Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1920)
KAT! lUlftV, AI CH HT 7, ino. PAGK GRANT* PA*»» DAILY OGl RIMI ■ Take No Chances I YOI’ PLANT YOUR CROP, CUI/TIVATK AND HAR VEST IT, AT CONSIDER »BLE (tGHT OF TIME AND MONEY. t TAKE NO CHANCES WITH THE MONEY YOE GET FOR Yol'H CROP III T PLACE IT IN THIS STRONG BANK. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Save Laundry Bills Wash for with a Rogue River Hardware Co. Shoes for the Family Ladies' Nut Brown Brogue Oxfords are here. Get yours now AT W O O I) WARD’S 103 N. SIXTH HT. OREGON STARTS TOMORROW FOR THREE DAYS Who? Ray? HOO-ltAY! FOR 1XOTIIER BIG •TIIE BEST I.IKED AITOR OX THE SCREEN TODAY" HE'S SO D4RN DOWNRIGHT HI M AN! CHAS. RAY in “Red riot Dollars PERSONAL ÜÍ? LOCAL I Luxite Hosiery C. T. larrley. of Klamath Falls. Is Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Purdy, of River ; In the city for a abort business visit. side. ' al., are making a visit here. Mr and Mr». T. M. Peelor. of I We have some real Ford bargains. Springfield, Ore., are visiting Mr. Manuel Bros. 8. A. Rowland and I. A Rowland, Peekor'a sister. Mrs. C. A. Swope. A. P. Burrows, ot 84. Paul, is stop- i of Denver, are visitors in town. Fine lot of 'cane fishing poles at ping at the Josephine hotel while 43 transacting local business. Cramer Bros C. L. Fr>-n h was an evening ar R R. Black c of I’ -rliuml, 1« In the rival from Portland yesterday and Is city today on n buvlners trip. I Pumps, gas ■•ngines. cream Mpa- attending to buslneaa matter« here. 43 Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Izeith left on rators at D C McIntyre's L. D. Coulter Is in town from Ker No 13 thia morning for northern California where Mr laelth will be by, having come In yesterday. Try Dr Tompkins' treatments for employed for some time. New paring knives at Cramer Bros. diseases of the nervous system. 33tf Mr. and Mrs James Martin went II. W llawllns, of Albany, G b ., I s In the city for a businees visit of aev- to Rogue River today to attend the marriage of Mr Martin’s sister. Miss eral days on mining matters. "Mulslfled Ooooanut Oil." Sabin Marietta Martin, formerly a teacher 43 In the local schools. has it. 11 Mrs. !>»na Kreth and son, Karl E. T. Towdhend Is making a brief business visit here while en route to Kreth, of Kansas City. Mo., are vis iting here with Mr and Mrs Roy his home at Harbor. If you want a Ford at a price and Hlgclna, and expect to locate here. If terms that you can rea h, come in Mrs. Kreth Is Mrs. Higgins’ mother. Knotts, of the Methodist and see us. Manuel Bros. 43 K. K Johnson, of Eugene, Is a church, has returned from the Wil lamette valley where he attended buslnesa visitor In the city. The best summer stove is the New the Epworth League Institute at Jef Perfection Oil Stove sold at Cramer ferson. and visited with his family 43 at Lafayette. Rev. Knotts says the Bros. George H. Carls and A J. Smith. Institute showed 257 registrations troth of Kansas City, Missouri, are and was one of the best In year». Dne company of the 4 4th Infan making a visit here while lnveatl- try. which has been stationed at Van atlng this part of the country. The Midwest Utllltor has proved a couver barracks, went through here perfect success. See It at D C. Mc this morning as second section of Intyre's. 43 No 13. bound for their new station, Thermos' bottles at Cramer Bros. the Presidio of San 1cran jwfO Only Raymond H. Crump, of Corning, a brief stop was made, but the troop California, was an arrival In town movement recalled the days of 1917- yesterday and will make a short 18. stay here, stopping at the Palace. Water bags, camp stoves and tents New Nash Own The Will Ahlf and G. H Camer at.Cramer Bros. 43 