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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1920)
University i niversny of oi i»rv Or*? ■.> Library Conner VOL. X., No. 272. WHOI.K NUMBER 8014. POLES READY 10 LAUNCH A U.S.ASKED 10 V ntl-Kovl'M < lilcf in South Russia I* Iti-'-ognlz.«*! I»> Fremii—To Get Military M<l Institution Is I hated by Order State Rank Examiner—Cause 1» MU- statement of < ondltion Tho French gov- SIIXLSS 1GAINHT l*OLANI» MAY Paris. Aug 11 Medford, Aug. 11.—Following an HAD SERVED TERM LN MONT FlltHT NEEDJS EXTENSION OF ernment has decided to recognize iiltlM. VnVKMMRT JOY— order today from the state bank ex 4TRKMTS FOR WAR AG A I N KT REAL PENITENTIARY FOR Genera' Peter Wrangel as head of the FOOD W BIG NEED aminer closing the doors ot the SOVIET ARMY SIMILAR SCHEMES de factor government In South Rua- * Bank of Jacksonville, W. H Johnson, . ala In making thia announcement its president, was put under arrest [ the miul®try of foreign affairs •aid by Prosecuting Attorney Roberta at I that thl« r- 'ognltlon Implied the ren- noon, charged with perjury, it being I daring to General Wrangel of all pot- i alleged he misstated the true condi- «itola military assistance. tion ot the bank to the s^te bank Itunsian* <1>«iing in Htwulily on Itali From Finland to Far East Peasant I’rolittbly lie .No Further Denmnd on I examiner. The condition of the bank I UM urn From Northern Tri|«— is so Involved, according to the ex Linca lírld by Poland—Otily Ono tlnuuly <Yy in Vain for Mfe'e U. H. Other Than War Stocks Mr and Mr« Geo. Bancroft return aminer, that no accurate knowledge IMrrat line to Worwaw loft N«w«ve.iLice and tTwtit« a> With lilies ed Bunday from a trip taking them [ of the true state of affairs is possible as far north as Vancouver. B. C.. and until the examination is completed. The bank examiner is due tomor Warsaw, Tuesday. Aug 10 Thej -«'ending over several week. Um.. Viborg, Finland, Tuesday, Aug. 10. Washington, Aug. 11 — Poland will row. Johnson would make no state- Boston. Aug. 11.—Charles Ponxl concentration and re-grouping of They stopped in Seattle, where they , Flushed with success and oonfident ask Immediate aid from the United I ment, but did appear particularly personally admitted today that he Polish forces for an extensive counter I ths^Eaatnian kodak school, , of Poland's defeat, soviet Russia now 1 Hr«»«« in Its right tntol th« Russian stroke on the entire Warsaw front Is I »<*<1 »I*“ *n Tahoma where they visit-[ faces the approaching winter with soviet government, the Polish min disturbed by developments, although was Charles Ponsi who served a term Bancroft ’ s daughter. I <«d with Mrs all his attempts to se< ure bail were in the Montreal penitentiary. Mont reported In today's newspapers the grim problem of food as its su- ister announced today. real reports circulated here were to fruitless. Th« plans are. It is «aid, to begin Mrs. Eugeqe Rose The entire trip 1 preme test of power, From the far It was said the requested aid will made In their car. and they re- was the effect that Ponzi, under the name Great excitement prevails in Jack the counter move within a few days. east to the Finnish frontier—4000 urobably be confined to a request for sonville where Johnson is known as a of Ponsi, had operated a financial Military turn express their opinion l>ort a aplendid time miles ot undisputed territory -the extension of credits for the pur- leading citizen and prominent and ac plan in Montreal promising large re that this 1« a propitious time to strike 'spectre of starvation stalks threaten- ' chase of war stocks. tive church worker. The bank has turns, 14 years ago. back In the effort to drive off the P«n»r Picking <>n Up Valley- i Ing as these far reaches give up a cry been surrounded by anxious deposit soviet forces which »re endeavoring Considerable trouble Is !n*ing met for the necessities of life from a peo Boston. Aug. 11.