Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1920)
GI4A.NTN PAM DAILY tXHIUKK ▼ PWE TH RI Classified Advertising FOH HALE IR WOOD FOR HALE 13.50 per tier delivered. Phone W. 8 Rob- Ineon, Wlldnrvllle 4 Ktf FOR HAIJC Purebred registered Jersey cows, heifer« and calve«, at The Meadows Phone C. N. Duly. 59tf * The World’s Largest Tire Factory WANTED—To rent furnished house. Address No. 1266 care Courier. 94 WANTED AT ONGE 126 eggs. Rhodu Island Rud, or Plymouth Rock, or part o’ each. Fertility of uggs, guaranteed. Price rea sonable. Phone Dr. Dimmlck 139-11 or address 326 West G St. Building 30x3,30x31 and 3 lx4-inch Tires FOR HALE 80 acre* rolling land, WANTED Strong boy or girl hoe and work in garden at once. fenced, building«, spring water. J. IxToy Johnson, 2 Mi miles north Bargain (Of esali P. G. Abell, of town, on Ixiuse Creek road. »3 SOU Wlldervllle. Owners of the smaller cars can enjoy the same high relative value in Goodyear Tires that gives utmost satisfaction to owners of big, costly motor carriages. They can take advantage of that tremendous amount of equipment, skill and care employed by Goodyear to build tires of extraordinary worth in the 30 x 3-, 30 x 3!/2', and 31 x 4- inch sizes. They can secure-these tires without waiting, despite the enormous demand, because, in addition to its larger sizes, Goodyear builds ail average of 20,000 a day in the world’s largest tire factory devoted to the three sizes mentioned. If you own a Ford, Chevrolet, Dort, Maxwell, o; ? ay other car using one of these sizes, go to the nearest Goodyear Service Station Dealer for Goodyear Tires and Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes MlHt'ELLA.NEOUH FOR HALE Near Dryden. 300 acres with team, self binder, all nacea- YOUR WEEKLY CHECK— Umlted aary farm tools, spring water only by ability and time devoted piped in house, good outside to selling our trees Complete range. Must be sold to settle an line of all varieties backing you. estate J. A. Tolin, Selma, Ore. 06 Write for terms. Start Immedi ately. Salem Nursery Company, FOR HAIJC Choice baled alfalfa 427 Orogon Bldg . Salem, Ore. 102 hay. *27 per ton. f. o. b. Granta Paas. Riverbanks Farina. 85tf NOTICE Medford Junk and Wool Buyer, will stay In Grants Pass Foft HALE Slab wood, dry »3, until June 11th, and will pay top green 12 50 per tier. Cash on de- market prices for wool, mohair, livery. W. J. Teal, phono 395-R. rubber, metals, rags, sacks, scrap 85tf Iron, newspapers and magazines. 417 G street. near Palace hotel. 95 FOR SALE Wlnona Ranch •a BAGGAGE AND EXPRESS transfer. Phone 14-R. 1« FOR HALE 12 horsepower Associ ated gas engine at a bargain Ad I HAVE GOOD PASTURE for 10 or dress A. A. Hyde. Murphy, Oro. 94 15 head of stock, plenty of water, good fence, will last all summer. FOIl HALE 40 acres *4 mile from Price |t to 12 per month. ■Murphy 4 acres under ditch. In Tucker. Selma. 'Ore hay. Remainder partly cleared, and pasture land. Price 11250. W s'. Gilmore. Murphy. Ore 94 MRS GUY KNAPP Voice and plnao Accredited teacher foi1 high school FOR SALE Used lumber, good for Residence work Phone 224 barn or sheds Also aome window 33tf 4 20 A street snsh and doors. Joseph Fetzner, North MS M 91tf I MRS J. L. JOHNSON— Instructor of voice. Rooms above Moore's Ba FOR HALIN Single work kery, hours from J to 5 on Tues Cull at «05 So. 5th St days and 'Saturdays. FOR HALE OR TRADE Good hotel, Jackson county. Ore., on rallrond, city water, eloctric lights, doing GEO. W. CROSS a tuner with years practical experience. In hid four to five hundred dollar month ly business, Caah or good amali ing 9 years factory training Head quarters Josephine hotel, Your lurtu preferred. Address Box 181, satisfaction Is my success. Grants Pana. Ore. '.