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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1920)
tuurict rants YOU X-, No. W4I*. GIIAN1H PAH44, JOKKPHINE OOU.VTY, OREGON, ili! IWDAt. .11 LY I, IIMI. WHOLE NI MBEB 101«. ELECTION LOST AGAIN PUT OFF I m -ague Ismrx ill Primary FJivtlon for Governor in North Dakota for Nomination Would Pledge Party to the Effective En forcement of the Votxb-ad Law Without Change —— Fargo. N. D., July 1. ‘Returns II4REO>N< ILI IBI.EH CLAIM 400 HI B-coM.MITTEE DRAFT IS GIVEN I San Francisco, July 1.—William J. DIS8ENTION AT FIVE MINI TEH WANTED To HIVE CONVENTION from 4 35 scattered precincts out of Bryan's prohibition plank, around Allait MENT FOR PLANE BY DELEGATE« WHO WILL HTAY MAKES NOMINATION IMPOS TO MAIN BODY—FAVORS 2089 In th» state In yesterday's pri ' which today's fight In the platform HYMPATIIIZERH TO THE LAST SIBLE BEFORE FRIDAY PEACE TREATY mary election, give William I-anger, {committee Is centering, read» aa fol- lows: "We heartily congratulate the democratic party on its splendid leadership in the submission and rat ification of the prohibition amend-. I ment to the federal constitution and we pledge the party to the effective IlMllr M m ) Hr CorriiMl luto limven- Menali>r Ol>jo t*> to Remark by For Liquor Not Mond,mol—Collertlve enforcement of the Volatead law, Nmendnient to Administration Flank tJ<m—ProjiooalH lU'j«-<S<»t by the <m I .cague Forced—Work Is mer H*»retarj—Administration Bargaining by Farmers Advocate«!, honestly and in good faith, without Washington. July 1. Senator Full (>>tnmltt<'o Seeks Dark Horse Delayed Follow Virginia I ’ lntform any In reaae In the alcoholic con Harding buckled down today to bls and tent of permitted beverages work of clearing away all pending --------- > without any weakening of any other f Hau Francisco. July 1. The con matters, preparatory to his depar Francisco. Cai.. July 1. -Ir Han Auditorium, San Francisco, July San Francisco July 1 — The demo- of its provisions.'* vention resolutions committee recon ture »arly Saturday for his home at reionclable opponents to McAdoo cratic platform as drafted by the 1.—With 14 candidates placed be- —------ vened promptly st 11 o'clock to take Marlon. Ohio. ! fore it for the presidential nomina sub- ommlttee of nine and aubmlt- n«o a ■ claimed a block of at least 400 hit up the platform struggle where it tion, the democratic national conven the full committee declared ted to ter-enders who would stand to the ended long after midnight. A sharp tion after a brief session today found for the ratification of the peace trea- fight on llryan'a dry plank wan In last and prevent hla nomination. ty as a requislte to preserve the hon- i the platform committee unable to Immediate prospect McAdoo claimed they have within 50 or and integrity of the nation: sug- make a report and adjourned until The "caucus" of Irish sympathiz 8 o'clock tonight. votes of the necessary two-thlrds ma-, gests that the Irish question can be ers among delegates applied to the An attempt to suspend the ruins brought legitimately before the Jorlty and declared that they were eommlttoe for a five minute hearing and go ahead with the balloting was league of nations for settlement but sure of accessions, attracted by the In which to present argument for the Chicago, Ill., July I.—The long met with auch obvious disapproval by Is silent on the subject of prohibi Irish recognition plfhk showing of their strength. hours of oratory that mark every na the convention that it was not press tion. Madrid, July 1.- The sun prevent The caucus chairman said he was During the debate in the rosolu-, It ndvocates collective bargaining tional political convention may bore ed. Today's brief session was m arked prompted to serve an ultimatum on ed what threatened to be a serious lions committee. Senator Glass and for farmers: opposes compulsory ar the tired delegates and spectators by quiet and order in comparison the committee that a fight would be outbreak In Madrid during the recent nearly to the point of exhaustion, with the noisy and turbulent session bakers' strike. The first two days W. J. Bryan clashed over Bryan's bitration of labor disputes: declares made on the floor for such a plank. for the recognition of the new Mexi but never kill their sense of humor, of yesterday. No one could estimate published criticisms of the sub-com- ! were dull and The caucus was held In the hall ,b" bread scarcity can government when order Is estab Occasionally a witty sentence or a the probable duration of tonight’s adjoining th« committee room Sen threatening and the hungry poor mlttee as a "secret body." When lished and calls on the legislatures of quick rejoinder has been credited session and there were no assurances