Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1920)
T GRANTS PASS OAILÏ COURIER A. E. Voorhles. Pub D« it Mme in th» WuUd. Hie deepest . : lite world Is shatl No 3 of the tamarack mine In Michigan. which goes down 5.2tM feet below the surface.- Front the In dependent — ■———————— Camisoles Published Dally Except Sunday and Propr lettered at poetoffice. Grants Paas. Oro., as second class mall matter » UIDMWDAY. Al 4*1 NT II. IMO. GRANT* r.UM DAILY <XM<IUI<I< PAGE TWO WHITE KYTIN AND CREPE DE < DENK ADVERTISING RATES Display apace, per inch... 20 c Local -person al column, per line 10c Beaders, per line...................... 5c DAILY COURIER By mail or carrier, per year—36.00 By mail or carrier, per month.. .50 W KD N HMD AY’, Al'Gl'ST II, 1920. »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»-♦♦♦e ♦ OREGON WKATHEH ♦ Tonight and Thursday ♦ Continued warm. ««<♦♦♦ fair. BARNES,. 1 he Jeweler 101 and 105 North 6th NEW TODAY INSURANCE Fire, automobile, mail package and plate glass liability. T. M. Stott. 310 N 6th St. 44tf E. L. GALBRAITH—Real Estate In surance. and plate glas« liability 6O9<4 G street, phone 28 40tf FOR SALE 50 S C. White leghorn hens, one year old. Good pro- ducer» 31.50 each Ed Wilson 51 Murphy. Ore Ft»R SALE -Hay press Call at the Grants Paas Feed Barn, corner 7th and I streets, phone 15-R WANTED Hop picker» by Aug Apply to J. E Verdin. Pass. Rd. 2. CALI. AND SEE THEM Golden Rule Store STORE CLOSES AT 0 P- M. EXCEPT SATURDAYS AT ».30 Grants Pass-Medford lawn Social Wednesday Night— The Ladies Aid of the M. E church will give an ice cream social i on the A. B. Cornell lawn at S 45 o’clock tomorrow night. Grants Pass Waiting Room Phone 160 « Swope Auto Co rhe Milk Pail M hen a man or woman seta out to get a plumbin- Io'' .lone the first thing they do I* to miike ’ip their nrtnd that they won’, be over-charged for it the seond thing they < they live In thia town. 1» I x»k up our uiidreaa or phone number So. for your convenience we're printing them in thia ad. 61« H Stremi l’hone» fliiM-J ».H>n »hows the profit In using our feed More nillk at ths »nine coat la what cornea from our dairy teed Give It a trial It will cost you no more tnakr the twat III Mouth Sixth St- i JOSEPHINE COUNTY FLOUR MILL Phone 123 Corner Third and G Street There is nothing but disappointment in buying cheaply made tires that are an nounced as wonderful bargains at a few dollars each and then fail after brief terms of service Get exceptional mileage at exccedin,:lv low cost in Goodyear Tires, of the 30x3-, 3Qx J1/:« and 3’. x4-inch sizes, built of Goodvcar- selected materials and with Coodyea and care. Medford <>,-ttu>g Xnviou The other day there was a "Granta Pass" Pullman on No 13 and this morning there was a new steel sleep ing car named "Rogue River." Med ford is believed to be next in line Medford Tribune. Fire Inaurane? 1 omitan i Due to their precise manufacture ir World’s largest tire factory drvol d to t‘ sizes, their quality is most economically produced and therefore most economi, employed If you own a Ford, Chevrolet. Maxwell Dort or other car taking these sires, j«o to your nearest Service Station for Tires; ride farther and fare better Nashville, Aug 11.