MONDAY, AUGI HT n, ir>20 GKA.\TH PANH DAILY OOl'K.Eh PAGI THREE — Classified Advertising LUBRICATION IS imi hall OF IMPORTANCE CIVIL ENGINEER, Flit HALE Choice baled alfalfa CIVIL ENGIN0DH- Ceo M Aah- hay. |28 per ton. f 0. b. Granta ford laind, mina, drainage and Pass Riverbanks Farms 85tf Irrigation «urvey« Add re« « 616 North Sixth Phone 14C-J 50 FOR HALE A band of Angora goats near Ashland, Oregon Will sell DILA1 AGE AND TltA.NHFKR or rent Irrigated slo k ranch Easy WORLD terms Write W A. Holt. Box 1670 MIE MOVEkL m » do so Phone I Taooma, Waah 47 Bunch Bro» Transfer Co 3 4 9 PHONE 379-11 for dry slub wood *7 a cord while It lael» I. F Itoat E U. IHIIAM, dray««« and transfer Rafi'S, pianos and furnlt un 24tf moved, packed, shipped and stored T1IE 8V1U,K property, Nos 802. Office phone I 24-Y 816. 832, 150 North Seventh St . all under Irrigation, four houses, GltANTH FAHH-MKHFO1U» TRUCK Phone 333-J, 58 for sale Inquire Mrs W H. Qual>. 832 North 7lh St f.» PIANO TIMING FOIL HALE The Griffin ranch on 17 Bear creek In 'lllrohi valley near GEO W CROHS a tun.r with «ours praclloel exjferience, Includ­ Kerby ,»0 acres with cattle, ing » y««.rs factory training. Head­ horsee, cows, hogs, furniture, quarters Josephine hotel. Your farming Implements, hay. Every­ satisfaction I» my auree» K2tf thing goes , Water Everything ready to commence to live lively PIANO INHTKK^riON climate, good buildings, good fences, «He Fine dairy ranch, 6 MRS JAMES M POWERS. Instruc­ cows, creamery check every week. tor on piano; studio over Barnes I John B Griffin. Kerby, Josephine Jewelry; open I* to 6 dally, except, County. Oregon f>0 Tuesday and Wednesday Phone I FOR HALE Team un«t harn«»«s. weight 2300; 5 an«! C yearn old At Gravlln*» barn 44 FOR MLLE Durte Jersey boar nn<1 four 1 months old sows cheap. Must be »old <■ H Payne, Rd..2. « 45 Foli HAJ«E T wo «»tra fancy Ayr- ah ir«« bulla, 15 months old. both puro bred, and from dama that i aro extra h««avy milkers Also one 16 h p. gas origino. Address R E. Talbot, Granta l’as». Ore. 45 Kill KENT MUI RENT oil SALE Irrigated farm plenty of water during the «hole season Inquire Jo. Felt­ ner. 755 North Eighth street, 43tf K« mh 1 shape. Two burros and pack FOR RENT One nice comfortable furnished sleeping room, bath priv­ ileges Very quiet Price reason­ able No 647 N. 2nd St 48 People E o' Li'c in Sinrle Way Despite the Labor Life of Engine and Car Depends Troubles. on Proper Oiling of Many Portugal. In aplte nf nil th# lurid re­ Different Parts. port« Rprond abroad by Intrrratwt par To Avoid Trouble W'tb P'•»«•Inqs or Cyllndors Put In in Extra Pint of Oil Every Hundred Mile»—Ocn’t Wait for Squeak. "Th«* llf«* <«f y«»ur eiiglm- mid « h r n," ls the Mllh Ject of ari arth'l«* *f hihrU-ntlon I« Hi prrvvrit ina tw<> pie«. < «>f im-tal that lire working onc iigniii«*! ili«* oilier fr«»m tom hlng Tlilk I h ii « « ««i.ipll»1 -I b. li. z lllg il lillll metal», l'pmi thls film of oli dep«*ml» thè llf«' of la urlìi«.*«, cyllmler» uml pi«- fon ring», Only three different grade* of liitirl«*nut» are naed. 'IY i «* (»wniT »houli! provide himself with a Milpp| X of gir« cylinder oil. greuse and Mt emu englue oil. Right Oil for Engine. Never u*e st earn engine oil or any thing but a pure mineral oil in the en 265-J. over glnc. East Hunting filli« h i heavy and lilllv rond« faster than cft> the BLUMAUF.Ä-FRANK LABORATORIO llllllllhllll!ll.if¡*..i1illilÍÍHIIíiili¡ihhal! WIDOW TAKES PL-CE OF CLB3LER HUSBAND I iiiii,i!i!iiiiiiiiiiiii:niiiii:::*!!ii:!!!!!:n! Good Used Cars PREVENT RATTLES IN DOORS THEHK CARS ARE ALL IN GOOD SHAPE. Apply Small Piece of Rubber to Fill Out Vibrating Space—Anti-Rat- ler» Are Very Good. WILL SELL ON TERMS TO SPONSIBLE PARTIES When ««iniethliig s««*«us td rattle DENTISTS around ’!.