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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1920)
WHOLE Nt MBF.R KH3- THREE DEATHS POLES APPEAL TO ■ Poland's Hole of Armistice Contro vert, Explained—Reds Are' Ik ing Held III tile South MexUan Go»e»nniral Arranging Send large Expedition Into I»wer l allpmia In Speech Delivered Today at Dayton Democratic Candi date States His Views on National Problems But Avoids Reference to Liquor Question CITY’S BLAZE Warsaw, Aux 7.—The Polish for-1 Mexico City, Aug 7.- -The war de MRH. J. CHANEY IMF» AFTER elgn office has sent the league of na partment has announced that YaquI BOt II- JUMP FROM TOP STORY OF tions a note presenting the Polish Indians will form a large part of the Bl ALDINO k I<1« of the peace and armistice con-' troops to be sent against the Lower troversy with soviet Russia. A proc California revolutionists led by Gov Isolation asking the Polish people to 9 * ernor Cantu. Various ahipa have been remain calm and to support the gov Dayton, Aug 7.—Democracy today stltution, declared unalterable by any i-hartered to transport them and ernment Is expected to be Issued to book up the battle gauge with Its treaty some of the vessels trill be armed day. Reports from the front Indi-1 republican ______ opponents for America's The door to other "interpreta- with cannon to protect the men cate that the Poles are succeeding In highest political honor, the presi tions" was left open by Oov. Cox. when they disembark. Interi low <4 Vice !»re»i«l«il Appear» • hecktng the bolshevik! to ooms ex dency, with today's formal notifica but be said that the democratic plat- tent. The Pole» are sternly resist tion and acceptance by Governor Cox form plank "speaks in a firm reso ANOTHER CASUALTY IN ILLINOIS to Omt radici Effect of Cox's ing. especially in the south where of the presidential nomination and lution against anything that disturbs RIOTING AND STREET FIGHTING A<'*'o|4am e H|>«wli they seem able to hold the reds. the campaign is now on There will the vital principle” of the league West Frankfort, Ill., Aug. 7—Spor lie similar ceremonies at Hyde Park. No room for doubt was left as to New York Monday tor Franklin D the governor’s position on the league adic rioting broke out again today Portland, Aug. 7 —Mrs J. Chaney Spokane. Aug 7.—Belief that the 1 Roosevelt, vice presidential nominee as the pre-eminent political battle and In the course of clashes Louts j, dead, two fatally burned or in- peace treaty with the league of na | Thousands of democrats from all ground. As on other subjects, he Carrar, aged 40, wm »ho» and beaten ju red, and ten slightly injured aa the lions covenant cannot to« adopted to death state« and territories are here. . result of a fire which early today even with a democratic " 'landslide" stated his position squarely. The acceptance address was de- totally destroyed the Elton Court in the November election was ex- In position, the league question led llvered at the Montgomery couhty apartment house at Eleventh and pressed hero today by Vice President the candidate's address and to It he fair ground»: following the notifica Yamhill streets Many escaped by Marshall In a newspaper Interview devoted 3,000 words of the 10,000-1 means of ropes made from sheets fie aald that even If the democrats 4 tion speech by Senator Robinson of word total. Home. Aug 7 «Authorization to Arkansas. Mrs. Chaney jumped from ’.he top were successful In electing all their The prohibition amendment and story, as did another woman who ie candidates to the senate they would oocupy Constantinople has been given Volstead law were not specified in | ‘not expected to live. Fire official« •till lack the necessary two-thlrds the Greeks by the allied nations, ac the address, but Gov. Cox promised i tor l>ayton, Ohio, Aug. 7.—Peace cording to a dispatch received here believe a carelessly thrown cigarette vote to ratify America and the world by this na- emphatically strict law enforcement.! by the Osservatore Romano. is the cause of the blaze. Regarding woman suffrage, Gov. | na- lion's entrance into the league of Denver, Aug. 7.