9 9 varsity o«Of LlbrarT ' ■ 9 VOL X., Nu. fl I A. GRANT* PANH, JOMETHINK COUNTY, ORK<«>N 1 —. . Till IU4DAY, JUNE », 111*20. I PORTLAND TO PROHIBIT JOHNSON ARRIVE« IN CHICAGO AN» SPEAK8 AGAINST LEAGUE| I NK OF PLEANLKE ( AIIB » I'urtluud. Juns 3 Represen- ♦ ♦ tatIvos of the city, the state,' 4 * oil Inlrrngti, motor dealer». and.4 ♦ motor associations meeting ♦ ■ I ♦ here today, recommended the ♦ ! ♦ elimination of pleasure cars ♦b ♦ from Portland streets and atate ♦ ♦ highways until the convention 4 I ♦ period Is past, aa a drastic ♦ ♦ means of preventing a shortage 4 I ♦ of gasoline during the conven 4 4* tion weeks. Ths oil Interests 4 ONE THIRD OF THE BOISE« TO MENATE ADOPTS PLAN OF RE ♦ said thia la the only way to 4 BE DKHTHOYE1», CITIZEN h I ADJUSTMENT. WHICH WILL ♦ guarantee the aupply for thou 4 HAVE DE4TDED CLO8E TERM ♦ sands of the visitors during the 4 ♦ con ventlona ♦ a ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦ 4 u. Hmall Daughter of Mrs. Hamilton Pick» t'Ut Man She Nays t<* He the One bought NEW PROBE ASKED PRESIDENT NOT TO CALL EXTRA « ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Slat«, (i(Hrrnnu,nl A<M*e|>Ui Offer of Henator I ndcrwixxi Informed by Wilson That S|M%-üd Sexxion^ Is Not Contemplated ♦ ♦ 4 Chicago, June 3. -Senator Johnson arrived today and was given a nolay demonstration between the depot and the ho tel. Ho rn ade a speech Against the league of nations. Senator Harding was expected to arrive later. Their coming marks the beginning of the active days of the pre-conventlon period. The national committee still had be fore It awaiting their decision the Florida, Georgia and Mls- sippl cases. The committee is to pass on later to the contests of six other statM. The More head delegatee of North Caro lina, were seated, the commit tee passing on to the Oklahoma case, seating the white dele gates, action on Florida and Georgia being again postponed. ♦♦♦♦♦♦ 41 4 : PEOPLE TO GET t ♦ ♦ HEARING« TO BE AUX ORBED IN PERTINENT SI BJEtTS SAYS CHAIRMAN HAYS Conventions Where Blacks Disbarred Prohibited by tctlon Takes by Committee a I Sheriff George Qulue. ot Roseburg, Washington, June 3.—Congress Chicago, June 3.—The republics* .Mexico City. Juue 3. One third paaasd through hire thia morning platform. Chairman Hays said today, of the houses In Vera Cruz will be will end Its present session next Sat will be a “sacred, contractural obli with a man named George Miller, PonuwvMte o< (Hilo Ask» «tenate to burned because of the bubonic urday, under the resolution ot ad- Extend Inquiry io the < ornine gation between the republican party . plague infection, citizens of that t iVment adopted in the senate to who la au«|M>ctod aa being the assail Election» 1 city decided. according to the Ex- day after asaurance had been receiv-, LflUllUllLU I U Uli I and the people." Full opportunity ant of Mrs George Hamilton at Reu »d ihat President Wilson did not In tor hearings before the reeoivUoan i relator today. ben laat Saturday. The auapect was tend to call a special session ducing committee, Chairman Haya said, will picked up yesterday at Ashland as the summer unless a Krave emer- Temncvwaee. Most Formidible Ship be accorded in all pertinent sublease. Washington. June 3. The sénat«* be waa getting off a train from the June 3 Three per- Vera Crus,____ Afloat, Put in Commission at worth, Although there is much evi- was today asked by Senator Pomer sous who were taken to t|>e isolation gency arose. •« Washington. June >.—By a a Brooklyn Yards , dance that he la the right party, on» of Ohio, to authorise the com hospital here following attacks of Washington. June 3.— President imous resolution today the rap flheriff Quine saya that he has a mittee Investigating pre-conventlon bubonic plague, have died and three Wilson has assured the senate demo- can committee - directed Cha» strong alibi that will be hard to pthera are in a serious condition. crats that if the present seeslon end New York, June 3.