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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1920)
TODAY GRANTS PASS ÛAIH COURIER « AIGUNT ». 1030 GRANISI t'ANN DAILY (M)UHIKH PACK TWO E L GALBRAITH Resi Batate. lu■ ■arance, anfi piate »da»» liability 6095» G street. phone ÏS 40|f Published Dally Except Sunday A. E. Voorhles, Pub. and Propr. itered at poatofflce. Grants Paas. Ore . as second cl asa mail matter. Your Minerva Knitting Needle ADVERTISING RATES Otaplay space, per Inch................... 30c Vocal-personal column, per line 10c Beaders, per line.................. &<? Now! DAILY COURIER By mail or carrier, per year..... |«.00 By mail or carrier, per month.. .50 . WEEKLY COURIER Bff mall, per year -------------- I - •• Insist on Minerva Yarns r 4TWIT KIJ member of associated press 101 and 105 North 6th FX»R lt|CNT Modern apartment lu quire 701 I» street. 4.llf WANTED Two pr three men wllh scythe» to cut dry grtu« on the In land properly. South l*nrk street. Apply at residence. 4 4 GOOD HELP 1» almost Impossible to obtain and tny Watch Repairing haa grown 'to such proportion that I am compelled to discontinue certain I In«»« of repairing. AFTER JULY INT I will not be in a position to accept for repair» any Jewsliy or ttiiiiill work, but will make a specialty of Finn Watch Repairing and Diamond Setting ' BARNES, The Jeweler INSURANCE Fin». automobile. nudi package aud piate giu»« ìtability. « «fr T M «loti. 310 N 6th St FOR SALE one muri', cheap, will 13 year» work single or double old, weight 1100. One half tulle north of Murphy. E Sisley. Rd 4, 49 Box 4L The Associated Press is exclusively an titled to the use for republication of all new* dispatches credited to It FOR SAl«E Good milk cow. or all otherwise credited in this I CMef Mclauic After liope FI« m »«1»— at Hull'» ranch. Rd 2. paper and also ths local new» pub Quick Trip to Crater Lake- lished herein. Two dope fiend», the most disrep WANTED Position as housekeeper Mr and Mrs Sam Stinebaugh and All rights of republication of spé in home of widower or bachelor. cial dispatches herein are also re Mr. and Mrs Rex Harnett made a utable looking I »air that has hit quick trip to Crater Lake during the J Granta Ihiss this summer, like the served Address Daisy Faulkner. Gen Del . week end. going to Union creek Sat climate here so wall that they came Grants Pas». Ore <9 MONDAY, AUGUST ». 1»--N> urday evening and to the lake and back yesterday after having been back home Sunday They report an shipped south by Chief of Police Me- WANTED Hop picker» by Sept let Apply at Temple market. 113 6th Lane The chief count«wi their money ♦ excellent trip. St.. Grants Paas. Ore 55 i this time and sent them as far north ♦ OREGON WKATHKK as all but ten cents would carry them t Hi ni» *>iiiitx —— ♦ II»», (lathing Suits— ♦ PRACTICAL RXXiFING- -Asphalt — ♦ f New shipment of men's and ladies' Uealher for the Week and gravel paper and composition Pacific Coast States General ♦ Jantzen bathing suits at Peerless Asiibuid ••Sport*" Gaac Dowaatrvwni- ♦ roofing Ijeaky tank» repaired 45 Commenting on the fact that the iy fair except probably showers ♦ Clothing Co. cheap. Repairs a specialty, Four- ---------- Pacific highway will soon be paved ♦ Monday west of Cascades; nor ♦ teen years experience L .1 oil». through the Rogue valley, the Ash ♦ mal temperatures. * Seattle Hotel Men Here— 740 North 10th St.. Grants ♦ * T. H. Gowau. managing director land Tidings added the following Ore Phone 311-Y. ♦ Tonight and Tuesday unset * 1 of the Gowan Operated hotels, with 1 note to fishermen of the Granite ’ ♦ tied, with showers and thunder ♦ headquarters in Seattle, and E. J.. 