—The city is quiet Miss E. Evans, of Portland, who Considerable comment and speeu- Cox urged ratification of the pro Constantinople advices give no tions with "interpretations" not dis posed Constitutional amendment, de today following a night of rioting In was seriously hurt when she jump- Intlon has 1 hm < u started by the words turbing'its vital principle was pro which three were killed and a dozen .-d from the fourth floor of the burn- of Vice President Marshall, ar Can Inkling that the Greeks will occupy nounced today by Governor James M claring women "are entitled to the woundpd In a clash between strike |ng Elton apartments, died In the didate Cox In his speech today ac the city and there Is no confirmation 4\>x, the democratic presidential privilege of voting as a matter of sympathizers and strikebreakers, hospital shortly after noon Miss E. cepting the nomination of the demo from any sources of the story. standard bearer, as his paramount , right, and because they will be help Two hundred and fifty soldiers from Bogue, who was seriously burned le cratic party announced the league of ful In maintaining wholesome and policy. Fort Tx»gan took charge of the situa-I not expected to live, nations as the paramount Issue of J VK patriotic policy.” DFLMI'SFA GFTTTING READY In his address here accepting the tlon early this morning when Mayor the oattopalgn Marshall's message, If His opposition — candidate, plat FOR FIGHT IN MHT4IGAN democratic nomination, Gov. Cox mil correct would take the wind out of form, leaders and congressional re Bailey Issued a proclamation turning itantly championed the league as Cox's sails * cord —were flayed by Gov. Cox Iq the city over to the <;ontrol of the Benton Harbor. Aug 7.—Jack proposed by President Wilson, with military. Five hundred additional Dempsoy. who defends his title here i Interpretations insuring good faith scathing terms throughout his long ", troops are expected to arrive tonight labor Day against Billy Mlske will and understanding, and denounced address. A "Senatorial oligarchy" from Camp Funston. Kansas, In an arrive uext week to begin active • hat he termed the dishonorable pro led by Senators Ixidge, Penrose and swer to a request from Governor training according to an announce posal from Senator Harding, his re Smoot. Gov. Cox charged, elected , Shoup. Sen. Harding to lead the republicans ment today. publican opponent, for "a separate and fastened “into the party plat peace with Germany." form the creed of bitterness and hate Al AM \ A \| The third big Farm Bureau conteM I«eague or no league, the democra nnd the vacillating policy that pos- j known as the Farm Bureau Project tic nominee declared . Is the issue be season it.” The republican stand, I InLinn OuUlnLlu’ _____ ..... Contest is now open to farm boys and tween the two parties—"the supreme generally, was scored by the gover- l.lnoolo. Neb.. Aug. 7. 'What 1» nrPDICC DO CUR/IRC Kris »P “> «nd including 21 years of Issue of the century, he said. ■aid to be the largest cooperative or nor as reactionary and. on the league ULUnlLO DULOllL VIlYO age The prizes for this conteat are ganization of farmers in the United "The question is," Gov. Cox de question, he said the party's candl- donated by the Josephine County States has just been formed here It dared, "whether we shall or shall date was bent to the irreconcilable Bank. This contest ends November will market the grain of the 40.000 not join in this practical and hu- hostility of Sen. Johnson of Califor Rome, Aug. 7. Signor Dugoni, the 1st, 1920, at which time the boy sub member» of the Ntrtiraaka Farmers President Wilson mane movement, nia. The republican congress, the New York. Aug 7 William Union and eliminate the middlemen Washburn Nutting, a motorlmat pub entered the league in our name. Sen governor asserted, failed to pass a socialist deputy, who has juet return- mitting the best report covering the ed from Russia after a month's stay Farm Bureau work related to farma and broker». lisher, of Beachhurst, L. I., who re ator Harding, as the republican can constructive law or to reduce war declared "the situation there is most of his community will receive a pure The organization, known as the cently departed from New York didate for the presidency proposes (pxes. National Cooperative company, with aboard hts ketch "Typhoon” for