Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1920)
.11 M GRANT* I'AHn DAILY CGI H.F.H 30, IOJO. Classified Advertising FUR SALE- 80 airos rolling lund. IIODHEKEEPING ROOMS for rent (•need, building», spring water. 411 North 6th street, opposite Bargain for cash U. 0. Abell, courthouse. 92tf Wlldnrvllle HOtt MICK EI.LANEOI H rill HALE Choice baled ulfuHu BAGGAGE AND EXPRESS transfer.] hay, 828 per ton, t. o. b. Granta I'hone 14-li. H Pass. ■ Riverbanks Karma. 85tf BANKERS UrE. COMPANY, Des FOR SALE Slab wood, dry 13. Moines, Iowa. District agent, My green 82.60 per llor. Caeli on de ron C. Gaston, Granta Pass. Ore livery. W J. Teal, phone 396-R Over .87,500,000 fti force In Ore-l 85tf gun. 95tf Foil HALE 2 and 3 month» old THE PICTURE MILL copies photo cockerels. !&<■ mid 25c eacb. t on graphs and valuable Instruments Shaefors. R F. D. 2. 30 makes beautiful sepia enlnrge- FOIf HALE 30 turkeys tor 135. menta-tlnts portraits and views In Ladewig, Rd. 3. box 74. 11 oil or water color- doe» all kinds J a of viewing and commercial work ! FOR BALE Inst lot White laighorn anywhere ut any time al) or Cockerel», 4-weckg-old. 81 50 per phone mill 283-R or residence doxen Ilmnmerbaeher, Rd. 3, I40-J. 34 phone 606-F-23. 11 Ther FOR HAIX OR TRADE Hix city KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS mopylae lodge No. 50. meets.every, lota located In Wilson aubdlvl- second and fourth Tuesday even-; alon. Grant» Pa»s. For further Ing. Visitors Invited. 09tf particular» call or write G. P. Wil son, Glendale, Ore. Buy Your FOB KENT KOK MALIC 11 PACK IHRKK ■*— ASHLAND Electrical Supplies (KEROSENE) e&r ■ at t PAUL’S Electric Store OIL COGKSTOVES STANDARD OIL COMPANY • July 3,4, 5 At Home Away From Home (aiMwl, —in— at ICeÄMun- iltli and LITHÏA PARK II kit«». Layton Hotel ASHLAND Alonzo Jon«-». Mgr. Follow the tracks of Wap” to the I 3- BIG ! land Concert», Ball Game*. O|«o Air Dancing, Free Vaudeville, Merry-Go-Round, Boxing Mate hes. Water Sport», Athletic Contests, Firework». Oregon “Back to God’s Country” Yours to Use Freely J osephine C ounty B ank WANTED -Two men for general farm work. Apply Dixie ranch. • 11 R. F. iD. 2. 2 1 5 B baby ’ » bed. WANTED- A 12 •treet. DRESSMAKING—I am now ready to ta'ca orrte.t for dreumc’ ltg nt my new location 661 North Third street. Prices reasonable, esti mates cheerfully given. Mrs. W R. Swoape. 22 FOUND For ND There came to my place June 24, b I x sheep. Owner can have them by payment of charges G. M. Stidham. 203 West J St . 14 II hy suffer the discomforts and embarrassments of a Goitre? (). O. C. preparation (or goitre ha« ben»* filed many. Why pay several hundred dollar« far an operation to remove a goitre when O.G.C. can he obtained (or auch a comparatively «mall expenditureF O.G.C. when properly applied give« «ati«- (actory multi, or your money will be refunded. O.G.C. it «old direct, by mail only. Write (or booklet. Addreva Dept. U O.O.C. CMRMICAI. COMPANY Seattle, Washington days „J I _______________________ Saturday, the Third Loggers’ and Miners’ Day LOG SAWING <X>NTESTS Miners’ Row Will be a Hummer! Roulette, Faro, Chuch-a-Luck. Etc. Old Timer Parade 8:30 p. m. Sunday, the Fourth, Largely Devoted to Speakers of National Repute. Ilishop Wm. O. Shephard and others Monday, Old Fashioned Celebration EX-A.MBAH8A1M>R GERARD SPEAKER OF THE DAY Baseball each day, Ashland’vs. Yreka RIG DISPLAY FIREWORKS MAXWELL] TRUCK JUST PAUUB CAPACITY IK TONS A REAL BARGAIN WI1.I. SELL ON TERMS Order it Today Your money back if it doesn’t satisfy you AGENTS HUDSON You are Entitled to Good Coffee EDWARDS DEPENDABLE COFFEE Tastes Better—Goes Further Roasters also of Coi^itry Club Coffee DWIGHT EDWARDS COMPANY, PORTLAND, OREGON SPOT CASH •——— X • for Bartlett Pears DRHHH.MAKING ______________ An unusuallyunique entertain rnent will be given this year FOR BALE—Three good milk cow» The California and Oregon mid two realatered Jer»ey bull». MRS GUY KNAPP -Voice and pinao. Coast Railroad Company Accredited teacher for high school River Bend Farm, Ed. L. Schmidt TIME CARD Phone 224 Residence work. & Son. 13 420 A street. 33tf Effective Nov. 24. 191» FOR SALE—One bay horse, weight SUNDAY about 1100, good and gentle, works MRS J. L. JOHNSON Instructor of »Ingin or double. E. M. Vahren- 'voice. Rooms above Moore's Ba Train» will run Mondays. W«dries day» and Friday» kery, hours from 1 to 5 on Tues • waldt, Murphy. ON. II days and Saturdays. 