* 8 COWS for aale by R. Timmons. Phono ■ i.'l I »4 a A < ï x i n VY /■V <\ . / ‘I * V JO« P/2 Goodyear Double-Care Fabric, All-Weather Tread___ _ TAX. 90ONKR TAXI Phone 262-R Foil 8AIAC (i-roomed bungalow, all Jitney Luke or Cutler. Calls an modern Garage. Wood house, Ht'.tf swered anywhere, anytime. Fruit trees. Strawberries. Gar- PAIJkCE TAXI Phone 22-J Geo 1 den. Lots of shade Very reason A. Hyde ft Henry Sargeant. 25(1 • ble. close to Baptist church. See owner, MTS. J. D Thorpe, Tn", c PNNI nt Owl Billiard Parlors. 17.'-J vu owl. »5 Day and night service. Gfltfi FOR SALE 1 good cook stove DRAYAGE AND THINSEER (range); 1 bed stead and springs; fruit Jars and vinegar 202 West THE WORLD MOVES; so do we E street 93 Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phone l FOR HAIJC 4 high grade Jersey 34*. cows to freshen for fall and winter milkers Address E. R. Crouch. F. G. ISHAM, drayage and transfer. Safes. pianos and furniture R. F. D. 3, or call at ranch 4 miles moved, packed, ehiwed and stored east of Granta Paas' on Pacific Office phone 124-Y. highway. 92tf PHYSICIANS POR KENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS for rent L. O. CLEMENT, M. D.. Practice limited to diseases of eye. ear, nose 411 North 6th street, opposite courthouse. 92tf and throat. Glasses fitted. Hours 9-12, 2-5, or on appointment. U*T Phones, office 62; residence 359-J. IXtST Bunch of keys, on key ring. Finder return to Courier office 8. LOUGHRIDGE, M. D. Physician and surgeon. City or country calls and receive reward. 93 attended day or night. Pbonee. WANTED Res 369; Office. 182; 6th and H MEN ANU TEAMS WANTED—At Moon & Company's road camp near Port Orford. Wages $10 for toams, 8 hour*; men *5 for 8 hours. Furnish California hay at 134 pér ton; rolled barley or oats at *72 per ton. Board 11.10 per day or you can camp If you like Best of working conditions. Moon & Company. 96 E. J BIL1.1CK. M. D. Physician and surgeon; office Sc.hallhorn block, phone 54-J; residence. 1004 • Ijiwnridge, phone 54-L. W. F RUTHERFORD Manual tbe- raputlcs. It gets your ailment. Office over Barnes' jewelry store Office hours 9: 30-12; 1:30-4. RALPH W. STEARNS, M. D. Phy- alelan and surgeon, X-ray equip- EMPTY SACKS wanted at the Jose ment, dental X-ray. Office, Ma- phine Flour Mill. 89tf Phones Of- sonie Temple Illdg fice 21-J; residence 21-L. MICKIE SAYS <3 a ELP’ avr T his here SACK Or-FEN N\E GE FORE ' CHOAK.'. AN’,0yHEK,l0ET T he next (JUN VAIOT WANiS ' To - tsaoe potatoes , eh ANYTHIN' ELSE on W5 SUBSCRIPTION IS OOlN’ TO I GlT 6EANED XNtTri THE. V mallet , tawe vT from < tN/ve» DENTISTS E C. MACY, D. M. D. First-class dentistry. 109 W 8. 6th St. VETERINARY SURGEON SERVICE STATION DEALER SERVICE STATION DEALER SWOPE AUTO CO C. A. WINETROUT SI tX'ESSOR TO J. II. DENISON 3IO N. «TH Time to Act Building O 8. BLANCHARD. Attorney-at-law. Golden it'll- I'M" Phon* 17». The California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company C. A. ’’OLER, Attorney-at-law. Ma sonic ' mi 'le. Grants Pass. Ore. Effective Nov. 24, 1919. TIME CARD GEO. 11. DURHAM, Attorney-at-law run Mondays, Wedned- referoo In bankruptcy, Masonic Trains will days and Fridays. Temple. Phone 135-.I. Ix»ave Grants Pass............... 1 P.M Waters Creek..:... 2 PM. JAMES T. CHINNOCK. Lawyer Arrive Leave Waters Creek.......... '2:30 P.M Flrut National Rank Rulldlng. Arrive Grants Paas............. 4 P.M For information regarding freight and passenger rates call at the office Hammermlll Bond Letter Heads of the company. Lnndburg building, and Envelopes at the Courier office or telephone 131. 