Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1920)
FRIDAY. JULY », l»20. GRANTS PASS DAILY OOIR-EK a. PAGE I'HliKH Classified Advertising FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS True Goodyear Economy in Tires for Small Cars FOR SALE—Choice baled alfalfa BANKERS LIFE COMPANY, hay, $28 per ton, f. o. b. Grants Moines, Ioi\a. District agent, My Pass. Riverbanks Farms. 85tf ron C. Gaston, Grants Pass, Ore. Over $7,500,000 In force in Ore FOR SALE—Slab wood, dry $3. gon. 95tf green $2.50 per tier. Cash on de livery. W. J. Teal, phone 395-R. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS — Ther ' 85tf mopylae lodge No. 50, meets every I second and fourth Tuesday evep- FOR SALE—2 and 3 months old ing. Visitors invited. 09tf Built into Goodyear Tires for small cars is a cockerels, 15c and 25c each. Con Shaefers. R. F. D. 2. 30 THE PICTURE MILL copies photo high relative value not exceeded even in the graphs and valuable instruments— FOR SALE-—65 acres of land, 2 famous Goodyear Cords on the world’s makes beautiful sepia enlarge- houses, 2 wells of water, fruit highest priced automobiles. ments-tints portraits and views in trees, 8 acres cleared. James oil or water color — does all kinds i Steward, Rd. 2. 18 *■■■ ossesse" of viewing and commercial work ■ Manufactured in 30x3-, 30x3^- and 31x4- I HAVE SOME fine broccoli plants, anywhere at any time—-call or ' inch sizes by the world’s largest tire factory ready now, at $1.25 per hun- phone mill 2 83-R or residence! ThoS H Inc* prtffn'i dred. Phone or call on T. P. Cra- devoted to these sizes, every detail of the work 140-J. 34 i 18 1 mer. •CHARLES RAY done on them is marked by extraordinary MINING— Will do contracting of ! Cn ’ The Eqq Crate Wallop FOR SALE—1-man stump puller at tunnel, shaft and annual ass tss- skill and care. tyararnount^rtcra/t Cpicture Burkhalter’s Feed Store. 18 ment work anywhere in Southern Oregon or Northern California.! _ , _ , „„„ If you own a Ford, Chevrolet, Dort, Max FOR SALE CHEAP—Second hand „ a „ . n \ Charles Ray will pleasantly sur- Geo. S. Barton, Grants Pass, Ore. i . . . . tju «fc „„ prise even his most ardent admirers piano In good condition. Address well or other car taking these sizes, assure Phone 515. P. O. Box 646. 36 ‘ x , pin his latest picture, The Egg Crate No. 1500 care of Courier. 37 _ _________________ _ yourself true Goodyear mileage and economy * CADILLAC AUTO STAGE—Leaves Wallop,” which opens at the Oregon ILLrA-HEE BREEDING STOCK FOR on your car by visiting the nearest Goodyear every morning for Crescent City theater today for a two days engage SALE—Owing to the removal of at 9:30. Passengers only. Head ment. Service Station Dealer. our flock of Ill-a-hee Barred “The Egg Crate Wallop” has all quarters Fashion Garage. Orlan Plymouth Rocks to the Butler do Hiller.___________________ 13tf the surpassing merits of a Charles Poultry Ranih, it will be neces Go to him for Goodyear Tires and for Good ; Ray hit—and something more. sary for us to reduce our flock be I AM GOING to Crescent City with Charles Ray shows a new and de year Heavy Tourist Tubes; there is no surer small truck, I can haul some lug-1 fore August 1st. We are therefore lightful versality. Incidentally, he means to genuine tire satisfaction. gage for someone who is going in offering female stock at $3.00 each exhibits a wallo-p In his good right a car. Phone 3 65-J, S. J. Taylor. while they last, Our flock of ap- arm that would do credit to a profes 18 proximately 300 Oregons will go sional. The climax of the story is In taken In one lot, tor $1.50 each If STRAYED the prize ring—an honest-to-good- or $2.00 each if in lots of six or ness ring, with reslned canvas, pre more. Must be sold before Aug ESTRAY—There came to my place liminary bouts between regular pu on Deer Creek on July 2nd one ust 1st. Address communications iron gray saddle horse, Brand on gilists, and five hundred frtzied to 616 Stock Exchange Bldg., left shoulder C. Owner come and tans in the 'bleachers. Here Ray goes ’ Portland, Ore., or call at Ill-a-hee get him and pay charges. W. L. five furious rounds to a knockout Ranch at Grants Pass. 19 Tuttle, Selma, Oregon. 23 with an experienced opponent. For ' faithfulness of reproduction and ex Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes cost no 30 X 3’A Goodyear in FOR SALE—Old Buick truck, cheap. Douhle-CureFabric, S' / 4 JwJ REWARD more than the price you are asked to pay citement, thiB scene is one of the best Has lots of power. Inquire at All-Weather Tread, for tub»-« r>f leas merit—why risk costly Josephine County Flour Mill. 17tf FIVE DOLLARS REWARD—Lost a ever screened. And the fight is a casings when such sure protec- . 