<■ body of y«mr machine ami Firit-claaM you «l'.ii't know Just what It Is. g«*t E. C. .MACY. D. M. D. sonieon«- to hold th«* doors tight while denlUtry. 10» 6 «th St you drive -ays American Motorist. If that stops ihe rattle, get »«urn* an- tl rut tiers lor th«* «Imirs ami apply DR. R. J BE8TUL. Veterinarian. them; or fasten a sinall piece of rub­ ber mi your k’« work, tho Im- pre««lofi gained in thnt It v.oiild be difficult to And In any country «urh ii rontenh-d nnd light hearted people ax th«- Portuguese. Uni«*«« Nome mean* of conveyance t»e previously engaged, ws I king I« the only method <»f locomotion available on that day. for train*, motorcar*, rar- rlMj^'-n. rartw and omnibmin« arc all hired or neat« hooked In ad*, nnce. Even the afreet <-am are Ailed to over Aowlng by workmen arwl their farn- lllr« going ro the outlying diatrlcts. Mnilingiy bearing ulth them their pic­ nic baMkidM. The leaf) avenue* Juat outaide the ity are AIH m I xxith people afnot, «Ing- Ing popular aonga from the late«! re vu*« or exchanging merry Jeats with the people In the rnnveyantvs. (hi!Hide and Inaide the railroad *r?i- tlniih from early morning are Ailed with |H4op|e of the more Wealthy, working and profeh«» onal cla*s * try­ ing to olitain acf.oiiniHaliithm.s fur a trip either to (’intra. Cannes or ;:»4 I*-:onl. tin* I»4-. ij’ifiil Ilivlera of Port­ ugal. It la true that tiealdea nil thia mer­ rymaking then* la •» aocial unreal in Portugal. Strike* are frequent.* hut generally ¡»exo «-able; there ia an «»<•• caMdnai bomb and aoiuetimea a atregt riot, bui bulahevik revolution there la none. When three broinha uere thr<»\xri rwently into the rank* of a |iiiuir deiHonatration of gratitude to ilie government for taking measure« :o lower the price* of fu<»r t hr«* Inches, prying apart tin Practices In all Stat«» and Federal strnnds and then placing a washer or. Courts. First National Bank Bldg each side of the cable, after which the nut is screw«*d down, holding the ca G. W. OOLVIG. W.orney-at-la*. hie tlrmly in place. , TIRES. E WANTED WANTED Second hand 5 or 6-lni-h condl- centrifugal pump In good 28tf tlon. Isaac Beet. 3-lnch WANTED Second hand wagon In good repair, reasonable price; also one good two-horse spring wagon. E. C. Smith, Kerby. 47 Grants Pass Banking Co. Bldg., Sell Historic Banner in London. TAXi E 8. VAN DYKE. Attorney Practices At h sale of antiques rv«*ently in in all courts. First National Bank , l.omlon, colors carried at the battle of Phone 262-R for ROON Elt TAXI Culloden In 174(1 were sold to a Gins Building. gow purchaser for £7.‘.attnlion th«* S«*con«l—of Lord Ogilvy's regiment, mid Is belle«cd to Phone 22-J. Tom PALACE TAXI M i I««' th«' only hnnner curried off by the 03tf C. A. '">LER. Attornat IhW Wind «oung prvtemler's di'fented army. All I •onlc i *«n ile, Grants Pass. Ore. KERBY-GRANTS PASS J1TNEY- GEO. H. DURHAM, Attorney-at-law the colors (a ken In the buttle were referee In bankruptcy. Masonic1 I'Urnetl nt Edinburgh.—London Times. I»eaves Grants Pass nt 9.30, and Holland nt 1 dally. Country trips Temple. Phone 135-J. Everett attended to at all times Lawyer phone JAMES T. OH INNOCK. Hogue and Pete Beagle, First Nation.«1 Bank Building. 61 Panama Cafe, 228-J. Large, Solis Head. Mother sent me to get a head of let­ tuce, and told me the good ones would A. C. HOUGH Lawyer, Tuffs Bldg. be «olid and hard. I carefully picked MINT nut a large solid head, .nnd naked the Prattle» In all courts. grocer how much tbut head of lettuce Between 5th and D and East T j OST Ile fin*M»*n‘d: “Excuse me. t»irt V. A. C. AHLF, lawyer, practice tn »•oat A stroets, Wednesday, a pinch bar, Office fbnf ,M ” nabhn-ri».