Ul l»NKBDAY, JI XI 30. IMO. GRA.XTB PANK DAILY COI KlKlt PAGE TUO V I’ll 4MIU.lt OF COMMKIU'K Published Exil; Except Sunday A. E. VOORJ4IE8. Pub. and Propr. Entered at poetotice, Grants Paes, ( Ore., as second class mall matter New By the Secretary Doh't worry if you're troubled with bad dreams at night. Join the Chamber of Commerce and- your conscience will rwi easy. ——Add-A-Member------ The Chamber of Commerce is the fire under the boiler of Josephine county. We've got to keep 'er hot If we ever expect to get anywhere Why don't you join and help make 'er btle? —— Ad<l-A-M<'inl>e You may think you're going "get by" this membership campaign, but some little member'll get you by heck Why not come without help.: called Join today! ------ Vid- VMeiiibcr------- O-o-h, H-u-m-m-m! It certainly I Hcelth is Worth SmUig, and Some a shame to disturb you Mr. Don't Grant» l*a»s Pewplo Know How Care but you might Just as well wake to Save It Many Grants Pass people take up now and Join the Chamber their lives in their hands by neglect Commerce. ------- VM-A-XI oih I ht -------- ing the kidneys when they know these organs need help. Weak kid “ George" says he Is the busiest neys are responsible for a vast fellow In Josephine county. Some amount of suffering and ill health the slightest delay is dangerous Use mon, whenever a man Is naked to Doan's Kidney Pills a remedy that Join tho Chamber of Commerce and has helped thousands of kidney suf help better conditions in general, ho ferers. Here is a Grants Pass citi wants to ‘'la»t George »to It " zen’s recommendation. ------- Add-A-Meaaber------- Mrs J H Hutchins. 105 Foundn St., says: "Doan's Kidney Pills have Consider the busy little bee; ho» been of great help to me and I can beautifully he cooperates. Herein not say too much for them. I used them when ray kdinevs were out of lies a good motto for every man In order I had a lame and aching back this county. Cooperate! Join the and my kidneys didn't act right Chamber of Commerce and help the Doan's Kidney Pills gave me prompt Mve! My little boy had awfully relief ------ AiM-A-Membrr----- weak kidneys and was run down and IB» also complained of head- dull la»t's make It 300 or bust! aches and backai-he. His kidneys acted too free and he had no control NOTH F. over the passages of the secretions T gave him Doan's Kidney Pills and they cured him of all signs of the Good chance for live wire, conces trouble.” Price «Oc, at all dealers. Don't sions on east side of auto park. Only simply ask for a kidney remedy—get reason for selling. Immediate bus Doan's Kidney Pills—the same that iness call elsewhere. Including of Mrs Hutchins had. Foster-Milburn property and stock if taken within Co.. Mfrs.. Buffalo. N. T. three days. Concession includes hot Hammermill Bond in all colors at doughnuts, pies, cakes, bread, chick ens, (frysl rabbits, vegetables, fruit, the Courier office. canned goods. Ice cream, pop. clgaTs, I and tobacco. Price 1250. TODAY — TOMORROW A Drolette. Camp Handy. See the new Slip On WEEKLY 0OUIULR ■y mall, per year------------------- 31.00 MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively I entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or all otherwise credited in • this paper and also the 'ocal news pub lished herein. All rights of republication of spe Mrs. Philip Lind arrived Monday cial dispatches herein are also re from Portland to visit relatives. Mr. served Lind will come down- to spend the Fourth. WEDNESDAY, JUXE 30, 1020. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ OREGON WKATHKB ♦ ♦ Weather for the Week ♦ Pacific Coast States: Gener ♦ ♦ ally fair; normal tempera ♦ ture. Tonight and Thursday fair. ♦ ♦ Warmer tonight in the south west portion. ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ NEU TODAY INSURANCE—All forms. Life. Acci dent, Health, Fire. Automobile, Liability. Plate Glass and Bonds. T. M. Stott, 308-10 N. fth street Office phone No. 44-J. 93tf FOR SALE—Two H h. p. motors, almost new. Address No. 1476 l®tf care Courier. FOR SALE—From 3 to 5 tons fine clean oat hay. in the field or will deliver. R. F. D. 2, Box 21. 11 E. L. GALBRAITH—Real Estate. In-, suranfe. and plate glass liability. 609*4 G street, phone 28. 40tf LOST—At Riverside park last night, a child’s hat, black straw with black ribbon streamers. Finder please leave at Courier office. 12 WANTED—Woman for general housework in family of two; mid dle aged woman preferred. G. W. Gross, South Grants Pass. 12 MINING- Will do contracting of tunnel, shaft and annual assess ment work anywhere in Southern Oregon or Northern California'. Geo. S. Barton, Grants Pass. Ore. Phone 515. P. O. Box 646. 