3° X 31 •A Goodyear Í black bag containing shoes, boots while! No fakeing for athletic WANTED tion is available? 30x3^size in $¿4 50 Single-Cure Cure Fabric, _____ , and slippers. Finder please send Charles Fay, even though he does get Anti-Skid Tread waterproof bag.............. by express C.O.D. to F. J. Painton, the worst of for four rounds—and WANTED—Grocery or general store Laurier, Wash. 19 then, well come and see what hap- in country or small town and in pens. Rogue Valley. Price stock lease, DRESSMAKING or sell building. Describe in first tei letter fully. J. R. Minlch, 1258, DRESSMAKING—I am now ready to Men Are Responsible. Michigan Ave., Portland, Ore. 18 We don't tHlk enough about men, ta’o orde.t, for dre'nmt>1-ft g at my new location 661 North Third when it Is all we should be talking WANTED—Wheel chair to rent for street. Prices reasonable, esti about, We talk about policies, when short time. Call 272-R. 18 mates cheerfully given. Mrs. W. we should be talking about men. for they are responsible for the policies. WANTED—Men for woods and mill. R. Swoape. 22 We talk About methods, when we Inquire Borland-Thomaa Lumber should he talking about men. for men VOCAL INSTRUCTION Co., Grants Pass. 16tf make the methods. We talk about sys SERVII E STATION DE 4L Ell SERYICE STATION DEALER HELP WANTED—Donkey engineer. MRS. GUV KNAPP—Voice and plnao tem, when we should be talking about men. for men make system. And so, 80 cents; cook house helper, $60 Accredited teacher for high school let’s talk more about men. When you C. A. WINETROUT SUCCESSOR TO J. H. DENIAOX and board. Iceland Lumber Co., work. Phone 224. Residence are not satisfied with policies, methods, THE TRACTOR MAN Leland, Ore. Phone 131. 16tf 3IO N. OTH 4 20 A street. 33tf or systems, look to your men. The 402-404 80. OTH human element Is responsible. Go to WANTED—-2 or 2% horse imwer gas MRS. J. L. JOHNSON—Instructor of the source of them that need remedy engine. Give full particulars as to voice. Rooms above Moore's Ba ing. Go to the source responsible for 5.14« LaKca in Michigan. make, condition and price. Ad kery. hours from 1 to 5 on Tues the action. Man Is responsible.—In The stale of Michigan iniitiiilis 5,14- dress No. 1542, care Courier. 22 days and Saturdays. 67tf dianapolis Star. inlnnd lakes, covering an area of 1,11a square miles, besides a waterfront nt FOR RENT AUTO CAMPING TENT AND COT PIANO TUNING the Great Lakes of 1,880 miles. Home of Croat Scientist Gons. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS for rent. $25 COMPLETE Etherton, the home of Dr. William 411 North 6th street, opposite GEO., W. CROSS a tuner with 17 T. Morton, who discovered ether In REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF yeara practical experience, includ courthouse. 92tf THE GRANTS PASS BANKING ing 9 years factory training. Head this historic building, hence the name, i COMPANY FOR RENT—'165 acres, or will di quarters Josephine hotel. Your has been torn down. Daniel Webster. Only two left vide; all under irrigation. Inquire satisfaction is my success. 82tf Rufus Choate, and other leading men at Grants Pass, in the State of Ore of the nation were entertained there Dimmick ranch. J. H. Smith. 25 nearly a century ago. Dr. Morton gon. at the close of business June TAV. worked out his ether theory in his 30th, ’920. DRAYAGE AND TRANSFER Ktwiurres home with dogs. cats, birds and in THE WORLD MOVES; ao do we. SOONER TAXI —iPhone 262-R for sects. and himself named bls home Ijoans and discounts $459,403.38 Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phone Jitney Luke or Cutler. Calls an "Etherton” becanse his discovery Overdrafts, secured and 899.38 unsecured .................. swered anywhere, anytime. 86tf meant so much to the medical profes 349. and warrants ..... 116.451.53 sion. At one time the doctor tried his Bonds Stocks, securities, Judg F. G. ISHAM, drayage and transfer. Tom ether on his wife’s pet dog which, as 1,718.17 ments, etc...................... Safee, pianos and furniture PALACE TAXI—Phone 22-J. 4,900.00 Wind. 03tf a result, slept so long that he thought Furniture and fixtures moved, packed, shipped and stored. he had killed the animal. 8,000.00 Other real estate owned ! Office phone 124-Y. Due from banks (not re KERBY-GRANTS PASS JITNEY— 973.76 serve banks) ............... LOST Leaves Kerby 9 and 1 daily; leaves Due from approved re --------------------- ----------------------------- | Granta Paas 9:30 and 4 dally; serve banks) ............... 