In plain words that we remain out of Gov. Cox said he took up the dem tragic and shocked every member of' bred registered calf valued at ap proximately 175. The boy submit a capital authorized at 12.000,000, | Cowes, England, took with him a it. As the democratic candidate I ocratic standard "a free man. unfet-<| the socialist delegation.” Lenine's experiment, he said, was ting the next best report will receive according to C. H. Gustafson, of Lin crew of amateur sailors. tered by promises.” favor going in. President a comPlete failure. Industrial pro a pure bred registered pig valued at coln. president of the »late union and A graceful tribute to ________ "The first duty of the new admin "Typhoon” is a new yacht built at approximately 125. organizer and president of the com the laboratories of Dr Alexander istration will be ratification of the Wilson was paid by Gov. Cox, when. duft,on had decreased 50 per cent, pany. has 1500 locals, 300 grain ele Graham Bell. Ilitddeck. Cape Brenton treaty," Gov. Cox said, predicting scoring the republican platform for transports were utterly disorgan- j The girl submitting the best report vators. 50 general stores. three Island. Nova Scotia. Canada. from that friends of the league would^ral- absenoe of "a line that breathes emo Ized, trains were running at 20 miles covering the Farm Bureau work re- creameries and two flour mills, be designs by William Atkin she Is a ly to elect a senate with the requisite tion of pride” in the nation's war I an hour at the pleasure of trainmen.' lated to the homes of her commun- achievements, he said that while sol and the locomotives were burning ity will receive a pure bred register sides nearly a hundred shipping asso 15-foot craft with a beam of 14 feet majority for ratification. wood. Filth and pauperism were ed calf valued at approximately 375. ciations and auxilliary powered for use only Governor Cox said the "lnterpreta- diers fell in the trenches Mr. Wilson visible everywhere. Signor Dugoni A pure bred registered pig. valued at The union also has a livestock com In case of calm weather. "was broken in the enormous labor tloqs" should state "our Interpreta said the Italian proletariat was the approximately 225, will be awarded mission office in the yards of Omaha. The yacht will sail approximately tion of the covenant as a matter of of his office." to the girl submitting the next best Discussing domestic questions. least fitted for such an experimer*. Siuox City. St. Joseph and Itenver. .the course taken by Alcock and good faith to our associates and as report. and a big wholes de exchange In Onur Brown in their famous airplane voy a precaution against any misunder Gov. Cox denounced profiteering at The reports for the Farm Bureau length and promised that profiteers ha that carries everything from farm age from Newfoundland to the Brit- standing in the future.” Assailing project contest will be judged on: should "suffer the penalty of the implements to groceries to supply Its Ish Islands. Tills la far north where the Lodge reservations as emasculat 1. Material it contains. retail attrt-es. there Is plenty of wind and usually ing. Gov. Cox suggested two specific criminal law.” I 2. Clearness and exactness. The corporation. Mr Gustafson plenty of sea with It. later the "interpretations,” as outlined sev Fair returns for both capital and 3. Writer's understanding of work •aid. expects soon to build or lease a "Typhoon" will cruise about the eral months ago in a newspaper ar labor were advocated, the nominee ' reported. big terminal elevator In Lincoln or Mediterranean. Before snow flies ticle. One declared America's con also approving development of both 4. Conclusion and recommenda- Omaha and negotiations are in pro the iHirty will sail for the United tinuance In the league should depend "Into large units—without injury to tions. gress for seats on the Lincoln ami the States via the Southern course, stop upon the league’s use only as an the public interest." Collective bar The committee to judge these ro Tokio, Aug. 7.