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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1920)
PAGE TWO ui i>Ni*i»n GRANTS Tin« DAILY COURIER grants pass OAin com A. E VOORH1E6. Pub. and Props. Published Daily Except Sunday Catered at poetoffice. Granta P ass . Ore., as second class mall matter I New Stock * ADVERTISING RAT 'S Tlaplay apaoe. per inch......... .. „.20c i Loeal-pereonal column, per line 10c Readers, per line ....... —....... Sc I SlI.K HOSE IN LACE AND CLOCK DAILY OOURIBR •y mall or carrier, per year ...16 00 •y mail or carrier, per month.. .50 T 11)1-3-5 NORTH «TH MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclualvely entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited or all otherwise credited in th'8 the educational crisis by which the XBW TODAT paper and also the ’ucal news pub- Ushed ___ herein. 1 nation has been confronted is seen in UNION CENTRAL 1JFE Insurance All rights of republication of »pe Company of Cincinnati. One of dal dispatches herein are also re-[»tio provisions being made in the the ten oldest and largest In the •erred. platforms of the great parties United States. Investigate their cognizing the urgent necessity of aid. rates T. M Stott. Agent. 7Ktf WF1>\ERI»AY. Jl NE 2, 1990. The phase being taken up by the E. L. GAI-BRAITH Real Estate. In ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ republican leader« for their plat- surance. and plate glass liability. ♦ OREGON WEATHER 609 H G street, phone 28 »Otf forms display« an insight of real ♦ ♦ Weather for the Week ♦ statesmanship in caring for the fu DEPENDABLE INSURANCE — All kinds, telephone or write for rates ♦ Pacific Coast States General- ♦ ture They begin at the top and and save youf time. T. M. Stott. ly fair ; nearly normal tempero- ♦ Agent. 7Stf ♦ turea. ♦ provide a secretary of education to ff - . . ♦ ---------- ♦ take his place on the president's cab 1 HAVE 160 acres of fine wheat land Tonight and Thursday fair. ♦ inet. and continue with provisions in Alberta. Canada, to trade tor 4 Warmer Thursday. 4 for financial aid to State and com farm land in this locality. For ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A particulars call on Martin Conger. munity for combatting illiteracy and » I 71s South 6th street »2 to establish Americanization plans. A FAIR FOR 1920 But «till more important is the re PIGS FOR SALE- Winona Ranch By ballot at the late election the » 98 : cognition that the brunt of the voi e of the people has spoken in fa WANTED Good milk cow, must bei whole edu atloua) battle is born by first class. Party haring one for vor of a permanent fair for Jose the far flung country districts, where sale drop a line to Rbx 690. Grant- phine county J'tfe agricultural fair no element but the public school sys- i Pass. Ore. held annually following (he harvest tern exists to effect the desired ’ FOR SALE- One Jersey cow. season is one of the oldest establish spread ot American principles, Aid] years old giving 1 *4 gallons milk, ed institutions In the United States. will be given direct to t hese iocali- and been giving milk 7 months.1 It has a place in the hearts of the' ties, enabling them to 175. I-ew Hostetler. Murphy. continue the Ore. f ♦ •**d properly conducted be standard of education America ha.« -«»eoirre. ——« - FOR RALE—One bay mare weighing comes the most popular occasion — ^Ime to nemand. the year. While the fact that thej between 900 and Cfhat ;>art of the report covering 92 levying of a special I I^w Hostetler. Murphy. Ore. «VA a period1 this phase may be quoted in part: WANTED Man and wife tn do farm of year* for the raising of funds for "The chief cause of inadequate work. -Man to work on farm. grounds and buildings does not put public school facilities in many states woman to do house work. Phone the county In the position ot being and Localities is the financial limita 601-F-3, or address W. L. Hayes. 87tf able to purchase and pay for grounds tion of small school district« haring I "Murphy,. Ore. Immediately, nevertheless. If the sit but little taxable value, causing un WANTED To «rent for about 2 uation could be financed, it is prob weeks, child’s high chair Phone der-payment of teachers struggling able that thousands of dollars could 60-U "7 to maintain high standards of edu be saved by purchasing grounds GOOD SVRFACE DIRT alien «way cation.’' without delay. Values are now on Corner 6th Mid C streets. W. 9. Maxwell 88 the upgrade, and lands can never he -ÇoX.>XOX<KXV«>XOX.XX%>>>j I ,R ,.73r Bu|[ aif — obtained cheaper than right how. * F H Grant. Rd. 2, Box 21. Phone Building is another question, and the plrmanent buildings will have to 80 2-F-3. Crack Drive Off ths Tee. Golfers have their differences like ertivi sportsmen ftp to the prerent the question as tv» the distance of a crack drive, off the tee. for example, remain* unsettled. By dint of careful measurement. It la asserted Hint LTO yarvls Is a very g»Mxl drive, and that it la only the creek players who can rover the 280. Two hundred and fifty cards Is. however, a very long dlr tanro. and just about twice as far a« »ven the deftest of us can throw a cricket ball. On.