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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1920)
HVIt linn, U Gl HT 7, lirjo GRANT* rAHH DAILY UH It.l.h Classified Advertising Mill MALE KOI NI» F >K HALE Choice baled alfalfa FOUND Automobile license. Owner cun get It at the Courier office. 43 hay. *28 per ton. t o. b Grants Paa« Riverbanks Farms. H5tf IX (HT FOR S0I.E A band of Angora goats IX»HT Ixtnglnee watch, with Swiss near Ashland. Oregon Will sell movement, gold link chain and or rent Irrigated slo< k ranch Easy match case, all In blue serge vest, terms Write W A Holt. Bos 1570 leist Wednesday on highway near Tacoma, Wash 47 Wolf Creek Handsome reward. Finder leave care No 173« at the PHONE 379 II tor dry slab wood 17 Courier office. 41 a cord while It leal* I. F Itoat. IXIHT Radiator cap for a Menonlme lilt truck between the Applegate brldgu and Granta Paas Wednes THE HtXIVIIJ.E property, Nos »01, day afternoon Reward If return lit«. 832, 850 North Seventh Ht., ed to 407 Hogue IGver Ave., or to all under Irrigation, four bouses, Courier office. 4 2 11 for sale Inquire Mrs Qualf 832 North 7th BL 5 9 IX»ST Durk blue chinchilla overcoat .AGE hkvkm About Threaded FERRYDALE e------------------------------ ■— ♦ Mr« Stephenson and mother, Mrs Roberteon, returned from Woodburn Sunday. They vlalted Salem and Portland while north, they also at tended th« convention of the Church of God which was held at Woodburn Mrs. Crow and eon. Rosa, of Mer- lln, were visiting Mr and Mm. A. 1. Hussey Bunday Mr and Mrs Bilderback and Mr. arid Mm. Howard of Merlin, were visiting at Jones’ Tuesday. Nick off end family from llr.iy ca: 1 ¡« «lay to visit their peo ple, Mr and Mm. Kornbrott. They expect to go .on to Eugene soon. Mis« Queen Every and brother, Al. were at Draper Saturday visiting Gworge 4>ora. Mm. A. C. Ford and daughter, Ma- llnda, returned Monday from Wood burn where they attended the Church of God convention. Mm. Moody and little eon arrived Tuesday from Oakland. Cal. Mr. Moody is expected soon They have lost July 31. Finder please leave FOR SALE The Griffin ranch ou at Courier office. 43 Hear creek in 'llinols valley near Kerby. 80 acres with cattle, MIM ELIA NEOI H homes, oowa, hogs, furniture, farming Implements, hay. Every- BANKERS LIFE COMPANY, Dea thlhg goes Water. Everythlng Moines, Iowa IHstrlct agent. My OENTIHTS ready to commence to live Ixively ron C. Gaston. Granta Paas, Ore. climate, good buildings. good First-class Over 17,500,000 In force In Ore E. C. MACY, T> M D. fences, etc Fine dairy ranch. 6 dentistry 10»H B «th St. gon cows, creamery check every .'-eek Johp II Griffin. Kerby, Josephine KN1OI1TB OF I’YTHIAH — Ther- VETERINARY SURGEON County. Oregoh 50 mopylae lodge No» 50, meets every second and fourth Tuesday even- DR. R J BESTUU Veterinarian. Residence 838 Washington boule FOR HA I JO HI« cylinder Stearns Ing Visitors Invited 09tf vard. phone 398-R Knight touring car Good condi 'ADILLAC AUTO STAGE—leaves tion New tires Two extra In every morning for Crewent City REAL JSNTATK quire at Oldlng'a Garage 43 at 9 30. Passengers only. Head l T. .M c K instry , 603 a st., phone quarters Fashion Garage Orlan FOR HALE Train and harnees, 13-R; general real estate business. do Hiller. 13tf weight 2340; 5 and 6 yearn old. At Best of soils for fruit, hay or gen Gravlln'a barn 4 4 AJ.BANY NURSERIES, Inc.—"The eral farming old reliable." Trees of quality. Al FOR HAIJK -Duroc Jersey boar and bany Oregon. F. E. Jordan, spe ATTOKNKYH four 8-motiths old sows cheap. cial agent. Grants Pana. Ore. 37tf Must be sold C H Payne, Rd. 2. H. P. NORTON. Attorney-at-law. 4 5 Practices In all State and Federal Courts First National Bank Bldg FOR HALE Two extra fancy Ayr- CIVIL ENGINEER--Geo. M. Ash shire bulls. 