i.’ttivsrsity of Ore. Librar» I VOL. X., X«. »70. GRANTS I’AHH. JOffEPHINB COUNTY, OREGON, MONDAY, .11 Gl ST I», 1WJO. SLAV ADVANCE MULGAHIA NOW AT UNIONS CALL ALLIES WILL DRIVES POLES PEACE WITH ALLIES SÎR|KE OfF POL BLOCKADE FROM WARSAW IN in«Mj M.uie Effective by Exchange of BiMlfhwiGon Anioiig the Pow­ er» Party to l*«rt Paris. Aug. 9 — The peace treaty TRAMWAY SOVIET ARMI EH UHU E POLISH WORKERS INION ItEIMI'OHlTlON OF IIUM RADE with Bulgaria was today madu for-1 TIIOOPH OI T, USING HUN AGREES TOGO HACK TO WORK FOR AID OF POLAND THOI GH ■■■ally effective by the exchange of TURNING MOVEMENT WITH NO IIESTIÎK TiO.NS NO TIM MM'S WILL GO ratifications among the powers party to I he pact. STAGE COACH RACE THE FE.1TUBE HIGHWAY FIESTA SEVEN DEATHS IS TOLL WHOLE NUMBER »044. ARRIVE IN U.S. Boat* Allot«! I nde Sam for Target Practice Awebored in Hudson River—Must Sink Soon . _ New York. Aug. ».—The former .CEREMONY OF NOTIFICATION IS German warship« recently turned HEI.D AT HYDE PARK, NEW over to the United States by the al­ YORK, TODAY lied powers reached quarantine late today. The vessels proceeded up the harbor to the Hudson anchorage. INCENDIARY EIRE DESTRI ITSVE Ogdan. Utah. Au* 9 «A rare be- z AT PENITENTIARY IN JOUET Send An Fawn T!irvMU.m«l Diuigvr Arcord- «*«nts planned for the public cele «-ele- ­ Colorado City With Martial las Joliet, Aug. 9.—The fire which , Army to Aid the Polew- -Allies bration of completion of the paved Ing to Ixmilon Wlrcleee Necessary destroyed one building of the pent-’ Wbth to Save Eurvqie highway between Salt tzike and Og­ tentiary chair factory and damaged den at an amusement park located a second wag under control at 1 1x»ndon. Aug 9 The i'oilsh gov !*<•••• lh” Denver. Aug. h.—The executive Ilythe, England, Aug. 9.—The al­ o'clock. The loss is estimated at New York, Aug. 9.—Franklin D. •rnment I. leaving Warsaw it 1. "nUon ,Orjl A“«“1 *«’ Th" ‘committee of the tramway worker» llied conference her« reached ___________ a «a»m- »20,000. Penitentiary officials ad- Roosevelt was today notified official­ . , , _ __ stage ooachee used will be of the type sorted In a wirelees from Moscow . , union today appointed a committee plete agreement this morning on the "*** nre waa incendiary but ua- ity of the fact that his name appear« , ... .. _ used in «arly plains travel. received this afternoon to call on the general manager of the plans for dealing with the Rysso-Po- ab,e 10 and,re *' the specific cause, upon the democratic ticket as tba tramway line and inform him that lish crisis. They include the re-im-j running mate of Cox for the vice the striking trainmen will return to ¡»ositlon of the blackade but on the presidency. The address of notifica­ work. The president of the union advice of experts no allied troops Warsaw. Bunday night, Aug *1. tion was delivered by Homeg 8. Cum­ said there will be no restrictions. will be employed. It is said the al- Soviet forces are striking westward mins, and Roosevelt replied at length This action brought the official end lies, though loath to admit lt, fed! from the vicinity of Breet-Lltovsk In the ceremony ot notification taking of the strike of 1,000 trainmen. The there is little hope of saving War­ their great encircling movement place at Hyde Park toll of death waa raised to seven saw, and that saving of Poland is They have cut through the Polish In his speech, Roosevelt endorsed with the death today of another mag the main issued. lines and have crossed the railroad the policies of James M. Cox as pro­ running between Sokolow and Sled- The main problems facing the pre­ nounced in his acceptance address, Nancy, France, Aug. 9.—France’s and eulogized the democratic nomi­ loe. They reached a point west of Washington. Aug. 9 -A new Butte Falls Banker Here— miers Is the defense of western Eu­ rivalling that * of nee. Roosevelt said that two great Sokolow but were counter attaekml ret service, however, «re to choice grass steers 10 to 10.50; hogs and later attended high school here 9 a. m. to noon and from 1:30 to 5. skill to gnIde us along the road to oelvsd her« by wtrelese Th« Pollsh governmnnt Is belng cheek note raising, which Chief Mo­ steady, prime mixed SIS to »19.50; Mr. I-ong is a brother of "Mrs. T. J. Intermissions between the scenes are things as they should be without removed to Kallas, ac they recognized • reed to Txvndon skull. According to Winfield Ix»g ■ dance at ’Bannock Crossing, to which reason ba k of it. It waa ma|n i long ong enough to see their places was the burn-, burn- main Dallas, Tex.. Aug. 9.—Two Chi­ grtt, retired naval officer. Slavin had hundreds ot automobile parties went ing of every dale palm at thé state taken by motor stages, over 100 of ; nose were injured seriously today ae wmpanled McGraw home from the as on-lookers. The Indians charged experimental station. which are operating over lines ra- when a three story building col- 1.