y Library , ¡tn Courier routs niveraity < Vniv«r» “y o' o( Ore f VOL. X.. No. ’JilH. e~- .... ' — "'* GRANTN PARK, JOHEPHI.NE CXH'NTY, OREGON, WEDNEHDA1, JI NE 30, 1020. WHOLE MMIIEH Mil DAY SPENT IN TO BE DRAFTED l<«|M>ncnt of tarniM* Juice EipresM*» Illa l>i»»ati»fn<tlon Over Present Mituation San Francisco, June 30. William J. llryan is In a fighting mood, Speaking at a breakfast gathering early today he expressed his dlssat Isfactlon with the wet and dry sit uation before the resolutions com mittee. He said that he expected a fight In the convention, and that he Vlce-Pr<«i<lenUMl '< nudldate b«> » ’’hoped to gain the distinction as a reviser of platforms.” That Public Must Return to Hdf-Omtrol "It takes only one man to bring In a minority report, and there Is that onutnan on the resolutions com 1 came here as a delegate Washington, June 30 The re- mittee. i from Nebraska to take the case be publican presidential campaign will 1 fore the thousand other delegates be based on "an appeal to restore^ ^assembled here and to let them an party government us a constitutional swer. substitute for personal government," *‘I came here to do what I can Senator llardlng announced today for the people, not to see what I can after a conference with Calvin Cool get the people to do for me. If I <-«n help this world to banish alcohol, idge. his running mate, and National and after that to banish war. and, if Chairman Haya. I can do that, no office or no presi At the name time Governor Cool dency can offer honors that will be idge, in a formal statement declared mln«." After the roll call of the state had there must be "a return of public been called Alabama passed Ari- the opinion toward self-control, by z< nn yielded to Oklahoma. D. Hayno people and toward the great and T.inchaugh. of Muskogee, placed the overmastering desire to observe the name of Senator Owen in nomina tion. law." BE PRESENTED Bandita Take Thou»an<b> ut Dollurx in <,<->rgla Itobla-ry—Money Was for U. H. Marines Augusta, Ga., Jure 30.—An ex- ONLY CHANGE IN SCHEDULE IB BCOM.M1TTEE IS PRACTICALLY DEFINITE AND FINAL INSTRUC AGREED TO MOLI» FOR WET TIONS RECEIVED FROM THE i press car on the Charleston and ’ WITHDRAWAL OF MCADOO’S Western Carolina railroad was re PLATFORM NAME EAMT ACTION ported robbed near here early today by binaits who gagged and N>und the messenger and armed guard and ma-’e away with *59,000. constitut ing the payroll for the marines at Paris Island the 9au h f a ollna sta- tion < «venant Plank Will lb- la-ft a» Ref UM» tp < 'omment Further Than Preaident Hay« Without Any That the Move Has His Official l»r. Steams Returns— Change Whatever Approbation Dr. R. W. Stearns returned this ' morning from Salem where he was called last Friday by the serious 111- San Francisco, June 30.—Definite ness of his mother, Mre. F. G. and final Instruct Ions came from the Stearns. On Friday Mra. Stearns Sr. east today that William Gitbs Me-1 was taken by an attack of paralysis Adoo’s name was not forma'Iy to be and did not recover, passing away placed before the democratic na Sunday evening. Funeral services' tional conventfon. Burris Jenkins, were held in Salem Tuesday. Mrs. of Kansas Otty, who was prepared to R. W. Steams of this city, left Mon make the speech nominating McAdoo day evening for Salem and will re- revised his plans and decided not to main there for a few days offer his speech. Speeche« to Put Out of Way Toda* With Beginning of Balloting Tomorrow r San Francisco, June 30. A'-cord- San Francisco, June 30.—At 1 ing to administration chlefs, the o’clock today, the democratic nation eub-commltte drafting the democra- al convention was on the business tic platform has practically agreed of hearing the nominating speeches. on a prohibition plank which is des The names of Senator Owen, Ex cribed "as slightly moist" and as Ambassador Gerard, Homer Cum being in "support of the constitution mings and Senator Hitchcock had al amendment," but with declara been presented during the first hour tions for persortal liberty, against and a half. "vexatious interference." The Mrs. Susan Fitzgerald, of Massa league of nations plank, the same chusetts. was the first woman ----------- • PORTLAND MARKET» administration chiefs said, has been New York, July 30—"This action make a seconding speech in the con agreed upon, ‘‘Just as Woodrow Wtl- was taken with my entire approval,” i vention. She seconded the Owen son want It. wlthout the dotting o' McAdoo said today when told that Portland, June 30.—Cattle, hogs, _ . nomination. The band played "Oh, an ’I’ or the crossing of a ’t.' ” "definite and final instructions" had sheep and eggs are steady but un- You Beautiful Doll” as she took the been received at San Francisco that changed. Butter firm, cubes, extras, platform The demonstration which followed San Francisco, June 30.