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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1920)
MONDAY, AUGI HT n, ir>20 GKA.\TH PANH DAILY OOl'K.Eh PAGI THREE — Classified Advertising LUBRICATION IS imi hall OF IMPORTANCE CIVIL ENGINEER, Flit HALE Choice baled alfalfa CIVIL ENGIN0DH- Ceo M Aah- hay. |28 per ton. f 0. b. Granta ford laind, mina, drainage and Pass Riverbanks Farms 85tf Irrigation «urvey« Add re« « 616 North Sixth Phone 14C-J 50 FOR HALE A band of Angora goats near Ashland, Oregon Will sell DILA1 AGE AND TltA.NHFKR or rent Irrigated slo k ranch Easy WORLD terms Write W A. Holt. Box 1670 MIE MOVEkL m » do so Phone I Taooma, Waah 47 Bunch Bro» Transfer Co 3 4 9 PHONE 379-11 for dry slub wood *7 a cord while It lael» I. F Itoat E U. IHIIAM, dray««« and transfer Rafi'S, pianos and furnlt un 24tf moved, packed, shipped and stored T1IE 8<X>V1U,K property, Nos 802. Office phone I 24-Y 816. 832, 150 North Seventh St . all under Irrigation, four houses, GltANTH FAHH-MKHFO1U» TRUCK Phone 333-J, 58 for sale Inquire Mrs W H. Qual>. 832 North 7lh St f.» PIANO TIMING FOIL HALE The Griffin ranch on 17 Bear creek In 'lllrohi valley near GEO W CROHS a tun.r with «ours praclloel exjferience, Includ Kerby ,»0 acres with cattle, ing » y««.rs factory training. Head horsee, cows, hogs, furniture, quarters Josephine hotel. Your farming Implements, hay. Every satisfaction I» my auree» K2tf thing goes , Water Everything ready to commence to live lively PIANO INHTKK^riON climate, good buildings, good fences, «He Fine dairy ranch, 6 MRS JAMES M POWERS. Instruc cows, creamery check every week. tor on piano; studio over Barnes I John B Griffin. Kerby, Josephine Jewelry; open I* to 6 dally, except, County. Oregon f>0 Tuesday and Wednesday Phone I FOR HALE Team un«t harn«»«s. weight 2300; 5 an«! C yearn old At Gravlln*» barn 44 FOR MLLE Durte Jersey boar nn<1 four 1 months old sows cheap. Must be »old <■ H Payne, Rd..2. « 45 Foli HAJ«E T wo «»tra fancy Ayr- ah ir«« bulla, 15 months old. both puro bred, and from dama that i aro extra h««avy milkers Also one 16 h p. gas origino. Address R E. Talbot, Granta l’as». Ore. 45 Kill KENT MUI RENT oil SALE Irrigated farm plenty of water during the «hole season Inquire Jo. Felt ner. 755 North Eighth street, 43tf K« mh 1 shape. Two burros and pack FOR RENT One nice comfortable furnished sleeping room, bath priv ileges Very quiet Price reason able No 647 N. 2nd St 48 People E o' Li'c in Sinrle Way Despite the Labor Life of Engine and Car Depends Troubles. on Proper Oiling of Many Portugal. In aplte nf nil th# lurid re Different Parts. port« Rprond abroad by Intrrratwt par To Avoid Trouble W'tb P'•»«•Inqs or Cyllndors Put In in Extra Pint of Oil Every Hundred Mile»—Ocn’t Wait for Squeak. "Th«* llf«* <«f y«»ur eiiglm- mid « h r <lc|M'ml» upon lul«rlcntli>n," ls the Mllh Ject of ari arth'l«* *<pp«i«rliig In Il re«'«*!ll I nsù «* <if nn iiiitoiiiobi)«* ni*ignxim* Th«* prlmlpl«* <>f hihrU-ntlon I« Hi prrvvrit ina tw<> pie«. < «>f im-tal that lire working onc iigniii«*! ili«* oilier fr«»m tom hlng Tlilk I h ii « « ««i.ipll»1 -I b. li. z lllg il lillll <if all l«etw«'l*ll thise tw<> metal», l'pmi thls film of oli dep«*ml» thè llf«' of la urlìi«.*«, cyllmler» uml pi«- fon ring», Only three different grade* of liitirl«*nut» are naed. 