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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 4, 1920)
FRIDAY, JI NE 4, IIMIO. PAGE TWO e ' __________________________________ 1 fiMIITS MSS DAILY COURIER ^ERRYDALfc Published Daily Except Sunday —---------------------- •--------------------------- «.. E VOORHIE8. Pub and Propr In Stock Catered at poetoffice. Grants Paas. Ore , as second class mall matter Mr nnd Mrs Thos. Ogden were , taking in the Chautauqua Sundin at ! 9 Mrs. Chas Dora was visiting Mrs I l Eusted. of Merlin. Wednesday, who i DAILY COURIER Mr. /nd Mrs F. C. Neely are In this vicinity for a short while. WEEKLY COURIER Grants Pass Saturday nn.l spent a few days visiting friends. MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press |a exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news diepstebes credited to it or all otherwise credited tn this paper and also the ’ocal news pub- PORTLAND MARKETS ting convention directed to vote for : Ushed herein. All rights of republlcstion of spe- some candidate by a very small mln-j Portland. June 4.—Cattle, heirs dal dispatch©« herein are also re- ority of the qualified voters. Men are served. and butter are steady and unchaUg- elected as avowed supporter« of one ed. Sheep weak, lambs *12 at »18.- candidate, yet ordered by the direct 60. Egg». 37c. I primary by a minority to vote for ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ another candidate. Evidently the NEW TODAY ♦ > direct primary, especially so far as ♦ OREGON WEATHER UNION CENTRAL LIFE Insurance ♦ -♦ | it concerns the preferential presiden Company of Cincinnati. One of ♦ Weather for the Week ♦ the ten oldest and largest In the Pacific Coast States: General- ♦ tial primary, needs some fixing. ♦ United State« Investigate their ♦ ly fair ;ne«rly normal tempero- ♦ rates. T. M. Stott, Agent. 7Rtf ♦ tures. A • ————» ♦ FOR SALE 12 horseposer Associ ‘ Tonight and Saturday, fair, ated gas engine at a bargain Ad ♦ Cooler in the east portion dress A. A. Hyde. Murphy. Ore. 94 (Continued from Page One) ♦ Westerly winds. * •♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ WANTED—To rent furnished house I those parts of the republic distant Address No 1266 . are Courier 94 from the border and the coasts OX BECOMING PRESIDENT Foreign press correspondents FOUND—Auto crank. Owner can secure it at Battery Shop on pay The rather indefinite probe into ■ filed stories on the national lines. ment for this ad. 90 I trusting to luck that part of them the expenditure« of candidates for might see print. As safeguards they DEPENDABluE INSURANCE — All presidential nominations as now be left summaries with the military au kinds, telephone or write for rates ing made by congress has shown to thorities for possible transmission by and save your time. T. M. Stou. the public some features of the di government wireless filed other Agent. rect primary that causes surprise and summaries with the cable company and still others with travelers leav-1 EMPTY 1 SACKS wanted at tile Jose disappointment. We used to direct 89tf ing in attempts to reach the border phine Flour Mill. the attention of the youth of the land to the maximum that "any Am erican boy may some day become president of these United Recent disclosures, States.” however, indi cate that as a prerequisite to an am FEED SUPPLIED TO POULTRY Several Different Substances That Go to Make Eggs Must Be Ava.table in glen’s Rat'on. bition for thp presidency, one musti The kind of feed suppl'ed the heti fa fully im Important a» the quantity some millionaire friend who Is will, The egg I- made up of several differ ent »ulxiunces and unless these are ing to spend his cash in obtaning available oi the ration egg« cannot > the nomination for another. The di be produced. rect primary becomes anything ex either become a millionaire or .have cept the glorious solution of all our political troubles we had hoped, It was intended to take corruption and manipulation out of politics. But it has fallen down In its Intention, and corruption and manipulation are as rife as ever. It leaves, also, the strange anomaly of a delegation from a state to the national nomina- BARNES, The Jeweler The Ferrydale schools are all closed and Mis« Gwladys Jones, who taught the Mapleton school has re turned to her home at lavs Angeles *Mlss Queen Every went out to By null, per year_____________ *1.00 FRIDAY. JUNE 4, lt»2O. HEE Ol R WINDOW IIJMI’LAY Is In quite poor health. RABPHERRlEFi ri ions PLUMS APPLES STILtW BERRIES BLl F.RERRIFS APRICOTO PINEAPPLE ■y mall or carrier, per year »6 00 •y mall or carrier, per month.. .50 MORE GYltiY IIKAI« IlKAl TIFT L THAN EVER POPULAR THAN EVER ternoon. I'U'KED IN SAXITAin < KXS ADVERTISING RAT 'S JTsplay space. per inch----- ---- —..20c Local-personal column, per line 10c Readers, per line............ ......... 5c NEW TODAY DISCARD ALL INACTIVE HENS Old Are Better Working Mem- bers Than Those That Physically Weak. When weeding out ' flocks a good place to begin Is with the hens that are not thrifty and active, Old hen? often are to tter working members ol the feu it, yed family than those that are nln :iv eak all the time. !’<VR SALE—40 acres ** mile from Murphy. 