«mbn Club. McGraw was not lo­ each siiectator 50 cents .for the prlv- By the use of an electric torch, dinting out of Phoenix and connect- lapsed. Several persons were seen cated lilege of wat> hing the ceremony. every palm was burned to the stump . ¡ng nearly every town In the state, running from the building when the I An exhibit of blankets, basketry in order to get rid of a destructive j collapse came but the police were X unable to state whether there are and samilar Indisn products was scale. According to agriculturists PRINCESS OLA HASSAN made at the dance and visitors to it j at the station, there was no other. any ‘bodies in the* debris. were encouraged to ‘buy. The large way iof dealing with the pest effec- J attendance of tourists at a recent tively. Now only bare stumps mark . FILED B. LYNCH Rome, Aug 9 A’ommendatore sun dance is believed to have prompt­ , the place where last year a »7.000 liuslgnoli, tho new head of the hous-! ed the Indians to hold the later ce.re- i crop of dates was harvested from : four a ’res of palms. ing oummission, with a touching be-' tnony. lief In the goodness of human nature, celebrated his appointment by send-; Sydney. Australia, Aug. 9.—"Pit- ing an appeal to tho aristocracy of ' cairn Island 1s an odd place.” said a Rome, awking them to allow any recent visitor from England who had spare rooms In their splendid old! 'come by way of the quflnt, isolated palaces to bo rented out to some of community In the South Pacific the weary seekers after houseroom composed of descendents of the mu­ In the Eternal City. tineers of the British ship “Bounty.” All with one consent began to "We landed three harmoniums mako excuses. King Victor, how­ New Orleans, Aug, 9.—Oil pipe Ogden, Utah. Aug. 9.-—Through there,” continued the traveller,” and ever, was an exception, lie has al­ lint's in IxMilslana today became com­ the efforts of Weber County Rod and even when we reach there we heard ready made ten new apartments for mon carriers under provisions of a Gun Club with the cooperation of the hymns borne to us upon the winds. humble, families in the large stables government, a large resting ground “The islanders sang hymns during near the Qutrinal Palace which his law enacted by the, recent general for migratory birds will be provided our entire stay on the island, and father. King Humbert, kept full of assembly. The lines new oome un­ soon upon the shores of the Great the last we heard of them was ’We'll horsos, but which, since tho acces­ der the supervision and regulation of Salt Tmke, near here. Meet in a iBetter Land’ growing sion of tho present king have always the state railroad commission. It is planned to have all the un­ fainter and fainter as we steamed been more or less cmyty. At The bill ae passed concluded a surveyed land in Boxelder county out to sea." pense of nearly »^OO.OOO he fight of long standing between the surveyed and, set aside as the re­ to construct 39 more apartments. Standard Oil Comjmny of Louisiana serve. The reserve will also take tn ; and the independent oil producers ot the west shore of the lake, which is CAMP LEWI» GETS CAMP FOR WEST POINT TRAINING BAVARIAN INMHi AIDED IN North lxmtsiana. The independents said to be the greatest resting WILL <»F BAN Fit INCISI AN claimed that the nature of the bus­ ground for birds In the United States iness conduced by the Standard Inspection of the district has shown Sin Francisco. Cal . Xug. 9.—Carl proved the coapoqptlon'a lines to be the largest variety of water fowl Tacoma. Wash.. Aug. 9.—Army 'Weber, Civil war veteran who common carriers, while the Standard ever found on any inland body of orders, received at Camp Lewis. near dl d here recently bequeathed his contended Its lint's were private pro­ water. There are sea gulls, pelicans, here, specify that a training school »900 owtntr> to th.- burgomaster of perty. • cranes, geese, snipes and hundreds of for soldiers wlw desire to enter Wbst ■è /z his native village In 'Bavaria to be Point, shall be established at the The' term “common carriers" as other varieties. used in providing free pasturage for defined In »lie law Includes person» In connection with the reserve the camp immediately. The school will the goats of the pour firms or corporations engaged in the federal agents will gather statlstl -s prepare all soldiers of the western The will was attacked In court hut t ran snort a U on of crude petroleum on filing and holding of private duck department of the’arniy who desire after letters frpm th« old country for hire or which may be legally hold clubs. No additional ground will be to take the military academy en- telling of the hardships of relative to l>e such from the nature of their permitted to be added to the clubs’ trim e examination. who had lost their goats through lack business. It is provided that there grounds. The greats* part of the Fred O. Lynch of St. Paul is na- Ninety men are allowed to go from of pastiirnge were road the will was shall be no discrimination against clubs are located along the Bear the ranks to West Point each year rional Damocratle committeeman for 1. hold valid. the owners or chippers of oil. If menkally and physically qualified.* Minnesota. river near its mouth. i TWO CHINESE HURI IN PALACE OPENED 10 WEARY TRAVELERS