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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1920)
I G ILi M'S PAMS IIAII.Y CXH’iUKK PAGE I'lK B - I I The Right Bank One of the most important factors in your business success is having the right kind of a Bank to deal with. I * Too much care cannot be exercised In selection The all important consideration with thia Bank Is first to safeguard the mone.' of its depositors and to ren der them such business service as to Increase their pros perity and thus increase the value of the account. »irMMH reneu vt hi sERvr THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK sa s ri »1 OF SOUTHERN OREGON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY OF THIS WEEK Come in and see tilia Reni Star Detroit Vapor Oil Stove in ac tion. I Wickless and od<»rle«s. Cooks as fast as gas. Burns 19 hours on 1 gallon of coal oil. Jitons Cook and bake fast and keep cool during the hot weather. Don't forget the date. May ¿sth and 29th. Rogue River Hardware Co THE HOUSE OF QUALITY Mazóla Oil Demonstration AT OUR STORE THURSDAY, FRIDAY AMI SATURDAY J. Pardee Would be pleased to have you I W. L. McDonald returned this morning from Portland where h«l si«ent several days visiting. Mrs. F. L. Johnson left this morn ing for Roseburg where she will visit for a short time. Hemstitching and pecotlng, 10c and 12c per yard. Nellte Naas 91 tf Ml Meals left the latter part of last week for Weed whore he expects to remain during the summer. Empty sacks wanted at the Jose phine Flour Mill $9tf Will Go to Area A large number of local "Dokies” and "Tyros” will go to Yreka next Saturday from Grants Pass to attend the ceremonial there. Over a half dozen members of the K. P. lodge here will take the «degree, going over with the members from Medford. The Medford Initiation team is mak ing the trip, about 60 >elng in It. They are expecting a very large class to be initiated at the ceremonial. The start will be made at 7:30 next Saturday morning from Medford. ‘Life in Pi ru Next Wednesday, June Newman M. E. church, Rev. Knotts will give a benefit lecture. His sub ject is "Life In Peru.” Rev. Knotts spent over five yeajs In that country and had some interesting exper iences. The admission charge will be 35c to adults and 20c for children. The entire proceeds will be given to the Epworth League for the purpose of sending delegates to the league in stitute at Jefferson the later part of July. 93 Cadillac Auto Stage— The Cadillac Auto Stage is rua nlng regularly to Crtecent City, Icav Ing at 9:30 every morning, stage takes passengers only, reservations see O. Hiller, Jr. mrs. ndhc l)ea$ ’S FURNITURE STORE Peerless Clothing Co. J AT THE G rants P ass .O recon Nut'cenaor U> Mr». E Itehhnpf NIFTY SPRING SUITS The Silver Horde” J osephine C ounty B ank O.N GEORGETTE IND CREPE DE cium w IIVN HOLM. 3 FORD TOURING I < HEVROLET 1 GOOD MAXWELL 1 SAXOX SIX 1 FORD TRUCK THE JOSEPHINE COUNTY BANK IS A HOME INSTITUTION, BACK- EB BY HOME PEOPLE AND HOME CAPITAL. IT LS TO YOUR INTER- EST TO BEAL WITH THIS USEE! I. BANK. Special Sale * CAMPING TIME BEACH A Home Institution Backed by Home People Will Get Truck»— Fred Collins and W. B. Graham left last night for Portland where they will get the two Mack trucks sold by the Collins auto company They will drive the trucks back over the Pacific highway. T. M. Stott Is spending the day In the Illinois valley attending to bus Io I «eel Illa« al Wildervill iness Interests. Rev. Joseph Knotts of Grants ”Enos Fruit Salad.” Sabin has It j will give a lecture on Peru at George Sabin returned this morn Wlldervtlie church on Friday even ing from Corvallis where he attend mg. June 11. Admission 15c and ed the O A. C. graduation exercises 25c. Mrs. C. M Ctlne and sons, Robert ’ and Jsmes. left last night for Albany Dan«'Ing Party— | where they will visit Mrs. Clines, Friday night at the Waldorf | daughter. Mrs. E. K. Stannard Thomas Swoape returned to Ash Ba<hhou»e lo O|«en— land this morning, where he will, The bathoqse will open this year spend the summer driving truck for! on June 15. according to T. P. Ora the hi^iway construction work mer, chairman of the bathhouse coli! j Mr. and Mrs. 8. E. Kasdorff and mlttee The house will be In charge j family will leave Friday for Dorris,! of .Mrs. Myers again this year. She Cal., where they will spend the sum-' has had charge during the bast two mer. seasons and ha.» done much for the W hat -tsjsll wo lake? Miss Wilma Smith returned this comfort of the bathers. The water X cot. th« GOLD MED XL Kind, morning from McMinnville where she Is said to be cold as yet but the tal.h-, a few di»l>«». too, has been attending high school. She young boys are going tn every day A nice comfortable lawn chair for Grandma, left today for her horn«« at Kerb- and are apparently satisfied with I hammock for