67tf Leave Grants Pane ONE HORSE FOR SALE, weight Arrive Waters Creek Leave Waters ('reek » piano T uning about 900 pound» Price 335. Ben Granta Paas. H. J ob », Murphy, Ore. 11 GEO. W CROSS a tuner with 17’ Arrive For Information regarding freight and passenger rate» call ut the office years practical experience, in hid FOR SALE Four good work horses the company, Lundburg building, ing 9 years factory training. Head of about 1100, with or without har or telephone 131. 16 Kinds of Animal quarters Josephine hotel. Your I ness, tlyee of them good driver», a Actors satisfaction Is my success. 82tf good heavy wagon and a good 2 Hammertnlll Bond ¡setter ¡leads Rented hack. Any or all for »ale and Envelope« at the Courier office. TAX» cheap. Phone 165-J, or aee E. V. Smith 11 SOONER TAXI —Phone 262-R for’ FOR SALE 410 S C. White Leg"- Jitney Luke nr fuller fall» an- horn pullets of the lurger type. 3 swerod anywhere, anytime 86tf month» old. all vlgorou» and healthy: from a highly-bred laying PALACE TAXI—«Phone 22-J. Tom; Wind 03tf ■train better than a 272-egg re cord; Tancard Barron Block. Can KERBY-GRANTS PAHS JITNEY be aenn at 507 A street Cyrus I nave» Kerby 9 and 1 dally; leaves Wheeler. 13 Granta Paa» 9:30 and 4 dally; 'I’lie service of the .Josephine County through and way paaiengera. Ever BEARDLE88 BARLEY HAY tor sale« Bank can I m * as valuable to yon as you ett Hogue and Pete Beagle. 61 In the field, one mile eaat of court- houae on A street Call at Grant» desire to make it. It is yours to use DltAYAGE AND TRANSFER Paas hotel. Henry Shubert. 14 freely. THE WORLD MOVES: »o do we. FOR SALE SS acre» of land, 2 Bunch Bro» Transfer Co. Phone Uliecking accounts arc solicited. houses, 2 wells of watey. fruit 349. Irene, 8 acre» cleared. James Steward. ltd. S. 11 F G. ISHAM, drayage and transter.; Safe», pianos and furniture; CIIERRIEH Nearly all varieties. G rants P ass ,O regon moved, packed. shipped and stored Phone your order» or come out __I and pick them yourself. Will Sco <ifTIce phon«« I 4-Y ville. phone 5O2-F-14. 13 ===== REAL ESTATE JERSEY BULL CALF. 5 days old, sired by registered sire. Mother 8 E. T. McKINSTRY, 60S G St., phone gallon cow. test 6-2-10%, too val 13-R; general real estate business. Best of soils for fruit, hay or gen-] uable to be vealed, to bn seen to be appreciated. 112 If taken at eral farming. once. J. L. Davis, Rd. 3. 14 PHYHICIANH FOR SALE One small houae and phine Flour Mill. 89tf E. C. MACY, D. M. D. First-class dentistry. 109 U 8. 6th St. WANTED -Grocery or general store In country or small town and In VETERINARY BURGEON Rogue Valley Price stock lense, or sell building. Describe in flrat DR. R. J. BESTUL. Veterinarian. .letter fully. J. R. Mlnlch, 1258, Residence 83 8 Washington boule Michigan Ave.. Portland. Ore. 18 vard. phone 3 98-R. WANTED «A-1 milk cow; mint giva large quanUty of good milk. Phone 11 500-R-2. a (CAtirouNIA) VOCAL INHTRl 4 'f ION lot, also outbuildings, water for Irrigation, cheap for cash. See L. O. CLEMENT, M. D, Practice! limited to diseases of eye, ear, nose Joseph Hill, 923 South 10tb St . and throat. Glasses fitted. Hours Grants Pas». Ore. 15 9-13, 3-6, or on appointment. FOR SALE—A No. 1 yearling colt, Phones, office 62; residence 359-J. large for age J. B. Noble, Rd. 2, phone 609-F-3. 11 8. LOUOHR1DGE. M. D. Physician and surgeon. City or country calls FOR SALE—Two mares, weight attended day or night. Phones. about 2200 lbs. Good pullers and Res 369; Office. 182; 6th and H.! gentle. Price 1136, harness In cluded If taken at once. C. Goeti, Josephine Hotel. 15 E. J. BUAJCK, M. D. Physician and surgeon; office Hchallhorn FDR SALE -4 milk goats, one to block, phone 54-J; residence. 1004 freshen the last of July, the oth Inwnridgc. phone 54-L. — ers'In August. Write to Mrs S. F. Overton, R. F. D. 3, Granta W. F. RUTHERFORD Manual the- Pass, Ore. 18 raputlea It gets your ailment. Office over Barnee' jewelry store OIIK’KEN RANCH 12 acres, house, Office hours 9:80-12; 1:80-4. fences, chicken yards, etc., to sell or trade by owner, no agent. 4 1 RALPH W. STEARNS. M. D. Phv miles out, good roads. In»» than slctan and surgeon. X-ray equip half value nt 1900 now. Address ment, dental X-ray. Office, Me No. I 4 80. care Courier. 15 sonic Temple Bldg. Phones: Of fice 21-J; residence 21-L. WANTED I DENTISTS EMPTY HACKS wanted at the Jose CELEBRATES __ ... BY THE TON For information write M. E. ROOT REPRESENTING DENNEY & CO. Medford, Oregon. FOR MAXWELL CHALMERS ANO ESSEX CARS COLLINS AUTO COMPANY ACCESSORIES ANO REPAIRING PHONE 317 5// H STREET, GRANTS PASS, ORE G. B. BERRY Harness and Saddlery Auto Top and Canvas Work With Grants Pass«Hardware'Co. • X