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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1920)
GRAM'S I’lsH ll.tllA < ol llllH VAGE F»»FH ! Confidential I P’PR5?NA1L L"B LOCAL New C. W. Clark left for .Medford this l'ummitl«'o Meets— The locai commltlve whleh 1» lak morning to spend a few day» look FANCY BI II* H Ki TOP* ANI» ing after business matters. ing cure of the Grants l’ass end of li RITI" SILK IK »HE Mr. and Mrs. G. Reiwald spout a the state Cliamber of Coni merce, tew days visiting iu the city, leaving drive for fuuds, 1«. meeting thls uf- ternoon. The meeting wu calimi for this morning for Sisson. Cal, Your business is solicited on the basis 5 o'clock al thè Chamber of Com- 1ÜC HonMlitchlng and pecotlng. Nucceamor to The locai comuiltlee. Oi prompt, courteous treatment and abso ind 12c per yard Nellie Nraa 0 Itf metre rooms Mr*. K. ^tabkopf which la co mix wed Of Sum II. Baker, lute safety. Mrs. F. L Eddings' left for Gold l>r. E J Hllllck, F. C. Bramwell, T. Hill today to spend a few daya vlait- M. Stott and Clarence Winetrout, Ing with friends. will have charge of the raising of L, Ingram, of the Oregon theater, $1500 In thia city which has been "I MCI « went to Medford this morning to at placed us Granta Pus»' quota. Many Hl>¡ \; Ml «' XV 1 tend to business tor the day. s ! > •! cities have already gone over the top OF SOUTHERN OREGON Mrs H. L. Green returned In tho drive a cording to C. V Flein- morning from a several days ng and James G Stafford, represen in a with friends in Ashland tatives of the state chamber, who -ire NEW SUIT, SHOES and Hay Fever. Asthma. Goiter may spending a few days In the city. be cured by Dr Tompkln's treat FURNISHINGS NOTICE men ta. ' '**f Farmers »nd Fruit Growers at Mr. and Mrs. S. B Simmons and We have on hand several hundred ' three children, of Medford, spent |H>unds of Gras'M'llI brand aWenata of Monday here visiting with relatives lend, which Is giving complete satis Mrs .1 A. Smith. Mrs Harry Hull. fa tion It comes in iwckages rang- ¡.Mrs. Frank Kiene. Mrs. M L. Op- I Ing from 4 pound» to 300 pound bar I dycke and Mrs. E. J. Corlllo motored |rel M't us have your order now. Wv to Medford and Ashland Saturday , would alao like to have your esti Mrs M A. Trunnell went to Rogue mate on the number of pear boxen River this morning to apond a few you will need, so we can supply you daya visiting at the home of Mrs. O. with made-up boxea. or In shook« , D. Baker. Wo would suggest thoae needing any Mirs Nellie Lister arrived Sunday quantity, say over 500. get them in rompiese r!<>'hrs »ntlsfaclhm—In servier, style, fit ¡from Portland and visited until yes «hooks and make them U|> at the valor Clothe« that lii'itr th«- question terday evening with her father. Wm . ranch Lister • We have several tons of dry lime I Toni Gilmore and Frank South 'sulphur at the old Rex Spray plant You have grain to thresh. GM one of the several spent the Fourth in the city, return- ¡It 1« a wonderful fertilizer, worth Threshernien to do your work- Less Grain In the Stark i ing to their work at Pass (*reek can i$40 per ton. You may have It for ll i lie alirn of and cleaner grain in the Sacks. That's lane Threshing. . If yon last nigh' ¡hauling It away Get busy on thia, us Ye Jolfy OEO S. CALHOUN you can not get Case service in your community then we ‘‘Mum" for perspiration. Sabin has It is well worth considering Idttle Tailor will be pleased to show you the little Case Community 15 IL Yours for success, Thresher. Ami if you have a Thresher and no power a Harrison Blake, who has been ORtBGON GROWERS PKG. CORP Case Kerosene Tractor will do the trick. Belt pulleys are at Crescent spending the past year Per. T. E. BEAULIEU. Manager regular equipment on Case Tractors and are driven direct. City, spent a few days In the city, No gears- You get all the power on the belt. We can Mr Blake formerly went to school In NOTICE OF IHSSOLI TION help you with your threshing problem. See us. I thia aity. , OF PARTNERSHIP ___ _____ _ Gerber, of Mr and Mrs. _____ George Portland, drove down to vmw with I Notice Is hereby given that the co- Mrs Gerber's father. William Mater.| ____ _____ r ___ : be ___ iL the _ Fourth Mrs. .. f Gerber ’neLoe In-ivoa over leaves, tween O M. Knox and Paul Rntteu- Milk Macaroni ■tonight for the north cutter, doing buatuess as Knux and Milk Spagetti William Kesterson arrived today Ruttencutter. la this day dissolved by i from Klamath Falla and visited with mutual consent of the parties, and Egg Noodles friends in the city a short time He that Paul Rutem utter becomes the went to Medford this morning, but sole owner of the »aid copartnership will return here later business, and will pay all Indebted . Anthony G. Simas, of Yreka, visit ness and collect all bllia due. or ed for a short time at the Simas owing to or from said copartnership I Bros, ranch in the Illinois valley, Dated July 6. 