'IY i «* (»wniT »houli! provide himself with a Milpp| X of gir« cylinder oil. greuse and Mt emu englue oil. Right Oil for Engine. Never u*e st earn engine oil or any thing but a pure mineral oil in the en 265-J. over glnc. East Hunting filli« h i heavy and lilllv rond« faster than cft> <l”‘^ extra ptnf <»f ot! evvi mil«*» MRS J L JOHNSON Instructor of nr so 'I'hf* prenit neold vol’e Room» above Moore’: Ea trouble with hearing* kery. hour« from 1 to 5 on Tue« Once a month or days and Saturdays S7tf mile«, the oil in the <■ he drained off and fresh supply PHYSIC II NN poured In. The oil m I««* <lriiln«*<l h; ut the Iwittom removing th«* drain pl I O CLEMENT. M. D I’ractic«* of 4»ll pan. After dr 'n - lii'h th" llinllud lo «linea»«» of «ye, ear, no»« i crank rime with hero 1i-"‘ *h th«' and throat G lain«»« fitted. Hour» hr :i!h«*r r p< rejdacr drain plug nnd 9-12, 2-5, or on appointment. refill vitli ch hi oil. I’.e absolutely sure Pbonee, office 62; rioildence 359-J that «11 the kerose-ne I* drnlned off. otherwise If will mix with the fre4i oil S LOUGHR1DGE, M D. Physician mid will cut down Its hi brim! Ing quali and surgeon City or country call» ties. FOR SA!JO OK RFINT My place of (¡2 acre« located on Mianourl flat. Also good young team, harneet. attended day or night Phones. wagon, buggy and farming Imple Res 36»; Office. lHg; 6th and H ment« Good milk cow juat fresh B1U.ICK, M D. Physician for sale. It W Craig. Murphy. E. J and surgeon, office Schallhorn Ore «2 block, phone 54- j ; residence. 1004 FOR RALE Fire million fOet yellow Uiwpridg«-. phone 54-L. pine, some fir, 4 miles from rail W F RUTHERFORD Manna1 ’be road. on county road. Address No. lt gets your arvment raputlca 1 74 4 care Courier 44 Office over Barata* Jewelry store Office hours 9 30-12; 130-4 roadster, ..... ————*— i M. Casey, RALPH W. STEARNS, M. D. Phy-1 AH X-ray «xiulp-. alelan and surgeon, Office, Me ment, dental X-ray. Bill HALE New k-rixiui house, <*a- Phone« 'M- sonic Temple Bldg nn*nt basement, occupied one year lice 21-J: residence 21-L. Addres»*No 1766, care Courier. 46 PORTUGAL NOT BOTHERED WITH SOCIAL UNREST Trouble Fellow» Squeak. i»on t unit until you hear a M*queak** h« fiTe oiling. A *’*qii' .ik” mean« a ni*t««l nr drv‘ben ring, mid when once <n that condition trouble «oon follow« The compact «instruction of Mime cam tunkcs nc<eM»nry the placing of oil holes ami greaae cup« Ululer th«* floor hoards of the ear. ■I »««n't. be of»nse It might rau«e you a little extra insible, forgot t<» remove tfti*ni limi lubricate ns directed. HEALTH CCARASTEE AB Parola Preparations are guaranteed to gho thorough satisfaction or the pnet yon tedi be cheerfully refunaea. Prepared and Guaranteed b> the BLUMAUF.Ä-FRANK LABORATORIO llllllllhllll!ll.if¡*..i1illilÍÍHIIíiili¡ihhal! WIDOW TAKES PL-CE OF CLB3LER HUSBAND I iiiii,i!i!iiiiiiiiiiiii:niiiii:::*!!ii:!!!!!:n! Good Used Cars PREVENT RATTLES IN DOORS THEHK CARS ARE ALL IN GOOD SHAPE. Apply Small Piece of Rubber to Fill Out Vibrating Space—Anti-Rat- ler» Are Very Good. WILL SELL ON TERMS TO SPONSIBLE PARTIES When ««iniethliig s««*«us td rattle DENTISTS around ’!.<■ body of y«mr machine ami Firit-claaM you «l'.ii't know Just what It Is. g«*t E. C. .MACY. D. M. D. sonieon«- to hold th«* doors tight while denlUtry. 10» 6 «th St you drive -ays American Motorist. If that stops ihe rattle, get »«urn* an- tl rut tiers lor th«* «Imirs ami apply DR. R. J BE8TUL. Veterinarian. them; or fasten a sinall piece of rub ber mi your <l<w«r to till out th« Heelden« e 638 Washington boule Uniting spa«*«* vard. phone 398-R. ATTACH CAELE REAL ROTATE That indefinable something called charm, for lack of a better definition—what is it? Health, personality, appearance all these go far toward jts making, but Charm is greater than any one! Purola Toilet Preparations are real con tributors toward Charm. For many years they have been compounded from finest ingredient;;. They are pure, beneficiaL and soothing, as well as beautifying. PUROLA ALMOND CREAM-one of the most favored toilet requisites—is a delightfully scented preparation to keep the skin soft, fine and beautiful Use ft for sunburn and chapped or irritated skin. flew, in nt th«* pr<*M*nt moment of mo - rhil itnd «•< onomh al trouble« no worw i»fT tlmn other countries which par- t|<*lpnti*d hi the great war. When one