—Bank Comml®- erà ever since its doom were closed. to encircle tho capital [around Medford in securing sufficient I pie whose hearts, long sturdy in the l«>ui»i;uui Enjoys "Ttie < limate"— sioner Allen today took charge of the Albert Conway, who couldn't even help for tho pear picking which Is [struggle for a "new day," are forced Hanover Trust Company, the institu The Russian* now on in earnest. Lota of "little [ to heed the demands of want. An spell the name of his home town, Purls, Aug 11 tion in which the account of Ponsi, are now occupying a stretch of 24 ' shavers" who are heavy on ambition Associated Press correspondent, who Shreveport, Louisiana, on the hotel the financier, was shown to has« miles of direct railway line between but light in weight are anxious to I has just arrived here, has observed register, today enjoyed perhaps, is been overdrawn. Warsaw and 1 Kinzig and a largo force *ork. but their bigger brothers are [these conditions In crossing Russia enjoying—one of the best sleeps he Is pushing across the Danzig corridor 'looking for something softer Adill-> and Siberia, all the way from Vladl- ever had, and probably his first in a to cut the remaining railroad, accord tlonsl work tn preparing fruit was, vostok to Moro«' and Petrograd hotel. Conway is a one-legged negro Ing to th<> Fren h foreign office to [created by the decision to wipe all [ His arrival in Finland followed h|i boy who was put oft an S. P. train day |H>ars to go east which show any . deiXortation - from Moscow because the while "bpating" his way south. Some San Francisco. Cal.. Aug 11.—Two trace« of spray authorities bad not given advance local samarltan gave him the price of I authorization for his crossing Siberia. a bed to replace his berth in the rail hundred Tnlted States army pigeons, The coal-black lad is some of them veterans of the World Everywhere in the trip from one end I road park 1». A It. G. Ixioiui Over lee-al Timber. I of Russia Io the other, the cry for only a youngster. He says he expects war, have been mustered out of ser vice at the Presidio here and sold to H R. Duffy, traveling freight and [ food and clothing is now heard to be home by Christmas. Vancouver. "B. C., Aug 11.— civilian bird fanciers. passenger agent of the Denver and — i Rio Grande, and the Western Pacific, Some of the birds were entitled to There are indications that there will and Oiarlos W Dickenson, purchas as many as four gold stripes for be at least one strenuous struggle ing agent for the D A R. G , were overseas service. All of them hmi when, on October Tl. the annual con [arrivals in town today on No. 13. and I seen service, the birds not being In vention of the Army and Navy Vet Work i will spend today and tomorrow on Vancouver, B C . Aug 11 France having sewed along the Mexi erans' association of Canada opens has begun on the Pacific arch which local bualnos« They are looking over can border and in the forest fire pa here. Is to stand at the crossing of the Pa the lumber here and expect to close trols. Western commands are determin oiflc highway st the International contracts for timber for the D. * R 1 One of the pigeons from the Pre edly preparing to wage a big fight to boundary. G.. to be used for all purposes from I Paris. France. Aug 11.—The La- I Budapest. Hungary. Aug 11.— sidio loft was decorated with the bring about a change in the qualifi According to the men In charge of railroad ties to ear-bvI!’Ing. Two Fayette wireless station near Bor- Those who charge there is a move- Croix de guerre. It was, it is said, cations which entitle a man to mem the work Jhe structure will be com years ago the D. A R G. bought deaux, designed and erected by Am- n>cnt afoot for Hungary to regain by the only carrier pigeon on record to bership in the association. pleted in time for Ife official open about two million feet of lumber erican forces during the war has force Slovakia, now part of Czecho- receive this honor from the French At present, to be entitled to mem ing on October 20. when the queen of ftoni this section bership, a man must have served six been turned over to the French gov- Slovakia, or Transylvania, point to government. Rumania, her daughter. Princess Ma years with the imperial forces or It is the most pov erful food and munition stores being eminent rie: Marshal and Madame Joffre. rep have had nine years with the active plant in cxisteme wi.h doubk* the accumulated as evidence to support FORMER CLEVELAND MAYOR resentatives of the Canadian and Medford to Visit Ue— militia or must have iron a war dec their contention. range of the Annapolis installation. LEAHS IN PRIMARA’ RY 1B.OOO oration. United States governments, of the , The new passenger and Pullman It is said that there is now in Hun The srm slice found tho station mikado and of th« presldnnt of China rates. Involving an 1n< rease of 25 and half corn • tod and i»< .'•<.