VOI«. X., No. EM. GUANTO PASH, JOSEPHINE OOI N TY. OREGON, W EI > A EMD A Y, Jl NE IO, ÌU24>. WHOLE NI MBER 2»OO. . ENGLAND WILL PHOHIS WILL ASK EXCLUSION OF TURK CAPITAL THULE NEGROES FREIGHT RONS NOT MIX IN ANY EXTHA-DBÏ PLANK JAPS ASKED BY TO BE OPENED LYNCHEÍE BY MOB AWAY AND ONE U.SJAP FIGHT LABOR BODIES TO THE WORLD MAN IS KILLED Five Thousand in Duluth Sweep Po­ lice From Power and Hang Men Held for Attack Generad < ouiimc I for Ix-MtfiM« Tut Question I p U» Ih«* l>rin<»< r*i(M Washington, June 16.—.Prohibi­ ARTICLE INHEllTKD IN AN’GMt- Duluth. June 16.—Virtually nor-' TWO OTHERS INJURED AND 4M AGREEMENT” LIMITED INTERNATIONALIZA­ tion advocates will usk the democra­ mal conditions prevailed today in JAPANEHE TREATY IIY HINTED CAN­ TION PROVIDED FOR IN TURK­ CABS DEMOLISHED—OTHER tic national convention to adopt a Duluth business streets over which JAPAN FEDERATION ISH TREATY DAMAGE IS DONE plank declaring for rigid enforce­ a mob of 5,000 persons surg- r ment of the 18th amendment, and ed last night, sweeping the police will "present a solid front against from power, seizing and lynching Governor James M. Cos, of Ohio,” three negroes held In connection Wayne B Wheeler, general counsel with the attack of a 17-year-old ot the anti saloon league declared white girl. today In a ftirmal statement. Former Foewign MinUlec Kalo <•!»■•■’ NecrwJtmiet Movement W hich Result- ' SejMirat«‘ Organisation, Flag and l/H«l Hi gli School Rated High— OB leeldent Attributed to Interview—Declare« In Favor of Ml in Freight T|f*-up Condemned Commission Granted by Terms of Kerby < ’on pie Married— Electric Ix>com«>tlve A tribute to the local school sys­ the Trent» by Convention tho «Agreement Marlon I .ester Hood and Hettle P. Unmanageable tem has come In the way of an­ latrkln of Kerby were married this nouncement that the Or-nts Paas afternoon at the Presbyterian mause, High school is this year placed on, • • . - Toklo, June 16.—Japan inserted ■lev. Henry G. Hanson officiating. Montreal, June 16 The American Washington, June 16.—The limit­ the accredited list of the Northwest Ellensburg, Wash., June 16.—One the article In the Anglo-Japanese al­ Federation of Labor, In 'convention ed Internationalization ot the port of I ' Association ot Secondary and High man was killed, two men Injured, 4$ liance pact of 1911 to remove the Air Patrol Begins June 2Atli— here, today called upon the congress Schools, This is in addition to the loaded freight cars were totally dee- risk of England bmoming Involved Five planes wilt be In the air pa­ of the United States to cancel the Constantinople and its Inclusion regular accredited list of high troyed and extensive damage to main tn any dispute between the United trol fleet for the protection of west­ "Gentleman’s agreement" with Jap­ within the "zone of the straits" was schools by which graduates may en- nneg and switches resulted when an Blates and Japan, it was declared ern Oregon forests this year, and will an and absolutely exclude Japanese pro«4ded tor In the provisional terms ter colleges and universities without eastbound Chicago, Milwaukee and today by Viscount KaU>, former for­ begin their work about June 26th. and other Asiatic Immigration into of the Turkish treaty, disclosed by further examination, and marks a St Paul freight got beyond control eign minister, In an Interview urging with one plane operating from Med­ this -o un try The exclusion of “pic­ an,official summary received here higher rating among the high schools ear]y today near Boyston Tunnel and the renewal of the treaty. ford, and four from Eugene. The ture brides," was also demanded. today ot the jurisdiction provided for of the northwest than has before ran wild for 17 miles. Tbs accident flying squad personnel will consist Declaring that a band of "Irre­ been attained. Medford High school was attributed to over generation of of ten enlisted men to serve as ob­ sponsible agitators are attempting to by the Inter-allied commission ot has also been placed on this list current on the electric locomotive servers and mechanicians, while