F. Gustafson, of Seattle Was an families are the recent purchasers of arrival at the Grants Pass hotel yes Nash touring cars from the W S. terday attending to business matters Maxwell Co. agency. In the Rogue valley. Fruit Jars at Cramer Bros. 43 Bathing Kriite— New shipment of men's and ladies' Mr and Mrs W C. Wiley depart Jantzen bathing suits at Peerless ed this morning on No. 13 for Hilt. I 45 Cal., where they will remain for sev Clothing Co. eral months large stone jars at Cramer Bros Ex|«Mures trouxr Ro~el»*ra— Mr irnil Mrs Gray and son. Mr Startling exposures which have and Mrs Chas. Thurman, and Envoy been brought to light in the prose- Gray's Sunday school class returned cut Pin of a Roseburg jitney driver for today from an outing spent at the "Joy-riding” young girls to their Caves. ruin, have set the Umpqua city agog, The price and terms on our Fords and have caused the newspapers and are within reach of anyone. Manuel citizens grave alarm over what they Bros 43 term the conditions of "javenlle de Lunch boxes with thermos bottles linquency in astonishing propor at Cramer Bros 43 tions " Wide pee of autos for carry Dr and Mrs Ralph AV. Stearns ing out immoral designs was charged have returned from a trip to Crater and proved in fhe investigation. lake on which they were accom panied by Dr and Mrs. Stearns of .Columbia Drug Saw Medford. The latest Improved, with multiple Fishing tackle at Cramer Bro«. 43 , iliac clutch. Two sold thig week, D. Mr. and Mm. M. Meyerholx, of Su- C. McIntyre, the Implement man. 43 pertlno. Cal., spent last evening In the city, and departed this morning for the north, touring on the Pacific G. 4. R. May Get Rate-— highway. If the efforts of Adjutant C. A. No Hot Kitchen with a new Psr- Williams of the Grand Ar”iy of the fe tion stove sold by Cramer Bros 43 i Republic of Oregon are si essful. Dr and Mrs C. F Flannery and special railroad rates ’■» tiie national son. Wilbur, of New <*astle, Penn., encampment of the <' V R to be are expected here today to make a held in Indianapolis September 19-25 visit with Mr. and Mrs T. M. Stott »ill be made available The increase Mrs Flannery Is a sister of Mrs. In railroad rates effective this month are expected to decrease the attend Stott If you want a good Ford and ance from Oregon over the previous haven't much money, just come in estimate, unless rates are effected. and tell us about It. Manuel Bros, Dr. R. J. Best ill returned this Sold Four Non Cbewr li t Car— morning from Portland where he has This week. The Chevrolet bus- been attending the convention of the iness is limited only by ability to se- Oregon and Washington State Veter cure cars. W. S Maxwell ft Co. 45 inary Medclal association, in session — Thutsdny and Friday of this week. Southern Oregon •» I’ry— Dr Reatnl reports the llvelleat and Reports from all parts of the i most valuable convention in years. Rogue river valley are to the effect Say did you see the 1920 Chevy in that the -season is exceptionally dry. Shorty’s Show Room. Some bargain Throuchoui the Applegate valley the! One of those late models with the farmers are having a hard time to get I two peek holes In the rear. It will enough water for proper irrigation. I pay you to go by Shorty's Place and Ashland Is being forced to dole out , look It over. 44 the water for lawn watering pur-: II NOTICE The Grants Pass Feed Barn will open for business July 21 at the cor ner of Seventh and I streets, one hlock east of Fashion Garage. WILTJAM DoFOREST Jonteel ADDED PROGRAM NI'MIIEIW FAt F POWDER tl.L COLORS COMPACT POWDERS M INK I HE PREDAR VI'IOXS SOAP 1 XD COLD ('REAM CLEMENS Sells Drugs and Books TA • / Newspapers 5 10cRundles- (> T.twe poses with more rigid rules than ever ' before, as Ashland creek is reduced ■ to the lowest stage in many years. 