■ t The proposed change calls for only lex»« u gary, American canned food worth | 50 per cent respectively <o into effect are expected to be present. three years' service with the active more than »1.000,000 ready fori has b-'u s < w as »he •• need of The arch, it is estimated, will cost I 1 Vugust 26th. A number of Medford 1» ■ , • ... existed I' i - to be • •»I army use Twenty-eight war tanks Columbus, Aug. 11,—Former militia or in the regular army, or six about »50,000. It will be of steel [ l>eople who ¡plan to take an eastern as part of the comprehensive system and large quantities of rifles have Mayor Harry Davis, of Cleveland, months with the Canadian expedi and concrete and will stand 100 feet trip during the next six months are tionary force. for reaching all French colonial been received. Large supplies of mu though suffering a reduction of his high Tho simple Inscription, which buying nine months round trip tick lead over former Congressman Ralph nitions have been manufactured, os points by wireless. will ho raised In, bold letters for all ets which allow a stopover anywhere tensibly for the Polish forces but the | Cole, for the republican nomination the world to see. is "Children of a on the line They plan to go as far for governor Is still leading his near as Ashland or Grants Pass, return to I R Boswell, owner of the Boswell Poles have complained that these est rival by over 18,000 votes in yes Common Mother." have not reached the anti-boleheviki Medford and then when they wish j mine in the vicinity of Waldo, has forces. terday’s primary. to leave they will be able to travel at [ returned from a visit at Hermiston, the old rates Accordine to the proa- [ Oregon, and is registered at the ent ruling a round trip ticket, on [Grants Pass hotel. Mr. Boswell will [ R. J. Pollock, who is connected i which travel has been started prev I probably remain here for several I with the construction company on | ious to August 26th, Is valid with [ weeks attending to matters connect- the irrigation project is in town for Rapa, Dangerous Archipelago, out any Increase In fare.—Medford mi with his property. South Pacific, Aug. 11.—They toil several days for medical treatment. Tribune Air. and Mrs. K. E. Hod gm an are not, neither do they spin, and in all S. C. Messenger, of Selma, arrived stopping at the Oxford hotel while in the city last night and is spending the reaches of the Seven Seas it looking after local business in con would take a long voyage to find a Crater Tuikc IzMigc to Close— the day transacting local business Paris. Aug. I 1 In order to pre An Interview of Alfred L. Pnrk- nection with the highway. Mr Hodg- Constantinople. Aug. 11.—The more lazy population of men than vent any commercial en rpachment j hurst, manager of Crater Lake Ixidge tnan. who is district engineer for the matters. Rapa’s. Tn Rapa, the women are the upon Romagno cemetery, where 23,- W. A. Shuey, of Ashland, accom- I ! world’s record for the number of hewers of wood and the drawers of | In the Medford Mall Tribune, dls- Pacific highway says the pavement ! languages used In its commene'ement 000 American soldiers are buried, lh<* i closes the fact that he Is so disgusted from Grants Pass to Rogue River will panied by Mrs. Shuey, is making a I exercises will probably go to Robert water. In other happy climes of Mi French government hus been askeil brief visit here while on work for [ cronesia and Polyesia the self ap land discouraged by what hr terms be opened for traffic of the public on- by the American army graves regis the telephone company between this j College this year. Orations were de pointed "lord of creation" will deign the unfair attacks and abuse which Sunday. livered in six tongues and. at that.! I city and Medford. tration service authorities to pur have been heaped upon him by the the program was less polygot than | I to rilise his hand aloft and pluck for chase the gentle slope facing the Mr. and Mrs. John M. Lewis, of national parks dlretor that on Oe- it used to be before the war. Each himself the fruit of the banana and front of the cemetery, and the entire j Portland, made a stop here yesterday toher 1st he will lock the lodge and MAKING MOTOR FUEL FROM oj the orators spoke his native orange tree. In Rapa, however, he crest of the hill occupied In part by PINKAPPIiE PACKING WASTE I and part of today, visiting and en tongue, according to the traditions of will not erven feed himself. When keep It locked. Mr. Parkhurst has the cemetery, as well as plots at both joying a rest while touring the high worked hard and tirelessly for years • ■ the American school established 57 mealtime comes the woman of th® sides. Honolulu, Aug. 11.