'City Incidentally. Ashland fisher POR RALE Ford In good condition . . _______ _________ i:- Ho- ”'®n *ho have been blaming their Inquire E L. Chur hill at Ford Harbeck, manager o of the Seattle storms in the mountains Cool- ♦ .. Agency 4 4 ♦ ♦ er tonight. tel News, were in the city yesterday ill-luck on the Ament dam will have ♦ and this morning, attending to bus a chance to get down below the dam , WANTED Waitress for dining iness in connection with hotel opera without risking tires or detours." room, and chamber maid f.»r hotel [ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ 4 tion on the coast. Apply at Western hot«). 44tf| ♦ Chevrolet and Bridge ciarli— ♦ ADDITIONAL LOCAL 4 A Chevrolet baby-grand model car 'FDR RALE O * C relinquishment. I “art j of EugUslunen Return— 2 mile« east of Hugo. 67 acres, 3 The more or less mysterious party >-ame out less than second-best in a Bramwells Visit in Utah— acres cultivated, water, live stock, Mr. and Mrs Frank Bramwell, of Englishmen, convoyed into these tussle with the Sixth street bridge implements, house and growing A negro employci with their daughter and two sons, ¡•arts by Charles E. Webb, of Seattle. Saturday night crops. C, Faetchenhauer. Hugo. left this morning on No. 13 for Utah ostensibly for the purpose of look- , by I. F Peck, driving the machine Ore 4 5 I where they will visit in Salt iAke ing over mining and timber inter- | owned by Mr. Peck, was evidently | hitting too hot a pace on lower Sixth and Logan with their relatives. jsts in the Takilma district, have re SPFX'IAL NOTICE Tlie Western turned to the north without giving 'street, and unable to make the turn Hotel cafe is now open. meals! i on the bridge crashed into the railim.* ' the local inhabitants so much as a served family style Plenty of Sold Four New Chevrolet Car»— . hint to allay their curiosity. The land steel stringers One section of goixi ««ats Breakfast 50c. dinner This week. The Chevrolet bus- six sons of Britain were typical "Car two-by-six railing was entirely fom and supper f>0c Finley lnees is limited only by ability to se out. one heavy steel stringer broken toon” Englishmen bleski. cure cars. W. S. Maxwell * Co 45 and another bent out of shape. The forward part of the machine was NOTRE 8. P. Traffic Heavy— badly wrecked and will require many HERE ’ S THE BID WERE Traffic over the Southern Pacific new engine and body parts for re- Empounded \ugiist 7th. One bla> k ALWAYS MAKING- - lines has become exceptionally heavy 1 p«ir. The negro has disappeared mare about nine years old. white left FOR PLUMBING during the past week, probably an hind foot, weight abcut 1000 pounds. ticipating the increase in rates. No. UNDER Marriage at Rogue River— Can lie seen at Grants Pas» Feed 13 came through this morning, TAKING Marietta Martin^ for several years Barn, Owner can recover jin>i»>rty southbound, in four sections, while a teacher In the Grants Pass schools, by identifying and ¡»aying costs northbound 54 will have three sec and Edwin C. Browne, of Berkeley, CHIEF OF POLICE. tions this evening. Cal., were married at the home of 53 Grants Puss. ; the bride's parents at Rotrue River. McNeill Returns for Fall Season Ore., on Saturday. Aug. 7. Mrs NOTRE FOR Ilins D. G. Collie-McNeill, British con Luella Browne, the mother of the sul at Colima. Mexico, arrived this groom, and his two sisters. Ix»ta and Sealed bids will be received by the morning from San Franciso. and Evelyn, and Mrs. Geo. A. Raymond, Applegate Valley Telephone Company will make his usual summer and fall of San Jose, Cal., an old friend of for the running of the telephone en- campaign against the Rogue river the family, wore among those pres- tral office at Provolt by the year or steelheads Mr McNeill «rill be here ent. A sumptuous wedding break month. The company reserves the We make only one bid for pub for the next few months and is ac . fast was served immediately after right to reject any or all blds Al lic favor. W’e promise to place companied by Mrs. McNeill and the ceremony The happy couple blds to be in by August 11th. 1920 in your home or in your place daughter. Miss