- hundred and forty yards Is the record distance for throw ing a crlckel ball A competitor In the Olympic s|H»rts has thrown a Javelin Just over 211 feet With a sling n -tone has been thrown more than IMM» yards. Secmlngly Immune to Fire. A lady described aa “the official medium of the London Psychological society" hns putdlcly demonstrated her powers of tire handling, which she to being coutroll.-d In her trances by the spirit of a Parse« tire worshiper. tTiabert. “the Fire King” who was a popular favorite In London close to a century ago. used to nth a red-hot shovel on bls face and head, and allow anyone In the audl cnee to step on the platform and drop molten sealing wax on his tongue and hands. He would take a raw leg of mutton Into an oven heated to 230 degrees, remain Inside until the joint was cooked, then carve It Into slices which were distributed among th» spectators. HELP FOR EDUCATION One of the most hopeful signs in t MORN GYPSY BEAUS IIEMTIFCL than ever IMIPI kill THAN l-A EH SEE Ol li " INDOW DISPLAY BARNES, The Jeweler IC«'! ikm I) ing lMt((»‘r) tn hi Id»"« I« mir *| ms laity. Have us diagnose life trouble of Till RS—«nd, know ing tile right facilities, real experience, nd>-<|«u«te repair part-, W E will make the luiltery efficient anil dependable FOLKS CAN T SAY A TH A.? WE ARE SLOW 1 WE ARF, ALWAYS] ON THE I G-o • ( HEALTH-1N5URAN Things keep moving around this shop. Despite the fact that we are kept very busy we do not allow that fact to Inter fere with the quality of oil work Efery repair Job we tackle la finished in a work manlike manner, and the per son who ordered It la pleased to pay our moderate bill B. S. DF.PRÎCK ■MM F Street Phone IÏOH-J IHM HIM «Tin I. I ll IN l.ll E ol r Nothing easier or more pleasant than the possea sion of a car Get the car , and get the haidt If you .ire sick you will gel well; If you are well 'twill keep you so. But * jefor« you the -«r ■ » In ad hsv-v i ’. ilk < 1th is. AGI NT« FOR. HUDSON MAXWELL CHALMERS AND ESSEX CARS COLUNS AUTO COMPANY S m «>»» x « x » x «»» x «»» x - Breeding hng« «hould have lot« of I exercise. NEW TODAY < hrrrful »rrvh'o f»»r all make*—at tnmlrratr s LIVE STOCK NOTES | eome later. But the vote of the peo- pie has established the fair idea The next thing Is to provide the fair, and we believe the fair board is fully jus tified !n proceeding with a fair for this fall even if permanent quarters have not yet been provided There Is something missing In the commun ity life when the gates of the ounty fair are closed. J» ni : a. PREPARING FOR POLAR TRIP Accueeoaiee amo «« paimimc Every man who la using a scrut , bull knows he ought to be using a j purebred. • • With the present high prices o1 feed* and the good pr^-es being paid for hogs, no farmer can afford to neg feet hls pig crop. J// Animals «hould be sheltered In wei weather On cold »lays they will d< better If confined In the barn than H tiirn*-»l on nurture. ÍE5SEX PHONE 117 MOTORS H STREET, GRANTS PASS, ORE An old friend in a nextf package You don’t have to spend lot of money to have a lot of pretty waists VACUUM PACKED DEPEND \BI E —No, you really DON’T have to spend any considerable sum, providing you come here to make your W’aist pur chases. Coffey —We knonv that there ar»- a great many people through choice or necessity want popular price Blouses, and for that large host w« are splendidly prepared. Two I HUH Hixre, now tops, plat« glas« rear i anil ride, liest looking tope In town. These cara hay« n first class paint job and look like new. Delivered three new Dodge Bro«, «an this week—imiter place your or. iler now. *’T««l«« bv»t«l, gor« furthrr' —»Here are just the daintiest and neatest and prettiest lit tle Summertime Blouses, th»! kind that launder and wear so well, the kind that almost anyone might be glad wear. —Among tlie recent arrivals tlval go on sale tomorrow new model» in the WIRTH MOR nt S2.<M> and In WEJ,WORTH at «¡1.00—that live fully up to their nation wide reputation of being the be»t obtainable at the price. Golden Rule Store (KEROSENE) C. A. Linch »EALHR IN IMIDGK BROTHERR MOTOR < ARH COOKSTOVES The o1»l Wyandot Indian hewed-lox »..ft v ’ !»*h v»,tn»l for '0 year« on the went liuiik of .be Sandusky lit»:' t Upper Sandusky, O„ was the scene of one of the last Indian legal execution* In Ohio. The Jail was two stories in height. The entrance wns from 'Io north aide through it heavy plank bat ten door on. the outside ami n grated Iron door on the Inside, The floors were of hewed eight-inch square hr i her. In the rummer of 1840 two Wv- iigdots qunrreleil about a Jug of whisky. snd one of them was killed At the trial the whole Wyan'lot nation met In council mid voted Ihm the mur derer should he executed by being shot by n firing squad In the river bottom oearby. STAX DAP D Otl. COMPANY <CALirO«HIA> G. B. BERRY The White Hause On the Pacific Hlghwny 12 miles N. W. of Grants Pass 2 miles S. W. of Mt. Sexton LUNCH—ICE CREAM—SOFT DRINKS—CIGARS PICNIC GROUNDS THE WHITE HOUSE CO. Blue prints Courier office. of Grants Pass Harness and Saddlery Auto iop and Canvas Work With Grants Pass Hardware Co