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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1920)
VOL. X., No. 245. GRANT* P A HH, JOSEPHINE COUNTY. OREGON. FRIDAY, JULY t>, l»2O. WHOLE NIMBER .'M* 18. RULES FOR TRADE ALLIED HEADS Employes in Attorney General’s Of. tice Said to Have Been Hired to Further Campaign ConditiouN Ijaid Down by Allies Agreed to by Soviets—Confcr- oik 'O. Held in Ijondou I St. Louis, July 9.—Charges that NEW GOVERNMENT TO BE AT INDORSEMENT OF COMMITTEE ACTION TAKEN UNDER PROTEST Spa, Belgium, July 9.—The Rus HARDING WORKING ON SPEECH persons employed through the at- BY REPRESENTATIVES OF sian soviet government has accepted TACKED BY GENERALS SAY’S 48 SOUGHT BY FRIENDS OF OF ACCEPTANCE—LEADERS all conditions laid down by Premier torney general’s office, ostensibly to GERMANY PRESIDENT INDEPENDENCE VISIT OFFICE Agroement Stipulât«» That Demands Must Be Carried Out or Meas ures Will Be Taken Spa, Belgium .July 9.—‘Germany's delegatee signed at 11:5 o’clock this morning an engagement accepting the terms of the allied note relative to the disarmament presented yester day. This action was taken under protest by the German representa tives The allied note demanded that the Germans accept the terms presented by noon today. It also stipulated that if the Germans failed to carry out the provisions of the demands, that allied forces would occupy parts of Germany. aid in reducing the high cost of liv ing. really were working to have A. Mitchell Palmer nominated for presi dent at the democratic national con vention, were made before the sen ate investigating committee today by Miss Oliva Brueggman, formerly executive secretary of the Missouri women’s committee to reduce the high cost of living. Miss Bruegg- man said the workers who were sup posed to address the meetings on the high cost of living, actually spoke only on Palmer, telling “what a fine man he would be for president.” These workers frequently travelled at government expense, she declard. WALSH 10 PRESENT REQUEST Lloyd George for the resumption of trade relations, ae a result of con ferences in London with Leonid Kras- sin, according to an announcement made in British circles here tonight. Revolutionists l>eclared to Have Very Ix-ader of Unsuccessful Fight Before More Road to Re Surfaced— First lni|M>rtant i'onfmuM Sched Few Followers and Do Not Con Republicans and Democrats to uled for July 20, When National More Josephine county roads are stitute a .Mcmu e Try Again Body Convenes Mexico City, July 9.—Fixe gen- erals have taken up arms against the new Mexican government, provisional President de la Huerta told the for eign correspondents last night, but he declared they did not constitute a military menace since they had but a few followers. He estimated that not more than 500 men had been in volved in recent outbreaks. Chicago, July 9.—Efforts to secure the indorsement of the committee of 4 8 for a plank favoring American aid toward Irish independence will be continued despite the adverse result of the vote, it was learned today. Frank P. Walsh, who led the unsuc cessful fight before the republican and democratic conventions for such a plank, is bringing it for presenta tion to the convention here tomor row. to be surfaced according to word from Portland. The contract for the seven and a half miles in the Grave Marion, Ohio, July 9.—A number creek and Pleasant valley sections of conferences were scheduled when has been awarded to D. M. Stevenson, 'Senator Harding, the republican pres at a cost of $77,610. idential candidate, reached his office today. Among those to call were Henry L. Stoddard, New York, who Williania Still Hitting— attended a recent dinner in New "Ken” Williams, the Grants Pass York of prominent progressive lead slugger with the St. I-ouis baseball ers at which a resolution endorsing club, Is still maintaining his reputa Harding and Coolidge was adopted. tion as a slugger. During the , last The senator also planned to continue two games he was at bat seven times writing hiss peech accepting the and got five hits. He is given credit nomination, the work on which is for bringing in most of the runs in progressing rapidly. the last game and has made quite a Dayton, July 9.—The first import name for himself. ant conference to arrange for the democratic party campaign plans will be held here July 20th. according to a telegram received by Governor Oox from Homer 3. Cummings, chairman of the national democratic commit tee. Cummings said he had called the meeting of the entire national committee to meet with Governor Cox on that date. Paris, July 9.