Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1920)
WiUñMOAY, JI NK a. 1990. GRANT» I* ISM ll.AIIY <<>lRiElt PtK52NflL *2? LOQÆL I e Right Bank One of the most Important factors in your busiuess s teccss is having the right kind of a Bank to deal with. Too much care canno: be exercised in selection. The all important co .sideration with this Bank is fhst to safeguard the mon - of its i^positors and to ren der them such-business a ry i e as to increase their pros perity and thus increase the value of the account n ur<iyL nrsxax £ ÌHE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Big Cooking DEMONSTRATION FRIDAY AND SATURDAY OF THIS WEEK llìdhmì Conic in and -ec this Red Star Detroit V*por Oil Stove in ac- don. B II Wickiero. Cooks as Burns 19 coal oil. oe 1 gallon of Cook and bake fast and tergi cool during the hot weather. Don’t forge« the date, .May 2Mh and 29th. Rogue River Hardware Co THE HOUSE OF QUALITY t A. J. Powers Formerly Ford talemnan, has opened up a repair shop at .503 South Sixth street. SEE ME. If you hare a SBr to sell or wqnt to buy a used car A Auto Exchange COMING EVENTS Jtfnfe 30. July 1, 2, 3, Wednesday, J Thursday. Friday. Saturday— I Teachers’ examinations. Grants ! Pass. Jtfly 3-4-5, Saturday, Sunday, Mon- ' day—.Big water carnival at River- aide park. The story of a chivalrous hobo—a Mere From Oil Fields— knight of the road who has lost all A. L. Allen has returned from the semblance to his former gentlemanly Utuisana and Texas oil fields where self except his instinctive kindness Itw has been spending the past 15 and honesty, is told in "Overland ■mnths. Mr. Allen is greatly en Red.” a photodrama starring Harry thused over the oil country and will i Carey, which will be shown at the return there after a month here with Oregon theater today and tomorrow. Ms family. He says that he is not "Overland Red" differs in many inclined to believe that there will be i ways from the usual Harry Carey oil struck where they are drilling story, but it (termite the star to ex- near Medford, but he said that there I ercise all those arts in which he ex Bright be some oil in the valley. icels, He does rough riding nt ‘all i sorts—on horseback. on a racing Calling cards at Courier office motor down a steep mountain road, . and on the brakebeams of a fast 'RESERVE YOUR EGGS ; flying limited. WITH Humor and romance are not over- I looked in the story, and the Carey smile Is much In evidence through- i out. An added attraction on the same ! bill. Fatty Arbuckle In "The Hay (Water Glam) seed,” is one of the most riotously Eggs are cheaper • now than they have been for many a day. funny comedies that Fatty ever ap- And right now is the time to 1 beared in. lay In a stock of them. Sili cate of Soda covers them like glass and is therefore a suie preservative. Full and simple directions with each package. SILICATE OF SODA CLEMENS Sells Drugs and Books f Buy Your Electrical Supplies at PAUL’S Electric Store ixiule Nelson went Yo Klamath I'll»' Max IhdiniMUorv— Falls this morning to *i>eiid the sum Have arrived at the Golden Rule. ON SWUATHRe* mer at the mills Aldi FANCY AIIAIXs Mr. and Mrs. Ford Wood and son Cadillac Auto Mage— spent a short time in the oil.' leav The Cadillac Auto Stage 1» ruti- ing this morning for Sacramento ning regularly to Creecent City, leav The G. T Kiphart returned to Glendale ing at 9:30 •vary morning Sueceeeur io For this morning after a short business stage takes passengers only, Mr>. K. Rrtikupf reservations see O. Hiller, Jr. Slit visit in the city. Frank Nombalts loft last night for Portland to spend a few days on \\ ill Move Io (At J— H. B Reed, who has sold Clover business. Hemstitching and pecoting. l Oc riot f rtn will move to the city next ami 12c per yard Nellie Nets < hilf week to make bls home here. Mr. It's a Matter for Congratulation C, H. Ernst went to Medford this Reed and his family will reside in When They Ask morning to attend a meeting of the the old R A. Booth residence on agents of the Metropolitan IJfe In North Sixth