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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1920)
i nlverrity of Ore. Mb*" VOL. X., No. 21 1 GHANI* PAHM, JOHEPHINK COUNTY. OttKGON. « WEDNEHDAY, JI NK 2, 1020 WHOLE Nl MBER 20*7. SENATE SAYS 4 Production Only S/B of th» Average Vcording to Figures by Dc|wrt- mont of Agriculture House Judiciary Committee Orders out the Rceolution—Lever Act Is Excluded IF AMERICAN* WON'T BLY THEY Washington, Juno 2. Reporting COOPERATION URGED BETWEEN SALOON INTEREHTH TIE I P WITH Washington, June 2. -By a unan OREGON JOHNSON MANAGER TO th« condltlotf of the cotton crop May WILL HE DIMPOHED OF EIJiE- imous vote, the house judiciary com APPEAR IN CHICAGO BEFORE UM'AL AND NATIONAL AU- ATTORNEY GENERAL COM 26th nt 64.4 per cent normal, the mittee today ordered out the resolu WHERK THORITIEH ON QUESTION MITTEE IB INFORMED COMMITTEE deixrtment of agriculture announced W I*nmian<*ul vistoli« RETAINED Body luliiorUcd by i’rtj- t'ontain* Hoven Mem bers today that thia Is the lowest In re cord for 60 years and that the re curring statement "the worst ever known" was confirmed, PENNSYLVANIA SAID WIDE OPEN tion repealing all wartime emergen- I <T legislation excepting the Lever food control act. the trading with the enemy act, and the Dietrlct of Columbia rent profiteering measure. FRAUD WILL BE IniulcqiuUe iwlllih» for Education DUU lierte» and llmtlnl U«nhOUM* Protected by Justice Department Could Find Remedy by Govcrw- Holds Opponent tuent Help z Washington. June 2. —Charges! New York. June 2.—Greater co Portland, June 2 -Sunfield Mc London. June 2—Labor conditions -operation between local and nation that the campaign for the nomlna- •till are unsettled in England, not so Donald. campaign manager of Hiram Berlin, May 29 The Bremen firm al authorities In the enactment of tion of Attorney General Palmer as much because of disatisfaction with Johnson in Oregon, left for Chicago of Hagedorn, in a report on the Con-1 legislation affecting education, publk the democratic candidate for the wages, hours or working conditions last night prepared to contest the tlnental cotton situation, states that health and public roads and high presidency had been conducted in as to jealousy between rival trade seat of Wallace McCamaat. He beam Germany through the loss of Alaaee- way Is urged In a report made pub- Pennsylvania with an open appeal to unions and particularly between a petition alleging that McCamant Ix>rralne has lost one-sixth of her | lie today by a sub-committee of the the distillery and brewery Interests skilled and unskilled labor, says the had obtained the election by fraud, cotton Industry but Is still third af-| i republican national committee of in the stale, were made today before American Chamber of Commerce and that he refused to obey the man ter the United States and Great Brit- which Everett Colby, New Jersey, is the senate Investigating committee | date of the republican party in Ore aln In the number of spindles and chairman It Is stated that the re- by Eugene C. Bonniwell, of Philadel here. gon, whoee servant ha la 'indar state A crop of new wage demands from looms ' port will be submitted to the plat phia. other unions is declared to have re election laws. The German cotton Industry is Bonniwell. who distributed the Mc form committee of the republican sulted from the settlement of the de working at 26, to 30 per cent normal « Adoo stickers during the primary, national convention at Chicago mands of the longshoremen by • and Hagedorn estimates that to oc said the saloons and bonded ware Chicago, Jun. 2 — Resuming worko* The chief cause of Inadequate pub- F.XPIstMON ÇN <M»AL SHAFT granting them a minimum wage of cupy the Continental looms fully It convention contests, the republics* TIKlb LIVEN OF HIX MEN would require 2,600,000 bales of lie school facilities in many states houses In some parts of the state are [14 shillings a day. now runnipg "wide open” and that < The railway men are demanding national committee today seated 11 American cotton during the next ajx and localities, the report states. Is this was proceeding under the eyes the financial limitation of small Pittsburg. June 2. -At least six months. an advance of 1 pound a week in dis uninstructed delegates from Louisi school districts having but little tax of the department of justice and fed regard of an agreement they had ana headed by Smile Kuntz. of New men were klllbd In an explosion in committeeman. able value, causing under-payment of eral prohibition enforcement officers, made with the government only five Orleans. national * a coal abaft of the Ontario Gas and Recovering R*|i4diy— Mrs S Rowell, who underwent a teachers struggling to maintain high appointed “with Palmer's vise." Coal Company, near Cokesburg to days earlier which provided for an The committee dismissed contests of day The men were burled under major operation at the Good Bamar- standards of education. Other con- automatic adjustment of wages ac the "Lily White" group Itan hospital yesterday Is reported to dltlons which could be remedied by tons of earth Washington. June 2.