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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1920)
i in itNDAY. J' ni : ». ••»o. PAGE TWO GRANTS PASS OAILV COURIER NEW TODAY Published Dally Except Sunday A. K VOORH1BS. MORN Pub. and Propr Entered at poetoffl-e. Granta Pana. Ore., as second class mall matter The world famous handcuff king and self-liberator appearing in the thrilling picture "The Grim tlgme,” will pay oue thousand dollars to the person who can prove that the photo graphic reproduction In thia picture .of |he sensational collision in the air of the battling airplanes Is not absolutely genuine See the picture at the Oregon theater tomorrow and Saturday and draw your own conclu sions. ADVERTISING RAT ’8 fieplay apace, per inch----- ---- „....30c Local-personal oolumn. per line 10c Readers, per line DAILY COURIER By mall or carrier, per year ...!• 00 By mall or carrier, per month. WEÄKLY COURIER By mall, per year —............ M "° MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Pres* is exclusively entitled to the use tor republloation ot all news dispatches credited to it or all otherwise credited in this paper and also the 'ocal news pub lished herein All rights of republication of spe cial dispatches herein are also re served ♦ Weather for the Week ♦ Pacific Coast States General ♦ ♦ ly fair ¡nearly normal tempero- ♦ turea. ♦ Tonight and Friday fair. Warmer Friday east portion Gentle easterly winds. SHORTER HOI ILS! public, .MORE PAY! The good old American that much abused victim of national evils, has a jarring shock in store for whatever day it takes time to think over in a serious mood the trend of the nation's life. This American having public, known from infancy, and now de more manding as the dally menu, luxury of living than ever before known in the history of the world and more than any nation of the old world even today dreams as a future possibility, has the prophecy of an oracle in the daily newspapers, and pays It no heed. 4 One day comes the announcement that the wheat crop will be millions of bushels below normal. The pub lic cares nothing about that now. All it howls about is the "high cost of living” and the urgent need tor more pay (along with shorter hours) with which to pay that ost. (Next winter the public will speak about this wheat shortage as of a crisis arising.) Another day the paper tells that the cotton crop is 40 per cent below normal ot production. PORTI. IND MARKETS AND THEY ALL “STOOD PAI” OREGON WEATHER That means American (But when prices of public cotton—and Miss Erma Vanderbullt arrived from Portland Wednesday her parents. Sexton left Wednesday Frank morning for Corvallis where he Mrs. Sexton and son remain, join him tn a few weeks. Portland. June 3. Cattle While Mr. James Cortett, Who Had Hogs and buttvr sheep are weak, Manipulated the Deck, Sat Apart Prof. J. Q. Willets, teacher of are steady, all unchanged in price. high school for the past year and Laughed Eggs 37 at 38 cents In a club much frequented by ni"n I NEW TODAY of the theatrical business, a poker game which began as a mere pastime UNION CENTRAL LIFE Insurance grew, by degrees, to au undesirable Company of Cincinnati. One of intensiveness. The chaps who usual the ten oldest and largest In the ly “sat in" wery all friends and fellow United States. Investigate their laborers In u none-ioo-lucratlve occu pation. They agreed among them rates T. M. Stott. Agent. 7Stf selves that there must be no more WANTED Gdt>d milk cow, must be raising of the limit and no more reck first class Party having one for less betting. The game must be one sale drop a line to Box 690, Grants for amusement only. On the night Pass. Ore. when this agreement was solemnly concluded, they sat down and sent for FOR RENT IJght housekeeping the .