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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1920)
T VOL X., No. 213. c r— ' _ — GRANT'S PAHS, JOHKPHINE (XWSTT, OREGON, MENATE REFI SEH TO AIX'EIT MANDATE OVER ARMENIA ♦ Washington, Juns 1. By an ♦ ♦ overwhelming vote the senate ♦ ♦ late today ¡Missed and sent to ♦ ♦ the house a resolution declining ♦ > to grant President Wilson's re ♦ ♦ quest that congress authorize ♦ ♦ the mandate over Armenia. ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ 4 PEOPLE NOT TO Tl EMDAY. JUNE 1, 1020. &ID Illi I Hill I Inlll I RBPUHLICANS WILL rack WOMAN SUFFRAGE BILIA ♦ ♦ ALLOW TRADE ♦ ♦> ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ I <L A. R„ W . R. <'. AND AMERICAN LHilON JOIN IN THE EX- El« IHK» Itegli lari) ItofioHdl Ill-legation From IllMriH of Columbia Will Be Seated A. II. tereoii < the Yeter««' WHOLE NIMBER 2W3*. Chicago, June 1 -On the mo tion of T. Coleman Dupont, of ♦ Delaware, the republican na ♦ tional committee unanimously adopted a resolution calling up ♦ on republican states which have not already done so, to pass the woman suffrage constitutional amendment. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ HI .’•REME tot KT III LEM THAT CENTRAL TRADING OFFICE REFERENDUM DOES NOT AF- BE OPENED BY BOLSI!» FEIT < «INSTITI Tl<>N VIKI IN liO.NDON I ATTORNEY GENERAL CHARGEN PERVERTED SYMPATHY FOR RADICAL CAUSE ASSAULT VICTIM I'roi IslonK of War Revenue Rill Do»n Puta» anil I Uranian* Win Slight Vic Man. Believed Infoine, Knocks Mrs "Seif-willed. Mistaken Personal Gibson Hamilton I'wcomscioua Not Apply to President anil tory Over Troops South of Viewpoint" Said Taken as Chicago, June 1. -Hearings on Tlien Di*ap|X-ar* Furierai Judge* Kiev Substitute 'Claims of contesting delegations to ! next week's republican convention Roseburg, June 1.—Mrs. Gibson In spile of counter attractions ex continued to occupy the attention of Washington. June 1.— The su London, June 1.—As a result of Washington, June 1 Charging biblting In the city at the same time, 'the republican national committee preme court today held that federal yesterday's meeting between Lloyd Hamilton, of Reuben, was brutally that Izitite F. Post, assistant secre today. In the District of Columbia assaulted late Saturday afternoon by the time honored custom of paying the — soldier th* committee voted to sixit constitutional amendments cannot be George and Gregory Krassin, the an unknown assailant, presumably tary of labor, had "perverted sym tribute and reverence I to ......... ---- the regularly reported delegation, submitted for ratificatiou to the ref Russian bolshevik minister or- trade, insane, who is still at large in spite pathy" for a criminal anarchist, At dead of th« nation was fittingly ob- who are uninstructed but are said to erendum vote In states having refer and members of the British cabinet, of the efforts of a large number of I torney General Palmer told tha enrved In the Memorial day ex«r- favor tho Wood candidacy, The endum provisions in their constitu j the soviet government, according to searchers, who twice allowed him to . house committee today that in deal tiscs conducted at t he op«<ra house tions. the Evening Standard, has been ing with the attempts of the govern yesterday afternoon by the (1. A It. committee then reverted to the Flor- The court declared Inoperative the l granted permission to open immedi slip from their grasp. Ida content, but nome attorneys i were ment to rid the country of dangerous -Mrs. Hamilton was quite • badly and W. R. C.. axxlxtiil by tho i Ameri- nqt ready The committee then turn- Ohio state constitutional referendum ately a central trading office here. aliens. Poet had employed a “self- beaten and is seriously ill from the can Jxiglon. The house was fllli-d mt to the Georgia content 1 which amendment insofar as it affects the willed and autocratic substitute of to an extent which gratified those Ixindon. June 1.—Russian bolshe- effects of the terrible experience, promised to be the most sensational ratification of federal amendments his own mistaken personal viewpoint gether with the injuries inflicted who believed from the went trend The Ohio supreme court decrees dis vlk forces which are fighting against of the crop. for the obligations of pubHc law.“ of what yrns apparently public opln missing the injunction proceedings the Poles and Ukranlans, south of her assailant. The woman, accompanied by a ion that the public had fallen into brought to prevent the submission of Kiev, have retired to new positions Gasoline Siiorlngc Hits Tourist»— a state of apathy regarding the day friend, Mrs. Baker, and the latter's BODY OF MAN FOUND ON The gasoline shortage which Is the prohibition and woman suffrage after “fighting with superior enemy pro- I al med sacred In the memory of CAMPUS NOT IDENTIFIED amendments to the voters were set forces." says an official Moscow daughter, had started out along the causing Inconvenience in Grants Pass those who laid down their IK en for road near Reuben looking for wild aside by the court. statement. Is general throughout California ax Ahls same public flowers with which to decorate the Corvallis, June 1.