the lowering Senator Glass objected to It. Bryan «tor Walsh, qf Massachusetts, made ’"T" *’ affm-ted by Tennessee, Florida and North Caro with having had a greater effect on that it might not continue until day- a request that the committee hear ••‘les and the lack of food that they replied that he would use it again.1 the final result than all the oratory light. Fonk P Walsh, of Kansas City: l»a''»ded the streets tn groups utter- or any other word he should choose lina to ratify the suffrage amend of the picked spell-binders. The platform committee continued ment. Overnight conferences of forces Jnhn J Fitzgerald, the Rhode Island IntT shouts and menacing storekeep working during the day, hoping to Tn many respects the platform fol- At the recent republican gathering caucus chairman, said that a minor- erK wbo kept their establishments seeking to effect a combination to harmonize the differences over the defeat the nomination of McAdoo. ,OW1' that adopted by the Virginia at Chicago. Frank B Willis, former Ity report favoring ths recognition °P*n- prohibitiou plank and the league of felled to reach any agreement on the « ’ «mocrata. which was publicly ap- gorvernor of Ohio, was nominating of the plank was demanded, to pave On the third day the sun shone . The Senator Warren O. Harding for the nations and the Irish questions. candidate and their only accomplish- prov " d President Wilson, the way for carrying the fight to th» and although still hungry and corn After a wrangle of over two hours n? nations plank In particular presidency. Ohio was far down in floor. If refused, or If the commit- iwlled to wait Indefinite hours for ment seemed to he a stiffening of the was taken virtually as a whole from the list. The 13.000 sweltering per- over the suffrage plank the commit determlnatlon to hold solid if pos- tee refused to hear Frank Walsh, he the loaves to be doled out. the peo- the Virginia platform, though In sone, who crowded the big coliseum tee reached an agreement, and began salil. the counts of the Irdth sympa- pie did so patiently and even cheer- (s,ble. the veto block of votes, other respects there have been modi- had listened with only half-lntereet the consideration of the Irish plank Aa a counter move to meet the thlzers would be determined at an- Uy. ficatlons and many new subjects to more thsn five hours of fervid or by granting the request of Frank P. combination against McAdoo, admin other session of the caucus later Io- All kinds of laws and police regu- added. atory when Willis, closing his speech. I Walsh that he be heard. day. The convention Hiles could not latlons were broken by the men. istration forces were scouting for a The preamble sends greetings to > said "Well, boys and girls, let’s dark horse of their own who could prevent a floor battle, he said women and children forming the al- IPreaddent Wilson, commending his i nominate Harding.” San Francisco. July 1.—«Prospects The Irish sub-commlttee plank pro- mo9t endless bread-lines, hut the au- break the combination If It proved achievements in the interest of the hnmor brought a for balloting late today for presi ' The friendly effective. Vice President Marshall poslng to leave the settlement of the thoritles took a lenlent view of * what dential candidates went glimmering had been talked of to head the com- country and of the whole world and ready response. Irish question to the league of na- occurred, binatfon against McAdoo There was condemns tn general terms the re- The next day. when the landslide as the delegates to the democratic tlona was rejected by the full plat When an old man brought a ramp also mention of Senator Cummings. publican congress. toward Harding began, an Ohto ad- national convention assembled for form committee which also voted bedstead, set it up on the sidewalk mlrer of tho senator who had fB_ the fourth day's session. A long and down by a majority of two to one and stretched htmaelf on it. a police scribed the sentence on a huge sheet bitter fight over the league of na the blanket proposal favoring Irish man arrested him and led him to the of cardboard dropped ft from the gal tions declaration, in which the sup 1nd«t>endence. station house with hla bed The po lery. Tt made an Instantaneous bit. porters of President Wilson were lice captain first looked grave, then Earlier In the contest, a negro forced to accept the amendment to began to laugh when the offender delegate from Oklahoma, appearing the administration's plank before it explained he knew ho might have to I .... I I .1 ■■■■ before the credentials committee at could be adopted, so delayed the Berlin. July 1. One of the very wait anything from 12 to 24 hours 3 o’clock In the morning to press his work of the platform committee that few German Industries that may be for his bread and had merely pro- I claim for a seat, put new life Into there is little likelihood of balloting said to be flourishing is tho potash Added against fatigue, H« was re- ¡ Winnipeg. Man., July 1.