—The super Hays to notify all state orgai overcome, Miller waa positively political financing to ext««nd the In ed on Saturday he will not call an dreadnaught Tennessee. the largest tlons that *hey must diacont identified by the slx-year-old daugh- quiry to the presidential and am Mexico City, June 1. -State au extra session durine during the coming an(1 moBt formidable battleehlp holding local conventions for ter of M ra. Hamllton aa being the atoral campaigns which will end thorities of Vera Ons have accepted lummer •r unless for a a grave _ ®mer- anOat. goes into commission today election of national delegates man sought with the November elections the offer of the United States to gency, it wad announced by Senator at the Brooklyn navy yard. The places where “It is the custom Miller la said to be- a telephone » send a sanitary detachment and sup I nderwood, who said he had been practice to refuse the negroes waR constructed here at a cost lineman and carried a union card plies to combat the spread of the authorized to deny reports that an ) oi _ ,20.000,000 _______ Bhe represents the mission to the convention.’* with him at the Ilin < he «as taken. run 1 ji for this morning at the Ash plague, according to a dispatch from e»tra session of congress is contem-1 last word In battleship architecture It la claimed that the man who at land depot. Bherlff Quine asked the plated. I and is the first battleehlp to recruit TEXAS TROOPS TO TAKE that city. tacked Mrs. Hamlltxn used i fair of child to pick him out. 8he did thia CHARGE OF DOCK RTRIKKB I ' her entire personnel from the state climbing »purs when he beat her to unfalteringly and said that it wa-4 <■ after which It waa named. uncnnecl.i «snesa The climbing spurs the big maa over there, He wu were not *ound oq Miller. h**s ever. standing with about 12 othera at Austin, June 3.—Texas state (ilRL KNOCKE» UNOOI<8< T<H 8; ■•• It 1« i>e||eved tt.nt he <1 warded the time and the girl's testimony troop« will take charge ot the long NEIGHBOR HELD AS 8V8PECT shoreman strike at Galveston Satur t«i«-ri « h *n i»« ltd' may go a long way toward convicting Th«» rllbl put fort*-, t’ Mi'1«T. Is him day. according to a communication The other women who were Portland. June 3.—Louisa Bender. j from Governor Hobby to the adjut that he waa not In IReuban at the with Mrs Hamilton at the time of r 1T1 ’, is unconacious In g local hoa- ant general, ordering a large detach time the crime waa committed. He the attack will be given a chance to' pltai today aa a result pf an attack ment of.cavalry to proceed immedi •aid that he left Oakland Mole on Identify him today when the party No more crop contraete to market last night, Her skull war crushed A large number or the teachers tn Saturday morning and went to Isa arrives In Roeeburg. Mr. Hamilton, ately to Gelveston. thia season's berries or cherries will by a large timber. A neighbor. A1- dora. which Is beyond Roseburg a i the hueband of the woman who waa the city schools have signified their be accepted by the Oregon Growers vln Benoit, 24. is being held by the BURNING OF FLAG BRINGS abort distance He want from there attacked, waa with the sheriff today wllllngaeea to tevh in the schools Cooperative Association after June police aa a suspect. The police say again this coming year. A few have INQUIRY BY DEPARTMENT * to Eugene, he says, and at flnit Feeling la said to l>e running high 7. In the Rogue river valley the Benoit has confessed. claimed never to have been In Reu In Roseburg and the surrounding i quit the profession entirely and a ‘ ‘ ‘ to go v to other closing date was June 1 for apples ben letter he admitted that on country It may have cooled a little/**' ^av*' «•ex'IAed Washington. June 3.—The state schools. A re-aaslgnment to grades and pears, Closing dates for other BOIAHEVIK! ENTER THE Monday he was In Reuben for a by this ________ time. _ If ___ the ____ man ____ had _____ been , CAPITAI. GF TH» PERSIANS department today asked the District kinds of fruit will be announced soon | short time I taken and identified soon after the *il> «•<>• next fal1 l>*f6re •cho°1 of Columbia commir.doners for a The resemblance of Miller to the Incident, the police might have had starts. The teachers who have al for the Umpqua and Willamette val- Constantinople. June 3.—The Per- statement of fact relative to the lleya, ready been signed for next year are: asaallant of Mrs. Hamilton Is so a hard time controlling the people, Gaston. ! During the past four weeks, since slan leader here has received a dts- burning of the British flag yesterday High School -Myron C. «■aaton. close that when the daughter was | Pomes were sent out and a search Gunnell. Salem Fruit Union voted to go patch saying that the bolaheviki in front of the treasury building by taken Into the jail where he waa, she was made immediately after but no principal; Istura Thomas women sympathizers with Irish Ethel F Parent. Glen I. Wardrip. out oT bualni leas. 45 new member* had entered Teheran, the capital of bacathe frightened and started to*clue« were found freedom. Wilde V. Counts. wl,h "®® acres of fruit have joined Persia _________ ___ _____ Vere \f. Murray. J_ Edith Dahlberg. Margaret Sinclair. ,,h* Oregon Growers Cooperative as- Junior High School — Anna •«x'iaHo«». The total acreage In Blanche Crane, principal; Cora A. Western Oregon now totals over Smith. Minnie E. Vigus. Grace Green. 