drives through Lisbon «nd ber suburbs on a Sunday mid watrhfHi the happy crowds holiday malting nfier tho ww>k’« work, tho Im- pre««lofi gained in thnt It v.oiild be difficult to And In any country «urh ii rontenh-d nnd light hearted people ax th«- Portuguese. Uni«*«« Nome mean* of conveyance t»e previously engaged, ws I king I« the only method <»f locomotion available on that day. for train*, motorcar*, rar- rlMj^'-n. rartw and omnibmin« arc all hired or neat« hooked In ad*, nnce. Even the afreet <-am are Ailed to over Aowlng by workmen arwl their farn- lllr« going ro the outlying diatrlcts. Mnilingiy bearing ulth them their pic nic baMkidM. The leaf) avenue* Juat outaide the ity are AIH m I xxith people afnot, «Ing- Ing popular aonga from the late«! re vu*« or exchanging merry Jeats with the people In the rnnveyantvs. (hi!Hide and Inaide the railroad *r?i- tlniih from early morning are Ailed with |H4op|e of the more Wealthy, working and profeh«» onal cla*s * try ing to olitain acf.oiiniHaliithm.s fur a trip either to (’intra. Cannes or ;:»4 I*-:onl. tin* I»4-. ij’ifiil Ilivlera of Port ugal. It la true that tiealdea nil thia mer rymaking then* la •» aocial unreal in Portugal. Strike* are frequent.* hut generally ¡»exo «-able; there ia an «»<•• caMdnai bomb and aoiuetimea a atregt riot, bui bulahevik revolution there la none. When three broinha uere thr<»\xri rwently into the rank* of a |i<i|>iiuir deiHonatration of gratitude to ilie government for taking measure« :o lower the price* of fu<»<iMtuffa. moat of the detnotiMtratura curried < m » xir though nothing laid happened. The t»4«iiib throve!*« were arreated. That » ill. Amusvmt-nts u» nt on aa usu al. v.itl» little excitement. MAXWELL TOI RING 11ll « MAXWELL TOURING ROADSTER, NEW RI NS LIKE NEW ONE 1O-JO MAXWELL It, TON TRUCK FIRST I'LASS. *\ I I «- I « , t M c K instry . 603 g st., phone In Casa of Emergency Insulation May Be Stripped Back for Two or 13-R: general real estate business Three Inches. Best of soils for fruit, hay or gen eral farming In cases of emergency. It Is possible to nttach a table to the battery by ATTORNEYS '.tripping hiick the Insulation for tw«, H. D NORTON, Attorney-at-law <>r t hr«* Inches, prying apart tin Practices In all Stat«» and Federal strnnds and then placing a washer or. Courts. First National Bank Bldg each side of the cable, after which the nut is screw«*d down, holding the ca G. W. OOLVIG. W.orney-at-la*. hie tlrmly in place. , TIRES. E WANTED WANTED Second hand 5 or 6-lni-h condl- centrifugal pump In good 28tf tlon. Isaac Beet. 3-lnch WANTED Second hand wagon In good repair, reasonable price; also one good two-horse spring wagon. E. C. Smith, Kerby. 47 Grants Pass Banking Co. Bldg., Sell Historic Banner in London. TAXi E 8. VAN DYKE. Attorney Practices At h sale of antiques rv«*ently in in all courts. First National Bank , l.omlon, colors carried at the battle of Phone 262-R for ROON Elt TAXI Culloden In 174(1 were sold to a Gins Building. gow purchaser for £7.‘.<i ($3.750). The Jitney Luke or Cutler. Calls an- 86tf IO. 8- BLANCHARD, Attorney-at-law. colors were borne by Sir Janies Kill- awerod anywhere. anytime. | Golden Rule Bldg. Phone 270. I'X'h’a l>attnlion th«* S«*con«l—of Lord Ogilvy's regiment, mid Is belle«cd to Phone 22-J. Tom PALACE TAXI M i I««' th«' only hnnner curried off by the 03tf C. A. '">LER. Attornat IhW Wind «oung prvtemler's di'fented army. All I •onlc i *«n ile, Grants Pass. Ore. KERBY-GRANTS PASS J1TNEY- GEO. H. DURHAM, Attorney-at-law the colors (a ken In the buttle were referee In bankruptcy. Masonic1 I'Urnetl nt Edinburgh.—London Times. I»eaves Grants Pass nt 9.30, and Holland nt 1 dally. Country trips Temple. Phone 135-J. Everett attended to at all times Lawyer phone JAMES T. OH INNOCK. Hogue and Pete Beagle, First Nation.«1 Bank Building. 