Grandpa, Mrs. J D. Fry is expecting a visit the temperature. A couple of ennip .lenir» and atonia. from Miss Jess!» Bussard, of San Ind you will find them at: D’iego. Miss Bussard wlil probably lfter the Band Concert— Y arrhe here tonight. Everybody’s going to the dancing Mr and Mrs R R. Patrick, who party, 92tf have been visiting here for several days with friends and relatives, left llleiids Water Martin»— this morning for their home at Rose Water Master .M. L. Opdycke went Tim little »torr mfuri ! thr corner burg. to Thompson creek today to be pres 0OA lì CT HE KT • OPKMITK II %\l> MTIND E. I„ Eskridge. George Kearns and ent at a meeting of the Thompson A. H. Gunnell left this morning for .reek asso dation, the members of Jackson county, where they will In which are planning to straighten vestigate reports of a recent gold the water rights for thia year, strike. The strike Is said to be near weirs to measure the water to Jacksonville. morrow Mr. Opdycke will Install . Mrs Steve Jones, of Oakland, has individual user The water Is taken been visiting in the city for some ft • n tile Steamboat side of th.. time with Mrs. Dan Hearn. Mrs and Mr. Opdycke will make Jones left today for Gold HHl for a justnients for the leasop. short visit after which she will go to Portland. . Xotl«««— SHOT y und IDRMSIIINGS J. T. Gilmore. of Drain. Is spend- There- will be no meeting of Ing a few days in the city, Mr Gil- Security Benefit Association till June lOR Mf N more is engaged In highway work 25, as the floor Is being repaired 94 near Drain, and it has been held uy temporarily by the rain of the last ■'let at Murphy — two days. He will probably return The child welfare ' work was to Drain in the morning. launched In the Murpby district yes Harold White, accompanied by his terday. The ladies met at the home mother, Mrs. S. E. White, and his or Mrs T E. Gilmore, community declares that be was one of the two sister. Mrs. C. G. Sawyer, returned project leader and formulated plana Holman lii Portland— tor eight years or so James Hoi- men who rod* on la«« first streetcar this morning from O. A. C. Mr for the season, Mrs. George Seeba h. White has been attending the col county .project leader was present to man him been justl «> of the pence at running betwc u .Sellwood and Port- Oregonian lege, graduating this year from the assist In the organization, and get Grants Pass, and he had been a mem land ber of the G. A. Il longer than that school of agriculture He expecte to the work well under way. Drs. W B. Sherman arrived thf» morn spend the summer on the White farm Stearns, Walker and Clement were Mr. Holman passed through Perth i l yesterday on bls way to attend the in.' from Sacramento, and will visit at Kerby. present at the meeting and gave 13 G. A. It. convention lie moved to lu the city for a few days, lie will children a mental and physical ex Grants Pass in 1S92, and before that >‘a'(« then fpr Portland for a brief amination. The records will be sent he lived at Sellwood Mr. Holman business visit. to Portland where the scores will be > I LOCAL || FËR52NAL OREGON SUN.. MON., Tl ES. compiled. This meeting Is to be fol lowed by a study of child feeding and child <are. A meeting Is to be held next Saturday at Dryden, when Drs Clement, Britten aiyl Stearns will be present. Miss Ruth Cprbett, home demonstrator, Is assisting In the work in the < ounty. OREGON HORN GALVIN—To Mr. and Mrs. J ,p. Gal- vfn, of thia city, Wednesday, Junç 9. a daughter. A DOUBLE BILL OF FUN TODAY Beautiful Roman Fountain, e Piazza dl Trarr In Itoli, r 1« so revered by tlu- natives Hint they have always had n saying, ‘‘lie «ho drink» of Its wafers will again come to Rome.” The fountain •occupies n« much spec.« ns many n tempi«-, filling ns It does the «-ntlre oja-n spa«........ the square. Its lofty columns, high i«nta! Iiitures nnd >t nr«li««d nMi- » In which ’stand various mytholoiAcul figure-«. nr«« Its crowning features In tin- «-entrai nlclie I« a colossal Nvpfir e hors h ijv « - • nnd below him are sen I which « fiottr timi »plush In nmn streams a river of water from «i. liasln to imother. finally spreading <»«i> in a broad ««xpmi'e Ilk«» it !:■ Plays Thru Tomorrow THE BEST ASSORTMENT Wn recommend a pur«- gmn cap in “DURA BLE.” “ATI!LETI! ” AMD “AERO” “MURIAL” IN ALL COLORS «Sc CLEMENS Sells Drugs and Books TA- I» a ( itre-nil for any one In Grunin Pana «afflicted witli the glooms. Salome vs. Shenan.ioah With tip« Greatest Coimsly Cas. Ever Assembled! —G( hh I-|I, vc , scrubbing brush! —So long, pot» and pans! —Never again! ■—loti ought lo m « i « ns llic neglected wife, nuike hubby come oil' high horse. Swim Caps ori: price «oc MACK HEXXETTH DELIGHTFI I. SATIRE Licet rica i Supplies ENID BENNETT “Stepping Out —IT'H THE BEST PICT! RE EX’lll BENNETT EVER MABE. at FAUL’S Electric Store I ItlXll LAR PRK I S. I