-arils. Jim Corbett brought them. ■ rooms to couple with no children ••I’ll ju«t sit and look on for a while." I Also gentlemen’s sleeping rooms he said. "May take a hand a little Inquire 656 North 6th. later.” . One man look the cards out of the FOR BALE Old doors at the Bat box and threw around for a deal. The tery Shop. S9 dealer shuffled them and passed them for the cut. Then he dealt a hand TIRES LOST between Medford and while the banker was giving each man i Grants Pass. Tire rack contain his cheeks The first man after the ing three 30x3 4 casings Cali deal tier the limit. Every man of the fornia license plate 300-830 Kind seven around the table earns in. each er please advise wire chief Pac "tilting" the I»ot for the limit. Tel & Tel. Co., at Medford or "Say." said Corbett. "I thought you Grants Pass. Liberal Reward 90 fellows were going to play light, Remedy itig for Cottage Thursday morning Grove. Miss Elsie l*owers returned to her home In Grants Pass Thursday. Several Hugo people attended Chautauqua at Grunts Pass W. W. Penny made a trip to Medford Saturday. That’s a flue way to start out." This evoked not even a response from rhe player«, Each was sitting tight and covertly eying bls neighbor« The denier asked the first man how- many cards he wanted. He stood pat Every player around the board looked startled. Then the uext man stood pat. And after him the next and finally all seven. It wa« at that mo ment tliat some one observed Mr. Corbett apparently about to choke In WANTED— Ixioklng for a small, bls secluded corner. Corbett had well located Irrigated ranch. Hay. combined 2-‘> per cent of four separate pasture, vegetable land. soil, wa ■leeks, so tliftt the "2 can!« he had ter conditions and price must be han«|ed rhe player« were all spades. right. Prefer to rent with option Each man bad a pnt flush when the betting began.—-Cincinnati Time' Star to buy. Applegate or Rogue River sections. Address M. W. Harter. 8» Kerby, Ore. LESSON IN FRANKLIN'S LIFE after WANTED—Someone to look parkings on Washington Pl'd. Apply to H. H. Allyn, city hall 88 Great American Statesman and Patrt ot Rose to Immortal Fame From Humble Beginnings. I w * ii < t ) trouble« i« our »|HS •*••>- Have us dhigntMO the trouble of DU IIS—«nd. know ing the right facilltirw, real ■■x|H-rli-n<«-, adequate repair |M<rt«. WE will niako the Imtlery effh lent and dependable < bcerful service fur nil umkco—«t mmlrrsic o»l. Adams Electric & Battery Shop business Huylsr H. F. Cahill and A U spent Saturday In ^Grants P Mrs O. Ward nnd daughter, Nel lie, were Grants Pass visitors Satur day. The commencement exercises of the Hugo high school wore hetd In the church Wednesday evening. May 26. There were twe graduates. Ivn Wright and Elmer Ludwig The fol lowing program was enjoyed by a large audience: Boating song by the claas. Salutatory, Iva Wright, Vai- edlctory. Elmer Ludwig. A meal M rs duet by Fern Iairson and Ahern. Address, "Talking to One's Self.” by Dr D V. Poling of O. A C. Dr. Poling also presented the diplo- LOST -Bun -h of keys, on key ring mas The church was tastefully doc-, Finder return to Courier office orated with the elaaa colors, maroon and receive reward. 88; and white, and with roses Mrs. Walter Kline arrived Sunday MAN WANTED Apply at Williams mornlng from Corvallis to visit her Wood yard. * 88 parents, Mr. and Mrs C. D. Sexton DEPENDABLE INSURANCE — All kinds, telephone or write for rates and save your time. T. M. Stott. Agent. 78tf nothing to the great happy-go-lucky devil-may-care BARNES, The Jeweler W. U Buffington and sons. Wil liam and Csrl, motored to Grants Paas Tuesday. • ♦ HEE OI K WINDOW IUHPI.AV HUuO THURSDAY. JI NE 3, tOSO ♦ i GY PHY HF.ADH • HEAUTIFI L THAN KYKfi ,1*01’1 IMH THAN EVER HEALTH-INSURANCE- NOTHING IS MORE IMMIICH Nothing makes ii I on of a car. Get the car and well; if you are well But before you gel the car coin» In and have a talk with us. AGENTS TOO LATE FOR. HUDSON MAXWELI CHALMERS AND ESSEX CARS COLLINS AUTO COMPANY ACCBSSowtaa • Death only a matter of short time. Don't wait until paina and aches become incurable diseases. Avoid painful consequences by taking aho «» pairing PHONE 317 J// H STREET. GRANTS PASS, ORE. COLD MEDAL woolen—goods Is doubled as a result; next fall, the pinched and haggled wsnta SIXTEEN YEAR OLD boy On the 17th of January, tn 17oc,. Address CAPSULES work during summer. Benjamin Franklin was borti at Boa- 630 N. 2nd St., Grants Pass or American public will cry out In an a soap and candle- The world's standard remedy for kidney, ton. His father wa.