Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931, June 05, 1920, Image 1

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VOL. V. No
WIKil.t' \l MHEK 2IHM.
Mensuro l diasi by I'rtwidenl Then
IC«*|M* mmm | by Houan Mnpta Fili­
buster in Senati'
DIE AT I O’<|,*H’K
Washington, June 5. The- <i6th
congress ended Its second session to­
day. udjournlng sine die at 4 o'clock
Unless a grave emergency ariana
which make« It necessary to call a
special session, they will not meet
again until December 6 th
The 1*411 designed tn exclude dan­
gerous aliens from the United States
was passed today by the house and
sentjo the president I'nder its terms
mere meml*ershlp In organizations
advocating the overthrow of the or­
ganized government, and sabotage
would l*e sufficient ground for the
deportation and exclusion of aliens
for liUM-tlvity
Washington. June 5.- -The bill PLHANI RE FARM l A tllli; TO «JET PI MP MILL <‘<>MMEN< E fM'ERA
Chicago, June 5.—President Wil­ MENATOI» MIMEN SAYS THAT
to create a national budget system
son in a telegram to the railroad
failed of actlpn today in the senate
brotherhood officials today, criticised
and automatically died when con­
.congress for failing Jo take action
gress adjourned. The amended bill
with regard to the high coet of liv­
encountered a filibuster.
ing, the conclusion of peace and im-
i*ortant domestic legislation
Washington. June 5. -«After It had
telegram was In reply to a message
been amended to meet president Wil­
asking the president to prevent the
son'a objections the 1*111 to establish
adjournment of congress today.
a national budget system on July lat. * Xmiinil U>e Takes Action Whew Sit­ latml Owner« Will Vote <«w Stale
< <>nfunion to .Mark tlte O|*eniiig of
uât km In < i mat y Becomes Bad.
Guarantee of I nli-rest at Itomi
was repassed today by the house and
the tlUcagi* < <wi vention Mi th
< '«HbfNTHtlon I» Asked
Election on tilth
sent to the senate. The president
No Favorite
vetoed the measure last night.
Membiwwhij* in ItiMlind Organization«
Would Ito Hitffhli-nt V* C'etisr
Def «million
Tried to Appease
by Taking a Kai* at <'ongrt*a
"There 1» no relief definitely In j Lata this afternoon the pump
Chicago, June 5.—Charges made
sight for the present shortage of serving the causi on the South aide
by Senator Moses that the republican
gasoline before next November.” was I unit of the Granta Pass Irrigation
national committee had used "steam
the word given out this morning by
roller" method» in deciding the elec­
C. D Fie«, local manager for the I district project will be slarted tor
Cooperating in the work of im­ tion contests, were denied by several
Standard Oil company. The increas­
proving citizenship through books, as committeemen at today's sessions.
ed consumption by both pleasure and whose crops have been suffering for promoted by the American Library Neither General Wood nor Colonel
commercial needs have more thaq ¡the want of the life-giving moisture Association in its ‘‘Books for Every­ W C. Proctor, his campaign man­
San Francisco. June 5.—After offset the Increase«! production, he during the unprecedented dry weath-! body” movement, the Grants Pass ager, support the Moses' charges ac­
having I men slashed by Malay ban­ said, and the situation can not pos­ nr of the season will be able to com- L,bllc llbrary wishes to call atten- cording to the declaration at H. B.
dit», pursued 4jy Buddhist fsnatlcs sibly be relieved before the increas­ mence irrigating. The entire South lion to the tact that it has books on MoCoy, the national committeeman
and robbed of their last j»enfiy. ed refining plants are put into opera­ side canal and lateral system Is not various topics dealing with Ameri­ from the Philippines
Henry G. Roth, a cartoonist, and tion.
yet ready for the water, but the lands ca*: Ideals, Ustorv, government vn-l
Steam roller talk has not appeared
George Worts, magazine writer, ar­ There are at present* 26.000 gallons from the intake at the Adams ranch traditions.
