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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1920)
Paper Cups Published Dally Except Sunday Pub and Propr itered at poetoffice. Grants Paas. Oro . as se-ond class mail matter »- 00 MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use tor republication of all news dispatches credited to it or all otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news pub lished herein. All rights of republication of spe cial dispatches bereia are also re served Portland. Aug 7 All markets are steady and quotations iiuehangtql NKW TODAY I'YI'KR N M’hixs « Ft B1 LE KROONS »ND PLATEN ADVERTISING RATES Dieplay space, per inch..................... Local-personal column, per line.. 10c ■seders, per line.................. -............. *• i - - DAILY COURIER By mail or carrier, per year..... O-00 By mall or carrier, per month .50 — - • WEEKLY OOUR1BR By mail, per B»r— NT t , iwm . FORTEYND M YIIKHTS GRANTS PASS ÖÄIH fflURIER A. B. Voorhles. nati iuiay . m gi GRANT* 1‘ABB DAILY <XH K1KH PAGE FOUR l.l Nt H SETS IN8URANCE. ALL FORM8 Inqulre for rat-* on graln and bay Insur ance T M. Stott, office phoue «4-J. >»« GOOD HELP Is almost Impossible to obtain and my Watch Repairing has grown to auch proportion that I am oouipelled to discontinue certain lines of repairing. AFTBIl JI LY IHT l will noi he In a poeltlon to eccepì for repalrs any Jeweliv or Repairing • mali work. bui will maké a apeclalty of Fine Watch and Diamond S«-ttlng SOME GOOD BARGAINS In stove»! and beds at T C. Booth'», next to I Pannina Restaurant. KIJ 101 and 105 North 6th NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION PARTNERSHIP Notice ig to re by given that the partnership heretofore existing between E <’ Smith and Robert Finley, under the firm name of Smith and Finley was on August 5th. 1920. dissolved by the mutual consent of the par ties; and that the said K C Smith will pay and discharge all debts and liabilities of the said firm and receive all money payable to said partnership. Dated August 5. 1*10 E C. SMITH. ROBERT FIN1JCY, •Formerly doing business as Smith and Finley The Brotherho«>d of Hallway statement of policy a» to what bus 'Traiumeu has a lodge of about 1600 iness men and workingmen do by way of «ombinatlon and collective ac i members there. From one of the of tion. The law Is now so nebulous ficers of this liolge, W. G. lam, presi- that it almost turns upon the pre ! dent of the brotherhood, has re eiv- dilection» of the Judge or Jury. The ■ATUKDAY. AUGUST 7, 1FJO. ■ ed a letter saying that immediately | rule» of business should be mad«' a »table ♦ ♦ ♦ after the announcement of the rail- { more certain so that on basis men may move in confidence ♦ OREGON WRATH Mi ♦ i road labor boards wage award, aer- ♦ vrai of the members bad revei ied uo- j Disputes between capital and labor ♦ are inevitable. Gov. Cox »aid. and U rather tor the Week J »S MOSS AGENCY Fire in.- •- (lice that their house routs would be public opinion settle« prolonged Pacific Coast States General ♦ Insiir ance, plate glaaa liability strikes Declaring that "public opin ♦ iy fair except probably showers I raised »10 per month. a. .<•■■ "04 '•» Sixth afreet It seems hardly likely that uatural ion should determine in America." Monday weat of Cascades; oor- ♦ ♦ | causes operating iu the Held ol real he said the government should occu- CALL W HITE UNE TAXI at Clepi-, ♦ mal temperatures ! py an impartial position, prote't lives ♦ ens Drug Store. 46-R Residence I ♦ I estate are rvspousibie tor these in ' and property and. possibly at times phone 381. 