—-Air-' Tendon, July 1.—Dr. Alic* Mas- that body and won his point by a to begin befors tomorrow. The galleries were filled early in Industry The production of this leased and returned to his place In ' planes, used for advertising purposes aryk, daughter of the president of remark. Having told how the "Illy Wtw material and its derivatives Is! i the line with his bed amid the ap- will feature the ele tlon campaign ot the Czecho-Slovak republic and her- white" side had held its convention the expectation of a fight on the the members of the Manitoba govern- self the president of the Czecho-Slo- entirely In German hands and |h(1 Plaitse of the crowd. tn a hotel from which negroes were platform issue. The delegates came Another group hired a barrel or- ment who will seek re-election under. vak Red Cross, who has been vlstt- more slowly. The band and singers demand for It both at home gn() barred by the proprietor, he said: entertained the crowd. Besides the abroad Is constant and eager. One gan whose owner played popular the leadership of Premier Norris this fng Ixvndon, expressed herself hope- "Why, gentlemen, in Oklahoma speech placing Ambassador Davis in Company has made during the last melodies while the people waiting summer. This unique method of fully with regard to the future of there's ‘Jim Crowism’ from the hen- nomination, it was understood that with growing appetites and hollow conducting electioneering is new and her country. fiscal year a record net profit of 43,- Senator Glass will be placed In nom “There is a promise of a good house to the hotel.” 000,000 marks, while another )1P, , stomachs danced merrily. On tho Is claimed by officials of the Norris In the langh that followed a mo- ination. Calle de la Magdalena a cobbler ar- government to be the first attempt harvest.” she said, "the sugar beet made nearly 18,000,000 marks. rived carrying a stool, his tools and; to use it In the world Edward crop 19 estimated at 700,000 metric tlon to seat the contestant was car Chairman Robinson called the con a pair of shoes, which he was able Brown, provincial treasurer tn the tons of which 400.000 tons will be ried unanimously. vention to order at 1:20 o'clock. to sole and heel before his turn came' present cabinet, recently took a available for export. The political Senator Simmons, of North Caro to obtain a loaf. flight over Winnipeg and expressed outlook is also good, the new consti- lina. Senator Glass of Virginia, Am- Similar scenes were enacted day himself as highly delighted with the tutlon having provided a sound Ixwal Boy Marries Michigan Girl— bassador John W. Davis, were all after day amid general hilarity until possibilities of airplanes In the cam- working basis. Its democratic char- A very pretty and quiet wedding placed In nomination during the thn municipal authorities decided to patgn actor afforded protectlon for the < took place at the home of Mrs Mary| first hour ot today's session. Two machines are already engaged minorities In the German districts Benoit. 117 Hubbard Ave.. Saturday When the Philippines were reach - — - - i break up the big bread-lines by dls- Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 1.— tributlng loaves from a larger num- in the enterprise. They will touch which could not be given up. evening at 7 o’clock, when her ed In the roll call of states for nom One result of the movement against j her of centers. The danger was then 1 at least one town in every constltu- "The Germans,” she remarked.. daughter. Miss Marie Kathleen, was inations. Miss Bessie Dwyer, of Ma lency. Campaign literature will be the high cost of living in the United over, ¡"will not have such a hard time in' united in marriage to Archie J. Wil nila*. offered the name of Frances dropped from the airplane as ft cir Btntes has been to add a new word | ; the republic as we had when they liams, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Burton Harrison, governor general of cles over the town. After landing, —"overalls—to the Portugese lang-! Williams of Grants Pass. Oregon. The the islands. When Secretary Hoff- I were in power." the government support*r in the ma uagc. * marriage was performed by Rev. man announced the resolutions com- Czecho-Slovakla The children of chine will address the crowd that When tho overalls movement start Forest Patrol Stade Father Ltiby. Their only attendants mlttee would not be ready to report An airplane, presumably one of gathers to meet it. Supporters ot are being organized into a Junior Red were Miss