15 months old. both ford. l-and. mine, drainage anti U. W. OOLV1G, Af.orney-at-law. pure bred, and from dams thnt Grants Paas Banking Co. Bldg. Irrigation surveys. Address 515 are extra heavy milkers. Also one North Sixth. Pbone 146-J. 50 , 16 h p. gas engine Address R. E E. 8. VAN DYKE. Attorney Practices Talbot. Grants Pass, Ore. 4 5 in all courts First National Bank mm AGE INI» TRANHFEIt Building PLUMB FOR SALE Come and pick THE WORLD MOVES; so do we S. BLANCHARD. Attorney-at-law. O them; 4c per pound Otto Hen- Bunch Bros. Transfer Cq Phone Holden Rule BldV Phone 270. lff rlckson. Rd. 3, Box 24. 348. and/VKfe. Willard A. A storage battery inv.luting material made up of rubber pierced with thousands of tiny threads. A. Because It is the only method by which chemical action In the battery can be entirely held up, so that lire battery reaches the buyer in truly brand-new condition. Q. Howdoeaitdifferfromother , battery insulation? Q. Why doss wood inaulation , need to ba replaced? A. Ordinary insulation is wood, cut in the form of thin sheets, and is neither as uniform nor as durable as Threaded Rub ber Insulation. A. Because wood insulation being aeft, wears out more rapidly than any other part of the battery. It is also subject to cracking and checking, which, if allowed to go too far, •eriously damages the battery Q. What Is Threaded Rubber Insulation? Q. Why is insulation so im portent? A. Because battery life depends largely on insulation, and be cause any defect or weak ness of insulation is quickly evidenced by buckled plates, short circuits, and failure of the battery to hold its cliarge and *o on. Q. What haa thia inaulation jO do with battery shipment? A. The kind of insulation deter mines whether the battery must be kept rt, or can be shipped in "bone dry" condi tion. Wood insulation must never be sllowed to dry out, hence m kes necessary wet or partially wet th pment. With Threaded Rubber Insu lation the battery can be shipped absolutely "bone dry." Q. Why i»“bonedry"«hipmant and stocking prafarablo? Aeam Leena« iefef [ercurjr fes»« Bnx.w BuSUe 'Buck Q. Why does Threaded Rub ber Insulation outlast the battery? A. Because the basis is bard ru ber, which resists wear and d *s not crack or check. Q. How can I be sure my bat tery has Threaded Rubber s Insulation? A. It can be found only on the Still Better Willard Battery Look for the red Thread- Rubber trade-mark. Q. How many car and truck manufacturers have «elect ed Threaded Rubber Insu lation? A. 136 in all. The complete list is printed at the right. The Battery Shop HAZELTON A DISBKOW FOR HALE OR RENT My place of F G. ISHAM. dra.vage and transfer C. A. >’DLER, Attorne.v-at-law. Ma- •■•me -.ii-ile. Grants Pass. Ore. Safes. pianos and furniture 6 2 acres located on Missouri flat. moved, packed, shipped and stored GEO H. DURHAM. Attorney-at-law Also good young loam. harness, referee In bankruptcy, Masonic < ifflce phono 1 24-Y wagon, buggy and farming Imple Temple Phone 135-J. ment«. Good milk cow just fresh GR1ANT8 PASS-MEDFORD TRUCK for sale. R. W. Craig, MarpUy, Lawyer Phone 333-J M JAMES T CHINNOCK Ore 52 First National Hank Building PI INO Tl NINO FOR SALE Five million feet yellow A. C. HOUGH—Lawyer, Tuffs Bldg. pine. some fir, 4 miles from rail GEO W CROSS a tuner with 17 Pra tice In all courts. road. on county road Address No 'e»rs practical experience. Includ V. A. C. AHLF. lawyer, practice In! 1 74 4 care Courier. 