street surance company. Mrs Joseph Knotts loft this tuurn Th<* Juno Bugs- Will swarm at Murphy Saturday Ing for IaiFayette. Ore., where she will spend the next month visiting the 13th. Conte and hive a queen It costs 82. but we guarantee not to with her mother 8$ Mrs. E. J. Rogers went to Rose sting you. burg ftiis morning to visit a Sher Esclusive local dealer over HA year* time with her daughter. Mrs. C. C I!.e May Delineator»— Have arrived at the Golden Rule. Mahan. Mrs B F Skillman left for Wolf Creek this morning for a visit there Boy AA anted— For janitor and carrier sub at the with her brother. J. S. Benson, for Courier office a few days. Now is -the time to lay in your next winters wood, J. T Roberson I bull ing Party— The Hule atore ar*mnd the corner Saturday night Waldorf Hall. 90 at Wonder has 100 cords of excel* lent fir and oak four foot wood at |4 a coni, and 10 cords 3-foot wood Girl» Wanted— One position Is now open tor car MORE SHW RAN GMS (MAIIK IN OREGON) at 85 a cord. Si Mrs N E. Townsend left this rier on the Dally Courier Apply now HQPBIKR CABINETS—JI ST ARRIVED RIG SIlfl’MENTH ARE COMING IN ON TIMI morning for Kegg. Calif., where she and have your name on the waiting will spend the next few weeks visit list if the place has already been AIM» ing with her son. I^onard. who is taken. employed at that place. A IOMPLETE LINE OF CAMP Fl UNITI RK,— STOOIM, tHAIRK. George Barton went to Roseburg Good Time—*- DOUBLE AND SINGLE COTN. T A III JON AND 1X*TN OF ALL Good music at dancing party a this morning to consult with oil ex KINDS OF HAMMOCKS. perts He says that he has found urday night VOI ABE INVITED To LOOK MA STOCK OVER. oil traces in Jackson and Douglas counties, a sample of the oil igniting Cloverrio* Farm Sold— The Cloverriot farm on the 1111- tMKi G STREET OPPOHITE HAXI> STAND when a match was applied. “Ivory Soap Flakes " Sabin has it. nois river has been sold to \V A ■Mrs J. J,. Shaska left for Port Striker who will make his home on land this morning and will spend the place. Mr. Striker will buy a I the next month visiting there, She tractor and will tear up the ground The ranch con- will then go to Cottage Groxe whegp and giant alfalfa she will s|>end the remainder of the sista of 33K acres of thA valley land I summer Mrs Claus Schmidt left this morn- And Stitt Egg* Ar« High! The hens need a walking delegate. ! fng for Corvallis to visit her son. Reinhold, who is attending the Agri Grinding the beaks of the poor unpro cultural college Mr S'bmidt and tected fowls seenis to Its* the modern SEIOtî» and MIRNISniNGS Herman Schmidt left Sunday by auto poulterer’» lotig suit. Witness the FOR MEN modern working day of an iinhnppy - for Corvallis. They will probably re- ben on nn up-to-date chicken farm, main until school is out. where n* many hm I s . imhi eggs are hatched at one time. Electric light ha* done It. The Siberian Y W. C. A lights burn steadily until 10 p. m. .At Over lu Sil>eria a xia.7 of A W < A. v'orkers are slows lull -cr.-h tmik 4 a. ui. they are turned on grediially until their full glare wakes the hens. ■ng headway in organizing in ts<«ie The poultry then sit up and rub tlielr AA' ixm Stalled in Itowelnirg stem and in 'ntere-tlng girl- In <l> lied Front Harn Gon varimi-» activities p'snm-d for the i eyes and think. “How short the Al J. .Martineau, proprietor <4 the The old Red Front barn, on South beiteli! the mmintainx nights are getting! Yet it’s certainly I of difficulties w Iti. I. arise from the daylight. Well—Just one darned day Josephine hotel. sent a telegram yes Sixth street, that has been a land terday from Roseburg that he was mark tn the city for so long a time, abnormal «Iticatloiial anti sh ta! -Im after another!” .Nights are short. The stranded there on account of the haa been wrecked, and only part of ation in A’lndhostok has lieen u proti touching Innocence of the hen victim gasoline shortage Today however, th« frame work still stands The new U*iu t»> tie approx'ltrd slow-ly xml with izes it to the extent of getting only six he managed to complete his trip. Ho garage building, being built for Clar- hours' sleep a night. Eight-hour day? eyes o|ten Tlte workers report finding a few Why. the chicken works as long ns says that there weri 15 other cars enre Winetrout to house the Ford there that were tied tip 'because of and Fordwon agency. Is going alnnx peoplp Intere-ted In the thing- which the farmer!