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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1920)
PAGE FOIH IllllUi, JI M ». GRANTS I’AHS milt illllillH 52ML *«? L0Ol£“ I New i Difficult Decision Miss Ruth Corbett returned .Miss Ellul e Hills Is spending the 1.1) v • ting with fiends in Xledforil. morning from Corvallis, where We do not know everything, but years of banking enables us to give you the bene fit of our experience which, no doubt, will help you in arriving at a decision in any bus iness matter. This is one of the services we render our customers without charge. MFMniU fedcrai ueserxi SY ,i i„ auil pecotlug, IVc .1 v»r,| Nell" Nea» Utlf Frank Hillis «nd Freeman Taylor have left lor inter l ake, where they will be empl>>yed during the summer, We make o ir ■ wn adjustments on 1» tires. No quibbling. Hobart. Mr Joe Ray left 'this morning tor Gold Hill. to whi h place Mr. and M rs Ray arc moving. Lumbago. Rheumatism, acute or chronic, responds to Dr. Tompkins lfitf treatments. lac . Casev I s •ending a few duv Gold Hill '.ooking uftcr business matters See ad III new today, furniture for sale at Currier's Millinery, 512 S It «th St. Mr: II. Scott and Miss Marion Cooley ,e.'t this morning for Salem for a short vb-it. Hon'' for1. the special bargain, une-half off or more on all trimmed huts. s» we lose the 15th of July. Currier s Millinery store. 512 S 6th 19 Fred Roper und M rs Clar- enee XX inetroilt went to Gold HII1 this morning t »pell.I the day vlsit- OF SOITHERN OREGOX . »«nt several days visiting with hei parents. ''.Mulsified Cocoanut OH." Subln has It. I S Clurence Kienle, of th« Rowell music house. returned yesterduy (rom Portland and Newberg after a several week«* visit. Mrs E. J Kd wards and two dren spent Thursday night here Mrs Edwards' aunts, the MI smiw font, leaving this morning for tage Grove, They had been visiting in Klnmuth Falla. Mr and Mrs Albert Krouse. I ai Grande, Oregon, have arrived in Grants Pass and will located here providing they can tlnd a suitable Io cation Xlr Krouse is a prominent at tieman of eastern Oregon See me before selling your sW Olid hand goods. 111 So. 6th »trout phone 32«-J T C. Booth Roy Higgins and family returned this ««ek from a month's automobile trip to Southern California, where On the re- they visited relatives turn they were accompanied by Xlr Higgins' brother, mother and step- located father, who »111 proliahh here At Home Away From Home Electrical Supplies Good, Cle^n Room*» at Ruawt»n- able Prie«-* at nth snd 11 Sts. PAUL’S Electric Store NOW PLAYING Layton Hotel Gonzo Jones, Mgr. It’s Suorswir Io Mr». K. lieh kept mrs. Hellie Reas ______________________________ I Celebrate in a NEW SUIT, SHOES and FURNISHINGS at Peerless Clothing Co. LET US TAILOR FOR YOU A COOL TWO PIECE SUIT You cun order these suits with confi dence, hecause the tailoring will I m - executed bv ’ Mr*. C II Demaray left yesterday ;or t’re.-cent City anil will Pn|ier s<»>n (hit — spend several days visiting In the The Farm Bureau News will be coast city. 1 ou< within the next week and It Is The Overland has heavy pressed I asked that anyone haling articles for 19 Xt the sign steel fender« x«e Hobart the paper get them In at once Ye Jolly Miss Mary «lot her. of Weed. Is GEO 8. CALHOUN Little Tailor visiting with friends in the city for Over flflecm year» local dealer the week. She will return to Weed Walitorf Sunday has been doing A. C. Miller, who farm work here for I the government. ihllill) Market Move left this morning for his home at | The public market conducted by Seattle. X! II. Shinn, began moving today in The Overland has a bake finish to the new location across the street and will jvolish Ilk« new See Ho i from the present stand. It is expecteil bart. 19 , that the store will bo entirely moved Miss Lillian Lewis, who has been bv tomorrow The Wonder store will | visiting here with her br«»ther. J. C. sh.inxhai. July '• China » embryo Buenos Xlre», July 9 The « mor | occupy the building where the niar-| Ia*wls, returned to her home at Cot : ket la now located, most of the good» lean Club here of nearly 300 meni ■ l.iievr unions ar«- »«eking en alliance tage Grove th!« morning .Miss la»wls 1 »Illi the ustionai stuileiit body. | already being here iters is trying to lense or buy a home •pept a week here Th««*!