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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 16, 1920)
WLDMHDAY. JI NK 10, Ivao GUANTO PAMH DAILY <XM RIEB » Classified Advertising H>1* MAIJC VOTAI, I.NNTItl (TION Get Goodyear Tire Economy for That Smaller Car FOR HALE HO acres rolling land, M IlH GUY KNAPP Voice and piano. fenced, buildings. aprlug water. Accredltml teacher for high school Bargain for cash U. G. Abell, work. Phone 224 K«* I <l<ui ce Wlldervllle. 80tf 420 A street. FOR SALK Near Dryden. 300 acres MRS J. L. JOHNSON— Instructor of with team, self binder, all neces vole«, llooma above Moore'« Ba sary farm tools, spring water kery, hours from 1 to 6 on Tuo» piped In house, good outside days and Saturdays ranga Must be sold to settle an natale J A Tulln. Helma, Ore 0« PIANO TUNING W J. Teel, phone 395-R 86tf Just as owners of the highest-priced auto- moLilCs get greater mileage and economy out of Goodyear Tires, so can the owners of smaller cars similarly enjoy Goodyear advantages. T l » 7 I A » > I < The 30x3-, 30x3vz-, and 31x4-inch sizes of Goodyear Tires are built to afford a money*s worth in performance and satisfaction which only the utmost in experience, resources and care can produce. This extraordinary money’s worth begins not only with the merit of these tires, but also with the first cost, which in most cases is no greater, and sometimes actually is less, than that of other makes of the same types of tires. Go to the nearest Goodyear Service Station Dealer for Goodyear Tires for your Ford, Chevrolet, Dort, Maxwell, or other cars taking these sizes. He is ready to supply you Good year Heavy Tourist Tubes at the same time. FOR HAU.’ 4 high grade Jersey 400NEII TAXI -Phone 262-K cows to freshen for fall and winter Jitney Luke or Cutler, ('alls un milkers Address K. R Crouch. swered anywhere, anytime. Il F. D. 3. or call at ranch 4 mile« Phon« 22-J east of Grants Pass on Pacific PALACE TAXI A. Hyde A Henry Sargeant highway 92tf roll SAUD- Two Jersey cows Hawes A Sell il macker, R. F. D. 2. Phone «0C-F-S. 9» « I > FOIl HALE Choice baled allaita GEO. W CROSH a Inner with hay. |28 per ton. f. o. b. Grnnls yearn practical experience, In lud Pana Riverbanks Farms K6tf Ing 9 years factory training. H»«d quarters Josephine hotel, Your Foil HAIJ' Hlab wood. dry i h satisfaction Is my success green 12.60 per Iler. Cash on de livery ! TAXI at Owl Billiard Parlo». 172-J. Day and night service Dit H AGE IMI TRANSFER^ FOll SALE One 25 h p Frlck ■team trnetor. 11 200. One numiotr THE WORLD .MOVES; ao do we 3 portati)« Gaar «col Mlll. com Bunch Bro» Transfer Co. I'houe I plete wlth beltà and •»* r« II. 000 349. Oregon Machlnery Co,. 4th nnd Lini «»In Street». Eugene, < Ore 101 F. G, ISHAM, drayage and transfer. Safe», piano« and furniture East FOR HALE 3-acre tract A moved, packed, «hippod and stored street. 8-roo in house. out build office phono 124-Y. ings. good well. Inquire 1011 Ea«t A Phone 117-Y 101 HEAL ESTATE SIX YOUNG PIGS tor sale, «5 each Otto Henrlcson. Box 19, Rd 4. e . t . M c K instry — «os a street, phono 13-R. General real eatate phone 602-F-21. 02 business The beet of all kind« of FOI' HAI K" Purebred Duroc Jersey aolla for fruit, hay or general R months old gown 130. Weight farming. abolit 175 lb» Imported front the J. 8. Beali stock farm at Lyle. PHYSICIANS Wash C. S Payne. Box 64. K. Practice F D. *» 03 L. O. 4JI4BMENT. M. O. limited to diseases of eye, ear. no«e FOR 54*140 Window saah with and throat Oíanse« fitted. Hour« glaaa, various sixes, cheap In- 9-12. 2-5. or on appointment. quire 654 North Third St 19 Phone«. office 62; residence 359-J FOR SALE—Young pigs F. 11. 'traut. W< 2, Box *1. l' S LOUGHR1DGE. M. D. Physician and surgeon City or country cal)» 402-F-3. »» attended day or night Phon»« FINI KENT Res 369; Office, 182; «th and H I 30a 3*4 Goodyear Double-Cure Fabric. All-Weather Tread__ _ «33 50 — 30x3*4 Goodyear Singl Fabric, Anti-Skid Tread Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes are thick, strong tubes that reinforce casings properly. a* good casing with a cheap tube? Goodyear Hea1 Tubes cost little more than tubes of less merit. 