36 FOR SALE—Chicken house and cup board, with glass doors. Call at 102 A street. i» FOR SALE—1919 model Ford in A-l condition, run less than 4000 ' miles. Price 3500. E. J. Lind, Rd. 1. , 16 HUGO j •----------------------------------- Mrs. Harry Schmidt went to Grants Pass Thursday to spend several days visiting friends. Nat B. Hart and Robert Denofsky arrived home Saturday after spend ing a week in Portland. D. E. Wright, Gus Spranger and Mr Spranger left Saturday for Kan sas to work in the harvest fields. Ernest Decker came over from Le land Monday to pick cherries Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dingier and family motored to Grants Pass Sun day to spend the day with Mr. Ding- ler's parents. The following General Fund Jose phine County Warrants were stolen from my place May 30, 1920. Amount Date No. |1®6.66 Feb. 8, 1914 8 10.00 Oct. 1, 1913 20044 78.00 Jan. 9. 1914 20920 75.00 Jun. 1, 1914 1466 141.66 Oct. 1, 1913 20035 100 00 Dec. 1. 1913 20651 60.00 Mar. 2, 1914 394 40 00 Oct. 1, 1913 20045 lit.66 Nov. 1. 1913 • 20332 81.00 Nov. 8, 1913 20370 10.00 16 Feb. 2, 1914 24.10 Oct. 9, 1915 6527 100.00 Feb. «> 1914 4 141.66 Jan. 1, 1914 2 " ' 5 4 1.50 18186 Dec. 31, 1912 141.66 20327 Nev. 1, 1913 15.00 20046 Dec. 1. 1913 75.00 Dec. 1, 1913 20653 35.00 Feb. 2, 1914 15 10.00 Mar 2. 1914 391 166.66 Nov. 1. 1913 20330 75.00 9 Feb. 2. 1914 35.00 Mar. 2. 1914 390 21.00 Feb. 7. 1914 57 136.66 20655 Dec. 1, 1913 141.66 20652 Dec. 1, 1913 166.66 20038 Oct. 1, 1913 A liberal reward for any informa tion as to the whereabouts of the above warrants will be paid. 11 MRS. EMI RY YORK. I will not be in a position to accept for repairs any Juwslry or small work, but will make a specialty of Fine Watch Repairing and Diamond Setting. ■ BARNES, The Jeweler No mat tor »tint nmkt' battery you have WE liave the |>ar<a, es|M»rlen<'e, anti facilities to rr- |Wtlr or rebuild It—anti, a bat tery ropalrisl or rebuilt HERE la one that 1« DKPENItAltl.E- If you want SEItVK'E that la »erylce for tlie OWNER—-route to us, OREGON THE ART OF FITTING} PIPES ’NE KNOW AND FOLKS ............. A two Feature Program SAY THAT The Wardrobe Cleaners Cleaning — Prqfsing — Repairing • • 315 N. 6TH ST. PHONE 147 WE CALL FOR AND DELIVER Quaker Milk Macaroni Milk Spagetti Egg Noodles J. Pardee r u Two stare with but a single thought—make you glad and happy. OUR PRICE IS LOW Adams Electric & Battery Shop Hammermill Bond letter Headfl and Envelopes at the Courier office. KOKUA” I Better Come and Bring the Family Tt e drri&'QtlePlum ber JS2L We know a lot about p!pe~flt- ting and every other branch of the plumbing art. We know how to install in your home the proper plumbing fixtures or to do the proper kind of re pair job at decent prices. We know that you will be pleased with the courteous, correct manner in which we will han dle your order. “KOKUA” is an Hawaiian expression meaning help, sup port, agreeing, cooperation, 0. K., all right, assist, aid, sustain, recommend, etc. Every man in Josephine County should “Kokua” the Cham ber of Commerce and the first step is to become a member. She’s With Us Today— In Her Newest Peppiest Picture B. S. DEDRICK 51® F Street Pboae 3Ott-J The next step is to “Kokua” with your time ami thought. Give a little of your time and thought towards bettering Josephine County. DOROTHY Whenever anything comes up for the benefit of everybody in general, “Kokua” whole-heartedly. Don’t remain indifferent. GISH White Wash Skirts It’s the individual “Kokua” of every bee in the hive that makes them so successful. Cooperation can make molehills out of mountains. A riot from start to finish Right now the demand is big for white wash Skirts. Don’t miss the opportunity to see the big line we are showing at $1.48, $2.95, $3.25, $3.75, $4.50, $5.95 and $6.85. Let’s all “Kokua” and push Josephine County up to the top of the ladder. JOIN THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. The King of Heavy weight Comedians FATTY ARBUCKLE Golden Rule Store Contributed “FOR A GREATER JOSEPHINE COUNTY” by the fu His Newest Laugh Festival COLLINS AUTO COMPANY “BACK STAGE” ne Always Guarantee Member of the Grants Pass Chamber of Commerce laugh your I complete clothes satisfaction—In service, style, fit and valve. Clothes that invite the question Admission « At the sign of Ye Jolly Little Taller Is almost Impossible to obtain and my Watch Repairing has grown . tq su h proportion that 4 atn compelled to discontinue certain linos of repairing. Keep The Kidneys Well NOTIC»: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 4 ♦ GOOD HELP XFTEIt Ji LY 1ST HOUSE DRESSES AND BUNGALOW APRONS ADVERTISING RAT 'S naplay space, per Inch----- 20c Local-personal column, per line 10c Beaders. per line......... —....... —...... 5c DAILY COURIER By mali or carrier, per year ... *6 00 By mall or carrier, per month— .50 PEPTOMISMS I nchiding tax GEO. S. CALHOUN Over fifteen yeers local dealer TÁ F