi RYWHf RE Ament’s Auto Repair and Machine Shop Service car answers all calls Welding of all kinds Day phono I 13-J—Night 2A2-R at