In the preliminari« since the Taft-
rived here from the far east recent- of gasoline on the way to Grants Pnss to the Crescent City highway cross­
By urging upon Americans the Roosevelt contest eight years ago.
and will arrive shortly. 'This, ac- i ing can -be watered, by which time vast
_ to
______ by
be _ gained
cou- There are several delegates who ron-
At Rangoon the Americans at- cording to Mr. Fiee, is the allotment .............
highway crossing
and the ditch si(tent reading of books of this kinJ, tribute to the support ef the predlc-
tempted to enter a Budhist temple to this district for the month of l>eyond will be ready for the water.: ¡t jS believed that new aveaues will tions that lt is going to be a regular
RoM'ITU. VI W DIIIM.ToX without removing their shoe«. They
June. The normal needs of the com­
There is special interest in the ! :.» opened through which the plaie old time convention. Many steady-
said they , were thrown out and a munity would take more than twice starting of the South side pump aajof citizenship will be raised,
Ing influences which guided the pre­
Washington. June 5. -Rear Ad­ Briton In the party had his
that amount for the same length of the district covered on that side of
Promotion of this feature of cit- liminaries four years ago are absent
miral Albert Winterhalter, mem lier slashed off
time In order that industry will not the river waa the first to be organ- izenship work is part ot the enlarged and many new elements which make
of the general board, and former
Malay bandit» at Singapore held suffer, only the eesential industries ized as an Irrigation district, and the program of the American
Library for confusion are present. The ma­
commander In chief of the Asiatic then* up and Roth was slashed with will l*e given gasoline.
**. \-Ortb gj(je lands have been added i Association.
jority of delegatee are aninstrueted.
fleet, died suddenly today In the a Malay kris. his chin being cut to a plan was tried in rationing gas.
and although as is generally the case
naval hospital here.
the bone. At Saigon on a French but the supply only lasted within trlet lines. The original organize-jJ«<*ts of the Books for Everybody’“ many of them are anxious to board
steamer their stateroom waa robbed two days on the time expected. «i^J wf the Grants Pass district con-.'movement, the A. L. A. is raising a Rome band wagon, there does not ap­
New York. June 5. ' Two robbers and money and sapphires valued at neanure
r*e unable
unaoie to get jge'upla
se-upia «d
«a the
me watering of the South fund of »2.00«,060 through the in- pear to be any About the only thing
Pleasure cars win
will be
entered a Naaaau street I Jewelry es- *10,000
them supplies In order that the mills and sila ^.»ds only, and the first bond dividual efforts
-rta ot
of (fti - *tans,
----- ----------
library everybody seems agreed on is that
tabllnhment. In the verv heart of the "broke."
trucks and other businesses of the * ’ . t«.»» « hen bonds in ths amount trustees and I trieods
^fTi'.rarU« wiU* there is no «s ud ¡Aste, going to ,b»
buainnaa district, today, . threw pep-
<MK>a>frated oa »he first MM:
county will not suffer unnecessarily.
♦f90.di>0 were voted waa to cover* out
—• recourse
------ -— ** to
’ an 'wiensive
per In the eyes of one of the pro-
Mias Rae C Berry, who has heen Farmers are given only enough to the coet of the project on that aide paign
This is the last day of the national
prietors and fled with a wallet said visiting In the city lor the past few get to their farms and than get back , only. Since then the plane have
committee’s deliberations on the con­
to eontaln *100,0*0 worth of dia- dhya. returned to her home at Treka to the city There will be plenty for been largely extended to cover all
I Leonard Martin went to Hugo this tests. In disposing of the remaining
thia morning.
irrigation purposes. There Is no dis- the Irrigable lands adjacent to morning to spend the day.
(Continued on Pare Four)
tillate on hand although there Is a Grants Paes, and the bond election
fairly large amount of kerosene
on June 19th is to be held to provide
Grants Paas is better off at pres- funds for the larger work. The first
ent than most of the cities of the bond election was held in 1917, and
state, said .Mr. Flee, who returned j the sale of bonds voted at that time
yea»erday from Portland. In many has hovered the preliminary engi-
places work has been abandoned In neering work and the construction
Rose4turg, construction work ceased outlined for the season ot 1920,
on the highway and close to too with *134,000 of the bonds still in
trucks have been laid off A call fori the hands of the county treasurer,
with surrendering
Mexico City. June 5.—One of the waa charged
New York, June 5. The Turkish | ly from the cold. We had 900 cases gasoline was sent here but none of I who under the law is also district
merely to secure arms and munitions
nationalist forces In besieging Mar- of wounded and frozen feet mostly the fluid will be sent out of this treasurer. M’hile these bonds have: exciting incidents preceding the re­
volt- against President Carranza was with which to aid^Fellx Diaz.
ash. Syria, last January deliberately frozen feet
I community, according to Mr. Flee, been contracted to the Ralph Sch- the escape of General Banjamin Hill,
The Carranza government charged
and continuously fired on the Amer- 1 "All over town, the Armenians One tourist reports that between» neeloch company, they are not to be
lean college and Near East Relief would gather In the nearest churches i Redding and the line there was no delivered except as required in the chief lieftenant of General Alvaro that he had offered to aid Obregon
hospital and orphanage there, ac­ for protection, largely because by gas to l*e had and that the shortage construction work as the work pro­ Obregon, who fled from the capital but Obregon, in an Interview ■ given
hidden in a pile of sacks in a milk the Associated Press, branded the
cording to Dr. Mabel Elliott. of Ben­ p*elng concentrated they were in api*ears to In* everywhere.