61 Panama Cafe, 228-J. Large, Solis Head. Mother sent me to get a head of let tuce, and told me the good ones would A. C. HOUGH Lawyer, Tuffs Bldg. be «olid and hard. I carefully picked MINT nut a large solid head, .nnd naked the Prattle» In all courts. grocer how much tbut head of lettuce Between 5th and D and East T j OST Ile fin*M»*n‘d: “Excuse me. t»irt V. A. C. AHLF, lawyer, practice tn »•oat A stroets, Wednesday, a pinch bar, Office fbnf ,M ” nabhn-ri».“- Exchange. state and federal courts, slightly bent. Finder plenso no- over National Drug Store. 44 tlfy W. A. Hood. BANKERS LIFE COMPANY. Moines, Iowa. District agent, ron C. Gaston. Grants Pass. Over 77.500,000 In force In gon Dea Mi ni«.. Ore nr. it The California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company TIME CARD Effective Nov. 24, 1919 Trains will run Mondays. Tlier- KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS days and Fridays P.M. mopylae lodge No. 50, meets ««very I »eave Grants l’nss . ...1 9 second nn«l fourth Tuesday ev en- Arrive Water« Cr^eV P M. lliltf I .gave Waters Cr«'«'1: n P M. Ing. Visitors Invite«!. i r M. Arrive G rants P.-l'i CADILLAC AUTO STAGE—Leaves For Informn'inn every tnornlng for Crescent City and passengor ruths call nt the office ut 9 30. Passengers only. H«*.:d- of the company. Lundburq blinditi . I quarters Fashion Garage. Orlan or telephone 131 • do Hiller i:<,1 Hanimermlll Hund printers at the ALBANY NURSERIES. Inc.—"The old reliable.” Trees of quality Al Courier office Courier daaslfled ads r« bany Oregon. F. E. Jordan, spe cial agent. Grants Paas, Ore. 37tf suits Try a clneslffed. Competent Mechanics and Prompt Service — AT— Ament’s Auto Repair and Machine Shop Service < nr unsworn nil call« Welding <>< nil kind» Day phone 1 I :<-J—Night 2.12-R AGENTS FOR. Wz—1 w COLLINS AUTO COMPANY HUDSON MAXWELL CHALMERS AND ESSEX CARS t^i 'Qjl' ACCESSORIES ANO REPAIRING M li«*n Jimmy O'Diien, a Ciueiniuiti «•ohliler. died recently, his widow took over the htisln«*«» and is now conduct ing a «cry tlouri-hing trade among the folks of her neighborhood. Mrs. O'Brien often In tpeil her husband In the shop and she Is now a very effi cient cobbler. PHONE 317 Sil H STREET, GRANTS PASS, ORE. EUGENIE itiOW READS Former Empress Submits to Operation for Cataract Former Eni)»ress Eugenie of France Is able to ««■«* much better i1uin for years pn-t. thunks to un «qieration for cataract performed sine«' her arrival In Madrid, wlier«* she is the guest of her neplie.v. the duke of Alba. Despite her ninety lour years, tlm former em press «•dnseuied to undmgo the opera tion performed by I>r. .lie into Barra- o r a Bni'eelo'm oculist', who invent . ..«i iiislruniei . r ■ ciio ; removal The frailly of Eiifii <• |>eruiitt«>«l the use of only a local anesthetic. The surgi'on amile a sligl.i incision it. the cataract, applied co. alia*, and Gun Gie ilelliii' * Instrument, which act's mi th«' suet Ion principle, v ns used. After six days i he obstruct wlthi nt pain. «•« were removed Wlii'ti the bam nd for t|ie first Eugen «■ ■ us able I’lie entiiriHt tlm« in many y ■ ii'irely wltlioui cannot Im rem«' «• ul' 'mate suei-e«'« cutting, therefore of th«1 operiition «ill i I I««* fol*«*c*.l»t. Kills 51 Coyotes in Month. Sum Marple. tçip|»*r of Yuba conn- he month of ty, California, tlualn __ v ___ _ ___ . «1 *i1 coyote*, for May enught and kill« which there I* n boUic.\ of .<«"» offered hy the county, according to his claim V’dcil wit». ’I k * Yubu boiird of supor- | v I m . s . There is seldom ii month that '■« pie do«*s not kill f.t tn twenty to lorQ coyote®. Place orders for Duplicate and Triplicate All styles and sizes Requires about 60 days'to fill orders Constantly in Stock: Books of Duplicate Remittance Blanks Garage Repair Books Trade Acceptances Legal Blanks Blank Sales Books TH con I