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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1920)
NITI RI»AY. At«« HT 7, INO (.IUMS rii*. I »AI BY GrtlUUi PUiK KIGHT WORK AUTO INTO KEEP SMILING with Springfields Grants Pass Hardware Co Very Few Drive s Understand Trick of Getting Car Into Small Open.nns. Condlt ons Cove n to Some Extant Movement and Amount of Turning of Wheel—Plan Outlined tor Cutvtg Out LAUDS WHITE SOX OUTFIT’ 0 Manager Huggins of Yankees Thinks Falsch. Leibotd and Jackson Are Strong Players Tliv niHtuigcr « >f Ih«» Ysnk«»«»s h’i* a c . mi ! ntifficM. hm hc sdniltn llvii Kid tlloaxon I i .' m o «werter onr. II«» sav** ”1 (hink onr «»1* thr b«'si outtlelds I I ihvv rvrr srrn is ihr Whll«» Sux trhi. 1*111 talkitlK h I m HII tut lUltlivId llint C’ll» IlilU'S l»«»th OlXCILM' Hlul «IvIcilM». i «'¡Mil. Li'lUihl and Jiirkso:i urv imt >» u !. a ¿« hm I bitter*. hilf th. y arc finish«»«! fiel der» niul in th«» sheer mv«’hi Mor«' iban all. they of bnseball I have ruia*ly gront throwers. tliem •oik«’ :i mistnk«'. ‘I’hn«* « Bicycles and Accessories Not one driver in a hundred know how to work a car Into a .»all space ‘ tn get near a wall or etg!» when It h I necessary t«> wedge tn between two ars not mon» than twenty-six or thirty feet apart. Till** hnlb tincnt ap plies to nhl as well ax iicaa drherx. in eluding some chauffeur« and otherwise capable demonstrator«. according t«> hi » article which appeared some time a, ; In one of tin» large motor magiixlnes To do this Is n ir'i’k worth knoAvfu for It « ma erf time'ami possible damage ro another man's car that hnp|»eiiN to be In the way. William Garage & Cyclery Goes in Head First. As a general practice tin» driver nt tempts tn go Into the s|mr»» head. first Funeral Service Held This Morning— whereas If will hr lm|M>ssihle to work The last rites of love and respect Into a space by this inethod partirti were this morning paid the remains larlv If the »I'itt-e I« limited. No of Mrs. Farlnda Maud Armstrong, amount «»r working around ami wife of C. J. Armstrong, of Jerome cramping of wheels will avail unlox-- First ( hun h of tlirist Scientist Prairie. The ceremony took place at there is ample nwun. and then It will Christian Science services are held Hall’s Chapel In Grants Pass, with take a g«MH| deal of maneuvering. The «llrvctlon pf the movement of »very Supday in the W. O. W. hall, Rev. Rummell of Wilderville, offici at 11 a. in. Wednesday evening ating. and burial was made in the the car should be a swing to the left and alongside the forward car. Tlii- meeting at 8 o’clock. The subject Wilderville cemetery. Mrs. Arm will set your ear lira position heading Sunday is* “Spirit.” strong passed away at her home in ’h!» b- Reading room 7s open from 2 co Jerome Prairie at 11:55 a. m.. Au slightly «nit. nr'k’ng It • gin hacking into the place between the daily except Sundays and 4 p. m. gust Sth. 1920, after a lingering ill two stationary cars. holiday a. The public is cordially in ness of six weeks suffering with Naturally conditions will govern t«» med to attend the services and to Bright’s disease. Mrs. Armstrong, «»me extent th«» exact movement nn«l visit tbe reading room. whose maiden name was Borough, the amount of turning of the wheel was born in Iowa, coming to Albany. but it can be seen by tills Men th«» cm Salvation .Army can be brought close to the curb nt Oregon, with her parents, about 31 rhe back wheels when It Is easy to turn Aunda/ school 2 p. m. Young people's meeting 6:15 P- in. years ago. then moving to Josephine ’h«* wheels. This turning of the w | j « n »| s county where she was united in mar however, should b«» |M»r forme«! while Holiness service 3 p. m. riage with Cornelius J. Armstrong. the car Is still slightly tinder way, or Salvation service 8 p. m. Service Tuesday, Thursday and After a residence for some time in else destruction to th»» tire* tuny result Final Onerat'on. Jacksonville, her home was again Saturday 8 p. m. made in Josephine county in Jerome Tli«» final operation comes In^pnllln" Helping hand Thursday 2 p. tor work. All ladies are especially Prairie. She is survived by her hus the front end of th»» ear around and band. one son. I-ester C. Armstrong, ¿retting the front w heels ns close to Invited to come to this meeting. of Boring. Oregon, one daughter, the curb as possible. yet ¡M»rmlttlnL' A cordial welcome extended to all. room for swingingout, ami then fume«! Envoy and Mrs Gray, in charge. Mrs. Mildred M. Harmon, of Jerome out slightly. foll«k»\p«| by a straighten Prairie, and one sister. Mrs. C J. ing movement. Otherwise th»» lowly of Robinson of Wilderville. Newman M. E. Church the car will not conn» parallel with the curbing. