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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1920)
WEDNIFiDAV, Al <11 ST II. H»» GRANTN PANH DAILY COVRI EH PAUK FNH'R —... lr?ER52ML *5 LOCAL Your Business Your buxine"» is Just as lm|»»rt.-uit to you a> Jolui I». RocM'foller’s business Is I o him. K<Siardk«a of the liuo of Imsiutw. you follow >u«<l ra- garvlkws of the aire of your I> uk 1 b «* m , you n«x»l the advant age of uuxlern banking faciliti»*« such *a we furnish Open jour account hero. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK MFMRl H HD. U V. W» sf r OF SOUTHERN OREGON ni Ml M — Proper Clothing For Men and Women for Vacation Trips at Peerless Clothing Co Chautauqua Bldg.—Ashland Friday, August 13th OI.IV ER WffliWX) PRESENTS VOI R NATIONAL COMEDIENNE Charlotte Greenwood IN THE MUSICAL COMEDI TEN STRIKE a Linger Longer Letty” PRICKS—SOc. Sl.OO. SI SO. New Wool Scarfs I $200. FJ-SO. PUS 10^ M IRTI! For Fall Effie B McCollum, of Kugeue. wa- William W Stcvenx. of Portland, I» •an arrival In towu yesterday. making a bri. f business viali here ,\ M McMillan. Of Seattle, la at Fred Jenson. of San Francisco. is tending to local bualneaa intcrasts transacting business here today. Henry Be* k la In the city from the Mr». George T Hotter and Annex M. Pitchford, of Roseburg, were ar Happy Camp district Mm. Tom Ormand, of la Jara. rivals in the city this morning.. I» In the ctty flailing with her Colo Sam Botlous camo tn yesterday I sister. Mrs. F H Bramwell from Placer to transact tin »Incus "Bixby's Shu-wite" Sabin has It. hero Mrs II. M Williamson was an ar James and H. Meyer, of Chehalis, rival yesterday from Crescent City Wash . are visitors in th«» city look and deimrbxi this morning for Port ing over the business prospects land H R. Adams, of Portland, made a Mrs Robert Harris Is In town for business visit In the city yesterday af the day. coming in from the Harris ternoon. 'home in Fruitdale to shop and visit Try Dr Tompkins treatments for with friend» here disease of the bladder tttf I* O Parker and It II Foster. of Mr and Mrs C. M Kidd came Roseburg, are making their head down from Medford yesterday for a | quarters here for several days while brief business visit here. engaged In work on th«} telephon«* N I.. Coghlan. of Portland. Is In line north from this city I the city transacting local business matters. A F Erickson, of Portland, is a visitor here tranwicting local Iness. Harry Newton came In this morn Ing from Portland and will spend the rest of the day here on business E. Endlngly and R. Hauser, tour ists from Vancouver. B. C. are mak ing a brief stop her«* to enjoy "the climate." Wllford Allen Jr . will return this evening from Crescent Ctty where he has been enjoying a week's vacation amid the wild waves and sea brasses E T. Burch was an arrival yester day from Portland and Is spending today here attending to local Inter ests. * Howard R Macy is in the city from San Francisco, and w 111 visit here for a short time while looking after lo cal business Interests. R. E Fenton, of Fairfield. Idaho, is registered at the Palace hotel while looking over this sc t Ion of Southern Oregon John E Reed and Chas M Mane, of Portland, are making a short bus iness visit In town and in this vicin ity C. F Heitzman. of Vancouver. Wash . was an arrival here last even ing and will spend several days ris- iting here mrs. Hellie Hea$ Hntx'CaMor U> Mr». K. ICa'hkopt A FINER KIND OF TAII/ORLNG The length of servira you g«t from clothes iln- |M*n«ÍH on th<< quality of malcríala and Inner cou- airurUon — which account« for the «vou.lerful l«ow«*r” of ■‘.laying CI MTOM TIIUHUXG GEO S CALHOUN Nearly aliteeu BRAND NEW SHOW TM»I• '' lays Through Tomorrow U. HT. JOHN In a aale of fun • niiip ahov PEKRI.N4N El ARI.l.HN KEI r.I.IXH HARRY CAREY • MAII. ORDERS NOW. ADDRESS O. T. BERGNER. VINING THEATER ASHUAND. ENCLOSING CHECK. SEAT SALE OPENS TUESDAY, AVGUST 10 AT VINING THEATER AND ROSE BROS. luman Stuff” a E New Honey It is Sweet 1 FITTING HUMT»OR TO “OVERLAND RED" IND OTHER CAREA Tltll MPHM. IF WE WRECKED ALI. THE WEHHTEIM IN TOWN TRY ING TO EXTOL ITS MANA INI.I.«.><■! KEI NIA ENJOl ABLE RITI A- TIONS AND TOP-NOTCH ENTERT AINMENT VALVE. WWD H AA F FOLKS ALL HOPPED I P TO THE POINT WHERE IT’D HE DANGER- ol H TO FIT ’EM INTO THESE MIDE STREVTS OF OlRN. HO WITH GREAT FORRE ARANCE WE W HISPER GO! IF YOI CAN GET IN! sc O 5 o J. Pardee NEXT! £ Mr. and Mrs. R. M Kelly, of Mitchell. South Dak-ota^ arrived in he city yesterday from the north on a lour of the Pacific highway to Cal today* looking ifornia. They •pent i ■ country, — and - on . over this part of * the focal dealer for thto Ho*» ARMENE worn their return trip expect to view more of the «renic attractions about Gr .nts ■HIE Til I II OF rm Ilnur Paas. They have left for I^os Angeles hav1n< stopped at the Western hotel while here. NEXT! OREGON ARMENE l.l PIN STORY •TIIE TEETH OF 1 hi I K.i i: Now You Can Swim at Night! Today there has been installed at the Park, a large flood light to light up the River so that swimmers may* swim at night during the warm weather. The use of the flood lighting projector was donated to the park by Paul’s Electric Store, showing their interest to the general public. « « The Park Committee, through their chairman, Mr. T. P. Cramer, wishes to extend their thanks to Paul’s Electric Store. • « « .a« - - —a a •—a « . a _