—The laist prisoners of war in French hands being rem WHEAT PRODUCTION LARGE nants of the Russian expeditionary ON JULY 1 SAY’S ESTIMATE force that landed f at Marseilles, ac- claimed by enthusiastic throngs, in Washington, July 9.—The wheat 1917, are being expatriated as fast as production this year will be 809,000,- the slow progress of negotiations 000 bushels, the department of agri with the bolshevikl will allow. culture forecast stated today, basing About 5,000 of them remained in the estimate on the condition on July terned after ‘all other (prisoners, in 1st of the combined winter and spring cluding the 'Germans, had been sent wheat crop«. home. Coming as allies and par The production of corn was fore ticipating in some of the fierce fight cast at 2,799,000,000 bushels. ing along the lAisne, the Russians were deeply impressed by the revolu tion in their country, discipline suf POLAND WILLING TO MAKE fered until finally revolt ano mutiny PEAX’E BY HELF DETERMINATION broke out In the ranks, requiring se vere measures. Warsaw, July 9.—The foreign of- The contingent never again par lce today announced that the Polish ticipated in military operations. The government had forwarded a note to men were used for a time in road re the Spa conference declaring that Po pairing ‘but the results were unsat land now, just as before and always. isfactory. They arc being exchanged ' is ready and willing to make peace for (French soldiers taken by the so-j based on the self deterimnatlon of viet forces on the Archangel front. < nations. St. I-ouis, July 9.—Delegates to the Missouri democratic convention which helped to oust Senator James A. Reed from his national conven tion seat were supplied with expense money by two factions, one favorable to Attorney General Palmer, tne other to Governor Cox, according to witnesses today before the senate No Band Concert— committee investigating campaign ex There will be no band concert to penditures. night. As the regular rehearsal night was taken up with the street dance, the band had no time to practice on their new selections and the concert Santa Fe, July 9.—Elbert W. Blan New Orleans, July 9.—Karl Leh was postponed. cett, convicted of the murder of mann, nationally known because of Clyde Armour, was hanged in the his work during the last dozen years Married Last Week— jail here this morning. The crime in the interest of the Christian En Martin M. Riggs and Anne Jeanette was committed in October, 1916. deavor movement, and for the last Pearson, both of Grants Pass, were The crime for which Albert W. five years general secretary of the married July 3 at the home of Mr. A carnival, under the auspices of Blancett was convicted was the mur organization tn the southern states, and Mrs. H. Nutt, Rev. C. E. Glazier ¡ the American Legion and Grants der of Clyde D. Armour, near Glor- retired today, announcing his inten officiating. The relatives and imme I Pass band, will be put on here next ieta, N. M., about 20 miles east of tion of taking up farming in Lake diate friends of the parties attended. I Thursday, Friday and Saturday, here, October 23, 1916. County, Florida, and assisting in the Mr. 'Riggs is the son of Mr. and Mrs j There will be dancing, concessions, Armour, who lived at Sioux City, work of an agricultural school at B. W. 'Riggs of Roseburg, Ore., and ■ side shows and everything that goes Iowa, where he was employed as Montverde. Mr. lehmann's final of Mrs. Riggs is a daughter of Mr. and Ito give a carnival spirit to the city. chief clerk in the passenger office of ficial act was to redder to the all 'Mrs. Shaffer of oMntana. The home The two local organizations are plan the Northwestern Railroad company, south Christian Endeavor convention was beautifully decorated with June ning to cooperate with the carnival left his home September 29, 1916, ac in session here, his report on the llllies and roses. Dainty refresh- company and will help put on some companied by his mother and sister, five year campaign for Christian En- ments were served. Mr. and Mrs. of the concessions. A large percent en route to California in a new eight deavor organization in the south. Riggs will make their home in Grants age of the receipts will go to the Le cylinder automobile. On arriving at The report showed the organiza- Pass. gion and the band for their part of Clarks, Neb., the sister was taken ill tion during that period of 2,566 new the work. The carnival will prob and when recovered sufficiently to societies in the 12 southern states ApixMnted Government Hunter— ably be staged on H street where the travel she and heFmother proceeded with 250,000 young people added to J. H. Hechner, who