1 The recent rain seems to have done | Grants Pitas more good than other sections, records here giving .22 of | an inch, while Medford got less than .1 inch See That Army Wagon— At D. C. McIntyre's. 43 Headlight Imus Disregarded— Two boys riding bicycles were nearly run down Friday night on Sixth street, by an automobile, the driver of which was blinded by the glaring headlights of an approaching ma -bine. The boys escaped injury by only a few inches. Bicycles should carry headlights after dark and automohillsts should obscrie the | dimming law. There are a certain half dozen automobiles in the city with especially brilliant headlights «hkrli are set so high that the blind- ' ing of approaching drivers is un- I avoidable. It is well to remember | that the driver who does not dim h' lights Is held responsible tor any ' '"nt. in White, Cordovan and Black 9 Mrs. Hellie Peas u> Mr«. K. Rehkop« A FINER KIND OP TAILORING The length of service you get from clothes de pend» on the quality of materials ant! Inner con- wonderful structlon — which accounta for the pOWIT" Of "staying At the sign of Ye Jolly Utile Tailor CUSTOM TAILORING GEO S. CALHOUN x early six tee., years local dealer for this line ( Proper Clothing For Men and Women for Vacation Trips » at Peerless Clothing Co. _______________ I------------------------ Grants Pass-Medford Interurban Autocar Co. Daily and Sunday Effective Aug. 5, 1920 LEAVE GRANTS PASS 1.1. W F. MEDFORD 7:00 a.m. 10:90 a. na 1 :OO p. TH I: 30 H. -W. 7:00 9:00 1:00 4:30 a. a* p- p. m. m. in ni. Grants Pass Waiting Room BOXBONIERE Phone 160 Used Car Bargains 1 1917 DODGE—A GOOD OXE 1 191M DODGE—FlRfit CLASS. I 191N Bl 1CK ROADSTER—BARGA IX Swope Auto Co EDUCATION PAYS FOR THE 1XDIVIDUAL AXll FOR THE STATE A Person with No Education has but One Chance in 150,000 to Render Distinguished Service to the Public. With Common School Education........ 4 Chances With High School Education ............ 87 Chances With College Education _______ ___ SOO 1 Chances IRE YOI ’GIVING YOI R ,< HILI» HIS CHANCE? Those States Are Wealthiest Tliat Have Invested Most in Education Oregon Agricultural College ’hrough a "Liberal and Practical Education" prepare« the Young Man and Young Woman for Useful Citizenship and Successful Ca reers in Agriculture — Engineering — Mining — Home Economics Commerce —- Pharmacy — Fore-try — Vocational Education The Trainiug Includes PHYSICAL EDUCATION, MUSIC, RNG- I4SH. MODERN LANGUAGE. ART and the Other Essentials ot a Standard Technical College Course. Fall Term Open» September 20, 1920. Tuition Is tree. FOR INFORMATION WRITE TO THE REGISTRAR. Oregon »griiiilturul College, Corvallis, Ore. Republican Committee Cullet!— oil sands will be found At somewhere A meeting of the re nblican coun from 1200 to 1500 feet. 1 ty central committee has been called BORN to convene in this city on Saturday, H AM MERLY—To Mr. and Mn R_ August 14. at 2 o’clock. R. Hammerly, Saturday. Angus! 7th, Ason. (Ml Indications Good— NOTICE TO PEAR (¿ROWERS Geo. Rarton returned yesterday from a visit to Medford where he in We would like to have all members spected the workings at the Trigonia oil well now being drilled. He states of the association call at the office that the well Is down 760 feet and at the packing house and turn In es that the formation encountered thus timates on their crop and receive far is most encouraging, giving every rings for picking, which will start promise that with depth oil will he within a few days. It is very neces ind. Oil "colors'' are found in the sary that this be attended to at once. i .. .mp, and the liope ls expressed that I C. O. MACK. Hu pt. 45