* labor unions sre still In a In order to fulfill a long felt want for nebulous stali- W. N Campboll went to Klamath The first of them Bel« kali InstalliUloii Monday — Falls this morning and will meet his an American social center In the Ar j came Into lielng In Shanghai a few Social evening x o'clock I* 1 They will then son, Alvin, there gentine capital There am a uumiier i uiontha ago in a loosely »elded or continue >n to L'keview where Alvin W ill Hold Meeting»— of English clulM to which some Am ganization of c.Millcs ba> k from war will «pend the summer with a govern- Meetings are to lie held In the var- ericans belong, but there Is no pile e work In France Then »ere formed nien’ sirve'-lnt party Ions communities during the coming where America ns can get toget Iter the XX harf Coolies ' association, th» The little Overland is the easiest electricians union, the China labor week for the boys and girls to ex riding snail car on th« market. See and “talk freely" as one of the pro- union, the China Industrial workers' plain the details of the contests Hobart. 19 union, thè national union <M labor which were announced at last Satur motors put it. L. Beam returned to Portland this The board of governors isiint out ers and several others day's contest Much Interest Is l>e- morning after a week In the city Organizers of these unions at* Ing shown by the boys and girls In that If it is to l>e a real Ameri un His mother. .Mr« Kila* Beam, and the contests, for which blooded stock club It must be "the best," which tempted to hold the first IgvlHir «lay sail tn. remained sister. Mias Miss I Tx* ‘l a > Ren Beam. »III be given as prizes I celebration In China on May 1, hut here end will mttka their home at insana a good deal In this city of •vlien they undertook to parad» In the Beam residence a Toas th»» river, , fashlonable dulia, aniong them a lux- Missionaries S|x<nk— , ih« native «iiiarter they encountered Miss Bean ha« se'»»ral year« of hl<h I urlous German club. The organlza- two corn panie» of Chinese troops and Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Tasker, mis school to finiah and will attend here. tlon ha« a "nasi egg'' of 120,000 to a machine gun detachment, ordered sionaries recently returned from In he gin wlth dia. talked last night at the Church out by General Ho Fungting, acting —u „ . , .... ■ Il 1« pro|>osed to admlt wotnen to defense of God They told of conditlons ss ommlasloner. who forbitile a Comedy Knockout i privilege» and muke thè club a cen any form of demonstration they saw them In India and the need for help, Thov loft thia morning for ter of all American patrioti«' actlvi ti»« The American Club at prese ni the south « Mil» <11 III IMis holds a weekly Iun« beoti at a hotel I when thè tnembers Ilsten to addremes l*>»raii En< ampment Meeting— ! by promlnent vls(tor» or Argentine» We wish to express our deep ap There will be a meeting of Paran _______ preciation to the member« of the W. encampment Saturday evening at S O W and the many friend- for the o'clocic. Special work for degree. I'llUXK great kldnessea received from»tlimi. Refreshments served Ily .order of and alxo for the beautiful flowers B. A. Williams, scribe. IB .Mil and MRS. O P MOOEK MB and MILS J X TAYIX9R Many Cars Received— JOSEPHINE ItHATY Till < K INI. MIM MATTIE McGEE Four carloads of automobiles were Ilnnsetli received by the various dealers yes Courier for commercial priming. terday and are now being unloaded. One carload of four Nash automo biles, one roadster, two touring and one sport model, have already been unloaded and are In the show room of the W N Maxwell com pany, the local dealers. One car of Buicks for the Swope auto company j AT was unloaded today, There will lie | two more car» of these In soon. There 1 are eight touring cars and one road-I ster in the shipment, A third car' contained five Dorta for the A. N. Parsons agency and are all touring cars. The fourth car contained a TO shipment of Overland Fours for the NEWI’ORT (On Yaqulna liny and Ihe Pacific Occam) C. L. Hobart company. Five were' Charming place for the family Included In this car. I.arge anil modern natatorlum. Halt water baths. Many forum of amusement. Hammermill Bond In all colors ai TILLAMOOK COt NTY BEACHES the Courier office. A delightful trip across the Coast Mountains. Double dally train service from Portland. These Imai hos include Rockaway and Garibaldi Imach resorts, Neah-kah-nle, Mnzanlta and Bay Ocean. I Buy Your thl CHARtK 103 Vacation Time Seashore and Mountain lèesorts Summer Excursion Fares Swim Caps KICK, WALLOP, PUNCH and fun by the ton fo- everyone-SO HURRY! Stopping Saturday Mid-Ni^ht OREGON Sunday—Bill Hart—“John Petticoats” THE BEST AHRORTMENT We reommend a pnre gum . cap In ••DI RAULE," •• ATH LETI« "• AND ••AERO" OPR PRICK 00c “MI RIAL" IN ALL OOIXfRS 3«c < ItATER LAKE (One <»f the world’s natanti wonders) Elghty-flve miles from Medford, «177 feet above sen level. line boulevard of 35 miles encircles the rim of tho lake. A sky OTHER RESORTS Cölestin Josephine County Gave« (Oregon » Marble Halin) Shunta Mountain ReHortn "OREGON Ol TDOOitS” BOOKLET Contains particulars of the different fares, hotels and camp rates. outing places, excursion For further particular« Inquire of local agent. CLEMENS Sells Drugs and Books SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES JOHN M. 8COTT, General Passenger Agent