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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1920)
PAGE FXHH M onday , GRAN TN P.UM DAILY COI ill ER YOV PLANT YOVR CROP. CVLTIl ATE l NT» HAR- VIWT TT, AT CONSIDER YRLK (NIST OF TIME ANI» MONEY. TARE NO CHANCES WITH THE MONEY YOV GET FOR Yorn CROP BI T PLACE IT IN FUIS STRONG BANK. YOl’R MONEY WILL THEN BE ARSOLI TELY SAFE INI» AT YOl’R IMSIN»8AL AS YOV NEED IT. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK MKMBKW rxnesXL arsnir sì s rrs OF «4HTHERN OREGON * i»au. 11 -1 LÛQ1L PER52NÆL Take No Chances uuiht i ». Georg» Frame oX Klamath Fall**, Mr. ami Mr». Richard McNamara of Crearent City her*« for a »hort was an arrival last evening. ■ Say did you so« the 1920 Chevy In honeymoon trip. ¡Shorty's Sh'ow Room Some bargain.' E D. Cook, of Portland. Is a bus- Today—Tone >m>w 11nene visitor in th«'city. ■ Clarence Hutchens, of Dryden, Is tn tho city on a short busin'osa trip. Mrs. L. C. Burgees, of Hornbrook, j Cal.. la In the city tor a Cow day». R. Hanrohan. of IMrtervllle. Cal . 1 | Is a business visitor In the city. W J Bradshaw and William R. , Hughes, of Roseburg, spent yeater- WK IRE * day anil today In the city. SIU >\\ ING George Chastain, of Klanlath Falls was ap arrival in town Sunday for a brief buMneas visit here Mrs J E. Holland, of Holland. and Mrs Eva Wetherb«« ar«* visiting < UiTo«»\ OIMKIH at the Moon* home at Wonder Mis» Vere Murray returned th. « \NI morning from Medford wh*«r«> she spent the week end Miss Gudrun Anderson departed this morning for YoncolU where she . will visit for a short time M. C. Borland, son of C W Bor TO I ■ ■ ■ " land of the Borland-Thomas Lumber Albert Burna, of Bray, Cal.. 1» Ing »poke at the union «ervlom Mr. Hl NDRKDN .Co . Is tn the city for a visit of aev «pending several day* hero visiting Drake, formerly paator here, wilt OF SATISFIED eral w««eks with his parents Ct STO ME RS preach next Sunday, before leaving i with friend, and relative« Misses Blanche and lavulae Wil- INI» THEY Dr. L. O. Clement and family have at the close of hla vacation ¡llama, who have been visiting for the TELL Is II F. 11 Clement», of Yreka, I* reg- returned from a two weeks vacation 'past week with Mrs E. C. Dixon de IS WORTH spent In Portland and touring In the latered at the Granta Paa* parted on No 13 for their home. . going NUMB Willamette valley. "Enos Fruit Salad.'* Sabin has It C. Nordsrom. of Glendale. Is in the Ti» SEE H E Morton, of Count's feed store William Boggs, of San Francisco, city attending to local business mat- leave» thia evening tor Portland wiui a Sunday evening arrival tn the I ters where he will participate In the an-, • Ity and Is spending*today attending W. F Bamickal. wife and daugh nual Buyer«' Week to husine»« Interests here ter. of Stockton. Cal . were In town V. It White and II A. Gilmore, Xml I mh I but A H Cornell, southern Oregon Sunday and today for a short rest of Kerby, am mrUtered at the Weal repr**nrn|atlve of the Oregon Ufe In- No« la'Nnt (her during n tour on the Pacific bt-rhw^ ern hotel while attending io bun aurnnee Co . was calling on Jackson* Joy-Roy nt Filin ¡One of those late models with I near* matter, hem Imnil I vllle people Tuesday Jacksonville ¡two peek holes In the rear It llotw-rt Pringle, owner of th« Old ' Post pay you to go by Shorty’s Place Channel Mine near Gallco left for ! Try I»r Tompkins treatment, for ; look ft over th» «»oat Sunday evening after hav dlanaae of the bladder Mr and Mrs J F Baldwin 1 iff ing «pent a week attending to hl. dmughters. of Danville. Cal., were Mrs. C. S Hobbs departed this interests here guests during the week end at the 1 morning for tho north for a vacation Josephine hotel Frank Berrle, formerly a resident of several weeks in Portland and the Dr and Mrs W A. Parrett, were of thl<_ city but now of Salt lake Willamette before returning to take arrivals In town