1920. Place orders for Duplicate and Triplicate visiting with his brothers and Bisters PAUL RUTTRNCITTBR. He returned to Yreka last night. O. M KNOX Mrs. R H. Creager returned to her CARD Ol III I'K' home at Coquille this morning after Mos* i»n»it vs tnstrumanL Ine't senaltlve Instrument yet a visit of six weeks In the city. Mrs 1u il..- Sonili lu| of lit Ing In We wish herein to express made I» the liulutueior, originally In Creasier was formerly a resident of I ..I'.iw fir, tli" fox squirrels l.iilld gratitude to friends and neighbors vented by Langley, which Is usril for this city. ■j .. .-t* ip tbp top* of the pine timi All styles and sizes for their Incewnnt helpful kindnesses measuring variations lu the radiation Airs. John Cole and three children * .» - . "«pally of kpimtsli mo««. of heul It n . »ter» to a mllll'Mith of left Saturday morning for Oakland. « - 'm. '.-in Fnres'rv Mtigjizlii'*. during the sickness and death of our a degree T1>r heart of It I» a plat Requires about 60 days to fill orders Cal Mrs. Cole has spent the past » ri . "I <■> »,e"p also <-nrrylng tn beloved wife and mother. » H O WILLIAMS und FAMILY inum wire an finn that It '"annoi Ix» three months visiting with her moth- ' i i ‘tlie pin» 'one* In the liardwosl 4 •een except n ben il ray of bright light «t - i i ihr North div leave« inks er. Mrs. M. J. Masiker. i« rrlterlMl from It. < iici> <>i in \\ks Mrs. Lloyd B. Wickersham and !»<• • . r i.f the Spniilsb mo«« nini n •nr fncdons ru-st Is built with an en- daughter. Gene, are visiting for a •rnn< .-«■ hole al lio* «ble Ths Cat Had Triad IL Mrs. Wickersham ’ s Constantly in Stock: short time with j We alati to «■apro«» our sincere A friend visiting n the city called sister. Mrs. J. B. Wimer. Mr Wlck- , thanks to our many friends for their ■ *n fin', ami i, beim, nluiosl luncheon NEW TO|>AT Books of Duplicate Remittance Blanks ersham Is from Norfolk, Va. I | kindnesses and the beautiful floral time. I n ••'1 Io to have tea with Orres the ladies’ tailor from Ash "OR SALE—Two *3 h. p. motors, offerings re eb nd during the sick me aiitl try «ouie of ui> cake I bad Garage Repair Books land. will be at Clevenger's Hat Shop Just taken from the oven When I got almost new. Address No 1476 ness and death of our mother. Trade Acceptances every Thursday, Instead of every A B. CORNELL and FAMILY to the pantry door I found I bad for- 'care Courier. 10tf gotten to close thr window ami my Legal Blanks Tuesday. 61 tf ■mighhor’s cat mis enjoying the lust A. D. Carson, who has been in the INSURANCE, ALT. FORMS -Inquire Blank Sales Books bori ; city for the past week, having been for rates on grain and hay 1nsur-| BURNER To Mr and Mrs W II. •f my cake.—Kxciintia« called here by the death of A. H. ance. T. M. Stott, office phone Burner, of Holland. Monday. July Carson, left this morning for hie 44-J. lltf 5. a daughter. home at Oakland, Cal. % and Mrs. Mar TUFFS To Mr Mrs. A. C. Stewart arrived Satur NEW SECOND HAND STORE has Tuffs, of thia city. Sunday. July opened at 111 South Sixth street, day from Seattle for a visit here for 4. a son some time with her husband. Mr. next door to the Pananyi Restua- FL.WIRRTY —To Mr and Mrs. R. R. Stewart is Interested In a large num rant. T. C. Booth, Propr. 19 Flaherty. of thia elty. Sunday. ber of mining properties in the coun July 4, a daughter. E. L. GALBRAITH—Real Estate. In ty surance, and plate glass liability. ♦ Mrs. F. 1». Johnson and children, Cost Remarkable Cave. 609*4 O street, phone 2R. 40tf Blood Presaura, TONIGHT Howes '-ave' situated 3U miles from who have been visiting in Portland, Blood pressure >s th. pressure ol Albany. N. Y„ probably the most re returned home Saturday. They were DRY WOOD FOR SALE—About 700 lawt Timen the blood against th<- walls of the large markable cavern known, was discov acoonjpanied by Mrs. J. H. Wagon tiers of 16-4nch fir and pine and arteries, It Is determined by the force ered by Lerfier Howe for whom It was blast and children who will visit here 100 corda of 4-foot wood. Wish of the heart and the resistance in the Ikm’t Mian It named, In 1942. Howe penetrated to for a few days. to dispose ot this wood to one I small blood vessels These latter eith a distance of 11 to 12 miles, but visi Good, < lean Rooms at Reason* Arthur 3. Carr, of Seattle, was the party and offer ft at $2.50 per tier er expand or contract according to tors do not gem-rally go farther than guest of Attorney and Mrs. A. C. able Prices u and $4.50 per cord on the ground conditions. This action Is Influenced four miles. The cavern was niter» call Hough last night. Mr. Carr was in by various factors, numelv. excitement, H mile from 0. A O. C. R R. spur 1 ed the OstgrtTngee cave, and Is consid Oth and H Sta 6 miles from Orants Paas A. L ! nervousness, poisons In the system ami ered one of the wonders of tile con- the same legal firm with Mr. Hough i In Seattle and la returning from San tlnent. Edgerton. 