Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 16, 1920)
R GRAN iS rASH Utili lilllliHI WHDNKMDAY, JI NE I«. »Wi». I Trust PER52ML LÛÇ./4L Special Sale » Thorpe of Portland was pu F. F. Schelleuburg was in tho city arrival lu tho city Tuesday evening, [yesterday anil today on huslnoss con to make a short buslneaa visit. nected with the saw mill ho Is George and F. Silverstone. of San erecting near Merlin. Francis, o. were Tuesday eveniug ar Fred laiyman of Crescent City ( rivals in town for a business visit. came in this morning on Number 13, "Cntex” for the nails. Sabin has , and will continue on to hit hume to Ku4'<x*«a<»r |o • • , day. Mi*. K. Itrhkopi IL Van l’elt, Mrs. aLthrop Slid | Hemstitching and pedoting. 10c Gibson were arrivals from and 12c per yard Nellie Nena »>ttf Chandler Kellogg, of lat Angelos, Brookings yesterday. Empty sacks wanted at the Jose- is an arrival In town from the south, 89tf anil la visiting with his acquit I nt phine Flour Mill. B. II.* Williams of San Francisco an os here while stteedlng, to bus and B. G. Mann of Portland are reg-' Ineos matters. 1C« u < mh I value that ■<■«, 'em talking Miss Clyde Gritflu of Atlanta. Istered at the Josephine. ii's uihk I quant, timt bring« 'em loqtk George Barton left on Number t I Georgia, arrived here yesterday today for Roseburg on a bittiness trip will spend a few days visiting friends before continuing her of a few days duration. A. E. Iavwson. of Spokane. Is a north. .Mrs. Annie Caldwell departed business visitor in the city ' having arrived In the city last even- morning for her home In Bond after Al the Mlgn of GEO. S. CALHOUN i visit tn this citv with Mrs. W E Ya Jolly Fifteen jeer« local dealer. Site will be accompanied William K. Thompson, of Vallejo. Everton Little Tailor Is In the city for a brief visit, as tar as Klaiuath Falla looking over the country and sttend- Everton. Miss Mildred Thrasher who Ing to local business. Malcom Crawford came in yester- made a short visit here on her day evening from his home In Fresno to KI.i math Falls from O. A. making a brief stop here before go where she has been attending school, departed thia morning for Medford. ing on to Portland. Mrs Rea Calvert and her mother, She will vdslt there for a tew days Mrs. R. E Stevens, departed this before coutinnlng on to Klamath "Gasolette" will save gasoline by morning for Portland where they will SHOES and FURNISHINGS Grants Paas visit during the Rose Festival and increasing 'mileage. I OR MEN Hardware Co. 00 the Shrine convention. IT. L. Upson, formerly connected HORN with the local forestry office and Haberman—To Mr and Mrs. Henri owner of the Illahco poultry farm, Haberman of Selma, Wednesday. has returned to Portland where he June 16th. a son. now makes hla home Mr. Upson spent only a few days here In con- NEW TODAY netlon with disposing of some of hl* INSURANCE All forms. Life. Acci local property. dent. Health. Fire. Automobile. Liability. Plate Glass and Bonds. Gae Saver— T M. Stott. 308-10 N 6th street C,asolette" Increases your mileage 93tf and saves gas. Grants Pass Hard Office phone No. 44-J. SALT FOR FAMILY I HE WANTED—Owner with medium to ware Co. SALT FOR STOCK. low priced bungalow to drop a HILT l'oit HAY. line with price to Box 690. Grants Honeymooner« at Josephine Have«— N Ml RII. LUMP SII.T Ambrose Brownell of Portland, ar- Pass 99 com.xtnled by his bride of few days, RIGHT CKK IS EXCEPTIONAL good values in the formerly Miss Helen Philips of Port One following second hand goods. land. arrived In the city last night Chevrolet 1919 touring car; three and this morning departed for Hol Ford touring cars: two Ford land and the Caves where they will trucks; one Republic two-ton truck spend a week or so. Mr Brownell and one four-gon Packard truck. visited here a few years ago with his W. S. Maxwell * Co. 99 classmate at Reed college. Matthew E. L. GALBRAITH—Real Estate. In Riddle, and was no Impressed with Why Suffer So? surance, and plate glass liability. the beauty of Southern Oregon that Buy Your 609*4 G street, phone 28. 40tf he had no hesitation in deciding up on the nngue river country for h'« Why suffer from a bail back, from WANTED—Young pup that can be honeymoon. sharp, shooting twinges, headaches, trained for hunting dog. Address dizziness and distressing urinary No. 1359 care Courier. 00 I Illa? Grants Pass people recommend Cadillac Anto Stage— « FOR SALE—Monarch range, sewing The Cadillac Auto Stage Is run- Doan's Kidney I’llls Could you usk stronger proof of merit? machine, ingrain rug and other nlng regularly to Crescent City. leav- ■for Mrs. at Will. Harvey. 621 N. Nth St., household goods. All nearly new. Ing at 9 30 every morning Th* Grants I’ ums , gave the following Inquire 701 Oak St. a 00 stage takes passengers only For statement March 20, 1916 "Word« * * 1 tf cannot express the great consdli-ra- FOR SA US- 26 window sash and a reservations see O. Hiller. Jr. lion I have for Doan's Kidney I’ilis. few doors. Inquire at Faahion In fait, I don't believe I would l><> living today had It not been for this 00 lligbway I’avlng I’rogrrwaing— Karaite, or of J. F. Burke Some Rea Calvert was In the city today wonderful kidney medicine FOR SALE—One good Jersey cow. from the Schell-Calvert contract on years ago I was at death's door and fine saddle pony and saddle, oak the Pacific highway between Gold I for six long months suffered with a ~T My dining table and chairs, one bad- Hill and Savage Rapids, and reports complication of kldniy trouble A back nearly killed me It ached so room suite, oil heater. electric that the laying of “hot stuff” Is pro badly. 