PA<»1 FAHR F lk 5?N/1L Sow a thought reap a feeling, Sow a feeling, reap a desire, Sow a desire, reap an act. Sow an act, reap a habit, Sow a habit, reap CHARACTER. ~r Billie Heiner, who line been lu tho Big Celi brill Ion Duin e city for a abort time, left thia morn­ At the Waldorf hull. Saturday. ing tor his homo al Gold Hill. July 3rd. Mrs T I.. Trunnell wont to Rogue River this morning tor u visit with Tom lUiron linci Tiuicurcl Pullet friends tor a short time. Three mouths old. good laying Royal vacuum sweepers na nu> Strain. CIO of them, »w "New your own terms. Grants Pass llard­ day." os* ware Co. Miss Grace Taylor spent the week- < ar. and Trucks— end visiting with friends in Medford, Now aud second hand curs returning here last uight. trucks now on hand. Maxwell Hemstitching and pecotlng. IVC Co. and 12c per yard Nellie Neas. Dttt Mrs. J. E Triplett, who has been visiting here with her brother. C. A. Touring Car Sold Amos Smith lias purchased a i Triplett, left this morning for her Dodge touring car front the C. home at Portland. V Ford was sold to Large assortment of guns, all | Lindi agency. kinds. Grants Pas# Hardware Co.09 Pete Beagle by the annie agency. Mr. and’ Mrs. M. C. Vanla-uvan and son. 1-eonard. returned to Roseburg \ Dairymen Attention— The Mutual Creamery Company this morning after a several weeks' has again opened their cash buying visit here with friends. Try Dr. Tompkins' treatments for station opposite the express office. Neurasthenia. Nervous Debility, or We solicit your cream, promising Nervous prostration. 08tf, top prices and satisfactory treat- Cedric C. Fields, Agent Mr. and Mrs. E. \. Cox. of Spo­ tnent kane. spent a short time visiting in the city, leaving this morning for W<< llouglit It Right— Shasta Springs. And will setl roofing and building For arsenate of lead see tho Grants paper below tho market. Uranin Pas# Hardware Co. 09 I Pass Hardware Co Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Walker and son returned this morning from Port­ Mcelianieal Service, Soon— land. where they have been spending Our mechanic will commence In­ the past week at the Shrine conven­ stalling machinery on Monday and tion and at the Rose festival. we will soon be In readiness for spe­ Empty sacks wanted at the Jose­ cial Chevrolet and Nash mechanical phine Flour MUI. 8ltf service as well as expert work on all August P Anderson and Arthur N. cars. Maxwell A Co. Johnson returned to their home at Osceola. Neb., yesterday after vlslt- Cadillac Aato Stag nlg here for the past week with J. The Cadillac Auto Stage Is M. Derricks. nlng regularly to Crescent City, Cherries, nearly all varieties. Ing at 9:30 every morning Phone your orders or come out and stage takes passengers only, pick them yourself. Will Scoville, reservations see O. Hiller. Jr. phone 502-F-H. 09 Mr. and Mrs. George. Lundburg Car of Roofing— and daughter. Dorothy, returned yes­ And building paper Just received.! terday from Portland where they at­ os1 tended the Shrine convention and Grants Pass Hardware Co. the rose’ festival. "Pompeian Fragrance.” Sabin has Nash Touring Cars Scam— A car load of Nash cars Is i expect- 09 ed soon. Place orders now. A few ' and Mrs. George Carey. Miss 1 Maxwell, Ethel Sinnott and George Carev Jr., Chevrolets are In stock. 10 arrived yesterday from Palo Alto for * Co. The habit of saving small sums early in life should be taught to every child. Bring your child to this Bank Now. xi» MB1 w FEDERAI UESFRNt THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SOUTHERN OREGON Right Refrigeration Keeps Your Food Fresh, Cool and Tasty HERE’S more to good refrigeration than the food and ice you save. Food that is kept fresh is most appetizing and nourishing, especially in hot weather. We have the right kind of Refrigera­ tors, in various attractive styles and sizes. Also Freezers correctly designed for making ice cream properly. Come in today and see our display of these and other hot-weather utilities. T Rogue River Hardware Co THE ’WIIŸCHESTER Buy Your Electrical Supplies at PAUL’S Electric Store Presbyterian Henle Tomorrow Bethany Presbyterian Sunday school will hold its annual picnic at Riverside park Tuesday afternoon with dinner in the evening. All members and friends of the school are invited to be present. STORE laying their plans to attend the big smoker and initiation next Thursday at Medford. Exalted Ruler Allen- dorfer is in the city today conferring with local members of the lodge. It Is expected that a class of 25 candi­ dates will be initiated on that even­ ing. a number of them being from Grants Pass. At Home Away From Home Good, Clean Rooms at Reason­ able Prices a visit of several weeks here with Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Allen They made the tirp by auto. Tents of all sizes—Grants Pass Hardware Co. 09 Mr. and Mrs. George Riddle re­ turned yesterday from Portland where they attended the Shine con­ vention and the rose show', They were met in Portland by their daughter. Florence, who returned with them last night. Orres the ladles' tailor from Ash- land, will be at Clevenger's Hat Shop every Thursday, Instead of every Tuesday. 61tf Get Marriage Lice n se A marfrage license was Issued to­ day to Dewey J. Jones and Miss Myrtle Tucker, both of Grants Pass. Plenty of Célébration Jazz— At the Waldorf hall, Saturday. July 3rd. 09tf PHONE flth and H Sts. 103 Alonzo Jones, Mgr. JOSEPHINE COUNTY TRUCK . Park «T llort Cars PofHilar— J G. Houck, of Kerby, is the lat- est buyer of a Dort Car. Anyone can ■ drive them, they almost drive them-1 selves. One buyer was a one armed man. and now comes a buyer with i broken leg. These conditions existed before the buyers bought. Swim Caps New KIM A Iti IK.V lilt. Kips and WHITE SILK HOM. to Mr«. fc. Itrhkoiif mrs. nellie Peas We Always Guarantee complete rlothea satisfaction In »ervice, style, fit value. Oloth«*« that Im It«- the qucatlon At the sign of Ye Jolly Utile Tailor GEO S. CALHOUN liver fifteen years heal dealer NIFTY SPRING SUITS SHOES an<1 FURNISHINGS TOR MEN Peerless Clothing Co 11 OREGON I Today and Tomorrow CONSTANCE TALMADGE —in — TWO WEEKS THE III HT ASSORTMENT We n- onimt-nd a pure giuri c»|> in "DI RA RLE." "ATI! LETIf " AND "AERO" OI K PRICE no< "MIRÏAL" IN ALL COLORS 3Sc CLEMENS Layton Hotel Qlu to Celrtrrate— Ä large bunch of local Elks are LOCAL Sells Drugs -and Books TAe COMING FATTY ARBUCKLE in "BACK STAGE" and DOROTHY GISH in "TURNING THE TABLES" Jltaa» Han «ili 5E “ADD-A-MEMBER” ( f VERY MEMBER of the Chamber of Commerce should consider it his personal duty to present the application of at least one new You have a prospect in mind Get member this week. Don’t him to join NOW. E Contributed for the betterment of Josephine County by PEERLESS CLOTHING CO Member of the Grants Pass Chamber of Commerce