—(Alcohol for way. In tho Interest of Crater Take, and years ago. The school has American family, after foraging for food and The Romagne, Suresnes. and Bel- Hatold Harter, formerly a resident standards and ideals and a majority cooking it, must also put it into the now Is brokenhearted that just as motor fuel is being manufactured loau Woods cemeteries h»vo been ap ho has his project started In the right hero from material left from pine of this district, having farmed near of its teachem are Americans but mouth of her lord and master. They proved by the secretary of war as the direction after ton years of uphill apples after the packing companies Murphy and on the lower river road its aim is to educate men for service roll the tro "pol" into little balls and permanent resting places of over i pull. It should be so treated. Fail have canned the choicest parts. Prom ' west of town, is visiting here for a to their own countries, rather than toss them Into the open mouths of 30,000 soldier dead who will con-1 the men folks. ure of Portland to make good on «very 350 pounds of waste from the [ short time. in English-speaking countries. tlnue to sleep In French soil. The people of Rapa wear no promises In tho interest of Crater 'pineapples, two gallons of alcohol 'Mr. aad Mrs. John Biedefelt, of The extra ground to be purchased clothes—or did not a scandal Take Is assigned as a major cause of are extracted. IaK rosee. Wis„ departed this morn at Romagne will not only safeguard ized white missionary from Tahiti In tho trouble. ing <sr Ix»s Angeles where they will the cemetery against any encroach sisted on gathering some old gar visit. They have spent the past three YUKON ORDER OF 1TONEHRN ment but will provide areas which ments from his more favored par- PLANNING FOR ANNUAL MEET dajfc with relatives here, at the R. will ho used by American hortliMl- ishertffers in Papeete and hsTried Wslssner home. tural exjierts to surround the hallow-1 them to Rapa. • Juneau, Alaska. Aug. ll--Alaska's Mrs B. D. Make, Mies VYrg+nla. J. cd spot with trees and shrubbery. At lodge of "sourdoughs, ” the Yukon C. Gully and Mrs Gully, nil of Okla the present time the cemetery la ANOTHER RIG HOTEL FOR Order of Pioneers, which includes in homa Oity. are registered at tho Jo surrounded only with a long wall, RAINIER NATIONAL PARK its membership scores who came sephine hotel while visiting here and Stanford University. Cal., Aug. 11. and there Is no available apace for north in tho gold stampede in 18»8, Investigating this part of the Rogue —Stanford's most popular summer planting r summer Tacoma, Wash.. Aug. 11— Rainier « is to hold a banquet in Seattle, De vaJlef. * school course this year, I instructors national park near here is to hare Copenhagen. Aug. 11.—A repre cember 1 commemorating the 26th Mrs. E. J. Webb, of Portland, who said, was a class in smoking, •king, con- con-1 a third hotel next year, it was an- POIVTIxANI» MARKETS sentative of tho Russian dwlet com anniversary of its fountHng. was formerly (Miss MJnnie Reymers X‘ti ^tbrrTT here recent'ly7to ^;^ mand waited in vain for the Polish Only pioneers who were In the of thb city, was an arrival on No. 13 Martin of the physiology department (Ute the Increasing tourist traffic armistice delegation the night of Yukon valley before July 1, 189». this mortllng and will visit at the nlV.“?Hir.n’ar'n’’ S'atlOn at Tho ‘“ird will be located near Para Portland, Aug. 11.' Cattle , are August 8th. but neither a delegation are eligible. The organization w.w home of Mr and Mr» H. M. Webb Pacific o Grove The course was glve»i ,** lower, choice grass steers, $!» to »10. nor a messenger from Warsaw ar formed at Forty.Mile on the Cana and with Mias Feat rice Webb who to determine the effect, of tobacco, dise Inn. high up on the side of snow- All other markets, although alow, are rived., according to the soviet repre dlan side of theYukon, December 1, has returned from Hawaii where she Similar work la being done in eastern records -------------------- All tourists were broken at the park thle sentative here. unchanged. 18»4. tasgfht aohoot. untlvereltles. season. WANTS IMMEDIATE TO BE SAFE-GUARDED MIK CLOSED FOR OVER-PAYMENT