—The his name was not formally to be; 52c at 53c. the nomination speech for Owens democratic platform still was in an blared before the democratic nation was not lengthy. embryonic stage, but there are pros al convention. He would make no SUGAR PRICES DROP A Mrs. Force Parker, of Los An pects of presentations tomorrow to further comment. LITTLE IM SAN FRANCISCO Talks at Medford— geles. seconded the nomination of the copventlon when the platform President F. 8. Bramwell, of the George Kearns went to Medford builders reassembled today. Al San Francisco, June 30—All sugar Cummings. Mra. Parker spoke lean local Chamber of Commerce. George though many minor planks had been today on a short business trip. allotments placed on sale today were than a minute and the delegates In Sabin and Frank Mashburn went to W. B. Sherman, of Sacramento. Is quoted at *22.75 per hundred appreciation of her brevity gave her virtually settled, most of the trouble Medford today to attend the forum some major problems remained un spending a few days in the city look weight, refiners price, a drop of 25c a rising demonstration of thank». luncheon of the Medford commercial The nomination of Attorney Gen solved when the subcommittee of ing after some business interests. since yesterday. organization. The subject under eral Palmer was accompanied by the nine, preparing the tentative draft.' Mrs. Cecil Hayes returned to her discussion will be the development of first real noisy and prolonged dem- home at Roseburg this morning after ALBANIAN CITY HELI» the tourist trnff!-, and will tie pre reconvened today. The league of na 1 onst ration of the convention, it ran a visit here with Mrs. II. R. Faubion. tions and prohibition remained the BY' * ITALIANS CAPTURED Portland. Ore . June 30 A trail sented by Pres'dcnt Bramwell. A up towards half an hour with the C. I Pentileton is a Medford visi that will cut off about 30 miles from pumi.'or uf invitations have been re- big barriers to an agreement The Belgrade. June 30.—A r ----- * I delegates from i report Pennsylvania and the present trip Is being constructed telved by the local chamber but this adjustment of tho league question, tor today attending to business mat that the Albanian city of Avlona has crowd. The 1 1 Georgia' leading the ters. however, was said to be in a fair from the lower Rogue river country was the first opportunity that they been captured from the Italians by standards of Maine and Porta Rico Mrs. A. L. Johnson went to Klam Albanian insurgents has been receiv to th« railroad above, according to had hnd to make the trip. Medford way to realization Ry afternoon or night, Chairman ath Falls this morning and will visit ed by the newspaper Pravia, in a also got into the parade as It word received from Forest Examiner Is very much interested in the tour churned around the convention floor. M L. Merritt, who has just returned ist trade and the Medford body Carter Glass said. It was hoped to go with a daughter for a short time. dispatch from Uskub. Southern Ser Mr. and Mrs. John E. Smith re- bia. The report adds that the en Maroon Palmer attendants and small from the Rogue river country, where, holies that they will be able to get finally before the full committee. with K P. Cecil of the forest service, a number of valuable suggestions when a long and spirited discussion turned to their home at Gold HUI to- tire Italian garrison was taken with American flags were carried by the marchers as they cut lines through was In prospect. With the late ses-! day after visiting here with friends. the town. he wont to Powers. A trail crew is from Mr. Bramwell. the crowd of delegates and sang their F. C. Bramwell is spending the slon tonight, lenders hoped to be working on a stretch of about five marching song over and over again. nble to bring the completed product day attending to business matters in miles over the west end. The Palmer men pranced about Medford. before the convention tomorrow. Work for this season has just chanting the celebrated parody Some subcommittees are optimls-' Mr. and Mrs. I. F. Perk left this boon started by the forest service and "Glory, Glory. Pennsylvania.” to the morning for San Francisco where over the prospects of harmony on tic It expects to complete from a half to tune of "Glory, Glory. Hallejah.” the league dispute. On prohibition; they will visit for the next week. two-thirds of the work thia year, as The same tune was kept up by the the subcommittee remained largely 1 Mrs. W. H. Dana left last night for insufficient funds make necessary band in the organ loft and in be- Portland to spend a few days 'visiting at sea. All suggestions for a wet ! the postponement of completion un- tween the times a crew of cheer plank which would declare for the with friends. til next season. leaders kept the convention floor repeal of the 1 Rth amendment ori Mrs.’ D. A. Bonner, who has been Two miles of trail will bo built by I-ondon. June 29.—Many bishops 1 pepped up. Featuring the three day celebra the annulment of the Volstead en visiting here for several days with the service on the Rogue river to tion at Ashland. Oregon, will be ad forcement act were said to have been Mrs. W. H. Dana, left yesterday lot the Anglican church, including 12 ——— one of the hills between Kelsey and dresses by James W. Gerard, ex-am virtually thrown overboard by tacitlc evening for her home at Glendale. from America, are already on their Auditorium. San Francisco, June Mud crook and Mr Cecil will romnln bassador to Germany, who trod the Rev. L. Myron Boozer, of Med way from distant dioceses to attend 30.—The democratic national con- consent In the subcommittee, but tho In the region and do location work on toes of the kaiser during the first fight for the "beer and wine" plank ford. is spending the day in the city, the I-ambeth conference, which will vention assembled today to hear the another three miles with the expecta four years of the world war, and on one hand and some sort of pro being here for the A. H. Carson fu begin here early in July. This con- candidates placed in nomination, tion that the service will work on Bishop William O. Shepherd. ference has met at intervals of about sith another last clianae of plans hibition declaration on the other' neral. them next year. Ho will also run a The beautiful Llthia park will be was reported still In progress. Sec-' Mrs. Earl Brown arrived this ten years since 186 7, when Arch- Ct the McAdoo forces which finally preliminary lino over the next nine tho setting of minera’ row. reproduc retary of State Colby, according to; morning from Medford for a visit bishop Longley, first invited all the precluded the present»’Inn of h-s miles towards Grants Pass, so that ing the days of '49, with Its faro, reports slipping out from closely' here with her parents, Mr. and Mra bishops in communion with the name. There were >u changes re the service will know just how much dice and roulette. The bar will over sealed quarters, was said to be fa.V-1 Jas. Slover. Church of England to a conference at specting the placing of other candl- more work there Is to he done. The flow again, and the dancehall will be dates in nomination. Prospects were W. L. Regis, of Glendale, stopped I^ambeth. orlng the beer and wine provision. eervlre plans to keep the trail crow there tn all its old time splendor. The report was accorded significance off here a short time today to attend The American bishops have al- that the convention w'ould go busy oven- season for several years Parades of all characters, historical because of Colby's recent conference to some business before continuing ready taken a prominent part in through in a continuous session to- to come, working the trail system ont and comical, will be sprinkled with President Wilson. So far as on a trip to Klamath Falls, preparing for the conference, but, l'aY a*»d *H Ike nominating gradually and fighting fires In the throughout tho three days. the main body of the platform is Misses Margaret Bartlett and for some reason which is not very speeches out of the way. leaving to- dry season. Bishop Shepherd will take charge . concerned, the subcommittee found Helen Shank have arrived from clear, says the Times, they have not morrow free for balloting, Mr. Merritt says that the Rogue on Sunday, tho Fourth, and will of little difficulty In agreeing. The VIr-i Portland to spend the summer with appointed the four representatives to! Chairman Robinson began whack which they are entitled on the Cen ing has gavel at 11:14 o'clock. The river trail follows tho Rogue river ficiate at the unveiling of a tablet In i gin la platform, endorsed by Presi- ! friends' in the city, tral Consultative Body. It is expect Cox delegation, however, insisted on ennyon and In many plnces It Is cut memory of tho brave boys of Ash dent Wilson and brought here Eugene Smith, of Bakersfield. Cal., through cliffs and slides that arc land and vicinity who died 1n the Senator Glass was said to have fur-j spent a' short time in the city leaving ed that about 279 bishops will at having a demonstration and the con- vention awaited its end. It was continually filling with loose rocks service of their country durino: nlshed them the basis for declara- this morning for Hugo. Mr. Smith tend this year’s Cvliberations, 100 of short. world war. them from the British Isles. 