has had charge band has been giving the dances. to their destination, Fresno, Cal., by the roll and the establishment of a of the campaign for the extermina Dances will be given by the band two train. Clyde Armour continued the sectional organization periodical. tion of rodents in the county, has of the night« that the carnival is trip 'by auto. He arrived In Denver, Three field secretaries have been em been appointed government hunter. here,, according to present plans. October 19. ployed for work in the south and a Mr. Hechner will have both Jose A meeting of the T^egion has been He asked the Y. M. C. A. at Denver field secretary for the endeavor so phine and Jackson counties for his called for next Monday night to per to find a companion who desired to cieties in China, the southern young territory. The 'farmers feel that fect plans for the carnival. As this travel by auto to the coast. The “Y” I*eople supporting them on a budget much good will result from the pres is the first carnival that has stopped being unable to find sue ha man, Ar of $8,000. The societies, in addition, ence of a hunter to hunt down preda in Grants Pass for some time, it mour inserted a want ad in one of the have contributed $27,422 to denom tory animals. should be well patronized. Denver papers, which was answered inational missions in the south. by Blancett, an agreement was reach Charles F. Evans, of Lexington, ed and they started westward. Ky., is expected to succeed Mr. Leh Armour never reached Santa Fe, mann as general secretary during the but a man representing himself to be next year. The employment of ad Armour arrived here October 23, reg ditional field secretaries also was ex istering at a local hotel. When he pected, Lawrence C. Little having did so he committed the first indis been selected for work in Kentucky cretion which led. to his arrest later and Tennessee, Frank <P. Wilson for - • I -------- on, as, when he started to write “C. Virginia and North Carolina and D. Armour ” the first letter he made j New York, July 9.—A number of less handicapped by wounds.” He Samuel W. Denby for South Carolina, New York, July 9.—The entire upon a small number of hospital* nytdeet little farms operated by vet- said they were about equally divided was "E.” This he changed, making a Georgia. Florida and Alabama. plant of the Peking Union Medical which, by reason of location, staff ejans of the world war who have re as farm, tractor mechanics, general “C.” over the letter “E.” which he College, established through the and equipment are in a position di covered from shell shock, gas or farmers, poultry raisers and hog had first written, He remained here China MedicaJ Board of . the Rocke until October 27, going then to Al- ' CATHOLIC CHURCHES TURNED wounds, now dot the states of New breeders. feller Foundation, probably will be rectly to promote the cause of medi buquerque, where he sold the auto- BACK BY ¡MEXICAN HEAI*S completed by January 1, 19 21, Geo. cal education. Jersey, Connecticut and New York. Archie A. Stone, former member mobile for $500. The night of Octo- The owners of these farms, most of E. Vincent, president of the founda iMr. Vincent’s review said, concern of the Minnesota legislature, who is ber 30 he boarded a train at Albu Mexico City, July 9.—A number of them graduates of the New York in charge of the work for the gov querque and evidently went straight churches in Guadalajara, taken over tion, stated today in a partial review ing the anti-tuberculosis work of the States School of Agriculture at Farm of the work of the foundation dur foundation: “Only in France—and ernment, and has studied the results through to California. by the government in 1915 and with ing 1919. Three of the teaching there as a war measure—has the in ingdale, L. I., have been “rehabili of the farm vocational training plan, Blancett was placed on trial in held from the Catholic clergy since tated” and are now making (good as said that it is producing results of a the Santa Fe county district court that time under the provisions of the buildings of the college were occu ternational health board undertaken food producers with the same enthu to aid in combatting tuberculosis ’* definite and permanent character. April 13, 1917. The jury returned a constitution, have been returned to pied in October, 1919. siasm that took them "over the top" The completed plant will include A campaign, started there in 1917, The students may have both theory verdict of guilty of murder in ths their congregations by order of Pres in France. and practice at Farmingdale 365 days first degree, April 24. Blancett when ident de la