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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1920)
(»KANT* PAN** DAILY < OIK. Eh PAG« THREE Classified Advertising « Olli male PRACTICAL ROOFING Asphalt and gravel paper and composition roofing l<naky tanks repaired cheap. Repaire a specialty Four teen years experience L. J Otis. 740 North 10th St.. Grants Pass, Ore Phono 211-Y gv.lH SALE Choice baled a 11 h I f a hay, 126 per ton. f o. b Granta Paa*. Rlvsrbunka Farm* Mtf FOR HALE -A band of Angora goats user Ashland, Oregon. Will sell or rent Irrigated *t<>* k ranch Easy terms Write W A Holl. Box 1570 Tacoma, Wash 47 LEAVE ORDERS FOR PIANO TUN Ing at the Josephine Hotel W. P PHONE 379-11 for dry slab wood 17 Brooks, Palmer IMano House, Med-I ford. Ore. a cord while It lauta I, F llout. • J4tf THE HCOV1IJ.K property, Noa K02. OONhJH TAXI -Phone 262-K KI6, K32. H50 North Seventh St . Jitney Luke or Culler Calls an all undor Irrigation, four houses, »wuri'd anywhere, anytime s«t for sale Inquire Mrs W II 'loin Qualf. K32 North 7th 8t r>9 PALACE TAXI -Phone 2 2-J. Wlrul FOR HALE The Gridin ranch on Hear creek In 'llloola valley near KERBY-GRANTK PAHS JITNEY laiaven Grants Pass at 9 30, and Kerby KO acres with cattle, Holland at 1 dally. Country trips horses, cow*. hogs, furniture, Everett attended to at al) times farming implements, bay Every Hogue and Pete Beagle, phone thing goes Water. Everything Panama Cafe, 228-J. ready to commence to live Ixyvely climate. good building*. good OICAYAGE fences, etc Fine dairy ranch. 6 cows, creamery check every week THE WORLD MOVER; no do we Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phone John II Griffin Kerby, Josephine *49 County, Oregon 50 FOR SAI J«} OR RENT My place of F G. ISHAM, drayage and transfer Safes. pianos and furniture 6 2 acres located on Missouri flat moved, packed, shlppe*} and store«! Also good young team, harness, Office phone 124-Y wagon, buggy and farming Imple What’s done as much as anqthin^ else to fill up the movie houses E OOK at the crowds that step out of their cars in front cf the movies every summer evening. ments. Good milk cow just fresh GRANTS PASS-MEDFORD TRUCK for sale. R W. Craig. Murphy. Phone 333-J. ' r. •• Ore Pl ANO TI MING FOR HA1J-: tino Foni roadster, GEo W CROSS a tuner with outfit. 8«0 Inquire .1 M Casey, year* practical exi»erlonce. Includ 510 South 6th St It ing 9 years factory training Read quarters Josephine hotel. Your FOR SALE New tt-rooin house, ce satisfaction Is my «uccess ment basement, occupied one year Add resa No 1766, «-are Courier IK Call 49 PIANO INNTItl 4’riON FOR SALE* Ford touring car Io fine condition Owner . about to leave country K. P. * ’handler. 50 Rogue River I III What a man pays for in a tire quality— not a limited number of miles or the privi lege of getting a rebate in case the miles don’t come up to the limit. The movie managers would be renting half of their theatres for store space, if it weren’t for the automobile. FOR HALE One mare, cheap, will MRS JAMES M foWBRS. instruc- work single or double 12 years tor on piano; studio over Barnes' old. w elgh| II"" One half mile Jewelry; open 9 to 5 daily, except north of Murphy. E Sisley, Rd 4. Tuesday and Wednesday. Phone 49 Box 41. 265-J. FOR SAI-E Good milk row at Hull’s ranch, ltd 2. ing for something that isn’t there when they look for it. Select your tire^ac- cordini to the toada they hare to travel : In randy or hilly coun try, wherever the going is opt to be heavy- The JJ. S. Nobby. D Practice O CLEMENT. M limited to diseases of eye. ear. uose and th naît Glasses fitted. Hours 9-12. 