4 acres under ditch. In hay. Remainder partly cleared, and pasture land. Price 11250. W. 8. Gilmore. Murphy. Ore. . 91 Mrs. Crow and daughter, h-aura Carr were visiting Mrs A C Ford Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hill moved to th«» Counts sawmill Monday from Granta Paas. Walter Green spent Grants Pass. Mr. family among ¡Valiev Sunday and Mrs Dan Robertson nnd and Grandma Robertson were those visiting the Pleasnnt cemetery Bunday. Miss Gladys Griffin. Mrs. i A. C. Font and daughter. Nella. were tak ing In Chautauqua the past week, which they enjoyed very much. Remedying Imtu-rj trouble* I» our »peelalty. Have us diagnose the trouble of * ol IU»—ami, know* Ing tlie right facilities, real experience. iuli«|uatr repair part», WE will make (lie l>attery efficient ami <le|>rmlab|r. SILENT ENGINE < liecrful service for »II make*- al moderate <<••(. Adams Electric & Battery Shop Comparatively Easy to Eliminate Noise by Following Plan as Outlined. TAPPETS ARE RESPONSIBLE HEALTH-INSURANCE I Circular Piecs of Fiber, .4ard Lead or Copper Cap» May Be Used—An other Plan Is to Place Card board Around Valve. A silent el.glue Is the ideal uf all who own or drive car«, The valve tappets are responsible fur a great Hammermill Bond In all colors at deal of engine noise and It 1« oom- pamllrely easy to eliminate It. the Courier office. Remove the valve lappets from the engine case. Find the center and drill Engraved Cards—Courier office 'a H-inch hole Ifc-luch deep In the face of the tappet. Then cut a circular piece of fiber, 3 1(1 In. thick, to fit the holF tightly. Place tlie piece of fiber tn the hole uud give It two or three »burp blows with u hummer to seat It properly. File off ttusli with the top of tapfiet and finish th« surface with flue emery cloth. Hard lead or copper caps tnny be fastened to the top» of tappet«. The cups can lie formed of No. 18 hard lead or No. 22 copper over the top of the tappets, by cutting a circular piece of the material In. great« r tn diam eter thau the top of the tappet, cutting the edges at each corner of the taptiet nnd pounding down the edges. NOTHING IM MORE III *1 Illi I, lilts LIFE Ol T MIOItN Nothing make« this eaaler or fnore pleasant than the possee- slon of a car. Get the car and get the habit. If you are sick you will get well; If you are well 'twill keep you so. But before you get the car come In and have a talk with mi AG I NTS FOR. HUDSON MAXWELL CHALMERS AND ESSEX CARS COLLINS AUTO COMPANY K ACCSSSORISS ANO MSP« A Z PHONE 117 H STREET, GRANTS PASS, ORE New Neckwear 50c 12 DOZEN MEN’S H)l R-IN-HANV TIES, LARGE SHAPE, SPLENDID PATTERNS—WHILE TH FT*' LAST.. YOUR CHOICE Golden Rule Store Hard Lead or Copper (o Cut In the Manner Shown. Dependable! Since Calumet came, we’ve quit switching brands of bak ing powder stopped looking for anything better They don't make it. It has come to stay—because it always stays the same — and the “same" with CALUMET BAKING POWDER VOI R CHOICE OF FOR THE NEXT THREE DAYS WE ARE GOING TO GIVE AWAY Buick Dodge Scripps Booth Willi EA< H AND EVERY BARREL OF GAS WE SELL—COME EARLY. means the best. Its uniform ity of quality—powerful and unfailing strength insure greatest baking success — tender, tempting, fully Taised bakings always — and real baking economy. Moderate i an will coovinca you Ordej now. Callin’« t contains only such ingredients as have been ap proved officially by the U. S. Food Authorities. Be sure the cup la down tight on the tappet and that It Is sohjered fast around the wlge Another method that can he resorted to ta to place cardboard cylinders around the valve-stems nnd tappets. n piece of cardhoard, shellac one side of It nnd cut It so that It will just fit the valve housing. Then Wrap It around the tappet nnd valve-spring, with the shellac side In. and fasten It with bands of soft Iron wire at the top. bottom nnd center. Be sure that there Is enough clearance for the vnlve-sprlng to work. After It Is in place shellac,the outside, as this will prevent the oil from son king Into the cardboard. 'If n repair shop Is available the vajvcs tnny he removed and placed In n lathe. With n turning tool taper A q«rtoun ...... ar„,Jfl Ex-norv o t.e: were <tb .' .y r . Zn Or« gon'a isnr..»»<-tjr«i:t in »<1 • 4 ... ,riter of thstr employees. « A greater ou'. f ; wed with the atten dant probLom of finding a iwui.ut. The mar tret wati found - the ex «U«n;o of Ore gon's product« crest'«: .and and .urrle* we "over the top". Assodate* Industries of Oreaos You fart when yon boy H You w when you u»« it The Cardboard Is Shellacked Before Being Packed Around the Cylinder. The White House On the Pacific Highway miles N. W. of Grants Pass’ tullen S W. of Ml. Sexton the end sharply to nbout a 80-degree angle. Cure must l>e taken t<f get the valve centered In the Intlie. for If the points are the least hit off they will cause n side thrust to the valvea when replaced In the engine.—James Lin- day. In Popular Science Monthly. -— — .. « 1,1 N< II—|( E < lll:ui—SOFT DlIlNhS—CIGARS Grants Pass Service Station ORffiOB MABUFACTlffiHtff - •OVKH-THK-TOPJ’.^Rn G. B. BERRY Harnes» and Saddlery Auto lop and Canvas Work I With Grants Pass Hardware Co who gave I’M-NIC GIIOUXDS 9 the wiiit T; not si : co . Warrantry Deed Pourier office blanks at th«