1 screamed when anyone tried iron. Cyphers i model Incubator. gressing very satisfactorily. The to move me and was a« helpless as a 126-egg. A. A. Ingalls, phone 1 pavement Is completed now from the child anti was confined to my bed DEMONSTRATION 244-J. 99tf bridge at Rogue River to a |>olnt most of the time. Aly kidneys were congested. I was a nervous wreck FOR SALE 167 acres. 11 acres about a quarter of a mile this side and was so melancholy al time I cleared, 18 acres fenced, house It Is estimated that It will take about [couldn't keep from crying. It Just as though every inch of my barn and out buildings, plenty of co days to prepare -the entire strip seemed body was affected and I ached all running water and some creek bot for traffic, as the specifications this over. Doan's Kidney I’llls pulled mo THURSDAY, FRIDAY. SATURDAY Htuippy New Show Today tom. about 40 acres can be plowed, year call for a heavier macadam through. I stuck to poan's for sev JUNE 17, IS, 1» « 1 *4 miles from railroad and high fo”tidntion than was used last year eral months and was finally able to get around as well as ever and eon- A MACK SKNNETT way, 13 miles from Grants Pa««. ■ ad nearly an Inch and a half more side? YOU ARE INVITE» myself cured of k Idncy ♦ COMEDY Price »800. »550 cash. « ba'ance ¡surface paving on top. trouble.” long time. Call on or address, On March 24. 1920, Mrs. Harvey ¡«aid "My falfh In Down's Kidney Robert Grantham, Wonder. Ore. TO Till! ELFXTOItS OF With All the SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 7 I I’llls Is as strong as when I first en- 05 » I dossed them. 1 have had very little Having been asked by a number of [trouble with my kidneys Since and KENNETT Fl XSTEIIH BARTER SHOP IN BERLIN electors of District No. 7 to give to give the credit to Doan's Kidney Berlin. June 16 -At Halensoy near the public more definite Information Pills.” Celled Berlin a general store ha« been open than Is contained In the formal elec I 60c, at all dealers. Foster-Milburn ed for a moneyless Interchange of tion notice as to the purposes to be Co., Mfrs., Buffalo. N Y country products old town-made ar effected by the election within said Hammermill Bond In all colora at ticles. Co-.irtry f irmer« mr er their district to be held at the Junior dairy products against bo «ts. sho'’«, High school building on C street, be the Courier office. cotton yam, '■an lies and similar com tween Third and Fourth streets In [ 1 FORD ROADSTER modities * la’ .?ptu I uni* a? Grants Pass next Monday, the 31st 1 SAXON SIX “.t'l’c is eggs. 1 MAXWELL Inst. *1 take pleasure In submitting I 4-WHEEL TRAILER I the following data: The electors will meet at lh- rfld nd— [building Iffonday morning at 10 o'clock for the purpose of listening, ito the annual report, of the clerk and j for the purpose of nominating can didates for director for three years. Two directors are to be elected to [succeed Directors rsaac Best and Mrs. Emily F. Cramer. The polls will bo In a fascinating new role of open at the same place nt 2 o’clock In life in the lights and 4 the afternoon of tho same day for shadows of “<Wiy Paree” the purpose of voting on tho names «'all and see placed In nomination In tho morning. Liquid Shampoo Tho polls will remain open until 7 o’clock In tho evening. The meeting for the cosfdoratlon of a budget and ririulalfhMl fl* the levying of a tax is not hold until Phone 324- J . fall. \ny other matters of Interest 111 South Sixth | concerning school administration can | I >e discussed nnd acted upon at this ( meeting of the morning. The school law provided that "any Form Lumber Company— citizen of tho state, mule or female, I though the company is to be known! and the greatest all-star who la 21 years of age and has resld- Two former residents of this city, as the MoCollum-Christy Lumber [ cast In the history of the j od In the* district 30 days Immedi George W. McCollum and Georgei company. They expect to have a mill I screen - Sells Drugs and Rooks ately proceeding the meeting or ole ■ Christy, have organized a lumber [ up and In operation before the sum tlon shall bo entitled to vote at this company at Klamath Falls, with a J SAe TZaa» election. With mer la over, and will draw heavily capitalization of |21>0,000. I FI AV A RD S VAN DYKE. them a number of Klamath Falls upon Plumas county, Cal., for the 03 Clerk business men are interested, .1-1 timber. rnrs. Hellie Peas It's No Secret NIFTY SPRING SUITS Peerless Clothing Co SALT Electrical Supplies PAUL’S Elecfr>c S<ore OREGON MAZOLA OIL Grants Pass Rochdale Store Car Bargains C. L. Hoöart Co a r ! His Last False Step” 103 DOROTHY DALTON HARMONY ‘L’APAGHE* Timmons &. Higgins COMING CLEMENS