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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1920)
GRANTS PAM DAILY COURIER FACE TWO PORTLAND MARKETS Portland, July 9.—All markets <1 were steady and quotations the same | as yesterday. GRANTS PASS DAILY COURIER Published Daily Except Sunday A. E. Voorhles, Pub. and Propr. NEW TODAY Entered at poetoffice. Grants PasB, Ore., as second class mall matter. FOR SALE—Two h. p. motors, j almost new. Address No. 1476 care Courier. lutfl OREGON C ELERY ADVERTISING RATES Display space, per inch....................20c Local-personal column, per line..-10c Readers, per line............................... 6c ...... -------------------------------------- DAILY OOURIBR By mall or carrier, per year---- $6.00 By mall or carrier, per month.. .50 WEEKLY COURIER By mail, per year............................$2.00 FRIDAY, JULY O. 1020. HEAD LETTUCB INSURANCE, ALL FORMS—Inquire for rates on grain and hay insur ance. T. M. Stott, office phone 44-J. 12tf CANTALOUPES KLXNE Y &TKUAX for* so many years is another cause, nd, and the interests of the publf of the scanty run of fish tn the river should be safeguarded at all events. today. If It were possible that the The parties who derive the financial money spent in promoting and com benefit from the industry should be bating these fights from year to year willing, and we believe those who had been available for a beneficial are most interested financially are purpose Instead, there would now be willing to tax the business equally among canners and fishermen in or der to establish and maintain hatch eries for reproducing purposes. “We have been gathering golden eggs from the old goose for a great many years and It would be a sad mistake to hamper the reproduction to kill the bird in the bargain.’’ THE WATER IS FINE. BUY BATH « ING 81 ITS NOW. NEW SHIPMENT , o I GOOD RECEIVED THUS WEEK. OBITUARY I ♦ BOY’S, MEN’S, ASSORTMENT Perry Jackson McGee GIRL’S, PRICES LADIES' AND Perry Jackson MoGse was born in RIGHT. Clay county, Mo.. August 21, 1850, coming to Josephine county, in 1888, residing here until August of last year when he went to Clackston, Wash . with hie brother O. P. McGee, where he remained until the end, death coming June 30, 1920. Fu neral services were conducted at Clarkston by Rev. L IH. Teel, his pas tor, formerly of Grants Paas, after which the body was brought to Wil liams, Ore., his old home, for Inter ment. the W. O. W. taking charge of the services at this place. iMr. Mc Gee leaven to mourn his loss two sis ters. Mrs. J. A. Taylor, of Ashland. ■W OflR Ore., and Miss iMattie McGee, of this city, and two brothers, Oliver McGee, of Clackston, Wash., and William Mc Gee, of Gilroy, Cal. Bathing Suits Golden Rule Store is almost impossible to obtain and my Watch Repairing has grown to such proportion that I am compelled to discontinue certain lines of repairing. AFTER JULY 1ST I will not be In a position to accept for repairs any Jewelry or small work, but will make a specialty of Fine Watch Repairing and Diamond Setting. BARNES, The Jeweler NEW SECOND HAND STORE has opened at 111 South Sixth street, next door to the Panama Restua- rant. T. C. Booth, Propr. 18 FOR SALE—Until the 15th only: I IO1-3-5 NORTH BTH Piano, music cabinet and piano ! MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively box, one oak sideboard, one oak entitled to the use for republication library writing desk, kitchen ranvc of all news dispatches credited to it and pipe, one heating stove a: or all otherwise credited in this pipe, one center table, one glass paper and also the local news pub glory as a fishing stream. The edi-' a great many more fish in this stream cupboard, one check writer, one lished herein. and a big industry which means All rights of republication of spe torial in question reads as follows: set of three gasoline lamps, some cial dispatches herein are also re “The outlook for the fishing in- much to Curry county would be wood. Currier’s Millinery Store, served. 512 S. 6th St. 19 dustry on the river here this season steadily Increasing, Instead of going , .. I V»«.T~> TY Hume, IX ivvvva whose nikncA txrflf — backward. R. D. writ presents a very gloomy situation so FRIDAY, JULY 0, 1020. BIDS WANTED—All persons desir far, with grave doubts as to any ings are now recognized as author ing to ibid on the transportation of ♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*♦♦4 ♦ V marked improvement in the future. ity on salmon fishing, knew what was pupils from School District No. 19 ♦ The result is certain to have a disas- neceusary to maintain the industry OREGON WEATHER to Grants Pass schools must send 4 in their bids by August 1 to the locally and he spent a great deal of trous effect upon industrial condi ♦ Weather for the Week directors, W. A. Sharp chairman:J. work in study hard time, money and tions here, and the necessity for ac- Pacific Coast States: Fair; ♦ R. Hawes and A. B. Eckert, R. F. ♦ tion in the matter should easily be Ing reproduction and conducting ex D. No. 2. 