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Th*» wheels should not stand nearer Epworth Leagues at 7 p. m. than six Inches from the curb, or It KING OP GREECE The pastor will preach at 11 a. m. will be difficult to extricate th*» car •n the theme. “Our Young People.” from a close spare. This sermon will include some inter- The getting out proc»*ss Is exactly •sting features ot the Epworth the op[«oslte: that is swing th»» front League institute, In the evening at end around, hut exactly reversed. t o’clock there will be the union ser bringing th«» car Into position so th«» vice in Newman church, the theme front xvlmels will he headed out and being, “But if not.” from tbl« situation It H only n«»c«'sciry to go n»’»»i«|. swinging outward, but being careful tn signal on th»» left that Cliurch of Christ you are rutting out and Into the line Bible school at 10 a. m. of traffic. I Jit the Cburch« | Communion at 11 a. m.. followed Uy sermon Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m. Brother Hoven will deliver the ser mon in the morning at church and in the evening at the Methodist church. Some and hear him. EXCESSIVE MISUSE OF TIRES Nearly 50 Per Cent of All Manufac tured Are Discarded Because of Many Abuses. Meaning of “Flivver." “Flivver" has long been In use as a slang word, particularly by theatrical people, who speak of a poor play as a “flivver." In a general way the w< 'ord means anything that goes wrong nr An falls to come up to expectations. It king Is equivalent to the word “foozle.” Its visit real origin is one of the mysteries j of tt red dang. official photo of his majesty the of Greece taken upon his recent to Paris. The king is seen at- in full uniform with his serv- ice bars. Experts estirryite that rmarly .”.«> a«»r cent of all automobile tir» s nr»nur »«•- turc»! ar»» disrarthsl l»ef.»n» th«w h.iv»» de!k»»re<! npiximtiti! mllccg«» « in.; of the negiert arci Igrioninci» of torlsts. r’n«!» rlnf’- ‘ « n whe<*!s »»u* nr alignment and other abuses cause«I pge that could rasile b«> fix»»«l If rar*» for at il «» time ineurr»* I Maxhuiir roihag. X built into tir»*s .m»l ill » delivered if motorists b*arn t’.on from bookhds bring Issued b-- moat manufiirtuHTs. ‘•JACK” JONES & W*r V. i’ • Manager Miller Huggins. time they «-ut off runa by perfect throws t<» (he platt». They constituí«» a great trio and tn«* ball club with a bunch like (tieni cnn help being for midable and Min««* Ct col tv has conte back without the use of the •shiner,* or (he myth, nt least. the Sox have the pitching, (« mi .” — ' II—----------—_—., —. An Mvount with Ilin^rliinn Count) llruik i-> asl- vi»abl<- from rs.wy |»Hnl of vi«'w—• n.urr- In- vcntninnt fur fun.ln—yl.-hting a fnir lnt«-r<v<t rut«'. Ilrgin the go -.! work UMlay by -larting mi M-rount with I |*r cent int«'riv>t |»l<l on -u»v Ings no-ouni«. Yarn Put Into Baseball la Said to Be Responaible for Hard Hitting This Year. J oseph ine C ounty B ank G rants P ass .O regon ■ i *’ .... .. a Advertising Pays—Advertise with the Courier Ask your dealer for Blue Buckles today Find out for yourself about Blue Buckles. Test the long- wearing denim cloth, the wide double-stitched seams. Try on a pair. Blue Buckie OverAlis and Coats never bind or rip—are big, roomy and comfortable. Solid work manship in every detail is bound to give you your money’s worth. All sizes— Men’s, Youths’, Children’s. Ask your dealer today for Blue Buckles. MÍÍUÍW'; fYuwUtt.- «.r.wniwfxxl in “Unger Ixm g.-r I^tty,” at (towUmqua Building, Ashland, Ore., Friday, An gust 13th. —J 4 B ■¿'Vi ■■■-■ ••Jack" Jones, the labor member of the British parliament, who has fought his way to world prominence from the humble stati«n of a builder's hod carrier, Is coming to America. The etory of Jack Jones la full of adven turous episodes and ho will bo royally greeted when ho'addressee gaSherlngs In American and Canadian cltlaa. -MlfitlT 1 Just What You Are Looking For AUSTRALIAN WOOL IS CAUSE There been some slashing hitting In '■nseball this year which. Ban John son says, is due in part to the qual ity of balls. A better quality of horse hide Is being obtained by the ninuu- faeturers and they are getting yarn of Australian wool, something they weren't getting previously. Th-- yarn is of a quality which gives added live- llness ami resiliency to l-alln. hence their greatest spring and InifH-tn when leaving the bat. However, ihvy < uuld l*e wrapped with Imd and Babe Ruth vould drive them. ...... Blue Buckle OverAHs Biggest selling overall in the world