7-3-Stfi Tonight and Sunday falr. ♦ ♦ ♦ creases at this time. The iustinctive inquire into facts of a tie-up. ♦ with northwesterly winds. E. 1. GALBRAITH Heat Eai.iie, In ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*♦♦♦ ♦ belief of the average reader of such Advocating more* home owners. surance, and plate glass liability a bit of news would be that the land-' Gov. Cox said that under democratic 609 H G street, phone 28 4lttf a home : owning ix » mmunity ’ lords > bad waited to learn what the rule "the prosperity of the country had l>een widely diffused." IOST Between Sth and 1» and East The next big problem that will j <e i increase would be. iu order to A streets. Wednesday, a pinch bnr. Praising American youth for It» claim attention in Grants E’ass is raise the rents all the traffic would war service. Gov. Cox declared ttpit slightly bent. Finder pleiist- no- that of housing its people, during bear. 11 ! the nation owes a debt to those who tlfy W A. Hood the war period many of the citizens If everybody who serves the rail ^dieif and their dependents and to the F<»R 3AJAÎ Household furniture. left these interior points to go to the road men—which finally comes down ' wounded, who should be trained and Must be sold at once Call at 90« centers of war industries, and there to everybody who serves anyone in rahibilitated. Also, he said. "we 4 8 Foundry St. E. B M<Ke< must realize that considerable com were houses in plenty. Now these the country, is going to take advant- pensation Is due those . . who FOR RENT OR SALE Irrigated people have returned and more are age of the wage award to boost lose much by the break in their ma farm plenty of water during the coming who want to make their. prices, nothing will have been ac- terial hopes and aspirations." whole season Inquire Jo. Feta- The Mexi an situation, the gover- j homes here, There has been a lull eomplished at all. ner. 755 North Eighth street 43 if This is pre-eminently the time for ; nor stated, has been “trying our pa- in building operations during the good shape. Tw.o burros and park past four years, and now Grants Pass, everybody who can possibly live on jtience for years." but now begins to FOR SALK »300 Ford roadster. ; show signs of improvement in common with other communities, his present wages or profits to stand outfit. »6b. Inquire J. M. t'asey. "Not the least of the things that ' 510 South 6th St 48 will have to catch up. There lias al pat. A little self-denial in the way of have contributed to it." he continued, so, during the past few months, been luxuries, a little extra work to push “is a realization by the people of that FOR RENT .Modern apart pieni. In a fever among the people here to own production up out of the hole it has country that we have neither lust for quire 701 D street. 43tf their own homes Scores who had been in for five years, and the trick ¡their domain, nor disposition to dis- WK.STHHN HOTEL ('APE MBN’U been renters have now become own will be turned. Living will come iturb their sovereign rights." Breakfast, hot cakta. potatoes. ba On the railroad question, Gov. Cox con and egKK. oom falkes and oat ers and houses for rent are pretty down, there will be enough neces advocated giving "a thorough test meal, 35c. Pinner and Lun<-h, much out of the market. But many saries for everybody, and life will !,e to private ownership" under govern- stewed chicken, roast ¡K>rk. mash newcomers want to rent till they can more comfortable and settled all : ment regulation, the latter now be- ed potatoes, beets, corn, pickles, ; ing accepted, he said. Financial look about and arrange for buying around.—Eugene Register. drinks. Ice tea and water, ire mill/ ■credit for the roads, he stated, And if they buy, an- or building hot tea and coffee, 50c. Colbe one. should be provided. Discrediting of nome all to a cool place to eat. 43 other family is ordered to move, and government operation of the carriers there is no roof for them. was deplored as ' unfair" and insin- SPECIAL NOTICE The .Western The Courier has on a number of ! cere." Hotel cafe Is now open. meals "I accept the nomination of our served family sfyle. Plenty of oc -asions called attention to the need Kerby. Thursday. Aug. 12, 2 p. m., I party.” he said in conclusion, "ohe- good eats. Breakfast 35c, dinner of local cooperation, through a build Kerby s hool house. dient to the Divine Sovereign of all and supper 50c. Finley & So ing association or like organization, Sucker Creek. Friday. Aug 13. 