26*°0® *<•>*« owned by 1300 mem- ' Irene Hilliard, Nora Anderson. hers. East School—Nelle H. Woodward.) 9,108 for new I’1«"1” hav® b«en 8e' prlnclpal; Blanche D. WillUms, c,1I*d ¿"ring the past few days at Margaret Sage. Alice M. Pool. Uta ®ran,a Dass, Riddle. Myrtle Creek G. Waters. and Forest Grove. At Grants Paas I Riverside School- Kathryn Ryan, a apple and pear packing plant j . Vancouver. B. C„ ‘June 3.—The retailers to be discussed will Include New York. June 3. The milllonH largely upon the action they take in erected on the old cannery fj^ery congress since the end every stage from the sea to the con of American women who expect their the preliminary caucus«*s ” I believe principal; Jessie A. 1 Mordoff. Sylvia E. Wise. Winnifred Paddock. Property. The new prune packing' of the war. opened in Vancouver to sumer. Among these will be tha political status to be changed by an effort will he made to put a plank plant at Forest Grove will be locat- day will yike up several problems question of standardized. Inspection In the platform calling for a modifi Blanche Morey. federal amendment to citizenship cation of the Volstead enforcement Fourth Ward School—Ruby Best. of the, cannery on adjoining of international Importance concern and grading of canned and packed next November are going to become art and |>ermlttlng lhe mannfarture ____________ property. The” Building for the new ing the supplying of fish to the con fish. •_________________ prune processing plant at Dallas is sumers of the whole continent of a power for good In the nation ac- and nale of light wines and beer. I Methods of checking the present already half built ahd the plant of North America and the popularizing rapid depletion of the salmon fish cording to Mrs. John Sherwin Cros- believe, however. that everyone) mCUfllA/C Pl HCr by, a delegate to the democratlc na- should be obedient to law. I oppose A eries of the North Pacific and the u LU u L thp S cot ,!' M, n ’ P r "BP P ack , n ’' C or - of fish as ab article of diet poratlon has been purchased. lional convention In iSun Francisco anarchy and socialism. greater consumption of fish. It is congress are to be put forth in a set next June. A woman preKident of "All American womenshe con pointed out. would help to lOiuhat of regulatldns to be suggested for HOSPITAL <N»NSTRI CTION IS the United Htafes, ahe says. I k "re tinued. "are sufferers from the pro adoption by the governments of ! the present high cost of foodstaffs. AUTHORIZED BY HOUSE mote but nut ImiwisHlble, Hay, In fiteers. We must fight them and 1) Government officials representing Washington and Ottawa. am sure wo have Ingenuity enough to1 1944." Vancouver was prepared to receive the United States Fisheries bureau “The only two thing» worth while devise A way to defeat them and, In j Berlin, June 3 - Taxation amount- Washington. June 3.—Construc at Washington, the Department of a large attendance of delegates to at present,'* said Mrs. Crosby, "are other ways, to bring down the cost jnK to something like 55 per cent of tion of five hospitals costing |10,- Marine and Fisheries of Can tda at the congress arrangements being politics and religion. We all should of living. Inequitable tax-tlon un- ^ross revenue and heavy running ex- 000.000 for the use of veterans of Ottawa and the Fisheries Depart made by the local branch bf the Ca study Iboth; how to Improve our gov doubtedly will come in for Its share |>«nses are resiwtnslble for the recent the world war was authorized in a ment of Newfoundland at St John nadian Fisheries Association. The ernment and make better mpn and of attention at the San Francisco closing down of 60 first-class thea- bill reported unanimously today by will attend the congress together delegates will be taken to the fish women. When I apeak of religion oaucuses and the Idea of Henry ters in Germany. Many theatrical the house buildings committe. The with a number of scientists from ing grounds, will be shown fishing I dont moan any particular creed but George of stopping speculation In and operatic companies are sail! to measure specifies the location of the these countries. boats at work, the landing of a catch the religion of the Gospels, the Ten land and relieving both workers nnrt |)e |n sore financial straits. Few hospitals, including one In the North The scientists may form an inter ahd its progress through the can Commandments and the Sermon on Industry from some of their bir- can afford to pay for the higher Pacific coast states. national fisheries research council to nery and packing plant until it the Mount. The world 1» money- dens undoubtedly will bo advocated ¡triced seats at the present increased take up the task Of charting the emerge« In shape for shipment to In mad. 