yesterday from their City, arrive«! here yesterday and w III charge of her school nt Now Hope for home in Junction City, touring south «pend several day. here visiting with the coming year 'on the Pacific highway. hla parents Mr and Mr» T F Jayne arrived Mrs. C. Stearns and i daughter. w Mr« Connie Kurts, formerly a ma yesterday from Yakima. -Wash., and Dorothy, of San Francisco, Cal., ar- ident of this city. through are visiting Mrs Jayne's mother, rived here Friday to spend a month thin morning on No 13, southbound, Mrs J M Mansfield They will ron- visiting with her mother, and was greeted here by sevnral tlnue on to Ashland whore they i«x- McIntosh friends. poet to make their home Mr and Jerome H Fertig. project engineer A party of New York people. non yrs Jayne were former resident», ¡of the Grants Pare Irrigation DIS »1st Ing of Mr and Mrs Bert Albert« leaving thl« section about four years trict has gone to Portland on busi Roy La Pearl and Harry Rogers, ar- ago ness connected with the district's big rived in th«» city this morning for Some goods as good as new goods, irrigation project now under a week'« fishing trip on Rogue river »traction. Mr« 1«. IA. Johnston nnrl baby, ami also some now goods at Booth*» Sec i( Mrs. Fred Moore, of Wonder. Is her mother, Mr« !«. I’hllllp«. arrived ond Hand Store 9 enjoying a visit from her aunt. Mrs In the city thia morning from Port- Joe Hiatt, of Santa Rosa. Cal The | and and will visit several week, with Hiatts were formerly residents of Mr«. Guy O . Buell, of Selma, aiutar WHAT'S 15 VOI R SIIOKM? Grants Pass, Mr Hiatt havtng served and daughter I several years as sheriff of the county. I Milton McVay, of Crescent City. !•« It all <« «infuri, or I« It agony, Mr. and Mrs W Newton Maer <-> mi » i < i I by «tinging rorro ' brought a party consisting of Ken- and their two children arrived in noth Price, William Fagin and (’him If y«Hi are I ron blut with corn»,. I the city Saturday evening from the | Muncy over from the ooeat Ity « ■ loti'l nfUwnirt Ih«' «Inngeriwi« south, coming from their home In |iriMtice of <-utUng tlii-m, u»c terday for a short visit here They ! Wichita Falls. Texas, and after a —in— expect to return today ror tomorrow . ’ Kl \ IIX <W»ltVM»IA ENT brief rest, continued their trip north Mr and Mrs Qeorgo H. Wigmore, A few day»’ treatment with today, with highest praise of tfie cli with their two daughters and son j thia preparation will end your mate and scenic attra -tlons of the have been making a stay here for the foot troubles and fill your Rogue valley. past couple of days to enjoy the ell-1 shore with genuine comfort Mrs. Mollie Edmans, of Montague. mate and Rogue river They will ' We iruamiitiv satisfaction Cal., who visited her daughter and «tart north today continuing a tourl family near Kerby, and stopped off of the highway from their home at Prií’C 2T» here to visit her aunt. Mrs Green -oe Angeles and cousin Mrs Dan Wiltrout and V. E. Ifoven left this morning for family, a couple of days, returned his home nt Engene, ^fter hsvln r Sells Drugs and Books home Sunday morning Mrs. Edmans pren lied at the Christian church I was a com pan led by her little grand here yesterday Mr. Iloven has been daughter, who will visit for a short coming down to care for tho local I time. «■rilrw for some time, and Inst even Mutt and .left’ Save Laundry Bills Wash for 2c Per Hour with a Thor Electric Rogue River Hardware Co. 9 Shoes for the Family I Ladies’ Nut Brown Brogue Oxfords are here. Get yours now AT WOODWARD’S SIXTH ST. Fox News RAY Proper Clothing For Men and Women for Vacation Trips at Peerless Clothing Co Red Hot Dollars CLEMENS Wiring »*! Electrical Installations We are equipped to handle any kind of wiring or motor installation All kinds of Electric Appliances Complete line of Fixtures 9 I I t Electric Ranges and Wash Machines PAUL’S ELECTRIC STORE Phone 47 / > 203 South Sixth Street