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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1920)
RATI IlDAY. Al Gl NT 7. limo. GRANTS PAH» DAILY OOUR1BH FAGK 81X GARB IN ROUMANIA IS LIKE PICTURE PUZZLE A Life of Happiness People Have Had to Depend on American Red Cross for What Clothes They Got. ‘ 1 I | J 1 I 1 ' ' FASHION GARAGE & MACHINE SHOPS For close on six years new clothing ■ has been an unknown cuiuiuiMlhy lit the market places of Itouiuanla. What clothing did reach the country came from American lied Cross warehouses and was distributed among the need iest of the needy the men. women and children wliu went barebacked during the winter months, with no I warm walls wherein to take refuge ■ from the eohl. »ith no fuel, mid no ' heat producing food to put in their ' stomachs. In the villages, tile average pens- , ant's garb looks more like a picture | puxxle than a suit of clothes. It is | hard tn determine where the patches j end and the clothes begin Burlap | sacking lias largely taken the place ot i the pre-war homespuns. People lune | resorted to makeshift garments In endless variety and color. When the iiihnbltaiits of a country I district gather for an American Red Gross distribution of food mid cloth Ing. the assemblage strikes the eye as would an outdoor carnival All the colors of the rainbow are there, from the shrieking crimson that the peasant affects to tlie dlasleat greens mid yel lows. Only the etnaeltitisl faces lack the carnival flush, anil the eyes are war-tired. To match cloth with the men's and women's garments at such a dlatrlhu tlon would be out of the question The top of a soldier's red cap. covers the worn portion of a farm-hand’s trou *ers. An armg blanket has been pressed Into service to patch' a moth er's white Jacket. A fast growing girl's light blue skirt has been brought to Its proper length with n liun', >f rude burlap. The cloth manufacturers of Itoii mania have bi-en devoting most of their time to equipping the army with Roumanian field gray, mid as vet their j establishments haven't been able to rvnirti to n peace basis. Wholesale 1 tailoring plants have never been j numerous or up-to-date In ltouiiiiinia, Importing the necessary clothing from other countries lias been found next to Impossible owing to the collapse of railway transportation, which Itself has to be built up before there can be any serious effort to clothe the penpie. , The neighboring Balkan countries are j themselves waiting for outside sup plies of clothing. WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF ACCESSORIES, TIRES. OILS AND GREASES, ALL GOOD FRESH STOCK. AT YOUR SERVICE DAY OR NIGHT C F. BÜRKE and E. KNOX, Props. Place orders for Duplicate and Triplicate F kc «« f. o. S. Mm4ei K.-44 K.-41 • IM SOO HIM.« MU.I L-W 12215 OO A7iRf, MttAifiui M«4»l K-4? k 4» K M> . . |244ISkOO IIIUOO • ¿’»»•Oft Ì. W 1 R-4T When better automobiles are built, Buick will build them IMMEDI I1Y DELI! ERI JAPANESE TRADE 10 UNITED STATES DULL WE ARE NOW SELLING Studebaker Cars EXCLUSIVELY In Four Models f Sold at the same price everywhere KRl’PPH ABE ACTIVE IN GUN MAKING PROGRAM Sales Books All styles and sizes Requires about 60 days to fill orders ! Constantly in Stock: ' . ' ■ Thomas Harrison. Unde Sam's old est employee In both point of service and age, who will retire In August, after 72 years In government service. He has been connected with the Uni ted Stute« naval observatory in Wash ington since IMS. He was born Janu ary 10. 1H28, during the adinlniHtratlon of John Quincy Adams, and is now ,n hla ninety-third year. Mr. Harrison nerved for many years a« chief clerk of bls department. Last January lie was given a leave of ubsence, which will continue until his retirement on a pension in August. Fined for Adulterating Grain. A fine of $1,000 has been paid by [ the Armour Grain compnny of t'hl- , engo for (lie alleged mixing of barley with a shipment 35 cars of oats to lucre i«e the weight. The grain was for a foreign country. -j U. S. Army Now Down to 216,47? Men. From more than 3,000,000 at the ‘ time the armistice was «Igned, the I Goodncr.