FAG E TWO GRA1VTH FANN DAILY (Vt WKK NOTK'K OF’ HEARING 04 FETI-| from a common tourer And by the TION6 4N1R IN'VIAtHON ’H iMir system of irrigation provided LANDS IN THE GR.ANTS PASS or to be provided for those lands now and heretofore included within the IRRHiATTON DISTRICT boundaries of The Grants I'aae Irri­ NOTICE Ife HBRBBY GIVEN, that j gation Ditririet bv diversion of the there have been tiled with the Board waters of Rogue Rher. and hereby of Directors of The Grants Fa».«- Irri-j petition that the lands Hereinbefore gatlon District situated in Josephine referred to and hereinafter describ­ Grants and Jackson Counties, State of Ore­ ed be included within The gon. the petitions of the hold r« of Pue Irrigation District, your peU- FABRIC TIRE ON CONSIDERED BY MANY MCTÖRIS1S title or evidence of title reprewntlnc . i (ionora hvroby » NW»» Sec 1; thence North 1. Twp J7S.R « W . W M . thence line SE ’4 along the West line of Bast NW k, ’ North along the West to the NW comer NE»4 NW1» Soc I SW’, Sec 36. Twp 36 S . R 6 W W M to the NW comer SE ’ , SW '4 1. Twp 37 S . R. 6 W.. W M ; thence North along the West line SE’( . Section 36: then e West along the SWk, Sec 36. Twp. 36 S, R 6 W. South line NW«» SW Section 36, W. M.. to the NW corner SE1» SWk* and the South line North S South Section 36: then e West along the >4. Sec 35 to the SW corner NW'» South line NW»4 9W>4 Section 36. SW’« Sec 35; thence South along and the South line North ’* South the East line Sec. 34 to the SE cor- H. Sec. 35 to the SW corner NW L ner thereof: thence West alone the SW i4 Sec 35; thence South along South line Sec. 34 to the StV corner the East line Sec. 34 to the SE cor­ SEH SEA. Se lion 34 T»r 3« S. ner thereof; thence West along the R 6 W W M : thence South along South line Sec. 34 to the SW corner. the East line WU NEK, and East SE4* SE >-4 Se- tlo- 34. Twp. 36 S.. f line NW 4« SEU. Sec. 3. Twp 37 S. n 1 i R. 6 W., W. M thence South along R 6 W W M . to the SE corner I Watt the East line W>-j NE >4 and East! NW1« SE1» Sec 3; thence f line NW i, SE*4- Sec 3. Twp 37 S . I along 'he South line NWl, r I 1 R 6 W W M . to the SE comer I and South line North RW>» Rec NW >4 SE44 Sec. 3: thence 3 and the South line North H South 8EH i ’■ Sec i. to th»- sw eoraer NWU along the South line NW ’» SW 1» w Sec 4: thence North along the and South line North SW >» Sec. 3 and the South line North *4 South - West line NW’» 9Wlt Section 4 to ■ N. e * Sec 4, to the SW comer NW1« the NW -orner then of: thence West • k, SW1» Sec 4: thence North along the »long the center line Section '• to West line NW*4 SW‘4 Section 4 to the SW corner NWS Sec. 5: thence the NW corner thereof: thence West North along the est line Sec '• to the along the center line Section 5 to NW comer Sec. ' Twp 37 S.. R 6 the SW comer NW1» Se< .">: thence w W M . thence North along the North along the W. line-Se 5 to the West line Sec 32. Twp 36 S . R 6 NW comer Sec. 5, Twp. 37 S., R 6 W_. W M to the NW comer SW >, W W M .. thence North along the | se.-. 32; thence following in a gener- West line Sec. 32. Twp. 36 8-, R. 6 ~ ally Northerly direction through Sec­ W . W. M. to the .NW corner SW1» tions 31. 30 and 29 along the cen­ Sec. 32; thence following in a gener­ ter line of the Jess ditch. Baume ally Northerly direction through Sec­ Slough. Red Bluff ditch, and the east­ tions 31. 30 and 29 along the cen­ ern boundaries of the bottom lands ter line of the Jess ditch. Baums of the Applegate River, to the East 29 Slough. Red Bluff ditch, and the east­ and West renter line of SAc ern boundaries of the bottom lands more particularly described as fol of the Applegate River, to the East lows Beginning at the NW corner and West center line of Sec. 29, SW 14 Sec. 32 I; then e North 78' 46’ more particularly described as fol- West 193.0’: : thence North 24” 47' lows: Beginning at the NW corner Wes’ 746.0': ■ thence North 42' 58' 838 ■ 4 Sec 32; thence North 78’ 40’ West 412 O'; thence North 31’ 57 ' West 193 0 : thence North 24 47' West 4OS.8'; thence