30x3*4 sue in u/attr- proof bog HOUSEKEEPING IUX1MH for rent. E. J. BIU.ICK. M. D. Physician 411, North 6th street, opposite and surgeon, office Schallhorn courthouse 92tf block, phone 54-J; residence. 1004. 1-uwnridge, phone 54-L. WANTKD W. F. RUTHERFORD-Mnnual the- rnputics. It gets your ailment Office over Barnes' Jewelry store WANTED IJght work horse Ad Office hours 9 30-12; 1:30-4. dress J. R Schumacher, 92"4 South nr th st. 02 RALPH W. STEARNS, M. D. Pby- alelan and surgeon, X-ray equlp- WANTED -Married man U> work on ment. dental X-ray. Office. Me-j farm. Phone «12-F-3, or write to Phones Of «on le Temple Bldg C. N. Culy, Granta Paaa. 00 flee 21-J; residence 21-L. WANTED Will pay »2 for young DENTISTS calve» any sex. A. Alberta Rd. 1 E. C. MACY, D. M. D. Flmt-clsas near county home. II dentistry 109 14 8. 6th St. MIMCHLL4NKOUH EMPTY RACKS ~8nted at the Jose phine Flour Mill *9tf SERVICE STATION DEALER SWOPE AUTO CO Hl (X HONOR TO J. H. DENSON SERVICE STATION DEALER C. A. WINETROUT THE TRACTOR MAN 402-404 SO. «TH 310 N. flTH VKTH1UNARY HVRGRON YOUR WEEKLY CHECK—Limited only by ability and time devoted DR H. J. BESTUL. Veterinarian Residence 838 Washington boule to selling our trees Complete vard. phone 398-R. line of all varieties backing you. Write for term«. Start Immedi ATTORNEYS ately. Salom Nursery Company. H. D. NORTON. Attorney-at-law. 427 Oregon Bldg . Salem. Ore. 102 Practices in all State and Federal BAGGAGE AND EXPRES« transfer. Courts. First National Bank Bldg. Phone 14-R. 1« G. W. OOLVIO, Attorney-at-law. BANKERS LIFE COMPANY. Des Granta Pana Banking Co. Bldg. Moines, Iowa. District agent, My ■. 8. VAN DYKE. Attorney Practices ¡ ron C. Gaston. Grants Pass, Ore. In all courts. First National Bank Over «7,500,000 In force In Ore I Building gon • Mt O S. BLAJYCHAKD. Attorney-nt-lnw. DRKNHMAKING Golden Rule Bldg. Phone 270. A Chevrolet Bargain New 1920 Chevrolet FIRST (LANS SHAPE, BEEN Kl N HI T 87ft MILES. A BARGAIN IF TAKEN AT ONCE. WILL HELI. ON TERMS TO RESPONSIBLE PARTY. IA*OK THIS OVER BEFORE YOV RUT. DRESSMAKING—I am now ready to C. A. .<’'*4dCR, Attorney-at-law. Ma ta u orde.t for dreums.’ lt g at my sonic 1 »inole. Granta Paas. Ore. new location 661 North Third GEO H. DURHAM, Attorney-at-law , street. Prices reasonable, eetl- referee In bankruptcy. Masonic, \ mates cheerfully given. Mrs W. I Temple Phone 135-J. R. Bwoai>e. 2 2 .IAMBS T. CHINNOCK Lawyer j DHK88MAKING—-Plain and fancy i First National Rank Building sewing. «27 South Sixth St. 02 | n PEARL OIL ¡ ACCiSvomes axe rcpai EXPERTS the buyers at the coffee growing centers to our blenders at our big plant select only the quality beans for our roasters. YOV ARE ENTITLED FOR. COLUNS AUTO COMPANY IT STBM4GE HOW / SOME GOOD SCOUTS IN T his T own who pan all theib other dills pronip T t A n O reglar will peroit T he newspaper iwcxn pea TWO eq three nears RECAVAR OIR TO N MAXWELL CHALMERS AND gSSEX CARS iiiiiiimmiiiii MICKIE SAYS C A in ' t AGENTS Tastes Better Goes Farther GOOD COFFEE Edwurtla Roasters of Country Club Coffee DEPEN D ABLE COFFEE In Vacuum Packed Cana PHONF 317 ( KEROSENE 51/ H STREET, %-0IL COOKSTOVES GRANTS PASS, ORE EDWARDS PORTLAND. OREG. StAKtlAnD OIL COMMNY (C AlirOBNI Al min mi ■mil epair ebuild The California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company TIME CARD t R &YOUR* Effective Nov. 24. 1919 will run Monday«. Wednes days and Fridays. 1 P.M. j Ixiuve Grants Pa»«...... . 2 PM. I Arrive Waters Creek 2:10 P.M. ! Ideava Waters Creek ______ ______________ 4 P.M Arrive Grants Pass For Information regarding freight and passenger rate» call at the office ef the oompaay. Lundhurg building, of tnl«l»hs»« 181 Trains BATTERY No nu»tt«r what make battery you have WE have the parts, experience, nnd facilities to re pair or rebuild it—nnd. a bat tery re|»iiire«l or rebuilt HERE is one that is DEPENDABLE- If you want SERVICE that Is service for the OWNER—come to us. Adams Electric & Battery Shop G. B. BERRY Harness and Saddlery AutoJTop and Canvas Work With Grants Pa»»*Hardware C t Advertising Fays—Advertise with the Courier