- I Unlucky Monday». The world 1» not suffering for new | There are three particularly unlncky Idea« so rnmli as for the brave and Mondays Ip the year The first Mon faithful living of some very old Idea», day In April when Caln wn« born and Truth, justice, honor, and unselfish- ! Abel was slain. The second la the new are not new, but they are all too ( first Monday In August, which Is the rare In our common dally Intercourse. , dnv on which Sodom was confounded. We ean better do without genius than The third Is the last Monday in De. without goodness. The cultivated cember. the day on which Judas Is- heart Is better. • | cnrlot was horn. That is why you find Buick dealers booking orders for the summer and fall months from motor car purchasers who know how essential Buick cars are in their daily life. Tokio, Aug 7. Tip- trade be tween this country and the United States Is gradually becoming dull, due to the financial panic which makes cargo movement» inactive Japanese ships plying between Jap anese and American ports are carry ing very limited cargoes on both in ward and outward trips, especially on the former. On the outward trips, the situation has improved slightly, owing to the Increase in the exportation of mlscel- laneoitH goods The dull shipments on the homeward voyage Is mainly due to the cancellation of ordors previously contracted for by Jap anese importers who had to resort, to cancellation because of the finan cial depression and the tight money situation. ALL KINDS ACETYLENE WELDING COURIER Each trip, every tour, or spin to town and back makes each passenger grow more enthusiastic over Buick operation for it is built to fulfill all the needs of family usage—and yet so easily appli- able to any business acquirement or special duty. 3DH-3I6 NORTH SIXTH NT. WORKS 72 YEARS FOR UNCLE SAM; RETIRES BRING VS YOUR M» 'HANICAL TROlBLES OF ANY KIND. WE HAVE THE BEST OF TOOLS AND EQUIP MENT AND OUR MECHANICS ARE THE BEST TO BE OBTAINED. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF ELEC TRICAL TROUBLE SHOOTING, O.V ERHAULING LATHE. AND MACHINE WORK OF .ALL KINDS. THE C SWOPE AUTO COMPANY PHONE 163 Books of Duplicate Remittance Blanks Garage Repair Books Trade Acceptances Legal Blanks Blank Sales Books OMES into every home when the Buick Valve-ln-Head motor car arrive». Nearly three millions of people today enjoy the comfort and pleasure of the five hundred thousand Buick cars in operation. United Staten army now has dropped ; to 216,472 men. not Including field j clerks and nurses. Of this number 15,754 are officers. Lost Babe Return« From Wood». Hungry, but unafraid, three-year-old I Adams Schmidt walked out of the ! Haledon woods, near Paterson, N. J., In which he had been lost for two i days. J. F. BURKE Ixindon, Aug. 7.—According to the Dally Mail there has been a boom In patent applications at the patent of fice during the past fortnight. In one day alone Krupp«, the German arma ment firm, filed over 50 applications relating to guns and range-finders. Notice! Fashion Garage Second Hand Bargains Chevrolet Ford Mitchell Six—New 2 and 3 Ton Trucks in Stock NO FUHS OR FHATHEHH BUT A FULL TU.MMIE C. L. Hobart Co. * AFTER A VISIT TO Camp Handy 1----------------------------- r japs recovered Dllapldated top» nn yonr car can lie mode «^ fit and look llkc new —at Utile rost- Wo rep«Ur, re- covcr and rmtoro top«—you'll be plensantly «tirpriwsl at tho low co«t <>f your Job. Gel mir flgurcH <»n II fo4ny. HOT DOUGHNUTS NEW APPLE PIE FRESH CAKHH r ■> 4 ICE GOLD ROOT BEER AT EAST HIDE OF AUTO PARK » xj I I THE SHABBY fi G. B. BERRY