“- Exchange. state and federal courts, slightly bent. Finder plenso no- over National Drug Store. 44 tlfy W. A. Hood. BANKERS LIFE COMPANY. Moines, Iowa. District agent, ron C. Gaston. Grants Pass. Over 77.500,000 In force In gon Dea Mi­ ni«.. Ore nr. it The California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company TIME CARD Effective Nov. 24, 1919 Trains will run Mondays. Tlier- KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS days and Fridays P.M. mopylae lodge No. 50, meets ««very I »eave Grants l’nss . ...1 9 second nn«l fourth Tuesday ev en- Arrive Water« Cr^eV P M. lliltf I .gave Waters Cr«'«'1: n P M. Ing. Visitors Invite«!. i r M. Arrive G rants P.-l'i CADILLAC AUTO STAGE—Leaves For Informn'inn every tnornlng for Crescent City and passengor ruths call nt the office ut 9 30. Passengers only. H«*.:d- of the company. Lundburq blinditi . I quarters Fashion Garage. Orlan­ or telephone 131 • do Hiller i:<,1 Hanimermlll Hund printers at the ALBANY NURSERIES. Inc.—"The old reliable.” Trees of quality Al­ Courier office Courier daaslfled ads r« bany Oregon. F. E. Jordan, spe­ cial agent. Grants Paas, Ore. 37tf suits Try a clneslffed. Competent Mechanics and Prompt Service — AT— Ament’s Auto Repair and Machine Shop Service < nr unsworn nil call« Welding <>< nil kind» Day phone 1 I :<-J—Night 2.12-R AGENTS FOR. Wz—1 w COLLINS AUTO COMPANY HUDSON MAXWELL CHALMERS AND ESSEX CARS t^i 'Qjl' ACCESSORIES ANO REPAIRING M li«*n Jimmy O'Diien, a Ciueiniuiti «•ohliler. died recently, his widow took over the htisln«*«» and is now conduct ing a «cry tlouri-hing trade among the folks of her neighborhood. Mrs. O'Brien often In tpeil her husband In the shop and she Is now a very effi­ cient cobbler. PHONE 317 Sil H STREET, GRANTS PASS, ORE. EUGENIE itiOW READS Former Empress Submits to Operation for Cataract Former Eni)»ress Eugenie of France Is able to ««■«* much better i1uin for years pn-t. thunks to un «qieration for cataract performed sine«' her arrival In Madrid, wlier«* she is the guest of her neplie.v. the duke of Alba. Despite her ninety lour years, tlm former em­ press «•dnseuied to undmgo the opera­ tion performed by I>r. .lie into Barra- o r a Bni'eelo'm oculist', who invent . ..«i iiislruniei . r ■ ciio ; removal The frailly of Eiifii <• |>eruiitt«>«l the use of only a local anesthetic. The surgi'on amile a sligl.i incision it. the cataract, applied co. alia*, and Gun Gie ilelliii' * Instrument, which act's mi th«' suet Ion principle, v ns used. After six days i he obstruct wlthi nt pain. «•« were removed Wlii'ti the bam nd for t|ie first Eugen «■ ■ us able I’lie entiiriHt tlm« in many y ■ ii'irely wltlioui cannot Im rem«' «• ul' 'mate suei-e«'« cutting, therefore of th«1 operiition «ill i I I««* fol*«*c*.l»t. Kills 51 Coyotes in Month. Sum Marple. tçip|»*r of Yuba conn- he month of ty, California, tlualn __ v ___ _ ___ . «1 *i1 coyote*, for May enught and kill« which there I* n boUic.\ of .<«"» offered hy the county, according to his claim V’dcil wit». ’I k * Yubu boiird of supor- | v I m . s . There is seldom ii month that '■« pie do«*s not kill f.t tn twenty to lorQ coyote®. Place orders for Duplicate and Triplicate All styles and sizes Requires about 60 days'to fill orders Constantly in Stock: Books of Duplicate Remittance Blanks Garage Repair Books Trade Acceptances Legal Blanks Blank Sales Books TH con I