—'Attorney cording to cost of living. The engi I be progreMtng satisfactorily. , ! increasing federal and state aid to General Palmer asked the ,senate neers and firemen also have present Chicago. June 2.—In the first de the local communities are the inade- committee for permission to reply ed demands for large increases GOVERNMENT APPEALS ARE ■s cision affecting the Johnson forces Hotel Trade Mlacluwia— quncy of the schools, particularly In to the Bonniwell charges, saying) - ” . .. DIMMIMHED IlV Ml PREME <X»IRT In the convention, the republican F E Mt rests of the Orford hotel. the ,o*er <«‘»des. and the shortage of "This is an old story. I don’t care Gave Surprise Party— A surprise party was given last national committee voted 36 to It. to await the transcript ” says that the tourist travel has taken tr*lne<1 tochers I Washington. June 2 Government! a great slump on account of ths lack night at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. to seat the delegatee from the Tenth Creation of xu executive depart- appeals In the federal anti-trust cult •of gasoline For a while every room ment with a secretary education as Rule Minnesota district who are counted F. L. , Vannice, of . the Golden API’ARHL DEALERS , „ „ „ against the "Quaker Oats Company” In town was being taken by this a member of the president's cabinet, WEARING GOT FINK FOR PROFITEERING ,t°r*_l'>r Mr, “d H"Ty Har- as favorable to the candidacy of the were dismissed today by the supreme trade but according to Mr. Streets . Is recommended together with the j per The employee of the store were California senator. eourt on the motion of the govern-1 the traffic fell off all at once appropriation by conrress of *100,- Syracuse. June 2.—The John A. a" P1"***®*- _______ menf e 000,000 to be apportioned among the Roberts Corporation, of* Utica, deal-1 Salem, June 2 —-Complete official J? states to combat illiteracy, aid Amer era in wearing apparel, today were! Meeting Postponed— Etani I nations to Be Hold- Eighth grade examinations will be icanisation of foreign-born and in fined *55,000 by Federal Judge ; On account of the Shriners cere- returns from every county in Oregon . montal at Ashland next Saturday canvassed by the secretary of state. held on June 10 and 11. according crease teachers' salaries Howe, following their conviction of [ the meeting of the executive commit- show that Hiram Johnson won over, to C< 'ounty Superintendent Alice M Financial assistance to states to profiteering on 11 «Mints. ; tee of the Josephine Farm Bureau I Leonard Wood in the recent primary Bacon This will give those a build roads under state authority, * has been postponed until Monday af by a plurality of 2393. The official change to take It who did not have conditioned on the state appropriat finals give Johnson 46,163; Wood ternoon at 1:30. an opportunity In May and also those ing an equal amount, and a system of . BALIStTING AT CHICAGO TO tXYMMKNCE ON FRIDAY 43.770; Lowden. 15.576: Hoover, who failed will get another try for .national automobile highways arc Boxcar* On Fir e 14.657. an eighth grade certificate. advocated. Two Southern Pacific boxcars Chicago. June 3.—Nominating Roseburg. June 2 The whole The program outlines means to ac speeches for the republican national ™u«ht fire .thta afternoon near the county has been aroused over the as- show I'loneCM--- complish a better coordinated public sault upon Mrs. titbson llamllton at The attraction "The Passing Show" health service through the coopera convention next week will probably dye works factory and the fire de Reuben last Saturday afternoon at the Page theater in Medford last tion of civil agencies with the medi- j come Thursday, with balloting on partment *»s railed cut. The cars' The woman Is still In a very serious night drew a large attendance from cal departments of the army and Friday. L. W. Henley, secretary of were loaded »ith i.imbsr ar.d were condition as the result of tho ter- valley points. Everyone who saw the navy A lack of physical training In th« arrangements committee, an left st.v. '""s on th» fr r :g. i A grata ’’lay. were rlblw experience and from the In- show was more than pleased with the the youth, revealed by the selective nounced today 'following the keynote i’ire ts tiled >*• - n juries received In her efforts to es performance. The show was one of draft, would be remedied by an ex speech by Senator Lodge, temporary i taken to the water tank at the sta cape She was badly beaten about the largest that has ever shown In tensive program of physical culture I chairman and appointments of com- . tion and the fire quenched. tho head and face, nnd for some time the valley, being direct from the In the public schools with emphasis I mit tees Tuesday. Henley said the! Portland. Ore., June 2.