18 ♦ nearly normal temperatures. ♦ apparent to all local citizens, as well perlments along that line, but his ♦ Tonight and Saturday, fair 4 as to the cannery operators and fish efforts have brought little accomp- [WANTED—iMan or woman to take ♦ up permanent work among friends + north portion. Fair and cooler 4 ermen. For several years past the llshment here. and neighbors of your own city and ! ♦ 4 in the east portion Saturday. “There is nothing to be gavnea in community. Permanent position. • ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦■»♦♦ ♦ Rogue river has been fished too hard, there being little or no attempt made idly discussing the situation, or in Guaranteed salary. All or part REAPING THE WHIRLWIND time. Can earn $25 per week for at re-stocking with the inevitable re trying to fasten the blame at any two hours work per day and build I That the truth is at last forcing sult now experienced. There is no particular source. Action, and quick up permanent Income. Factory , Itself upon the people of Gold Beach, use trying to make light of the sit action at that, coupled with coopera representative will see you about I at the mouth of the Rogue river, is uation, or easing it off with petty ex- tion among the canners and fisher- July 12th. Leave name or ad-| shown by the editorial printed in the ¡cases, The annual squabble which i men, must come at once. The coun- dress at Josephine hotel for Mr. T. I J. Northrup. 19 ! last Issue of the Gold Beach Reporter. has kept this river in the limelight ' ty will suffer the greatest loss in the The goose that lays the golden egg is being brought to a rapid demise, and if the citizens of Curry county would profit by experience, they would join with the upper river peo- pie to closlng the stream and bring- Ing the Rogue back to its former GOOD HELP WANTED—1 sawyer, 1 setter, 1 cut off man, 1 edger. Apply evenings to F. C. Goetz, Josephine hotel. 23 FOR SALE—5 milch cows, good milkers; 8 shoats, pure bred Du- rocs; 1 sow, weight 309 pounds, pure bred Duroc. Inquire at the Alonzo Jones ranch, Fruitdale. 23 KEEP YOUR SHOES NEAT THE BIG VALUE PACKAGES LIQUID AND CAKE Also Pastes and Liquids—for Black, Tan, Ox-Blood and Dark Brown Shoes . THE F. F. DALLEY CORPORATIONS LTD.. R. E. Morton, Prop. FEED, FLOUR, HAY, GRAIN ALL KINDS OF FEED FOR SALE—2-quart glass top fruit jars, at the Bonbonnaire. 23 WANTED--^Experienced maid at. Western Hotel. manager. chamber Apply to 19 FOR SALE—Four-room cottage north side on pavement, 50x100 lot. Price $1200. Will consider car in good condition as first pay ment, balance at $10 per month. Phone 147 or call at 315 North 6th street. WANTED—About 200 feet of good 6 or 8-iuch galvanized iron Irriga tion pipe. Phone 316- a R. 19 ALFALFA HAY—Second cutting now ready. Phone 316-<R. Advertising Pays—Advertise with the Courier SCO ^OR C ARE ER E £ M QTOR/3T5 If you are nursing a grouch and don’t want to get rid of it don’t come here. Our customers are a happy, contented, carefree lot because they turn all of their motor troubles over to us. • * We are equipped properly to handle any com plaint you may have to make of your car. When you come to us you have the satisfaction of knowing that the work is done right. V" - "y \/ . AGENTS FOR , MR.HAPPY PARTY ! THE MEATS THEY SfU ARE GUARANTEED- IN DUALITY THEY SUPERSEPB 11 9» Í- HUDSON MAXWELL CHALMERS ANO ESSEX CARS COLLINS AUTO COMPANY ACCESSORIES AHO REPAIRING J PHONE 317 Z Sil H STREET, GRANTS PASS, ORE We guarantee the high qual ity of the meats we sell be cause we are acquainted with their purity and their whole- someness and their other strength-giving, body-building qualifications. Of course we guarantee our meat—we know whereof we speak. Watvh for Mr. Happy Party No matter what make battery you have WK have the parts, experience, and facilities to re» l*4r or rebuild it—and, a bat tery repaired or rebuilt HERE la one that is DEPENDABLE. If you waat SERVICE that is »errice for the OWNER—come to us. BATTERY HO is the “purchasing agent” of y family? We’ll wager the “lady of the house” does most of the buying. Is she de ciding on Oregon-made products and help ing to make Oregon a better place in which to live? W The long and varied list of quality articles made in Oregon includes almost everyth! mg one needs. For Instance For the larder ’l||l’ Adams Electric & Battery Shop CITY a-N-fO-17 \ Count’s Feed Store /7ZL4 D QU AR TER 3 • I BUFFALO. N. Y. /////z/z; / / / / / / 1111 mi \ i \\ \ \ w\\\\\\x\\>S QKVtWD FRUITS CANNED VEGETABLES COFFEE CHEESE FLAVORING EXTRACTS CATSUP BAKING POWDER CANNED FISH PREPARED MEATS In the clothing linet there are BATHING SUITS SUSPENDERS LADIES WAISTS BLANKETS OVERCOATS MACKINAWS SHOES OVERALLS HATS AND CAPS NECKWEAR SHIRTS GLOVES And then there are SOAPS BROOMS STOVES FURNITURE BRUSHES PHONOGRAPHS TOYS REFRIGERATORS TRUNKS SUITCASES TENTS AD INFINITUM BUY OREGON PRODUCTS Associated Industries of Oregon