The gresses. Mr. S hneeloch has agreed Vragon.
Cejudo charges as a scheme to bring
ton Harbor. Mich., who was In 1 greater (oree. and also because the garages have no gas as deliveries are to take the remainder of this bond
General HI1I vanished from the him to Mexico City, involve him in
charge of the hospital during the church buildings arsZof atone. and j not-being made to them. Those who issue, with other t*onds to be issued,
three weeks’ attack.
¡surrounded by high walls, and thus need gasoline must go to the plant to complete the gravity project. He capital on the same night as did charges of treason and block his
Dr. Elliott, who has now returned made the best means of defense It I of the Standard Oil and »how that states, however, that he does not General Obregon April 13. The wag­ campaign for the presidency.
to this country, with Mrs. Mabel wasn't poHsllile to live a day In a the gas Is needed for the good of the care to finance a permanent pump­ on which Hill was hidden was stop­
The progress of Ygnacio Bonillas,
Power, of North Hero, Vt.. Miss private house, as the Turks would community and they will be allowed ing proposition as the power charge ped by the police in the suburbs of
the capital because it did not carry formerly Mexican ambassador to the
Helen Shultz, of Reading, Pa., and fire the house and drive the inhabi- as much as is absolutely needed.
is too heavy ti burden upon the land a light. While the driver was brib-
United States and Cararnza's candi­
Mias Minnie Dougherty, of Holyoke, | tants out, killing them as they ran
"J want the people to know that owners, gravity water being the only ing the policeman to pass the light- date» for the presidency, from the
Mass., told an eye-wltne«s story of for shelter. We couTd see that go­
this Is an absolute shortage and is
less vehicle. General Hill dropped Mexican embassy in Washington to
the attack, directed against the Ar- ing on everywhere.
not a situation made by the refin­ watering lands.
out of the back of the wagon and a camp In the Jungles of Vera Cruz
menlan population.
“There were about 5,000 Armen­
At the election to be held on the hid in the shadow of a building tin- and back to a prison in Mefico City
The slaughter of men. women and ians who Joined the column and tried ers." said Mr. Flee. He stated that
children was horrible, she said, and to make the march over the moun­ .the company was a public service 19th instant, the land owners within til the policeman was molllfieN. was marked by stirring »pisodes. He
«^11 also vote upon <he Then the general crawled back into is reported here to have figured in a
the pillage of houses barbaric. In tains to Islahle, 75 miles from Mar- corporation as much as the railroad the district
of (he
guarantee of the wagon and continued his flight. I
shooting affray which occurred on
one Armenian church 2.50O persons ash. when the French troo|*s exacu-
the district.
March 28 near Tlalpam a suburb of
were killed only 22 surviving tho ated the city.
Mystery surrounding the fate of Mexico City, which the papers sup­
attack on It she said.
’’There was no food for anyone, by the people Is needed however, and The state has provided for this
Mr. Fles suggests that the pleasure «tuarantee. and following the election Robert Cejudo. to testify In whose porting his candidacy intimated was
Of a fleeing column of 5,000 Ar- and only a few carts,
monlans. mostly women and chil- everybody had to walk the whole oars be put away in the garage and will relieve the land owners from the trial General Obregon was summon­ ah attempt to kidnap him.
not run. When a car is being run. payment of this interest charge for ed to the capital, furnished one of
dren driven from the beslegbd city,' way.
The special’ train carrying him to
Dr. Elliott »aid only 2.200 reached
"It was a ghastly, incredil^e night­ he urgbs the people to fill it to ca- a period of five years. This will mean the tragic high lights of the Car­ Guadalajara was stopped near the
that for that period of time the only ranza evacuation.
With General city by a missing rail. He reached
their objective. Diable. but 75 miles mare. The worst blizzard that Mar- parity.
The Fourth of July celebration has charge to fall upon the land owner Arnutfo Gonzales, captured by Car­ Guadalajara sarfely but the incident
ash had ever known caught us.