'Religion alone will free It by women Tho worst profiteer of rates, and the moving picture houses fishing grounds of the North Atlan land points in the shape of canned, from Its selfishness and »unrest.” all Is tho profiteer In houses and with their popular prices, are reap- tic and the North Pacific They plan dried, salted, smoked or frozen. Mrs. Crosby, who has 'been called land. The 'unearned Increment’ of | ing the benefit. to draw up regulations for adoption Washington. June 3.—The postal by the governments of Ovnada, the FIRE CAUSES DAMAGE ■“the mother of New York women land, the rental value, must be tak The manager of the Reinhardt democrats,” a white-haired, digni en for public revenue or the people concern which controls the three pay Increase bill passed the house United iStatbs and Newfoundland TO ELSTERN OREGON TOWN fied matron of more than throe score will stagger tinder their taxes til! I most important Berlin theaters today, hy a unanimous vote with 343 > looking to conservation of fish and years ■ she Is the widow of a judge- - the/ drop." states that the latest “luxury” tax members present the renewal and enlargement of the Raker City. June 3.—Three per The woman leader declared that alone takes more than 20 per «-c.it doclnred the 300 or more women available supplies by methods of ar- X Name I «eft Out — sons were badly burned and several delegates would go to the convention “with the change In the political of the box office reeslpta. Boxes amt Propogatlon. The name of Paul Graham Allen with the determination to nominate status of women next fall” there stalls are now ra^ply booked. The | They will also copfer on the adop others injured in a fire which caused was left out of Friday's paper as be a strong man and pill thro'i th n would come, however, no violent Kapp revolution week, he snid. tion of a system where by all the a property loss estimated at 1100,- in'; one who received the certificate, change In governmental affsirs. It caused tho concern a loss of 750,000 "'constructive" program. edible f!sh landed on the Atlantic 000 and for a time threatened to certifying the completion of the "ft will be tho greatest convention would take women a long tl'mo to marks. and Pacific oasts of the three coun wipe out the little town of Halfway, grade schools. Tho young man nt-! __ __ of ___ ever held," she said, "because wom become practical polltlcans, she said, Director ____ BArnowsky the ______ I^ssing tries will be given names which will 37 miles southeast of here this morn en for tho first time will have a I hut they would become such eventu- theater, the home of the drama In tended school In district 17. and | be generally adopted In place of the ing. The fire started In a garage voice In It. I expect to see a bitter ally. She said the time would come Berlin, told a Tageblatt representa made an average of 94 In the exam present confusion of names. when a gasoline tank exploded, inations. Tight, particularly over tho question when women would fill the most Im tive that the' German stn»e Is ¡ h «»- Another matter for discussion is spreading rapidly to the adjoining of majority or unit rule, I can. of portant offices » Ithln the gift of the Ing through a most critical period. the founding of a fisheries college on building. Flaming oil was carried across the street, and set fire to the course only speak fof myself and people, even to n woman president Theatrical budgets, he said, can no by w’hlch, he explained, he meant ( the Pacific coast at Vaftcouver. The greatest “art for* amusement's sake, not for'' ' The matters affecting fishermen, Halfway hotel, drug store, and bar what tho women me do when t' cv iji.o.i ntttejr'ns l»>l«.t out v> longer be balanced canners, packers, wholesalers and ber shop. •enter the convention will de mid justices and members of congress. nenace he said, was "Americanism" art’s sake." TEACHERS SIGNED ÖP FDR NEXT SCHOOL YEAR I WHOLE NI MBER 30ML ACCEPTED FOR YEAR urlUnO 9