In StocK Now AB T. NEW VESTING BARNES, The Jeweler ORGANDY AND NET • MOSQUITO BAB ;EY &TRI KI a Sea and women were also drafed into the nane to fill ths places in of- or mercantile setabitohnaeat made WKATHMi ♦ vacant by ealtatmcata ♦ ly mied from the laiaad potata maay ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Th^ natura famiUi l, with a temporary decreuw With the adjustment in population of b»»w. conditions following the Toeing of the war those people are -omlag *^0 back, the population of the aterfor points is again becoming nor­ fair '.»bea yo. eater th* Garage ' with -Fatty ’ Arbuckle at the Oregon to night, prepare to bare your poor old ; terokra-down ar of rare ac4 only rr paired but completely rebuilt lato • ___ "______ — of " laughter for laurinas il tao usine 1 « 0CBXÍOBJI rather than to return to. fro- the moment that he waddle, forth to jorfurm the first duty uf t the old dally routine it’s Just one durse The report from the census bureau thiag after »Bother To anv on« who owns sa autos. •bows that Josephine county suffer­ ed tn common with other commuai- Mie. a garage ts aa oa«>s ia a desert of trouble To ’’Fatty,*' however tie* that nere isolated from th« cea whose intent on. are perfectIg good ten of a,»r industry and »ar actlv- bat whose mechanic*! execu It on to tty. and th-» u reflected ia the cec perfectly awful, it’s a aightmar* of This report gives Jose- no small proportions: not only to BUS report phlae a population of 745$. aa * tv- himself ho’ to hi» unfortunate n»- tomer. as we!! pa rent loos of about 10 per cent That ft to sot a reel foes, aa* that it has Ham .rullìi Bond Latter Head, now been mor« than made good, is and Encelo;« at the Courier office ev.deuced by the fact that there are 101 and 105 North 6th Ttetei is the chief reason why ♦ mal ♦ • tee nrasus taken last January shows a falling off in the interior in the _ a__ I POFtLATION AMD WARTIME majority of cases A census taken not houses enough for the people who Durtsg the war ponod there was wooM tere war induatrim cal led for the m unity to prove that the loan aliown tlviUea of every able bodied man hr the federal census was not a real io was not fitted for war service loou. There is one source of loss of rang men. those on whom tall the population la all agricult oral com mo­ unt of the w>r-maklag game, were ni’.les that has become real, and that, lied to the colon while ship build- to the loss of many young men and women who left during the war per- . -_CT PLUMSINGS Ah AT WE DO — LET US DO SOME WORK ( FOR YOU I MOTORING 's GREAT /DEAL. 'ATtifR ■a*. . - ♦ «s ••• 1 MOW M THE TIME TO BUY TWAT CAR yvu have been planning on solang. Why wait longer when you ran gat such great enjoyment from it now* We offer you the best there is at the price you can well afford i-^4 DELAY r*"T ".7 . * A«« NT« «»MM IM TODAY FOR HUDSON MAXWÍLL ÇMALMtftS ANO 1SSEX CARS« COLLINS AUTO COMPANY accgMoaii «e as ram* *4 ÍX (KckOSENci HEAT and LIGHT 'S 1 5// PMOWt ”7 h street ^ ora IMSTANT FEAT WHEN ANO WMftf NEEDW PTAJOAPI) CXI < We Have ^r->arr-CT FUATEN \ APKIXM IllshiTs FOR THF REMYIXDER OF THIM WEEK WK WILL HELI. fftumber 7)rlrKfa ALL BATHIMG WITTS AT OSBHX RTH OFF THF. REG- IVAR PRICE.h MEM’S, WOME.WM. HOY'S AMD GIRL’S, rx/rrox ami * wool f Golden Rule Store STORE CLOftEH AT • F- M. EX If you knew the perfect nature of the plumbing work we hare done for other« ia thia com­ munlty we feel quite certain that you would have employed ua long ere this But you needn’t put ft off any longer. Send for us and get acquainted with the perfect pl .yn bi ng we do. B. S. DEDRICK Aie F Street Pbowe W»H-J J. Pardee U ky suffer the discomforts and embarrassments of a Goitre f O G. C. preparation for gcxfr« ha» be«< htrd Why par •e-Tcral hundred dollar» lor a* operation to reaao»« a goitre when O G t can be obtamrd lor »ueb a compar»t«eh *«*11 eipu-oditure f O. G.C. when properly applied give» aataa factory result». or yoar ®o»ef »ill be rHanded. O GC. io nuid direct. by mail Write for bwakiet. Addrewa Opt. U O.Q.C. CHKMKAI COMPANY Srattk.U anbingtoa GRANTS PASS BAKERY NOW OPEN SM G Street Shoes for the Family ¡M EBGLKEE AMD GOLF SHIRTS. HIZEH 1« AMD 14 H EACH, »1.00 BOYH POORBK-MIT I MIO Y Ml ITS. hJZFH EACH 75c 94 in BOYS GOLF SHIRTS, SIZES 18 AMD 18 M FLACH lit* TO go ! OREGON 2» ' WOODWARD’S « MAXIMUM OF QUALITY AMD SERVICE You’ll laugh, scream and holler for a quarter of a dollar FI LL STOCK OF BREAD, HOLL*. DOUGHXUTB. (XMIKIKN CAKEH FliFLHH DAILY IXD 0 TODAY — TOMORROW I 9 G. B. BERRY » Hamess and Saddlery Auto Top and Canvas Work Fatty Arbuckle -in— With Granta Pass Hardware Co. “THE OARAGE” i REAI —You don’t have to understand machinery or know’ how to run a “flivver” to enjoy this go-get- ’em comedy. Timmons & Higgins AUTO CAMPING TENT AND COT $25 COMPLETE —AMD— Call and »» <>■ Rob’t Warwick f » Only two left In the Play That Made Augustus Thomas Famous <4 In Mizzouri” This tale of old Pike County, Missouri, has in it the elements that appc-al to all humans. I BUSINESS OB PERSONAL CHECKING ACCOUNTS are invited by the Josephine County Bank with the assurance of a banking service that meets every requirement for promptness and efficiency. MR AND MRS PUBLIC: Just don’t miss itl That’s all!—“I thank you’ J osephine C ounty B ank NEXT-ENID BENNETT IN “WHAT EVERY WOMAN LEARNS G rants P ass ,O regon C. L. Hobart Co. Southern Pacific Co. «ants extra gnng of Ufl to 98 men to lay rails and switch«, la »rants Pass yard and between Granta l*MS and Dimmick Will |Mjr no< per hour, time and one-half for »th and IQth hour«, maklM »B.IW1 for 11» hours. Apply to P. KRUTZLER foreman or agent at Station. «