107 which roll down from above, making ' tfons readily agreed to, regarding expects to return here later to make It was 11:30 o’clock before the Tho days will be replete with en- , the general principles of the party, j his home. from overseas and 72 from America. It tho most difficult trail tho service convention came to order for the day has to contend with. Recnuso they tortnfnment for everyone. Ashland A representative group of American When the full platform commit-! Mr. and ¡Mrs. E. A. Hulsey have arc need by the United States mall and Yreka will strive for honors nt i tee reassembled at 11 o'clock, Sen-, been visiting here for a number of bishops Is preparing a number of pa of nominating speeches. Candidates for presidential honors carriers on their regular route from i tho baseball park; games and con- ator Glass reported that the subcom days with friends, They returned pers on Christian unity. were being placed in nomination at Tllaho, Agnoss and the entire Rogue tests will be In order for the chll- mittee was not ready to report and i this morning to their home at North today’s session of the democratic na river territory, the trails In that re dren; and tho fireworks which close I a recess was taken until 7:30 to-! Bend. Employed in Chicago— tional convention. While the com gion are of more than usual import- the celebration will be the best ever. night. The subcommittee again Miss Pearl Youngblood returned Mrs. Joseph Harper has received mitteemen struggled behind closed ahce. went Into session with its members last night from Washington, D. Ct word from her son, George Harper, doors, attempting to draft a platform Secretary Is Here—— divided in opinions as to whether | where she spent the past few years in that he is now employed in Chicago. acceptable to all elements of the Tuition Had Meeting— Clarence D. Smith, field secretary there will be a possible report at the the insurance department. Mies He is working with the Union Sta- party, the convention under the rule of tho Kimball School of Theology, hour fixed. I Youngblood will visit here all sum- tion Company, which is bullding a approved yesterday, saved The meeting of the American Tz>- of Salem, arrived In Grants Pass time by Mre. mer with her parents. 'Mr. and new union station for a number of having the nominating speeches glon was well attended last night, a Tuesday in the interests of Kimball Take« Ronds North— F. O. Youngblood. She spent the lines. Air. Harper has the super- made in advance. number of the members coming 1n and will bo here for a few days. Thy Wflford Allen, secretary of the past four days visiting with a sister vision of a viaduct over one of the Beginning before noon, oratory from different points In the county. Kimball college Is tho theological Grants Pass Irrigation District. left in San Francisco. streets. He says that he would like held forth and was expected to con to see any of his old friends if they tinue throughout the day. A full explanation of the merits of school of tho northwest and Is en Tuesday evening with *134.000 of. dorsed and authorized by the Metho the bonds of the district. He Is tak Water is Warm— ever get to Chicago, his office being the government Insurance was offer dist Episcopal church. It Is wholly ing tho bonds to Salem for certifl'n-1 The water tn the river has begun nt 507 South Canal street. Crop S|>ecialist Here— ed by C. H. Ernst, a local Insurau -c Independent of Willamette Univer tion and will then deliver them to to take on an August temperature. w. 3. Carpenter, crop specialist representative. Ills remarks w’erc sity In administration and mainten the Ralph Schiieeloch bonding house Yesterday afternoon the thermome Injured by Fall— at O. A. C., is pending a few days seconded by M. C. Gaston, who alsn ance. but Its students have free ad at Portland, this house havine decid ter showed that. It had reached 70 Mrs. I. T. Gallager, of Rogue Is representative for an Insurance mission to courses of study offered 1 ed to buy nil the bonds of the dis degrees, the warmest of the year River, fell last night and broke both in the county with County Agent Miller. Today they are visiting the company. Both advised th^ moo to by the university, The Kimball trict. Tho money from these bonds Isvst year ir. August It got a little bones in her right arm, the injury carry as much of the Insurance ns school is much In need of further .will 1>e applied on the new contract. warmer than this. The water Is tall- being very painful, Or. Tx>,:^hridge Merlin and Wilderville districts In possible. Aftor the business session, endowment, and It is for the pur- This money will be the flrat to be Ing fast and the present Indications was summoned and the hones were specting potato crops for certifica a number of candidates wore Initiat nose of securing thls that Mr. Smith 1 expended on the new work author- point to the lowest stage for a num set. Mrs. Gallager Is getting along tion for seed. They will also visit a number of farms in the immedi ed. Refreshments wore served. Is tn the city. I l»ed by the hoard of directors. ber of years. excellently. ate vicinity of Grants Pass.