—After be Ba|>tl«t Association Meeting).— her condition was considered pre Winter Garden in New York. The on the training of girls to fit them convention probably will adjourn t>n-| The Rogue River District Baptist ing operated for ten years as a barge, carious. but It Is now believed rhe costumes and scenery were especially physically for motherhood, says the i til Wednesday for committee work the former three-masted sailing ship association will meet in Grants Pass good. The troupe takes five cars to sub-committee. will recover. H. Smith, is now being re; . Friday of this week and hold their William Immediate action was taken to ■ l>- move from one place to the other. ; fitted as a five-masted topsail schoo- 'ic Sapo ther sub-commi The lack of wisdom of enacting meetings over Sunday, Various prehend tho man responsible and thc further legislation intended to curb of which Albert Jl Beveridge of In phases of missionary work will ner and shortly will load her first search Is still on Sheriff Quine af No Pavement North— cargo in ten years. The peace time sedition is pointed out In diana. is chairman. be under consideration. Dr. Reid. Î off-shore tor placing deputies In charge of ille J. S. McFadden, county commis- H. Smith was built on the William ’ I the Irish evangelist will preach each situation at Reuben Immediately sloner, who returned this morning j evening. The sessions are open to Maine coast 37 years ago and was notified the authorities at all points ¡from Portland, states that there will originally a full-rigged, three-mast the public. along tho railroad, giving them the be no pavement laid north of town ed, skysail-yarder ship. She was not- de»cri|>tlon of the assailant. Several this year. The road will be macad ed for her luxurious cabin furnlsh- GENERAL AGUILAR GIVES coinciding descriptions have been ob amized and put in shape so that it Ings. I P TO NEW GOVERNMENT tained. so that In the event the man will bo open all winter however, says After operating in the Atlantic is seen thero will be no difficulty In Mr. McFadden. The macadam will trade for many years, she was pur Vera Cruz. June 2.—General Can-j lie laid to connect with tho macadam bringing about his arrest. chased some 15 years ago 'by the Cal j did Aguilar, governor of Vera Cruz i Men from Glendale and Reuben at Grave creek, which will insure Shipping company and ' and a son-in-law of the late Pree- ifornia who had seen the man during his . good roads all winter, The road Geneva, Switzerland, June 2.—-In l stantinople from Djemals headquar brought around the Horn for opera I ident Carranza, has surrendered to stay In those places Immediately over Hayes hill Is to lie fixed up and , one of the most luxurious hotels In ters in Syria under military escort tion out of San Francisco. .As one want to various points along the rail- rock laid, Judge Gillette and Com l-auaanne is now living the Turkish : with small boxes of gold which were the new government. He will be al-' of a fleet of 32 sailing vessels she lowed to leave the country. roads for several mues In each dlrcc- ntlswloner McCabe are still in Pprt- multi-millionaire named General forwarded subsequently to Switzer I carried wheat around the (Horn to tion and every traln is being land and will arrive here tomorrow. I Ahmed Djemal Pasha, former Turk- land and Holland. New York and Europe, later being BUBONIC PLAGUE BREAKS watched. ' ish minister under the Young Turk It was Djemal and DJavid Pasha * OUT IN MEXICAN (TTY placed in the Australian trade, It regime at Constantinople and former who were at Paris in July, 1914, and. Suspects have been picked up at Reward for Bcrgdoi!— was in this trade that the William The American legion is taking an commander of the fourth Turkish foreseeing the war. 'bought the Ger Granta Paas and Medford hut upon Vera Crux. June 2.