—The Nation's Business. i the shortage. rapidly have to do wftli girls ami with what Stopped Anyway. ever Information they have gath-red While motoring with four girls my they tire carefully developing Mie-r a- tivilles. There are sewing classes and clutch got out of order and it was nec one of the worker- Is conducting cinss essary for the girls to get out and push The Surest Tonic for In order to get the car In motion. On es in spelling ami letter writing. The IU mb TluU Y ou the way back It was arranged that Ever Took when we got to the home of the girl Prise-Fighter Congressman where they were all staying they The report that Carpentier th- prlz< would Jump off while the car was mov fighter. Is ambition- to In-come :i mem ing slowly, thus to prevent my stop her of the French |is-liameiit. rei-al' I til- election of John Morrissey tn con ping and being stalled again. Imagine my horror when they all Jumped off gr»--- on November S. I**-;? fro th- backwards ami falling over In a bunch “Bloody Sixth” wr.rd of New York rolled Into the ditch. I surely had city says the Springfield Rep- lean quite a time explaining my seemingly Morrissey's famous tight In which he tingent lenianly act to the girls’ pnr- defeated Heenan, took place October ents, who had witnessed the Incident 29. 1S5S. In the no man’s land u'l.l»do from the |ior<'li.*-Exchnngo. ing Boston Corners in Berkshire conn ty. afterward conceded to New York Brazil Seeks Expert*. by Massachusetts. The pugilis' hod a According to advice from Commer long record of Indictments for assault cial Attache J. E. Phllllpl. nt Ilin de and burglary aid had served nine Janerlo. the government of th- stnte months In the penitentiary for nine of Minas Gerties. Brazil, hits sent to breaches of the peace. He serve,| his the United States to contract for the district irf congress satisfactorily services of one export’ In the cultiva enough to be re-elected. tion and production of rollon ; two ex perts in fruit culture. Including vine yards; three grain experts, one expert Mexico Pushes Boy Scout Move. The Boy Scout movement Is looked in lobiif-co culture, two live stock ex I upon with favor in Mexico. Its ex pert.s. Including one veterinarian, and pansion in the republic Is to be under one dairy expert. These men will be direct supervision of the department employed ns traveling teachers In the of war. which has recently appointed Interior districts of the state of Mitins, a commission tn visit the United Gerties. States and Latin-American countries Hammermill Bond Letter Heads with a view to establishing a close relationship among the various or- and Envelopes at the Courier office Engraved Cards—Courier office. gumzatlona. — And last but not ItMtel our Tho rolioking romance of a Joyous old friend vagabond picturlzed from the fa mous novel by Henry Herbert Knlbbs rnrs. Hellie Deas OF SOUTHERN OREGON 1 Big Reduction Ashland Ceremonial Saturday, June Sth, parade starts promptly at I 2 p. m. First section directly after parade. Banquet 6 p. m. Ladies cordially invited to attend banquet. Gasoline will be available for all Shrlners. Candidates should be reinforced with 19 20 Commandery or Consis tory receipts. GEO. S. CALHOUN. ! R7 Deputy Potentate. Taken Agency— Myron C. Gaston, principal at the high school, has been appointed dis trict agent for the Bankers Life com pany of Des Moines. Mr. Gaston will spend the summer in this work. QEO. 8 CALHOUN HOLMAN’S FURNITURE STORE NIFTY SPRING SUITS Peerless Clothing Co. HARRY CAREY “OVERLAND RED Fatty Arbuckle ••The licet Thing Harry .Carry Ever Did” hl» latest miníele of Joy The Hayseed COMINO I Hl-, GREAT IIOI DINI |\ ■