—The Japanese an- Omaha grain ex-hanges ping at the Azores and Bermuda. agency for world peace; the other gaining by labor through Its own rep resentatives was approved by the swer to the United States' note in ports will consist ot one member of \ regular commission business will stated the understanding that this regard to the Japanese occupation of the Josephine County Bank, one be conducted for local companies (Continued on page 4.) nation could act only with the Con-, i Saghalin Island was decided upon at member of the Farm Bureau execu participating. Mr Gustafson said, the cabinet meeting yesterday, It tive committee, and one qualified dis and net profits will he pro-rated on was later approved by the diploma interested person selected by ths the imsls of business done, after the tice advisory counsel, composed of | above two members, company pays 8 per cent dividends 'eminent Japanese statesmen I Detailed explanat! explanation of this con- on Its stock. at the following , test —.. will „... be „„ given »..»«. — The corporation also plans to find BELGIAN COAL FIELDS NEAR ' meetings and those interested may a market for all farm products, to PRE W AR PRODUCTION unroll in this or the other contests at locate and build elevators and to give Copenhagen. Ayg 7.—When visit technical assistance In bookkeeping ing Tondern, King Christian recent Brussels. Aug. 7.—Belgian coal' Fruitdale, Tuesday. Aug. 10. 10 a. and accounting methods to partici ly received a committee of prominent miners have almost reached pre-war tn., school house. pating members production. The output of the Bel Schleswlglglans who were hold as Murphy, Tuesday, Aug. 10, 2 p. m., gian mines for the month of May hostages by (Prussians at the begin FARIS RESTAURANTS WILL 1920 reached 90.9 per cent of the Murphy school house. ning of the war. The spokesman said. Rogue River Valley. Tuesday, Aug. RI 'N SIN-DU SCHEDI'!« production for May, 1913. amounting “The Germans lighted the fires of to 1.73 7.080 tons as compared with I 10, 10 a. m.. Dimmick school house. hatred and vengeance In Schleswig Taris, Aug 7. Moderate priced when we wore taken as hostages. The 1,910.710 for the same period before ! Merlin. Tuesday. Aug. 10. 2 p. m., school house. restaurant owners hero have agreed Gorman lord lieutenant said on this the war. Winona. Wednesday, Aug. 11, 10 among themselves to close one day spot, at that time: 'When war is over What is more remarkable still, in seven. Such restaurants in each Danolsm In Schleswig must be quash production for the Mons coal fields, a. nt., school house. Hugo, Wednesday, Aug. 11, 10 a. quarter of the city will take turns ed!' Thank God. the result’is other taken alone, was even greater during m„ school house. in closing so that the hungry man wise!” during the same month be- May than L.' ' V® * TXhQi fé? Provolt, Wednesday. Aug. 11, 10 a. with a flat purse will not have to fore the war. the percentage being King Christian replied: “I am In m.. school house. walk too far for his food. deed glad to shake hands with you. 194.3. ____________ | Williams. Wednesday. Aug. 11, 2 We must remember the old saying ‘do not return evil for evil.' There is Meissen. Saxony. Aug. 7—The first p. m . school house. TFINNENMEF! GOVERNOR I’ALI i S Grave 'Creek, Placer and Leland. German porcelain money 1 b being HI'IXIAL SUFFRAGE HERHION something In our natlonnl character Thursday, Aug. 12, 10'a. m., Grave which makes this natural to us. I manufactured here tvnd will consist : of 300,000 twenty pfenning pieces I Creek school house Nashville, Aug. 7.—A Torma! call could think of something happier for use on the Hamburg Elevated 1 Wolf Creek. Thursday, Aug. 12, 1 for a special session mt the Tennessee than brooding over an old Injustice. railway. The German republic Is p. m.. school house. legislature Monday to consider rat let us work together In trying to for Deer Creek, Ttiureday, Aug. 12, 19, said to be about to introduce por ideation of the suffrage amendment get hatred and strife and. in think *. m., Ttryden school house. 1 lie house on n farm neur .lacksotihui'g. I'.i >-ounty. Ohio, where Goi celain colas ranging from 10 pfen was Issued today by Governor Ro ing of our future, sot euntelvna new James M. Cox, DemocraUc cnndldate for |ue ib< wus born. goals. ” (Continued from Page 4) nings to five marks. berts. NEW CONTEST OPEN BRAVE ATLANTIC Houee Where Governor Cox Was Bora