the discredit the recognized organiza­ control. pilots will be civilian experts employ­ tion of railway service" the federa­ The port la granted its own flag, ed for the service. tion unanimously condemned the budget, separate organization and CASE AGAINST DEMPSEY Hchool M««*ting t'allc«l— "secessionist movement" which re­ commission. By the lines ot the DIHMIS8ED BY THE COVET A mass meeting of the electors of sulted in the recent railroad strike boundaries fixed for the “zone of I School District No. 7. has been called The American Federation of Labor straits." she will have authority over San Fransero, June IS.—An In­ for 10 o'clock next Monday morning reaffirmed Its stand for the recogni­ territory considerably greater than dlctment charging Jack Dempsey and Manila, P. 1., June 16. The re­ at fte Junior High school on C tion of the Irish republic at the con­ some of the smaller nations of Bu- his manager with conspiracy to evade turn hero of all ot the 8,one \merl- street Any citizen of the state over vention here today. rope the selective draft act was dismissed can trooiia who went to Siberia dur­ 21 qualifies as an elector and is Manila. P. I.. June 16.—Despite ■“ by the federal court here today. ing the year 1918, baa broi zbt the urged to attend this gathering. The nrml -y n nr- zw^aav the fact that the exportations from nunrber of regular army officer» and annual report of the clerk of the the Philippine Islands last month men In the Philippine Islands to ap­ school board will be read at this DEMItvEY At’< EPTS CHALLENGE were double those of the same period proximately 11,000. time, and nominations will be made TO MEET FRENCH CHAMPION last year, the importations were so In addition, the Philippine Scouts for two directors to serve on the heavy that the balance of trade was composed entirely of natives under board for terms of three years. Wichita, June 16.—Georges Car­ against the islands to the extent of the Jurisdiction ot the United Slates pentier today issued a challenge to $380,000 for March. war department, numliel* clom. to Sunset Movlb Party In Town—- Jack Dempsey to meet him alter Oc­ The exports from the Islands dur­ 7.500 mon. Inland J. Burrud.and party of six, Manila. June 16.—Threo hundred lions, should be sent to the Unite? tober 10th at any time or place ing last March amounted to $12,- The Philippine Constabulary, or conducting the Sunset-Burrud Pic­ or more Russian "war brides." who non.noo and the imports to $12,380,- States and there distributed among Dempsey name«. the police force of tlto Islands, Is torial se tlon of the Sunset •Maga­ have come here from Siberia with 000. the army camps and posts, where« composed entirely of natives and la zine, lunched in the city t nlla, ao eager were they to escape shipped out of the Philippines and its After completing his report. Gen. county. Is now In process of construc­ bands on their meager pay of $36 a from the turmoil and suffering which MARSHALL SYMPATHIZES WITH value was approximately $3.467.000. Graves will take command of Fort tion. going In on I,Tckett creek, four month have been unable to support have Last month's exports of cocoanut prevailed In Siberia almost HIS POSSI BI,E 81ÌVES8OH McKinley at tho outskirts of Manila. and a quarter miles southwest of a family, house rent and food price« I since oil amounted to 8,472,000 pounds, the beginning of the war. These Merlin and across llogue lUver. This having almost doubled here within j stowaways were turned over to the Boston. June 16.—Vice President valued at $1.355,000. while the ex­ mill, to be of 15.000 feet capacity, the last year. authorities here to be deported to Marshall today greeted his possible ports In March of last year were is being ere« ted by F. F. Schellen- practically nothing, being only 220.