Dorothy McNeill. are spending their honeymoon in the APPLEGATE VAU j EY TEL. Ci). of business high character vicinity of Crater I«ake. 4 4 Provolt. Ore plumbing accessories that will Swimming Popular at l*ark— serve you in a satisfactory < luuigce at P.M-rlce«— NOTICE TO PEAR <; kowi : iis With the water in rogue river at manner. We promise you that James Lium. heretofore connected 72 degrees, a considerable propor we will serve you well in a re with the Peerless Clothing Company, We would like to have all members tion of the local population is enjoy pair capacity and we'll answer has sold out Ms interest to Roscoe of the assn latlon call at the office ing the excellent swimming at River phone 308-J promptly. Bratton, and will be associated in the at the ¡lacking house and turn In es side park. The municipal bathhouse % future with the sales division of the timates on their crop and receive was especially popular yesterday, and B. S. DEDRICK W. S Maxwell Company, in the dis rings for picking, wh'ch will start many people who in previous years 5Í6 F Street tribution of Chevrolet and Nash cars. within a few days It 1« very neces- have considered the water of the Phone 3OW The Peerless is experiencing another sary that this be attended to at once. Rogue too cold for comfort, are en change In the application of a coat C. O. MACK. Sept. joying the water sport. of white paint to the exterior, and a general remodeling of the second NOTH IE floor as office rooms. The building The Grants Pass Feed Barn known as the Williams Brothers open for business July 21 at the building has been purchased by Mr ner of Seventh and I streets, UNION MADE Bratton block east of Fnsbton Garage. KUT HUTS I_____________ WILLIAM DeFOREST WARNING TO AUTOMOBILE AVI» MOTORCYCLE DRIVERS CAN'T BIST'EM I « Used Car Bargains 1 HUH III K K ROADNTKR—Il MU. 5 IN Swope Auto Co The Milk Pail MMtn nliowa the profit In Utting our feed our dairy feed Give it » trial to The result will proto ttnelf JOSEPHINE COUNTY FLOUR MILL Corner Thu d and G Street Phone 123 The queer <u ting l»»<tcr, la die one wr Ilk«- lo k <-<— for we <|idikl) i-omat Ihr irinililr at il» sonne nt'Ihr minimum ex- peii-c ami «enti you on your way mi .oli • -Ki-eiti.iit for THIN STATION. HkilhM service and ui'iliwt . Imrgix MBke Ile- fi«- port - LAU BATTERY STATION. ADAMS (IK IRK .m<1 BATTI RY SHOP ExIde Servi « Station. 506 South Sixth Street Timmons &, Higgins t ail «nil MV QB I hon« .TJI-J III -< uth Nlxtli St. Agents for die Cleveland .Nat anal Fire Immune < «impali, New Honey It is Sv/cot .J. Pardee Any one found speeding within the city limits of Grants Pass will be ar- rested and dealt with according to law. CHIEF OF POLICE. 45 Grants Pass, Ore For Girls, ages one to eight Golden Rule the It will cost you no more The Ideal Play Suit More milk unni coat !■ what conim from Second Hand Bargains It is no trouble to wash Chevrolet Ford Mitchell Six— New 2 and 3 Ton Trucks in Stock THE NEWEST PLAY SUIT FOR GIRLS C. L. Hobart Co Grants Pass-Medford Interurban Autocar Co. Effective Aug. 5, 1920 LEAVE GRANTS PASS 7:4)0..a..-m. It»:.40 1 :OO p. in 4:30 a. m. LEAVE MEDFORD 7:00 a. m. 0:00 a- m. 1 :OO p- m. 4:30 p. m. Thor yws ftsawíRío ( Electric Daily and Sunday Grants Pass Waiting Room BONBONIERE Phone 160 i PAUL Electric Store CHICHESTER S PILLS W TUE IM A MONI» BBAM». A V.n.liaf A a U yotir Druawfat for /1X < hl vlis-s-fer • Ulmnornl Hrt«w«T/ZV\ fills Krl a."I Gold n •♦sllk\\Z/ < * 1 ■■ e-ii-.| sth Blue Id bon. 'ey k wvj Ti»ke no thcr Huy of your »If A I r< |f|.< IIEM-TCKF Jr KHAN!» 1*II.I.X, f r /*, yean known ns Best, S ifestJtlways Krllablt r SOI 0 BV awoiiisIS tVLRYWHI RL .'wM Hit SHABBY DilnpiilntiMl tojK on your car can be imide to fit mid look like now —nt little cost. IV.. repair, re cover ami rcMtore to) hi —you'll be pleasantly surprised at the low cost of your Job. fiet our figures on it t"ilay.