« 89 liver, bladder end uric ecid trouble»—the phone 375-J. agony of distress). maker, his mother, the daughter of a National Remedy of Holland eince 1696. No newspaper is need to tell this Quaker poet of Nantucket. When Ben OLEAN ALFALFA HAY for sale ] Guaranteed. Three sizee, all druggist* Jamin was ten he was taken from $20 per ton Four blocks west ot Look (er the name Gold Medel eo ever* bee leather-upholstery-loving American school and set to work In his father's ball park. Phone 316-R public that there is A shortage of factory. He never again attended a gasoline, but does he blame him regular school, yet he became a scbol Cooperstown. ar. He was Inept and unhappy at his self? The cry is universally “More first occupation. s<> hl« father ap Probably the most complete monti- pay and longer hours for motor- prenticed him to his brother to learn ment to an American writer In exist- the trade of a printer. When he wa» ence Is C<s>|H*rstown. a picturesque Ing!” seventeen he ran away from 111« broth village In northwestern New York on But some day thia lazy individual er and opened a printing office in Phil Lake tttsego. near the source of the If he adelphia. He pursued the career of Sti«i|Ue|innmi. will awake—let us pray. it was mimed after doesn't, well, there was Rome! They printer and publisher until 1730. James lenimore Cooper’s father; It when he was made clerk of the Penn was the writer’s home und is his didn’t. Sylvania assembly. This was the be burial place:- the scenes of his vari ginning of Ills public career, and he ous stories are laid around It ami the Hammermill Bond printers at the; rose steadily until he became one of greater part <>f Its popitlntIon at pre« If you own cn orchard you the mo«t striking figures in America. ent Is made u|i of his relatives or Courier office. must have bees at they _ ______ I In France, when he was sent there as connections by marriage. In fact the I ambassador after the Revolutionary whole place 1« flavored with the es I are the only dependable Engraved Card»—Courier office. pollenirirg agents. war, he became as widely known and sence of, Cooperlsm A veil-worn loved as In hl» own country. patli to the writer’s grave In the old You can keep be-a anywhere that they COMING EVENTS village chiirehynrd gives mute leijti can forage within a mik they require but June 30, July 1, 2, 3, Wednesday, rnony to ills popularity. ittle attent <m -nd will often render you a Thursday, Friday. Saturday— Take Out TNT— plen' i-lp • -lit. V«'ecan start you light and H E, Haefner and Whitney Allyn examinations. Grants Teachers’ save you unnecessary work and expense. Dies of Paraffin, Pass took out a truck load of TNT this Paraffin 1« very iiwofiil. Hnrl <!<»<•« won* Our Bee Supply Catalog July 3-4-5, Saturday. Sunday. Mon morning for the use of the forestry <!rr* f(»r fht* h* i ok$«epr»r. fhoiijr!’ «nine lists everyth g n. c. scry for the day—‘Big water carnival at River- department in operations around ponplo hw»L upon It fl :: sy liqiiM succesiiul p-od'.iction of honey; side park. Gasquet. unfit for <*l<Min*«jnir on (»•»-\ M<»n ie//s h‘ io to core Jot and handle bee». ninth inol«<tf*i.p<| with It find on Aak for Catalog No.-ssj th'- f»imittire In ro^u’nr «I imi inu'« will hriKhl«*n tin* wood. Many l;< pip n Ifnlo Ipfo tin* wjitfT in wli’ch ro’’rf| i'lfitln’« nro '-f>.'!*' 'I ninl a ,• rh'ff! f’c w f|»*ft| l.fH'p ‘Ilf from sih kinu. I'HiHilih ¡ n ii I no ^ o < m | .or cloaning eminwhvl hedMoad* h«th tub«. »Ink«. f»tc. Paint if* gianily im 12 DOZEN MEN'S INM’R-iN-HAND proved if chainf’d with a «oft cloth nnd parnflin. the flirt coming au»iy without Tim, LARGE SHAPE, SPLENDID Injuring the aurfne»» or Kpoilhor the PATTERNS—WHILE THEY LAST. luster VOl K choice ; Buicks! Buicks! * Tw» miH Slim, new t<>|>e, plate ale»» rear nnd side, bent looking tope in town. Tluwe < aiw lutve n flrnt rlaen point job and look like now. iKdlrerrsl three new Dodge Bros, earn this week—bettor placa y oar or der now. KEEP BEES! I C. A. Linch New Neckwear 50c The White House On (lie Pacific Highway 12 miles N. W. of (¡rants Pass I [I M- I I I^Ll-'lLi.fA.Tri-iJM P lc N&C S0" B<- a CK 01 CAPSULES Golden Rule Store « G. B. BERRY Harness and Saddlery Auto lop and Canvas Work 2 miles 8. W. of Mt. Sexton I.UNCH—If K ( REAM—SOIT DRINKS—CIGARS PICNIC GROUNDS Illi: WHITE HOI HE CO. With Grants Pass Hardware Co