10 peoples, and hotieful that by trust in bieski 43tf for providing homes for those who a. m . White school house. Him the way will be shown for help FT1R RENT -One nil e comfortable Sucker Creek, Friday. Aug. 13, 2 are not afile through their own avail ful service.” furnished sleeping room. hath priv p. m , Spence school house able resources to provide a home for ileges Very quiet. Price reason- Wilderville and Jerome Prairie, ♦ ♦ 4 themselves. There is no city so at Friday, Aug. 13, 10 a. m , Wilder- aide. No 4 7 N Jud St I - 4 ♦ ADDITIONAL LOCAL tractive. or whose citizens are so hap-^ ville school house. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 4 FOR SM,E- New 8-room house, ce py, as the city sf home-owners. The Visiting From Ro» c burg— ment basement, occupied one year * home owner takes pride in his hold .Mrs. .M. C. Vanl-euven left this Address No 1706. < lire Courier 48 ♦ AT THE MOVIES 4 ing, and pride means that it is ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ morning for Grants Pass where she will visit for several days.- -■Roseburg spruced up and made more attractive, Trees Furnish Cloth. The favorite Charles Ray goes News-Review. Tn th» West Indies (1 iv * m » m are often lawns are kept green, flqwers and straight to your heart again in a worn mitde from th»« naturili larelikr shrubbery are planted, and immedi- story of a boy’s grit, a girl’s devotion doth which grow* upon tre»"*. The Dane« al Deer < reek— and a couple of old men who learn ately there is a different air about tree from uli.'rli the lire I m gathered There will be a dance at the Deer that love is better than hate. “Red tins a rurioiiMly light hollow trunk the place. So to house the new peo- Hot Dollars’’ is a Thomas H. Ince Creek Grange hall Saturday night, Momething like bntphoo. A long, pie who come and to make the com- production and goes far to keep up August 7, music by the Neilson’s. smooth section is cut and «mkrd In munlty a community of home-owners, the wonderful popularity that Chas i Tickets, including supper, »2. Come waler e» I »! <■ burl; is softeiied. Tin 43 ’m ♦ lil-f « loih is »1». civ packed to some way should be found to assist Ray now enjoys with the motion pic and enjoy a regular time. gether. forming ili#« shell of the tree. ture public. in building and in purchasing for When carefully |»nlh»d apart a lue* This attraction opens a three day Hongl.u- Orchard-- Cleaned IP— those who need the aid that they may like fiber Is found wb < li Is surpris run tomorrow matinee at the Oregon The fruit inspector of Douglas ing! y •• 'b ned durable. By plm--ig get out-of the renting class. county has ordered drastic measures sevonil thlr’ i •• m s togetli« r a rompi»»' to be t^ken in the orchards of that nllv»!\ diuli Is formed, ’lb« »* WHAT IS THE ISE? district to prevent spread of infe- • »•ci- sewn loirother lb* an.\ <»»■ The railway wage increase was in tion. In the report made on the in dinari «loih and made Into dress»« fection. It was shown that orchards The I; • • Is light yellow In color natu tended to make the income of the owned by non-residents which have ra l.l y. but often dyed with the bright I (Continued from Pape One) transportation workers of the coun- been negle ted have become so infect colors so popular In the tropics.