"The whole three weeks of the
"Most of the fugitives were wom­ bebn called off on account of the will be the operation and the main-, ranza government agents near Nuevo was the basis for numerous alarm­
oof go the firing from house-top» and en and children. The men stayed shortage, after a conference with Mr tenance charges. Following the state Laredo on April 30, and the aged ing reports. . Then came his flight
window» never ceased," »he said behind to fight and cover our re­ Fles today. There can not be guar­ guarantee and payment of the inter­ rebel General Ga'udencio de la IJave, from Mexico City with Carranza,
anteed enough gasoline for the cele­ est for this five-year period, the in-j Cejudo was taken from the military starting May 7. and ending in a dash
'The Turks fjred many buildings sli treat.
over the town, and from our win­ I "They died like files. Every 50 bration and rather than have it a terest charges will be made against prison at Santiago Tlalteloco here from the beleaguered trains on May
dows we could see columns of smoke yards or so someone would «lroji in fizzle the committee thought best ti the lands, with the first payments the night of May 6 when the Car« 14.
upon the bond-issues after 10 years, ranza adherents fled. Whether he
’rising first from one part of the tho snow. There was no use trying call It off. If tho lid were throv
His good fortune saved him from
city.and then another, every hour of to do anything. It was all anybody; open, everybody would flock to th. It will be necessary, to receive the was taken oh the Carranza: trains death when Carranza was slain in
city on the three days of the celebr i i advantage of the state payment of the next day and escaped, or wheth­ the camp at Tlaxcalantongo and he
could do to keep going.
the day and night.
"The largest -Armenian church at , "Wo hnd to cross many streams, tlon and would, use enough gas tn interest, for the land owners to reg­ er Ke was executed, together with was brought here to be imprisoned
first Aheltered some 2,500 Armen-J which were frozen at first, but tho last a month, Mr. Flee pointed out ister an affirmative vote upon the the two others, remains a mystery. until the provisional president de­
. .. _ class,
— shop
-•— * keep-
----- f™
fee WRf( bro|<pn by the Frehch trains It was figured that there woutd be question on the 19th. The election None of them have be^n located al­ cided his fate.
lans of • .,
thè better
ers. biisInoH» men and merchants and, nnd nrtlllery. , and when we came needed at least 20.000 gallons if tho is to be held at the Rogue River Val­ though several other generals, ar-
They had arms, and along we had to wade in the Icy celebration was staged. That much ley grange hall in tho lower valley. rested prior to the evacuation, have
their families
When Captain Felipe Sanchez Car­
The pump on the Northwest unit' returned to Mexico City.
they put up n good fight. Rut the water, and then walk t»n In the snow. gas would not be obtainable at that
Turks finally fired the church and I saw the French general In com­ t’me no matter how it were saved has been running night and day. and . Cejudo was arrested, with his staff ranza waa captured neaT Texcoco, a
as the tanks cannot hold that large tho lands under the Riverside ami and 150 followers, at Jalapa. V. C„ suburb of Mexico City, after he haft
forced them out. Only 22 of them mand wading tho streams on foot.
"Out of fho 5.000 who started. a reserve supply, it was Mr. Flos' middle laterals have been getting a on March 28, after he had surren­ been injured while making a forced
os caped with their Ilves.
suggestion that the celebration be good soaking. The pipe line to the dered. received amnesty, been given landing in his big bombing plane, he
"A communication trench waa dug only 2.200 o\»r got there.
shot himself. Captain Sanches was
"Mm. Mabel Power, of North called off for thia year.
from French hen<1qnn*’ers to the
hlil side lateral has now been coa- the rank of general in the Mexican
If anyone is thinking of mnkln« r 'nected np, and water will be in ihls army and place in command of a a nephew of President Carranza. He
hospital by which the French wound­ Hero. Vt.. nnd Miss Helen Shultz,
attempted to reach Vera Cruz via
ed w-*re brought In to us. They were of Reading, Pa., who came out with till* such as to the convention at ditch tonight
Tho northeast unit, district near Jalp». where previously
all Senegalese and Moroccans. hTo me went tn Adana In n French ho< P< rtland, it la urged that It he made including the Tokay height lateral. he had led a revolt against the Car­ the air route when Mexico City was
ranza government for six years. He evacuated on May 7.
Senegalese blacks suffered frlghtful- pl tai train.”
((Mt-tinned on page 4)
(Continued on pags 4.)