—The resolu tion proposing that action of the Tennessee legislature on the suffrage amendment be deferred until after August 21st wau tabled by a vote of 50 to 37 in the lower house today. Hammermlll Bond in all color* at th« Courier office. jnasftEcavFRED THE SHABBY Dilapidated tops on yoor car can be made to fit and look like new a t little cost- We repair, re cover and restore tops—you’ll be pleasantly surprised at co«t of your job. Get otir figures on it today. OPERA HOUSE Saturday, Aug. 21 30 X J "A Goodyear Double-Cure Fabric, All-Weather Tread Seats at Horning’s 30 x AW Goodyear . Single-Cure Fabric, Jp T I “>0 Anti-Skid Tread__ Xv A— Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tube« cost n< more than the price you ar ,i*k« J to pus for tubes of less merit—why ri*k costly casing« when such sure protec tion is available ? in waterproof bag FAS ON G. B. BERRY Familiar with roblems and Requirements Long practical experience ha. enabled the Jose phine County Bank to become familiar with prob lem* and requirements of merci ut nt» :ui<l individ uals, ithtim It endeavors to serve in the ltetrt ca pacity of banking. J osephine C ount > nk kants P ass . O regon u> The result will year Tires for Small Cars Arc Popular Because Economical I la thing Suite--- New shipment of men's and ladles' Jantzen bathing «ulta at Peerless Clothing Timmons ¿ a Higgins Exide Service Station, 506 South Sixth Street WlLLXOU WASTE Y&UR COIN OR .¿HALL YOU Lie. MAKE UiTE SURE Vb' SET full - value Medford lrng*i<>n Xgain Approved. A vote of 114 to’ 2 carried the Irri gation district electiftn at Medford Monday, to revise the bond iainie ac- cording to the decision of the au- preme court, Each election on B ar creek has been more strongly in favor of bringing in the water until there is no shadow of doubt left BONBONIERÇ ADAMS ELECTRIC and BATTERY SHOP IM»DGK---- A <«K»D ONE prova Itaulf ♦ ADDITIONAL LOCAL ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Peerless ltl<»*M»nis in White— Painting is nearly complete on Williams Brothers building, recently ’ purchased by Roscoe Bratton, with the enow white front making a strik ing appearance on Sixth street. Daily and Sunday The queer acting tsittery Is the one we like to s ec- -for we quickly correct the trouble at its source at the minimum ex pense and send you on your way an advertisement for THIS STATION. Skilled service and modest charge* make this the POPU LAR BATTERY' STATION. Used Car Bargains B. S. DEDRICK Interurban Autocar Co. LEAVE MEDFORD 7:00 a. m. 9:00 a- m. 1:00 p- m- 4:30 p. m. LOGGERS and mIU men wanted at the M-J Lumber Co . Glendale. Ore 57 WANTED- itewing of any kind the hour or by the pi*ce «59 N 4th St vol' Wild, APPRECIATE THE EX TRA GOOD VALUES WK ARE SHOWING IN THE NEW SUITS FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN AT 035, 030. 037 50 AND 039.50. Effective Aug. 5, 1920 served family style, good eats. Breakfast 50c. dinner and eupper 60c. .Finley A So bleak I 43« TO .MAKE ROOM for goods that are coming I will for the next 10 days sell second hand furniture at very low prices. Bargains in stoves mattresses, etc. T. C. Booth. SPECIAL NOTICE—T*e Wee tern Hotel cafe Is now open, meals Phone 324-J H EÀT ia r &TWU KI Lower Prices for Men’s Clothihg LEAVE GRANT* PAS« 7:00 a. m. 10:30 a...m 1-00 p. m 4:30 a. m. Is almost Impossible to obtain ami my Walch Repairing ha» grown to such proportion that I am •ompslled tu I- discontinus curtain lines of repairing • YFTEIl Jl IA |>»T I will nut be In a position to accept for repair* *uy .leweliy or small work, but will make a specialty of Fine Watch Repairing and Diamond Setting III Y McVAIJ. MVGAZINE I RE McClALL r l 1 1 1 KNH WEEKLY COURIER By mall, per year ----------- 13.0» MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Aa^K-iated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or all otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news pub lished herein All rights of republication of spe cial dispatches hsreia are also re served (.OUI) HELP — THE IAMOM5 SERVICE STATION DEALER G eorgi SWOPE Au o Company B andì O rchfstr WILLIAMS Garage and Cyclery WINETROUT WARM FOB 7HT BIC STREETPAP4DE ?J how or- itx tO’J-liil 2 1THC WORLD ■g,____ . ; ’ 0TH * _.j i