- To prevent these Russian girls , the country whence they came. Sev- burg. formerly a contractor in Pitts­ from actual suffering, the Red Cross , eral of them were married at the successor with a message, not of con­ 000 pounds. gratulation. but of commiseration. burg. Penn. Mr. Schellenburg toured and other charitable organizations, I pier while awaiting to be put on Cigar exports in March, 19^. through the west some time ago with have provided them with shelter and board a transport for the voyage "Please accept my sincere sympathy” reached 35.392.000. while in the was the word he sent to Governor a view of selecting a home on the food. . back to Vladivostok, which made Calvin Coolidge, the republican party same month a year ago. only 15.866.- Pacific coast, and picked Grants Paes 000 were shipped. They are willing to work, but hav­ them American cltfcens and gave nominee. as his choice. He has purchased the ing no knowledge of English or them the right to' remain herj St. John's, N. F.. June 16. The timber Interests of tho Big Four Spanish, they are unable to find em- IRRIGATION WILL BE One of these stowaways, clad in DISCUSSED AT MEETING Htoady shifting of Newfoundland im­ Mining Company, which aggregates ployment in any of the stores of Ma- male attire, when about to be placed ON' THURSDAY EVENING ports from Great Britain to Canada some 3.000.000 feet, largely pine and nlla and native men and boy^ are on board a transport for deportation ♦ ---------- 4 and the United States is shown In fir. hut Including some three or four preferred for house servants. with several thousand Russian ruble« ♦ ■ To hear plans for the de- foreign trade figures Just made pub­ hundred thousand feet of oak. Mr. After several weeks of Investiga­ In her hands, appealed to the crowd + velopment of the gravity pro­ 4 lic here. Imports from Greet Britain Schellenburg will be joined here by tion as to the best disposition *» at the pier for some man to marry ♦ ject ot the Grants Pass Irriga- 4 In 1909 were valued at $2,493,670 hts family in a short time, as they make of the war brides and their sol­ her and save her life from what she tion district, to be constructed 4 and in 1919 at $2.399.853. In the are now visiting In Victoria, B. C. dier husbat|f|s. the army authorities said would be certain death If she? from the proceeds ot the bond 4 4 same period Imports from Canada j They Intend making their home In decided that they, with few excep- were returned to Siberia. The Rus­ Nogales, Ariz.. June 16.—Genet?' Increased from $3.937.009 to $12,-1 Grants Pass. Alvaro Obregon, leader in the move-] 4 issue upon which the land own­ 4 777,684 nnd from the United States ment that recently overthrew the * ers within the district will vote 4 from $4,332,680 to $16,569.23«. Carranza government In Medco, has 4 3aturday, a meeting is called ♦ The climate of Newfoundland h so a rentarkabl4jnemor.v. aeqt'ding to 4 by authority ot the board of di­ 4 severe that all of Its food supplies. H. Percy Weaker, an Englishman 4 rectors of the district, to be except fish, a few farm products and who has reelded in Sinaloa for many­ 4 held at 7:30 o’clock sharp ♦ a smnll quantity of meat, have to be years and who. during the recent) 4 Thursday evening, tn the court Imported. Practically all clothing, war with Germany, acted In an exern- |4 room ot the courthouse. There 4 will be discussion upon the pro­ 4 furniture nnd household goods also ttvo capecity for the British govern­ 4 ject as it has been developed, 4 come from abroad. Until about 20 ment. Basobnll fans of the city aro due years'ago these imports werp divided “One of the easiest things Gen­ 4 and the engineering plans for 4 almost equally between Great Brit­ for a treat Sunday when the local eral Obregon does." safcl Weaker, "is 4 future construction will be ful­ ain, Canada nnd the United Htates, team plays a picked aggregation to deal out a complete deck of play­ 4 ly explained that the land own­ 4 but since then tho tendency en h from Glendale. Canyonville and Wolf ing cards to a party of seveu. mem­ 4 ers may be fully advised. It is 4 year has been to buy less from tho (’reek. Tho boys from up tho line' orizing the cards each receives, then, 4 urged that all interested parties 4 mother country and more from the have a reputation for good ball play- beginning backward, tell each mail 4 be