North <9’ 25' Wet4 Sec And your petitioners herehv con- made public by Sir Frederick Sykes, 31. Twp 36 S.. R 5 W W. M„ to . -<-nt 'hat as a condition precedent to Attest: WILFORD ALLBN, Secretary the point of beginning which land« the granting of this petition the controller-general of civil aviation in are susceptible of irrigation from a I Board of Directors of The Grants Great Britain. common source and by the same sys­ Pa«« Irrigation District may require Despite the fact that Germany, tem of irrigation provided or to be -¡that the [»etltioners shall severally EXPLOSIONS CAUSED BY DUb. Austria and Hungary are forbidden. provided for those, lands now Includ­ ■ pav. contract to pay. or lierom* Hable ed or to be Included within The for. under bond Issue or other form Investigation Has Proved That Gru, tinder the terms of peace, to manu­ Is by No Means the Only De­ Grants Pass Irrigation District by the ■ of indebtedness Incurred or that may facture or import aircraft engines, diversion of the water« of Rogue tie in'iirred by the District, to such structive Agent. the report points out that these three River, the said petitions, names of District such respective sums, as countries are in process of organiz­ the petitioners, the description of the nearly a« the same can t>e estimated When the bureau of chemiMr v u. lands mentioned in said petitions and I by the Board, as raid petitioners or ing departments of government to the United States «l<‘p:irtni«*ni of agr the prayer of said petitioners being ’ 'heir grantors would have been re­ culture Ht«n»*«| hiv« «figatii.j, with tli* deal with civil aviation. At the pres­ hereinafter set forth quired to pay to such district as a«- ent time Sir Frederick says, there are And pursuant to said petition and I essments for the payment of Its pro obj •- the provisions of law relating there'o > rata share of all bonds and the fnter- CiiUM'd by «lust in the grain Novator- 25 air transport companies in tier- and in ar ordance with the require­ • est thereon which may have prevlous- and mills it v.as not long •iHore th many and the number is Increasing ments of Section 36 of Chapter 357 | >v thereto been Issued by said DIs- »•xperts roallz»-d th»*»* iii<> and «wplo monthly. of the General Laws of Oregon for ■ ’rlct had such lands been Included In >lons were bv no mentis <*onthied r* Shortage of fuel and the general the year 1917. ! -aid District at the time the same »a- the grain business. The**»» dust rxplo chaotic economic situation is retard­ NOTICE IS FT’RTHER GIVEN. . , originally formed or when said bonds siori investigation* are having a ide That on Tuesday. September 7th. ! vere «o Issued. ing aviation In Austria, says the re­ Infliinnce. which bn* fxiernh'd to i mr 1920. at the hour of 10 o’clock n. m. This petition Is signed and present- port. IWdgium has organized an air Industrie*, Aluminum dn-f March In the office of the Board of Directors i ed under the provisions of Chapter ministry and has established air at- and even ilsb neal. n b product of of The Grants Pass Irrigation Dis­ - 3">7 of the General I w« II l:n««v n to |j ,■ ■■ n jr France which has air attaches in all tlflonv should not he granted, and ter as are provided for or are requir­ Will th«' the failure of any person Interested ed bv said T’hapter 357 relating to sonic rase«: catred bv dust the chief capitals of the world, whose fn» t ♦ ¡i gnid* to show' cause as afore aid, shall be the Inclusion of lands In an Irrigation krniwledg«1 of th’ many fatal ac< j<' nt* ninv be avoided duty it is to study the aviation deemed and taken as an assent on his district. various countries. part to the inclusion of said lands In Wlo-refore your petitioners pray The firemen of Ani"ri<*a liti«l lb«- n>af France, ho says, has acquired five the District as pr-ved for in the ilia; a time be fixed for the hearln-. ter of STiflirhnt Iniportanrr to war tition The said petition and the of till- petition and thereupon such rant their co-op» rat Ion with the «!