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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 16, 1920)
HI liMspn. JI M GRANTS PASS DAILY MED Published Daily Excel«t Sunday L B. VOOftHIBS. hour of 10 o'clock a. tn. for the pur-) pose of the ««lection of two director«» of said district tor a term of three j years each an«i th«« transaction of All of You Pub. and Propr. entered at postoffbe. tirant» Paas. Ora, as second class mall matter ADVERTISING RAT ’S Display spaoe. per inch.......... „....10c Local-personal column, per Une 10c Readers, per line ....... 5c DAILY COURIER By mall or carrier, per year 1« 00 By mail or carrier, per month- .50 I NEW TODAY MORN gyi * ny HEARN BEAUTIFUL THAN EVER POPI I.AR THAN KVER . o’clock of the same day. ISAAC BENT. Chairman Mteet: HOWARD 8 VAN DYKE. Clerk. U II«» \l K IR SHOIX KNOW Til IV HIERE IS DIFFERENCE IN QUALITY HEE Ol II WINDOW DINPI.AY BARNES, The Jeweler WEEKLY COURIIJl By mall, per year..... ............... _.|î.00 I MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication 101-3-.T NORTH «TH of all new» dispatches credited to it or all otherwise credited in this paper and also the 'acai news pub lished herein. All rights of republication of spe cial dispatches herein are also re '4g trunk, and on into finished lum NOTICE OF INNI* AL served SCHOOL MEETING ber. WEDNESDAY, JUNE ltl. 1IWV. I THE SCHOOL ELECTION People get into a frenzy of excite ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦>♦♦♦♦♦♦ -V ♦♦♦ ♦ ment over the election of a president OREGON WEATHER of the United States, and often the Weather for the Week selection of a mayor will set a om- Pacific Coast States: Gen ♦ munity into a flre of excitement It ♦ erally fair. Normal tompera- ♦ should be ♦ Is proper that interest 4 ture. ♦ manifest in the selecton of the men ♦ Tonight and Thursday, fair ♦ who are to direct the business of the ♦ Warmer west portion. Moder ♦ nation or the city, and there are oc- ♦ easterns when more Interest should ♦ ate .verterly winds ♦ | ♦ be taken in filling some of the minor offices that are often allowed to go SOUTHERN OREGON’S LIMBER | by default. Next Monday an elec- Records at the county courthouse I tlon will be held for the selection of show that the 25th saw- mill to be two director» of the school district. erected and operated in Josephine ' This election should call out a large county la in the course of construc number of voters for there is no tion. more Important position to* be filled The disappearnce of big timber than that of school director. Cit from the territory adjacent to Grants izens must sacrifice their time in fill Paas and lhe present stand of stumps ing these rather thankless positions, are silent evidence that the manu but what makes a community a pro facturing of lumber from the virgin gressive and an up-to-date commun timber was at one time a prime in ity Is a citizenship that stands ready dustry in this locality, but few have to serve when service is • required. realized that the business has been Support of the school board can be carried on at even a greater rate given by an exhibition of Interest in since then. The mills have been the school meeting and the election. driven further from town, but they Let your voice be heard and your are still In operation. vote be counted. Then help the board On all the streams of consequence to maintain a school system that is the mills may be found in full oper the very best obtainable. The edu ation, and the making of lumber cation and the guidance of the youth from the unsurpassed pine and fir of the community Is the most Import forests of Oregon is an increasingly ant duty that is before the qltizen. Important industry. Many tourists may be observed DRINK CAUSES TRAGEDY making a stop at the sawmill just AT DART.MOI TH COLLEGE south of town on the highway to catch a bit of romance of west from —«Henry E. Maroney.-of West Med ford, Mass . a senior in Darthmouth the continual day and night whir of college was shot and killed during a the band saw. There the great quarrel in his rooms in his fraternity trucks or the railway bring the giant house early today by Robert T. logs; there the story of these logs Meads, of I-a Grange, Ill., a junior, may be followed from the placing on Meads, after being arrested on a Boston-bound train, admitted the the carriage and the dispatch head- shooting and said they had been on Into the greedy band, the slicing drinking and that he fired In self off of great slabrand planks from the defense. » 1 « NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the annual school meeting of School District No. 7 of Josephine county, Oregon, will be held at the Junior High School Building on C street between Third and Fourth streets in Grants Pass. Oregon, and said dis trict Monday. June 21, 1920. at the O. G. C pf«* pur a lion (or goitre ha* bro» hted maoi. Why pay Brvural hundred dollar« lor .1 op«-nihou to remote 4 »toitrv *h« n O G l cao bo obtained lor such it 1 ompAr aiivc I v «mall eipa'iiditurv? O G C. when properly applied uivrs »an» Uctory rvdult», or vuur ni«»n.y will l>, refunded. <> G (’. ts sold direct, by iuai I Write (or booklet. Address Dept. U O.U.C. CMH.MICU. COMPANY Seattle. W Aalnnwioti ODAY she can “make a train” or fix a tire as well as anybody As soon as a luxury becomes a necessity the point of view changes. // MIDIHRB, DRESSHH. BLOOMERS. SKIRTS Two or three years ago you would have listened to more varying opinions about tires than you could shake a stick at. Mileages, construction, treads and whatnot. Natarall—every giri want« Jack Tar Togs Ampie measurements, double-stitched Stearns, quallty trimmlngs and fast colon, added to sturdy material», ag- •ure long wear and satiafaction. It’s different now. Tire users are working towards a unani mous feeling. SEE THEM AT THE Golden Rule Store You express it one way— the man down the street another. But sifted down it amounts to this: ................... J All OifQrTown Tnat the only way to settle Everybody wants it—because it makes most palatable and sweetest of foods. You save when you buy it. You save when you use it. 1 IJ 11 'Ay suffer the disccrttf rts and enthiirriissrrtents of a Goitre ‘ n hat a lot of argument *here used to be about a woman driving an automobile JACK TAR TOGS 4 "*■ GRANTA PAM DAILY COURIER PACK TWO, Calumet Baking Powder Is so perfectly made—so perfect in keeping qualities that failures are absolutely impos sible. Bost by tost. • • your tire problem is to get a tire of known value and stick to it. /// We recommend and sell U. S. Tires because their value is known. There’s no guess about it. It was the U. S. quality policy which led to the per fection of the straight-side automobile tire, the pneumatic truck tire—two of the greatest additions to tire value that have ever been made. As representatives of the oldest and largest rubber con cern in the world, we are in a position to tell you something about tire values. Come in some day and talk to us. Select your tire« ac cording to the roada they have to travel: For ordinary country roads- lhe U. S. Chnin or Usco. In sandy or hilly coun try, wherever the going is apt to be heavy — The U. C. r.’.by. For front wheels— The U. S. Plain. KXAL CORD N06BV CHAIN USCO-PtAJH For beat results aver/* W/iere— U. 3. Koy u 1 Cords. United States Tires BATTERY SHOP Hazelton and Disbrow Call for Calumet Baking Powder SMB.