Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1920)
Classified Advertising W ANTED IK WOOD FOR SALE 13.60 per MEN AND TEAMS WANTED Moon & Company’s road camp Iler delivered Phono W. H Hob- near Port Orford. Wages >10 for 4 Kt f Inson. Wll*lervllle teams, 8 hours; men *6 for 8 registered FOR HALE Purebred hours. Furnish California bay at Jersey cows, heifers und calves, at *34 per ton; rolled barley or oats The Meadows Phone C. N. Culy. at *72 per ton Board (1.10 per 59tf day or you can camp If you like Beat of working conditions. Moon FOR HALE--80 acres rolling land, * Company. *6 fenced, buildings, spring watsr. lUrgnln tor cash U. U. Ale'll, WANTED- Eight apple thinners, Phone Wlldervllla. (Otti start .Monday morning. 606-F-l*. C. 11. Elaiuunu. 87 FOR B à ' K Near Dryden. 300 acres WANTED- All olaasua of construc with team. Ulf binder, all necee- tion mon. *6.00 for common la tool». spring water bor. other wages In proportion * »ary fartfl Steady work for a year Rogur piped In houie. godfl Must bo »old to settle alii River Valley Canal Co, Medford. range estate J A Tolln. Holina, Or« 06 | Ore mW' —i FOR HA1JC Beatila donkey engine, REAL ESTATE 4 8-lnch boiler. 3000 feet linos, six blocks, good condition *3500, & T. McKINflTflY—«0* G street, phone 13-R. General real estate Address Eagle Point Construction business The best of all kinds of »7 IN», Prospect, Oregon soils for fruit, hay or general farming. FOR BALE AT A BARGAIN On» apan excellent young mules, 1100 FOR EXCHANGE lbs each Well broken, sound and Steward, Murphy, FOR TIRADE 3 20 acres central true. A B Oregon potato land for farm pro 87 Ore. perty locally. Address Box 74, Rd. i FOR HALE 3 plate Detroit vapor No. 3. Call at 619 oil stove. nearly new MIHCELLANEOt H 88 South 'Fifth street ATTENTION—Motorcycle SECOND HAND Veils car for »ale Expert repairing cycle riders cheap. Second hand doors and quickly done, Now and used Har- windows and second blind lumber. ley -Davidson motnrcyi les for sale Cull or phone Joe. Wolke. 706 87 Phone 6U2-F-12. North Fifth street. 88 YOUR WEEKLY CHECK— — Limited TIMBER AND FIRE WOOD About only by ability and time » devoteir Complete 3 miles from railroad and sawmill, to selling our trees. < line of all varieties backing yo i . all down hill, Two men can dean Write for terms Start Immedl up big money this summer. A. G ately. Salem Nursery Company. Churchwood, Eaton Hotel. Port ila 427 Oregon Bldg . Salem. Ore 102 land. Orc id ateel NOTICE Medford Junk anil Wool Buyer, will stay In Granta Pass C. Gla- until June 11th, nnd will pay top 89 market prices for wool, mohair, rubber, metals, ra»s, sa ks, scrap ptll SALIC Or will trade, single Iron, newspapers and magaxlnos speed twin cylinder Indian, fully 417 G street, near Palace hotel. 95 8» equipped Bog 64, Rd. 2 FOR RALE plow 244 tier. !<O*»T ,E Choice baled alfalfa :7 per ton. f o. b tirants IXWT Canteo lav allere and small Hilf Riverbanks Farms. neck chain nt Chautauqua tent return to Courier of- Reward FOR SIMPLEX” SI LOH Ensilage cutters, etc., see the Monroe A 8. Bailey, ('riseli salesman. W M”eoh» «»re W-l 1 phone Pro- 90 volt. lead lag to recovery of boy » cyclo »taken from buslnra* section »>R HAIJC Slab wood. dry *3. Thursday night. Return to 329 green *2.50 per tier Cash on de- West G street 91 livery. W .1 Teal, phone 395-R. 8 6 If VOCAL INHTRI ITION Foil SAldC Largo horse In fine condition, Good worker and good rotuler , Also buggy and harness. Ivan Livingston. Granta Paas. 88 phone 323-L. FOR SALE One Duroc Jersey brood sow; one Duroc Jersey sow 8 months old: one Jersey heifer 8 months old; one Oliver Chilled I 2- Inch plow; also harrow. E. N Young. Rd 1. one mile north of 88 city limits. FOR SALE Dodge Roadster. 1916. complete, 5 good tire*, electric lights, starter license. Insurance. *860 Boyd Farlelgh. 1 .eland. Ore »1 FOR HAI<E Ford In good condition, at 102 A street. 91 THE WORLD MOVES; no do we Bunch Bros Transfer Co. Phone 34». F. G. ISHAM. drayage and transfer. Safes. pianos and furniture moved, parked, shipped and stored. Office phone 124-Y. MRS GUY KNAPP Voice and plnso Accredited teacher for high school work. Phone 224 Residence 420 A street. 33tf MRS. JAS M POWERS. Studio over Barnea’ Jewelry store. Open Wed nesday. Friday and Saturday. Har mony class begins June 2nd at 10 a. m. 9° CIVIL ENGINEER D aniel M c F arland Civil engi- Registered new and surveyor, professional engineer. Kes. 7 4» North Tenth «treet. Phone 211-Y TAX c. A. WINETROUT SWOPE AUTO CO THE TRACTOR MAN 402-404 SO- 8TH SUCCESSOR TO J. II. DENISON MRS J. L. JOHNSON—Instructor of voice Rooms above Moore’s Ba kery. hours from 1 to 5 on Tues days and Saturdays. 