—President H. Smith almost met a disastrous Investigation they wore found to be I active Interest in the capture of Gro-|army in Syria. man warships. Goeben and Breslau, Wilson has offered to send hospital end. tho wrong parties and were roleasod ver Cleveland Hergdoll, millionaire I He is the first upon the black list for their government hv orders from ships, nurses, doctors and medical Th’e vessel had just started for from custody. A man answering the [ draft evader, who escaped recently of the Arabian government for ex- Constantinople. supplies here Immediately to assist Australia with a full cargo of lum description in oveffv detail was cap-¡after hfs conviction. Numerous ro- tradition and punishment, being ac- Djemal, who has only a temporary In combatting the bubonic plague ber loaded at Puget Sound ports tured here yesterday but was found wards have been offered for his cap- cused. says the Tribune de Geneve, permission to sojourn In Switzerland, which has appeared in this city. 11 when she encountered a heavy storm tiire. the American 'Legion Weekly, of the deaths of 7.000 Arabian. Syr was recently requested by the Swiss authentic cases having developed to and was dismasted off the coast of to have n well estaddlshed alibi. Posses are still watching the hills tho official paper of tho organiza ian and Armenian families whom he government to leave this country, date with five deaths resulting. Washington. She was saved by her in the nelgljltorhood In whl< i the tion. 'being tho latest one to offer a j is alleged 'o have ordered to be ma but he managed to procure a medl-! ___________ anchor off Grays Harbor, and finally _____ _____ ___ ____ cal certificate proving that travailing WHEAT STAND IRON WILL BE crime win committed nnd In the reward. The following telegram was a red . or deported into ____ the __ desert was towed Seattle, a batt^f- event tho mnn appears he will lie Im sent to all departments In the hope where they died of hunger and th'rst would be prejudl'al to his healt b OONTINl ED SAYS MERIDITH ed hulk. It might aid in finding him. ¡tn the war. He has been sentenced and remains nt Lausanne mediately placed unflor arrest. Some that tl . w hat was left of the clipper ship believe that he has made his rs-eps "Tho lagion Weekly offers *500 re to death alter a hearing In Turkey. The Tribune demands his expul- Washington, June 2.—The contin was sold for 18400. Her value to by rqflrond. while others think lie la ward for the Capture of Grover Djemal Pasha who called himself sion from Switzerland with sev era! uation of the present federal wheat day ts estimated by ship vndsrwri- icteveland Borgdoll, millionaire draft he "Hero of Hlslant" admits, ac- { of hia satellites. Djemal, however,¡standards was decided upon today by ters at 1250.000. although she has atlll In the hllla. Railroad men who wer« In Glen deserter who escaped the federal of- cording to the newspaper, that he cannot return to Turkey as the dea’h Secretary of Agriculture Merldith been operated for a barge for ten dale at the time tho assault occurred 0 dais nt Philadelphia. This is In was "only directly responsible for sentence awaits him there. ; \ears, carrving coal 'between British ______ and who Joined themselves to the addition to the (3550 offered by about 200 deaths of heretics.” By i Columbia and Seattle and Tacoma. PORTLAND MARKET* quickly organized posses, stole th’t others. Please advise posts of vour tyranny. It is charged, ..... he obtained .................... 1 This TVinmai .... Pasha should ................ not .be ... Tho William H. Smith has been Ä fooling ran very high following tho department rM|itestlng them to noti bls vast wealth In Turkish gold al- mistaken for another Turkish lead- Portland, June 2. -Cattle weaker, re-rigged as a five-masted topsail Incident, and that In the et ent lie I- fy the press of tho reward and tolo- ways refusing bank notes. Once a ' er of similar name and title who re choice steers 111 at 111.50; hogs, s hooner by her present owners, the •ranh the vookly any clues as to week his wife or one of the mem-jcently was appointed a minister of sheep, butter and eggs steady and I Charles Nelson company, and will captured he wi’1 d'vtbH«"s h" the whereabouts of the fugitive." 1>ers of his family travelled to Con- the new Turkish cabinet. ly dealt with unchanged. soon sail for Australia. Washington, June 2. The sale of .American ships to foreign Interests if, aft«r a diligent effort by the ship ping board they have l>een unable to dispose of them to Americans. Is provided for In the merchant marine bill as finally agreed upon by the senate and house conferees, after an all night session The senate pro- visions providing tor a permanent shipping board of seven members were retained