48,053.03 LOOT—Check .book with check filled through and way passengers. Ever The California and Oregon Checks and other cash 263.86 out, notes, etc. Finder leave at items .............................. ett Hogue and Pete Beagle. 61 Coast Railroad Company Exchanges for clearing Gravlln's Barn. Will pay for I TIME CARD 1,351.44 house ............................ Repairing Cleaning — Pressing 21 trouMe. Geo. Barrows. REAL ESTATE Cash on hand ................... 29,871.81 I ____ 116.65 Effective Nov. 24, 191». Other resources ............... I j OST —Pocketbook containing silver, e . t . M c K instry , 603 g et., phone keys and fuse plug. Was left on Total ......................... $671,913.01 315 N. 6TH ST 13-®; general real estate business. Trains will run Mondays, Wednes- Galice bridge railing July 5. Fin Inabilities days and Fridays. Best of soils for fruit, hay or gen der please leave at Merlin P. O. 18 Leave Grants Pass.............. 1 P.M Capital stock paid in ..... $ 50,000.00 eral farming. WE CALL FOR AND DELIVER Arrive Waters Creek ........2 P.M. Surplus fund ................... 10,000.00 l^eave Waters Creek..........2:30 P.M. Undivided profits, less ATTORNEYS MICKIE SAYS Arrive Grants Paae______ 4 P.M. expenses and taxes For information regarding freight 4,862.82 paid .............................. T^LVOICE ) THIS I« MR. BLANK^ H. D. NORTON, Attorney-at-law. and passenger rates call at the office Due to banks and bank « HAVE A NEWS ITEM FOR. 1,404.01 Practices in all State and 'Federal of the oompany. Lundberg building, ers ................................. THE PAPER "MR WHOOZIS. er telephone 131. Individual deposits sub Courts. First National Bank Bldg. who lives ten miles from ject to check ................ 357,687.48 HERE ANO HAS ALWANS Demand certificates of G. W. OOLVIG, Mtorney-at-law. PHYSICIANS 470.40 deposit .......................... traded in another town , Grants Pass Banking Co. Bldg. Cashier checks outstand WAS IN OUR citn too AN ANO L. O. CLEMENT, M. D. Practice ing ................................ 25,329.82 PURCHASED a »IOO BILL OF 149.19 limited to diseases of eye, ear, nose Certified checks .... * 1 • B. S. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Practices goods , at blank ' s store , and throat. Glasses fitted. Hours Time and Savings de in all courts. First National Bank AND WAS so WELL PLEASED posits ............................ 130,009.29 , 9-12, 2-5, or on appointment. Notes Building. - that he announced mis and bills redis Phones, office 62; residence 359-J. i counted — acceptances intention of trading in O. 3. BLANCHARD, Attorney-at-iaw. sold ................................ 72,000.00 THIS ClTN HEREAFTER SO HF. Golden Rule Bldg. Phone 270. 8. LOUGHRIDGE, M. D. Physician Bills payable for money CAN AVAIL MlbASELF OF THE borrowed ..................... 20,000.00 HIGH GRADE goods AND FINE and aurgeon. City or country calls C. A. à ’OLER, Attorney-at-law. Ma / values at blank ' s .” no attended day or night. Phones, Total .................. $671,913.01 sonic t'-’mple, Grants Pass, Ore. \ CH ARGE, I SUPPOSE, BO A Res. 369; Office, 182; 6th and H. 8tate of Oregon. ) NEWS ITEMS County of Josephine.) GEO. H. DURHAM, Attorney-at-law I. Frank C. Bramwell, Cashier of referee in bankruptcy. Masonic E. J. BILLICK, M. D. Physician MO O , I ~ the above named bank, do solemnly FRETIN SÄEN'. Temple. Phone 135-J. and surgeon, office Schallhorn swear that the above statement Is Gürt« *405 UK Sí WAIT TILL block, phone 54-J; residence. 1004 true to the best of my knowledge and THE bOSS SEIS JAMES T. CHTNNOCK lawyer belief. THAT ’NEW» Lawnridge, phone 54-L. First National Bank Building FRANK C. BRAMWELL, Cashier i W. F. RUTHDRFORD—Manual the-[ Subscribed and sworn to before me j DENTISTS Harnes« and Saddlery raputics. It gets your ailment ' this 7th dav of July, 1920. E. C. MACY, D. M. D. First-class Office over Barnes’ jewelry store G P JESTER, Auto Top and Canvas Work dentistry. 109% 8. 6th St Notary Public. Office hours 9:30-12; 1’30-4. (My commission expire» RALPH W. STEARNS, M. D.. Phy- April 5th, 1921.) VETERINARY SURGEON sldan and surgeon, X-ray equlp- Correct—Attest • With Grants Pass Hardware Co R J. BESTl’L. Veterinarian CLAUS SCHMIDT. ment, dental X-ray. Office, Me I. A. ROB1E. Residence «38 Washington boule sonic Temple Bldg. Phones' Of- FRANKLIN 8. RRAMWDLL. vard. phone 399-R flee 21-J; residence 21-L. Di root ora. D. SWOPE AUTO CO. The Wardrobe Cleaners G. B. BERRY /