2-5. or on aiUHiintment. Phonee. office 62; residence 359-J For ordinary country road*« The U. S. Chain or Uaco. FOR SALE SO a* res hillside, 2* s. LOIGJ1RJDGE. M D. Pbysiclan ai-res under cultivation. 3 acres and surgeon City or country cali» svierai assorteli fruit trees, attended day or night Pitone». «¡»ring». 2 Jersey cows. 1 borse. Rea 369; office. 162; 6th and II 50 ohlckens. house .«nd outbuild E. J BIUJCK. M D PhyalciMi ing« C hip included Paul Weise, and surgeon, office Schallhorn Rd. 1. 1 mile north of city. 50 block, phone 54- j ; residence. 1004 ALFALFA HAY In the field for sale Liwtirldgi-. phone 54-L. Call phon«- ÌH.-R 4« W. F. RUTHERFORD Manus’ ’be rapuilcs It gets your attment EOIC KENT Office over Barnes' jewelry store FOR RENT OR SALE Irrigated Offi <• hours • IS; I :t<M. farm plenty of water during the W. STEARNS, M. D Phy- RALPH whole season Inquire Jo Fetx- and surgeon, X-ray <sjuip- alelan ner, 755 North Eighth street 43tf ment, dental X-ray. Offlce, good shape Two burros and pack Phones sonic Tomple Bldg flee 21-J; residence 21-L. FO^t RENT One nke comfortable furnished sleeping room, bath priv DENTISTS ileges Very quiet. Price reason able No 647 N. 2nd St 4 8 K C. MACY. D. M. I? First-class dentistry. 109 H S 6th St. For front wheel»— The U. S- Plain. For bert result*— everywhere — U. S. Royal Cord*. 11 It is typical of Americans that they took to the auto mobile as a matter of course — just as they have to the movies and to every other great invention of the last half century. U. S. Tires are guaranteed as to quality— with no limi tation of mileage. And that holds just as good for the small .car tire as for the biggest U. £. Tire we’ve got. There’s only one stand J ard of quality with U. S and the size of the car has noth- in g whatever to do with it. And the same thing has happened everytime. Taking things as they come is a fine way to foster waste and ex- trsvagance IV We represent U. S. Tires in this town. You’ll find ft worth while to talk to us be fore you buy any more tires As regards tires, use come back is about due. People are pretty near through pay- WANTED « WANTED Second hand 5 or 6-In* h centrifugal pump In good condi DR. R„ J. BESTUL, Veterinarian. Residente 838 Washlugton boule tion. Isaac Beet. 28tf vard. pbone 39K-R. WANTED Second hand 3-lnch REAL EHTATE wagon In good repair, reasonable price; also one good two-horse E T McKINSTRY. 603 G St., phone spring wagon. E. C. Smith, Kerby. I 13-R; general real estate business 47 Best of soils for fruit, hay or gen eral farming WANTED Waitress ' for dining room, and chamber maid for hotel. CIVIL ENGINE.KB 44tf Apply at Western hotel. Ash ENGINEER —Geo. M CIVIL WANTED Position as housekeeper and I And, mine, drainage ford. In homo of widower or bachelor Address 515 * Irrigation surveys. Address Daisy Faulkner, Gen. Del.. 50 North Sixth. Phone 14 6-J. Granta I’ass, Ore. 49 WANTED Hop pickers by Sept. 1st. Apply at Temple market. 113 6th St., Grants Paas, Ore. 55 The California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company TIME CARD United States Tires BATTERY SHOR Hazelton and Disbrow A Grants Pass Interview Mr"- Wallace Tells Of Her Experience ' ---------- vious to r.iy taking Doan's Kidney Pills I was subject to kidney and bladder trouble. My kidneys acted very irregularly at times. During the spell with my kidneys, my back was so weak and sore I could hardly get about my work. When I bent over to make a bed or pick up some- thing I would get sharp pains through my kidneys like a knife sticking me. When I had these at- tacks I couldn’t keep from scream- Ing. 1 never had anything cause me i so much misery. A member of my family advised me to take Doan’s j Kidney Pills. The first box helped , me wonderfully. My kidneys acted -.ore regularly and .'