44 ing 9 years factory training Head state and federal courts, Office, quarters Josephine hotel. Your over National Drug Store. NEW FORD HET MN Run leas than _____ satisfaction Is my success 82tf 200 miles for sale. Also 20 aerea on new highway 1 miles north FI IMI INHTRU4TION : bought the Zimmerman place where of city. For particular* Inquire they expect to make their home. nt Holman's furniture store 43 MRS JAMES M POWERS, Instruc Mrs, M. L. Griffin is moving to tor on piano; studio over Barnes' Grants Pass this week so as to be Jewelry; open 9 to 5 dally, except ready when school starts. Tuesday and Wednesday. Phone The people of the Ferrydare Sun WANTED Second hand 5 or 6-lnrb 265-J. day school enjoyed service' Monday centrifugal pump In good condi VOCAL INSTKI tTION and Tuesday evenings held by Bro. tion. Isaac Best. 28tf Schlatter, of Parlier. Cal. MRS J. L. JOHNSON Instructor of — AT— WANTED -Teamster and men for Mrs. Ogden's sister. Mrs. Famley, voice. Rooms above Moore's Ba mill camp. Bee Ooetz at Josephine and daughter of Ix>s Angeles, who kery, hours from 1 to 5 on Tugr hotel. 38tf have been visiting .Mrs. Ogden for days and Saturdays. 67tf some time left for their ohme Sun 5000 WANTED From 3000 to PHYBKTANN day. shakes. W. H Ijeonard, Rd 2. E. C. Neely began threshing on his 43 L. O. CLEMENT, M. D. Practice Box 1«. home place Thursday. limited to diseases of eye, ear, nose hand 3-lnch WANTED Second Lue Kornbrott and family, of and throat. Glasses fitted. Hours Welding <>f all kinds wagon In good repair, reasonable Portland were visiting his parents 9-12, 2-5, or on appointment. price; also one good two-horse recently. Phones, office 62; residence 359-J. Day jdemc 113-1—Night 2A2-R spring wagon. E. C. Smith, Kerby. Mr. Knox, of Grants Pass, was out 47 S. LOUGHRIDGE, M. D. Physician to A. C. Ford's Thursday after some and surgeon City or country calls cattle he had bought. WANTED TO RENT Plano, will attended day or night. Phones. Opi urr Production. take good care. Phone 117-J. 43 Rea. 369; Office, 182; 6th and H The California and Oregon Opium Is the product of the floppy Coast Railroad Company TAX. E. J BILLJCK. M. D. Physician vhli-h only grows to perfection lu a TIME CARD ropical «I -uli-iroplciil climate. The and surgeon, office Schallhorn SOONER TAXI -Phone 262-R for ■art of rhe British empire thnt p ro block, phone 54-j; residence. 1004 Effective Nov. 2 4, 1919 Jitney Luke or Cutler. Calls an 'mes lln* most opium is India, ar it l*awnridge. phone 54-L. gst! The lien* production is restricted, swerod anywhere, anytime Tralns will run Mondays, Wednes- ¡»'ppy may now tie grown by Individ- W. F. RUTHERFORD Manila' 'he- and Fridays days Toni unis or private companies only In PALACE TAXI Phone 22-J. rapiitlcs It gets your niiment. Ix'ave Grants Pass..............1 P.M.i I,,. imited province-. Agra and Ornili. 03tf Wind Office over Barnes' Jewelry store Arrive Waters Creek..... P.M., mi m thè centrai Indimi native Office hours 9:30-12; 1 30-4. 2:30 PM -iat*s Eeave Waters Creek ... Except In those state« thè KERBY-GRANTS PASS JITNEY 4 P.M. i.miufaeture of opium is a govern Leaves Grants Pass at 9:30, and RALPH W. STEARNS, M. D. Phy- Arrive Grafts Pass. For Information regarding freight ami monopoly. alelan and surgeon, X-ray eiiulp- Holland at 1 dally. Country trips Everett ment, dental X-ray. Offlce, M« and passenger rates call at the office attended to at all times Hammermill Bond printers at the Phones Of- of the company. Lundburg building, sonic Temple Bldg Hogue and Pete Bpagle, phone or telephone 131 Courier office. tice 21-J; residence 21-L. 61 Panama Cafe, 228-J. Competent Mechanics and Prompt Service IM Manufacturers Using Threaded Rubber Insulation STORAGE BATTERY Good Used Cars THESE CARS ARE ALL IX GOOD SHAPE. WILL SELL ON TERMS TO SPONSIBLE PARTIES Ament’s Auto Repair and Machine Shop RE 1W1H MAXWELL TOURING 101« MAXWELL TOURING ONE ROADSTER, NEW RUNS LIKE NEW TIRES, 1990 MAXWELL l>i TON TRUCK. FIRST CLASS. AGINTS FOR. \v/ HUDSON MAXWELL CHALMERS ANO ESSEX CARS COLLINS AUTO COMPANY ACCESSORIES ANp REPAIRING J | ^7 5// PHONE 317 H STREET, GRANTS PATS, ORE