— B o . vf ' , try adequate to meet the ost of liv ed as to be a menace to the other or Life. governor, who added: ing. Unless it does so, the whole “We should not by law abridge a chards. Speed of Falling Bodies. * trouble will have been in - ain. But man's right either to labor or quit Galileo flr*t put the relative rotes- of «peed of falling bodies to the feat there are plenty of people trying to his employment. However, neither |-h,. |,.,|e». Quern hv dropping various weights from the labor nor capital should . . take Doesn ’ t cost a cent to operate remaining so. keep it from See top of flie leaning tow<»r of Pisa In 43 Italy. He found that when let fall Altoona is one of the largest rail action that, would put in jeopardy I ¡t at p. C. McIntyre’s, the public welfare. slrnultaiieoiisly they rea<died the road centers in the state of Pennsvl- "We need a definite and precise, Mi»« Conklin in En«ne— ground almost at the same time, wluil Miss Gladys Conklin. physical ever their size or weight: any dlff‘*r training teacher in the city schools, • nee* Mbown being due to the resist SOMETHING NEW! returned to Eugene yesterday from mice of the air If *n coin ami a | the summer »..on..,.. uv ■ University f<»ather arc dropped iog»-t)mr In a session ... of v the | of California, where she has been for ciose<| tube from which the air ha- been exhausted both roip'li the hot | two months. She said that there In other | were over 4500 students at the sum torn nt the same hi ant words ! Im form of gnivh* |s <o»n«'f-ii»i i met school this year.—.Morning Reg at any |>I:M•*, for all bod'» s ami ghc* Ister. • n Hic'deratIon or rate of speed rp X A needle that will fit any »«wing billing hodi» ■ of O el 32 feel t machine, that will quickly rip any Marietta Martin Wedded__ ohd. -cam. wilhout injuring any cloth. Miss Marietta Martin, for the pflHf five years a teacher In the local NOTICE FOB BIOS school system, was this morning ASK TO SEE IT \T married at her home in Rogue River, Sealed bids will bo received by the to Ed. Brown, of Berkeley. Cal. The Applegate Valley Telephone Company ceremony was performed by Miss for the running of the telephone cen Martin’s grandfather. Rev. Martin tral office at Provolt by the year or who was for 50 years a missionary month. The company reserves the In the West Indies Mr. and Mr right to reject, any or all blds. All Brown will reside In Rogue River, bids to be In by August 11th, 1920. STORE (T.OSES AT fl P- .'I. EXCEPT SATURDAY’S AT 0.30 where Mr Brown Is principal of the APPLEGATE VAIJ.EY TEL. CO. s hool, and Mrs. Brown an Instructor. 44 Pro volt. Ore vania. BARNES, The Jeweler I TI m - <|ii<M<r «limi Littery Is th«- mi- »»<- Ilk«« to »«s'——for we ■|iii<kl, uim«i the i'">il'b -i its •mirre al tin- minimum ex- I»« um ' and »«-ml you your way mi iul»i'l1l»«'»ii«,»»t THIS STATION. Nklllml »« mw I i - i - nml modi'M < lo»rg«s- nuikr till- tin- 1‘OPI • I. tit BATTERY’ STATION. ADAMS till IRK «nd BAITI RY SHOP Balde Servi e Station. 50« South Sixth Street Chautauqua Bldg.—Ashland Friday, August 13th Charlotte Greenwood l\ THE Ml Sh IL <<»MEI». I LX NTItlkl a Linger Longer Letty’ « »< J NEW CONTEST OPENS A Ripping Needle Golden Bule Store NASH SIXES < OKI» TIREN DIEIlSISG LEASER IUM WIND < IXM’K TONNEtl JJGHT STiH’K Till ICING g I»3.1 GII t NTS PASH W. S. Maxwell & Co. < AILS YND Till < KM a 1*1 Things Worth Striving For "J will not worry. "I will not be afraid. will not give way to anger. will not yield to envy, Jealo uy or hatred. will 1>e kind to every man, woman and child with whom I come In ' ont«ct. "1 will lie cheerful and hopeful. “I will trust In God and bravely face the future." Rend them again. They are words worth while. Cut them out and paste or pin them where you will see them often About all there Is In life worth striving for Is suggested In thl-HO few lines. Houses, land, bonds, autotnobll. s are fine poHse.sHloiM Hut far more precious still to any man, In any million, are the tremuirm, of the mind and soul composure, courage, < heerfulnesH, tolerance |Cfnd ness, hope all these and faith In something higher than what the ...^ and the hands hold.—Charles Grnnf Miller i