Huerta. According to El the following buildings, the review aimed to demonstrnte systematic ccn- The transformation of most of stated: Laboratories for anatomy, trol method*, train public health in the year. placed on the witness stand admitted Heraldo de Mexico, the return of the physiology and chemistry; pathology nurses, educate the public to fight these former soldiers who selected 'Michael Leddy, w’ho lost an arm at shooting Armour but said it was an Guadalajara churches is the first building, a 250-bed hospital with farming from among the subjects of- tuberculosis and turn the work over — — ’ ’ is specializing ‘ ’ in accident. He said they got out of step in the president’« program to fered by the federal board for voca- I Chateau-Thierry, provisions for about 30 private to the French. This transfer of re tional training in many cases has tractor work and with one hand and the car to hunt and that while he was turn back all churches throughout rooms; a large out-patient depart sponsibility to French communities been a complete metamorphosis of a steel hook, drives as straight a fur walking behind Armour he stumbled Mexico which have been closed by ment, a hospital administration unit and agencies has gone forward stead The closed- with quarters for resident physicians ily, the review added. "The person railroad brakemen, plumbers, police row, it is said, as any two-handed and in trying to save himself from governmental order. falling the gun he was carrying was church issue has been a vibrant one and internes; a nurses’ home; plants nel in charge of the dispensaries is men, mechanics and laborers. One farm boy. for years in Guadalajara, a notably which will supply water, heat, light, now almost wholly French.” A year ago Charles Kupinski, an discharged. recent graduate of the school was a On appeal both the state supreme religions city. bartender before the war and today other crippled soldier, had never power and gas and faculty residences. The hospital and santtarinm facili he owns a thoroughly up-to-date even ridden in a motor car. Recent court and the supreme court of the "The China Medcial Board of the ties for the tuberculous, provided by ly, according to Director Johnson, he United States affirmed the decisions JACK JOHNSON OFFERS TO place near Toms River, N. J. Rockefeller Foundation seeks to aid the American Red Cross during the According to A. A. Johnson, direc repaired a cracked cylinder In a of the lower court and ordered the SURRENDER—ON CONDITION the agencies which represent Western war, have been taken over and ex tor of the school, there were 7 6 fed heavy farm tractor at a saving of sentence carried out. medicine in China to make steady tended by municipalities and depart- eral hoard men enrolled In June and nearly $200 to the school. I jm Angeles. July 9.—Jack John progres toward higher standards and | ments. The central government, Mr. POLISH GOVERNMENT TO Other soldier graduates of Farm a number of these have since gradu more efficient service,” Mr. Vincent’s Vincent’s report explained, has passed MOVE CAPITAL FROM WARSAW son, former heavyweight champion, ated. Director Johnson was lavish ingdale who are operating farms are I a law under which eaph department now a fugitive from American jus review said. in has praise of what the soldier Harry F. Cruise at Holbrook. L. I.; Appropriations were made during will be compelled within five year* London, July 9.—.It Is the inten tice, today by a long distance tele farmers are accomplishing, declaring Edison S. Smith, New Canaan, Conn.; tion of Poland to move the seat o* phone call from Tijuana, offered to the year to 19 hospitals conducted either to build * sanitarium of its that not only were they doing their Elmer E. Sturtz. Wellersburg. Pa.; government from Warsaw, according surrender to the federal authorities under the auspices of missionary so own or to send its patients to that of full share in the economic program Austin A. Sullican. 'Ronkonkoma, L to statements printed by. the German If accorded certain privileges. The cieties, the review said. In Decem another department. The coat 1* to of their country 'but "in a good many I., and * number of other* within 50 nreas quoted tn a wireless menage department of Justice agent refused ber, 1919, a revised policy was adopt be shared 'by the central and depart eases, considerably more than others miles of New York. from Berlin today. to make any bargain with the negro. ed which provides for concentration mental governments. BEHMILITLTEO VETERANS OF WORLD Wifi NOW OWNERS OF MODERN FARMS EHTIBE PLANT OF THE PEKIN MEDICAL COLLEGE TO BE COMPLETED TH IS YEAR