•• aerodromes and 24 landing grounds name« of the petitioners are In words nr »reedings tie had as are provided partnionl of agriculture in a study ot for the use of civilian flying and Is and figures as follows, to-wlt: .v t’bapter 357 of the general laws also planning to connect all her To the Board of Trirector« of The of Oregon for 1917, and that this pe­ lonlal possessions by airlines. Grants Pas« Irrigation District in tition be In all things granted ar cortl- Jo«<*pltine and Jackson Counties. !n.- to its tenor. Italy has appointed 16 a Xntl your petitioners will e-.er State of Oregon: taches In as many countries says Come now the undersigned, vour pray, etc. report and Is spending largo sum Signed by: A. I,. Edgerton, Gust petitioners herein, who are holders of money In order to keep herself In f'oorln, Homewood Farm Company, of title or evidence of title ropr ent ■ or lA. Wvlberg. Pres.; A. Wylberg, Ing a majority of the acreage of a the front rank of aviation develop body of land adjacent to the boun­ John E. Moore. W. W. Tucker. F. M. ment. daries of The Grants Pr i Irrigation \rmstrong. John H. Robinson, .1. c. Courier classified ads bring re District and situated entirely in Jose­ Morgan, Chicago Land Company, by Hanimermlll Bond In all colora a: phine County. State of Oregon, which Clyde E Niles; A. E. Sheehon, K. M. suits Try a classified. Bill of Sale blanks at the Courier. he Coulter office lands are susceptible of Irrigation C. Neill, Carl B. Livesley, Alfred NEW l L ? I THF AMEBICA* MARKIT A NEW DEPARTURE IN TIRE CONSTRUCTION Mv pride m out "D" TvP< l"ir« i- » as Kwindle»» ’• tbc UMtVt» l>f tlx t mv iwc-pl« Into it my have 4-*pt«»*«J th« ideal» of out H ouk people have put. a» nearly »• the unadom granted them p«op- I- the Great Spirit unll petmti. the utinoet teach m by the quality of material». p«rf«vtK>n m method» and tlx higheet point m wotkmanship Know then. 0 Moto«- ieto. that in out D" Tvpit wc brlxv« tlx la»t word m quality tab'« tire conetiuction ha» Vxen »peken It x th.- Gr >t Chxf of all eui hr«» Built m th« Savage Vay to ftilhll the need» of the preeent day motorist*, it i» bm a» the lordly «Ik to the ant«lope. to is our "P" Typ* to any other fabric tire I know of in a corresponding »u« In fact, it i* ov«r »u«. even as a cord tire And bccauix it t» big, and ha» an ertra ply of fab nc, with pure gum friction between th« pli«». and all the way throruh x mad« of th« finest raw materuls that the bottomle»» purse of out chief» can buy, and bveau»« it 1» built bv hand, and has an especially woven breaker »trip to absorb the road shock, and a breaker cover to help make it flexible, and because it has a tread mere leu |h than The skin of the buffalo, and because the --/'-t it gladdens the eyes of all men with its grey tread, cream side wall, and blood- red trade mark and for other reason» a» numetou» a» the quill* on the poftupirx, I believe it i» the be»t tire on the American m.-ihet. Your hearts would be filled with wonder if you knew how many are the motorists who agree wtth mr wuun you . o Me . !■ irrru hiaz has vp - xim w-.-c-e T~. <>— a.. x>< SAN PIEGO StìVtìiSE H. G. Enders Wholesale Company Prp dtiih. pm/mallly trluit you ivillf 1 ht folk 9 u / hj hau, 11 yrf th, most fun out >f life. Aqua- ¡iltintrm dining. and all wahr ' ttunlf ‘ are mutt rnj ^ublr uInn y ai wear the famous bai ni rii] Suits The conjunction o! these suit« permits perfect freei. rn c.1 action (•to attempt the teats oi - Ha-.v.nian boys, who aqua-plan -o wonder­ fully «nd swim without suits of Jantzen Bathing Suits are built along the natural, graceful linea of the body The elastic Jantzen ttitch n- . t’-'-n fit perfectly and permautr- /. j never sag, they never bind—; V ’ > not hold water between the b idy and the suit, They rrnke swimming easy, speedy and joyous. Tb e : • ".'ho look so well in their haihin uit:i—who look per­ fectly 1 jn ailj nMr t|le water—eight chances out of ten ar< wearing "Jantzens!” You'll stores À JANTZEN ALWAY d "Jantzens" at the good your city. IANTZLN KMTTlNI. Mil It ITS-NEVER SAGS