.io ;,.isery in my, Vack let up. 1 took three boxes o' Doan's Kidney Pills. They cured me of the attack of backache and kidney . trouble." (Statement given Mnrch ’ 21. 1916.1 On March 23. 1920, Mrs. Wallace added; “I always recommend Doan’s Kidney Pills for 1 know there .Is nothing better for kidney complaint. They have always helped me when I have had need to use them.” Price 60c. at all dealers. Don't «.imply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills—-the same that Mrs Wallace had. ’’oster-Mtlburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo. N. Y. The following brief .account of an i WANT T imber CLAIM -Have a ' Interview with a Grants Pass wom ■ 7-room house and four lots In Med Effective Nov» 24, 1919 an four years ago, and its sequel, , fort!, Orc . close In free nnd clear, will be read with keen interest by ' to trade for timber claim oven up. Trains will run Mondays, Wednes- every citizen. Mrs. T. E Wallace. 621 S 4th St., Curl A Patzlaf, Roseburg, Ore 56 day» and Erldays Grants Pass, says: “It was some * P.M WANTED Plain sewing anil mend Ideavo Grants Pass............ 1 years ago when I first learned the P.M. value of Doans’ Kidney Pills and ing to do In my home by the hour, Arrive Waters Creek ......... 2 .2:30 P.M since then I have been a firm belioy- such as »"omen's house <lr«»sses and Lepore Waters Creek p er In Poop’s For some time pre- 4 aprons, children’s clothing a spe Arrive Grants Pass. ... information regarding freight For lt clnlty. 209 West H St.' ¡and passenger rates call at the office k Al INI 'El,KAN EOI H uf the company,. Lundhurg building, or telephone 131 BANKERS Llk'E COMPANY. Des Moines, Iowa. District agent I. My- fon C. Gaston, Granta Pass, Ore. ADDITIONAL PERSONAL ' Over 17.500,000 In force In Ore- * ♦ ♦♦♦■*♦ ♦ 95tf gon Jtov W I’hl, of Eugene, Is a bus Ther- Incus vlaftor In the city. KNIGHTS 05' PYTHIAS It. Fouler, of Medford. Is makln-.- mopyla,* lodge .'A* .’>0, meets every AT— I second nnd fourth Tuo <l;iv even- :* brief business visit here. e O!Hf Robert Finley, of Kerby, arrived i Ing. Visitors Invited in the c|iy this morning for a •.mu I CADILLAC AUTO" STAGE -Leaves biislness visit, here. XOTICE every morning for Crescent City E. C. Bright, of Ciianitiugne. «;,.. Empounded August 7th, Ono black at 9:30. Passengers only. Iloau- Is making a short visit here while mare about nine years old, white left *1 -lArter* Faction Garage Orlan 'looking over this part of the conn-1 hint) foot, weight abent 1000 pounds. Servie,' enr answers nil calls do Hiller. ’ 13,tf try.« I Can be seen at Grants Pass Feed Uehling of all kinds ALBANY NURSERIES. Inc.—"The Mrs. M. B. McDonald was nn ar Barn. Owner can recover property old reliable.” Trees of quality. Al rival here yesterday from A Anna, by identifying and paying costs. * l»a> phone* 11S-J—Night 2A2-R bany Oregon. F. E. Jordan, spe nnd will visit with relatives for a CHIEF OF POLICE. cial agent, Grants Pass, pre. 37tf short time Grants Pass. Ore. U ò Competent Mechanics and Prompt Service Aments Auto Repair and Machine Shop I I > « 1 I Good Used Cars WE HAVE SOU» ALL WE HAD USTED LAST WEEK, BUT WE HAVE A BUICK SIX—JUST GOT IT ..-.DAV—IT’S GOOD AS NEW. IT'S A BARGAIN. COME AND SEE IM MEDIATELY'. IT WON’T LAST LONG. ‘ 1 AGENTS FOR. HUDSON MAXWELL CHALMERS AND ESSEX CARS 1 COLLINS AUTO COMPANY : 7 ACUSÌOSIM AHO RCPAtRlNG PHONE 317 5// H- ¿TREEf. GfíANTS MX, ORE.