67tf Hot Hl GEO. W. CltOSS a tuner with 17 years practical experience. Includ ing 9 years factory training. Head Your quarters Josephine hotel, 82tf satisfaction is my success. SERVICE STATION DEALER SERVICE STATION DEALER It» 4IMOI l(N SINE DIE ON NEXT SATI RDAN Washington, June 2. Without a re ord vote the house today adopted the resolution providing for sine die Scori* of Grants Pass Readers Lenrning the IHlty of the adjournment of congress at 4 o’clck Kidneys Saturday. To filter the blood is the kidney’s .duty. PHYHKTANN When they fall to do this the kfd- ! neys are weak. D Practice U. O. CIJSMENT. M Backache and other kidne.v limited to diseases of eye. ear. nose may follow Help the kidneys do their work, and throat. Glasses fitted Hour» i Use iDoan's Kidney Pills the test- 9-12. 2-6. or on appointment ,1(1 Phones, office 62; residence 359-J i Grants Pass people endorse their worth. 8 LOUGHRIDGE, M. D. Physician Ask your neighbor! Mrs. John Bumgardner. 614 L and surgeon. City or country rails attended day or night Phones. St., Grants Pass, says^ "Doan’s Kid Pills have done me a lot of good Rea 3«»: Off I re. 182: 6th and H ' ney and I am glad to recommend them to I had kidney and bladder B. J. BILLICK. M. D Physician i others trouble and my back was Weak and and surgeon; office Schallhorn lame. I was run down and nervous block, phone 54-J; residence. 1004 My kidneys a. ted too frequently and the secretions were painful and scan Liwnrfdge. phone 54-L. ty In passage. I read of Doan’s Kid W. F RUTHDRFORD -Manual the- ney Pills and used them, getting my at the National Drug Store. rap'itlcs It gets youT ailment, supply They have always regulated my kid Office over Barnes* jewelry store, neys and benefited me in everyway.” Office hours 9:30-12; 1:30-4. Price 60c. at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy—get RALPH W. STEARNS, M. D. Phy- Doan’s Kidney Pills the sahie that sictan and surgeon, X-ray equlp- Mrs Bumgardner had Foster-Mil ment, dental X-ray. Office, Ma- burn Co., Mfrs.. Buffalo. N. Y. sonic Temple Bldg Phonee: Of- flee 21-J; residence 21-L. . Engraved Cards Courier office DENTISTS Doing Their Duty SOONER TAXI Phone 26 2-R for Jitney Luka or Cutler. Calls an- ---------- * F i I' swernd anywhere, anytime. 86tf H0.MVM* ÍH7 totfûa MNÍ ini PA1.ACE TAXI Phone 22-J. Geo NOPÊ.WE O'ON’T KSV'S I A. Hyde & Henry Sargeant. 26tf NOTHIN' KBOWÍ' i T. IB vT TAXI at Owl Billiard Parlors. 172-J. BON ta A vjVUL?......... NNEVL, MilHN OlON-f Nr A PHONE VS Day and night service. 56tf Above \T?. BO BEST I ’ AXl -White IJn« Taxi, sedan ear. (Nb KIN, BOX 'NE AIN'T NO Ride in comfort. City or coun mino aixotas NEft nv T hin ' try. Correct prices. Safety first. an ' sonis T inieb 'Ne Nuss ma Call M. Clemens Drug Store, phone \TttA............NtS’Nl ,'Nt'UE 46-R, residence phone, 379-J, W.: AU'NA'IS OV-AO TO <x\T \<EMS First-class G While 89 I E C. MACY, D. M. D. oven TtAfe phone '. dentistry. 109% S. 6th St. THEN*. NOV-C s 'BN'. . ATTORNEYS VETERIXARY SU ROEON H. D. NORTON. Attorney-at-law. Practices In all Statu and Federal j DR. R. J. BESTITL, Veterinarian Riflddence 838 Washington boule Courts. First National Bank Bldg vard nhone 398-R. G. W. COLV1G, vt’.orney-at-law. MICKIE SAYS furnace Grants Pass Banking Co. Bldg. E. K. VAN DYKE. Attorney Practices The California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company In all courts. First National Bank TIME CARD Building (> S BLANCHARD, Attorney at-law i Effe tlve Nov. 2 4. 1919 Golden Rule Bldg. Phone 270. will run Mondays, Wednes- A. •’’r»LER. Attorney-at-iaw. Ma . days and Fridays sonic ii i|e. Grants Pass. Ore Leave Cr inis Pass. 1 P.M Arrive Writers Creek P M. 2 geo II DURHAM. Attorney-at-law lavate Waters Creek 2:30 PM referee In bankruptcy, Masonic Arrive Grants Paes... P.M 4 Temple. Phone 135-.I. For Information regarding freight i and passenger rates call at the office Inf the comusnv Lnndhurg building, lor telephone 131. I FORD TOC RING I CHEVROLET 4 GOOD MAXWELL I GOOD OVERLLA.NI» 1 FORD TRI CK Brunswick Tires The Battery Shop Opposite Courthouse U. S. Tires 11 hy suffer the discomforts ana embarrassments of a Goitre/ O. G. C preparation for goitre bas belle tit cd many. Why pay several hundred dollars for an operation to remove a goitre when O.G.C. can be obtained for such a comparatively small exp4>nditure? O.G.C. when properly applied gives satis* factory results, or your money will be refunded. O.G.C. is sold direct, by mail only. Write for booklet. Address Dept. U O.G.C. CHEMICAL COMPANY Seattle. Washington y Phoue »24-J Agents for the Cleveland National Eire Insurance Company I Advertising Pays—Advertise with the Courier