402-404 SO. OTH PURITAN MAID” Cui Baking Costs Don't Walt ‘for the Fatal Stage* of Kidney lllneas. Profit Ivy Granta Pans People's Experience« Occasional attacks of backache, ir regular urination, headaches and dizzy spells are frequent symptoms of kidney disorders, it's an error to neglect these ills. The attacks may pass off for a time but generally re turn with greater intensity, Don’t delay a minute. Begin taking Doan's Kidney Pills, and keep up their use until the desired results are obtained. Good Work in Granta Pass proves the effectiveness of this great kidney remedy. • Mrs. W. H. Reddick, 314 •T. St.. Granta Paks, says: ''Doan's Kidney Pills are not a new remedy to me. I have used them with good results. M.v kidneys troubled me a lot and I suffered with a lame and aching back. My kidneys acted Irregularly, too. I used Doan's Kidney Pills and they rid me of the trouble, strengthening and regulating m.v kid neys and benefiting me in every way.” • Price 60c. at all dealers Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan’s Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Reddick had. Foster-Milburn Co.. Mfrs.. Buffalo. N. Y. Dit. R. J. BESTUL, Veterinarian. Residence 838 Washington boule Hammermlll Bond letter Heads vard. phone 398-R. and Envelopes at the Courier office ATTORNEYS Pii! of Sale 11 inks nt th' fn rkr II. D. NORTON. Attorney-at-law. RE IE ESTATE Practices In all State and Federal Courts. First Nationnl Bank Bldg. E T MCKINSTRY—603 G street, \t’.orney-at-law. (1. W. COLVIG. ''hone 13-R. General real estate Grants Pass Banking Co. Bldg. business The best of all kinds of soils for fruit, hay or general IC. 8. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Practices firming 21 tf in all courts. First National Bank THE TRACTOR MAN Start economy in the kitchen, re duce the cost of baking—save and serve the purest, most wholesome off foods. Use the Baking Powdar that saves materials it is used with. Calu< met Baking Powder never fails- always produces perfectly raised delicious bakings. There is no waste- no failures. Call for Calumet Baking Powder NOTICE OF ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETING This statue of "flic Puritan Maid” Is to be erected 111 September nt Plym outh, Mils« . In commemoration of the landing of the Pilgrims In 1(120. It >s (lie gift of the Society of New Englund women. PEARL OIL (KEROSENE) MAKES SUMMER COOKING COMFORTABLE STANDARD OIL COMPANY ICAtiroasiAl NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the annual school meeting of School District No. 7 of Josephine county, Oregon, will be held at the Junior High School Building on C street between Third and Fourth streets In Grants Pass. Oregon, and said dis trict Monday, June 21, 1920. at the hour of 10 o’clock a. m. for the pur pose of the election of two directors of said district for a term of three years each and the transaction of such other business as may properly -ome before said'meeting. The polls vill be open from 2 o'clock p. m. to . o’clock of the same day. ISAAC BEST, Chairman. Nttest: EDWARD S. VAN DYKE, Clerk. 02 Hammermlll Bond In all colors at the Courier office. « « « t ll hy suffer the discomforts and embarrassments of a Goitre f O. G. C. preparation for goitre has beno- tited many. Why pay several hundred dollars for an operation to remove a goitre when O. G.C. can be obtained for such a comparatively small expenditure? O.G.C. when properly applied gives satis factory results, or your money will be refunded. O.G.C, is sold direct, by mail only. Write lor booklet. Address Dept. U O.O. C. CHEMICAL COMPANY Seattle. Washington Wnrrantry Deed Courier affisa. blanks at Sales books at the Courier. the