Tmcille Mocre and Mr. until 8 o’clock tonight, the conven- ed in tho United States recently Cross, men of the Serbian army as newspaper men hore translating the the forestry pianos stationed at Eu- Premier Norris are enthusiastic over sisting. Over 3,000 schools were Howard Moore. Mr. Williams was a tlon adjourned until that hoar, Associated Press dispatches from gene, went over the city today, The the scheme. member of the 95th aero squadron j ------------------- The machines at present engaged built In one year In the eastern part which was stationed at Selfridge Married I<ast Evening— English Into the .Portuguese lang patrol was expected to begin today of the country which was very much uage were perplexed. The literal and a dally flight will lie taken over display an appeal urging voters to neglected under the Magyar rule and Field and later transfered to March Ixvst evening at the home of translation would be "sobretudo" but the entire reaerve. laist year the support the present government. Field. Cal., where he received his tj)e bjjde'g parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. the children are being taught . the ns this moans overcoat In Portu planes did much good work in re honorable discharge as an aeronaut. w Courtney at 8 o’clock. Miss Lor- I importance of i>ersonal hygiene. guese It would not serve. The trans porting fires, There have been no — -Mount Clemens (Mich.) Leader. ene Courtney was united in mar- lators finally decided on '.'roupa de serious fires yet this year In the re- M c A doo silent on question ' riage to Everett O. Bradford. As )f< serve adjacent to this city. A num DEALING WITH CONVENTION operario" which In English E. E. Blanchard Improves — I th ® • trains ot Mendelshon's wedding ber of small fires have been encoun "workmen's clothes." Former G. P. Couple Mnrricsl— Attorney E E. Blanchard, who has march were and heautifully At present, however, since photo tered but none have burned over Huntington. N. Y., July 1.—Main William Earl Milliken and Miss been confined to his bed bv Illness 'lla>p(’ b>’ Corlyss Courtney, the graphs have arrived from North more than sevon acres. taining a sphinx-like silence. William Ruth Claire Hardie, both rormer in since Monday, Is reported to be much,brldal f>artv «ambled at the bower America and tho movement has been McAdoo, at his country home here structors In the Grants Pass high improved today. He will soon be nt ”11!®s amn«#d ’’or th® occasion, started here, no further effort la today declined to be persuaded by school, were marreld in Seattle on able to be about the streets again. It Kno“a* Pa’'‘or of New' The simple Tomperatnrv G* mw Up— made at translation. newspaper men to make any com Tuesday. June 29. ' mnn "M. E. church officiated, using is hoped. English word "overalls" has been The weather man. in attempting ment on the activities at the demo the full form ceremony, a*nd the adopted by newspapers and publie to mske up for some of the cold cratic «convention in San Francisco father. C. W. Courtney gave the alike. weather last winter, is over-doing It where his namo has been placed in Suffered a Stroke— bride away. Only Immediate rela- The movement Is gathering mo just a little. Yesterday the ther nomination for the presidency. Saturday Advertising ‘Copy— I Mrs. J. T. Revis and daughter, tivee were present. After the con- I mentum In <Rlo de Janeiro and vicin mometer went up to 95 degrees and Saturday Courier advertisers arc Mrs. Falk, of Portland, arrived yes- gratulatlons were given, all sat ity. Agitation started by newspapers today it promised to knock the top requested to send copy for awvertis- torday from Portland to be with Mr.' down to a splendid wedding lunch has been taken up by students who nut of It. It has mado tho swimming BAKER CITY POPULATION ing Friday afternon if possible. Only Revis, who suffered a stroke of pa-, eon. The young couple took the in a mass meeting resolved to load In the river popular, however, the a limited amount of advertising can r»lysis a few days ago. Mr. Revis evening train south i for a short tho way in Imitation of North Ameri bathhouse receiving a heavy bus Washlngton, July t.—The popula be handled on Saturday if copy is w as taken to the hospital in a critical honeymoon trip. C On their retar« cana In combatting the high cost of iness. The water yesterday was 70 tion of Baker City is placed at 7729. late. There will be no Courier is condition but is now reported to be they will make their home in Grants degrees. living. an increase of 987, or 14.« per cent. sued on Monday. out of danger. Paes Independent republican 25,044 votes and Governor Frazier, non-partisan league candidate 13,373, for th« gubernatorial nomination. WILSON SUPPORTERS LOSE OUT AIRPLANE USED Î0