15 linrderilng of the arteries The entrance to the cave la about Francisco where ho attended the 50 feet above the valley, and the rock democratic convention. Mr. Carr loft DISHWASHER WANTED at the Jo Take Wives' Surnames. .Alonzo Jones, Mgr. sephine Hotel. 15tf Nover before a film like chambers known as the Reception [ this morning for Seattle. In some parts of Scotland the finh- This room. Washington liall. the Bridal ■ Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Sherman, who BOY WANTED—12 or 13 years of f ermen very frequently call tltemselveg chamber, and the chapel, are succes have been visiting at Holland, left age. to Irrigate. H. M. Webb, by their wives' surnames. Thus James I sively reached. Then the Harlequin Saturday for their home at Sacra phone 29-J. 15 Smith marries Mary Green, lie calls tunnel Is traversed, and the visitor himself even In bu«lm>ss tiffs 1rs, mento. Mrs. Sherman has been at passe» through Cataract hall. Ghost WANTED—A bargain in a Ford car, I •'Jumes Smith Green " Holland for several months with room and Music hall. in good condition. Address No. ! relatives, while Mr. Sherman came 1.523 care Courier. 15 up a few days ago. Boiling Steel in Oil. HERE TOMORROW Mrs. Chas. Clayton and daughter, WANTED -To rent, modern* 4-room | Cincinnati Is one of six places In the Dorris, went to Medford Saturday. house, furnished or unfurnished. ( Iambic Feature Program world where steel Is strengthened by No children. O. C. Smith, Ox-, being boiled In olf. At a plant In Car They met Mrs. C. E. Fisher, who is Mr«, ford 1« I making a trip to San Francisco. thage. n steel xtinft weighing .TO.ltOO THE BEST ASSORTMEW pounds, the largest piece ever subject Fisher will stop here for a visit with HELP WANTED In the Home Latin-! at i We recommend a pure gum ed to the new method, went through Mr. and Mrs. Clayton on her way dry. address 724 D street or phone cap In the process of being strengthened, ft north. 3M-L. If, In a story sliced out of “DURABLE." “ATHLETIC" was a "hollow bored tumbler shaft" for use in dredging gold In California, cost FOR SALE—Two young grade Jer ANI» “AERO” your own childhood days Kill Is His Motto. ing about 917.000 The great shaft was sey cows from high producing No marmimi Io the entire world OUR PRICE 00c first suspended In all upright furnace cre.ii or small, ran compare with the dam. one giving milk now, other until heated to just below the melting "easels as hunters, They hunt their to freshen In fall. Price reasonable "MURÏAL" IN ALL (XJLORH point. A crane then picked It up and prey Incessantly, following It by scent I if talten at once. J. H Robinson, Me dropped It Into a huge well of oil. The Early B. .» Settlers. »nd take tl.e Ilves of » far larger Rd. 4, phone Wlldervllle Sen net fa lattai Gloom where It boiled and s|mttered. throwing number of ilctlrna than they ne<d for The first bnrbarut*»» to settle per out Clouds of oily mist. ■ •ls|>ell«r manently 'n the Balkan peninsula bosl. says rhe Amerl'-n.i Forestry Mac PHONE were the I ; gars, a Finnish people, izine. They kill and keep on killing whose borne was the middle Volga Aberdeen a City of Granite. , net for the fun of It: anti It Is only STAR IM>ARJ»EI< Sells Drugs and Books districts. The Slava are said to have Aberdeen, Scotland, Is popularly »ring the raid winter weather, when Kegun to pour Into this region as early known as tlie Granite City, from the ..... a becomew scarce, that they con a» the third century, but they were fact that It lias more buildings of sol tit for future consumption the bodies JOSEPHINE (WNTY TRUCK ÍX». •at established until some time after id granite than any other city of its ■f some of the animals they have Parker Hanarth «In in •tee In the world. Obe Bulgarian Invasion. Your neighbor knows nothing about your business in this Bank. Every transac tion is held in strict confidence. Iflrs. Hellie fleas THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Celebrate Peerless Clothing Co. We Always Guarantee Quaker Rogne River Hardware Co J. Pardee I I I Oregon At Home Away From Home Back to God’s Country” Layton Hotel Swim Caps Electrical Supplies Jack Pickford PAUL’S Electric Store “In Wrong” CLEMENS I