—The body of a The supreme court declared un- well ax In Oregon, in the larger Following the gathering at the -graves of some of their dead, rela young man which wan found hanging constitutional tho provisions in the cities where the Shell company oper-1 courthouse of flic G. A. It . W H C . tives. They had wandered about a from a tree on the campus at noo* at ex there has been no difficulty In war revenue act requiring the presi Two Mack Trucks Sold— and American Legion at 1 30 p m quarter of A mile from the town today is still unidentified, but two dent of the United States and all fed securing gasoline but outside the The Collins Auto Company haa the patriotic organizations marched eral Judges to pay an income tax on Just sold two 3H-ton Mack trucks, when they noticed a man seated by notes found in the clothing, which to the opera house for the program larger cities rationing Is In vogue their salaries. the road, but naturally paid little wherever a supply Is available Tour one of them to the Borland-Thomas attention to him. They approached were addressed to “Mr. Ludwig, A*, at 2 o'clock. Immediately after the The sujireme court failed again to ists are the hardest hit and cars are Lumber company to be equipped the spot where he was seated and to ria." it is thought may clear up •Organizations had taken their places the mystery. The man was about held up all along the line wherever day to decide on the validity of the with a 5-ton trailer, and the other tn the house, Commander Phillips of when they had reached a point only 20 years old and was seen about the prohibition amendment and portions their gas tank runs dry. High prices to T. W. Harriott of Kerby, fully a few feet away he leaped to his feet the G. A It called them to attention campus by the watchman early la are offered for gae without avail. At of the enforcement act and recessed equipped for the hauling of lumber. suid gave the ImprcMtve ritual of the and rushed upon them, voicing in the morning. Weed on Monday a tourist offered 15 until next Monday when the present Mr. CoHins goes to Portland tonight fliabite to the Dead This was fol-| sulting proposals and threats at thei per gallon without success Tourist term closes to secure the trucks for delivery. 'lowod by the address of welcome by same time. The three turned to run, | travel Is now practically stopped and FEDERAL CONTROL OF WHEAT ■A. II. Carson, who briefly stated the but they had taken only a few steps I no autolxt is safe in traveling with ENDS AS UAW EXPIRES -purpose of the gathering The post when he reached them and striking * out a reserve supply sufficient for his chaplain then conducted the prayer, them heavy blows in the face, return trip needs. How long the Washington. June 1—Federal con- and was followed bv the reading of KnocKea mem , . . . . . . knocked them to me the grouna. ground. oeiz-. Seiz- situation will continue is a problem. . ing Mrs. ,, . 1 tr°l of . wheat the general orders of the G. i.A. R. Hamilton, v he u beat . v her about . . . and wheat products was ended today, the wheat director and W R C. relating to Memorial the head and body with heavy blows, ceasing to function under the limita day. Including the order of General causing her to partially lose con tion of the law creating the office liogan. Issued tn 1868. calling for the sciousness. Mrs. Baker upon regain and the food administration control Constantinople, June 1.—The for- first observance of Memorial day Eastport, Me . June 1.—A mass of ing her feet started at once on a run I eign sections of Constantinople are twisted metals and charred timbers to the nearby town to secure aid. ending by a proclamation of Presi Mr Cass sang the "Stars nnd crowded with Russians who want to lying on Coney Beach here is all that The girl attempted to go to Mr*. dent Wilson. Rtrlpes” very effectively, and a solo j go to America but cannot. Of the remains of the frigate Richmond, Hamilton’s aid but was told sue by Mrs. J. L. Johnson wax deeply ap 10,000 or 50,000 of them in the city, once the pride of the United States would be killed if she did not “beat Mrs. C.(I a Annis left for Cedar preciated. The rending of IJncoln's At a meeting this morning of fhe at least 50 per cent long for the time navy. The famous wooden warship, it.” and consequently she too fled to Springs. Mich.. where she was called Gettysburg Address, ax called for parade committee for the Fourth of by the G. A. R orders, was rendered July celebration, tentative plane were when passport restrictions shall be built in 1858, was used during three secure help. Mrs. Baker succeeded *»y the serious illness of her father, by Mrs. Sam Baker In a most satis made to hold a monster parade on less rigorous and they can flit to the wars in capacities varying from ad in reaching Reuben and in rousing factory manner. A quartet tnclud- Monday morning, July 5th. which laryl of plenty in the west. miral's flagBhip to receiving ship and several residents and railroad em-j Many of them have relatives or finally was burned for the copper in ployes who immediately started for tag Mesdanfcx Walker and Johnson. would be followed by a picnic lunch friends in America, or at least say her hull. and Mesera Casa and Martin, gave In Riverside park. the scene. ' they have, But the doors of Amer- -one of the moat pleasing numbers on The Richmond was Admiral Far On the way they met a man who It la contemplated having ten mer jlca are closed unless it is clearly ragut's flagship during the Civil war stated that he was a telephone line the program, in their song. chandise prises donated by various* proven the applicant is not a bolshe- and was in several famous engage man and who said he was endeavor- [ J. N. Johnston delivered the ad merchants ranging In value from 125 I vi kt and will not become a public ments in Southern waters and along ing to find men to help him find the dress of the day, recalling the .to |2.5O each for the best decorated I charge in the United Stages. All the the Mississippi river. It is said that man who had attacked Mrs. Hamil acenes of American history which I floats in the parade. Everybody is have come to have their yearly ob singers, dancers and artists want to the Richmond was one of the first ton. He said that her assailant had New York, June 1.—The need of Invited to compete in the floats that servance in Memorial day, and bear desires to. go to New York. But applications American shiim to be camouflaged just been seen going in the other di-, making agricultural wages competi- ing particularly on the great civil for permission are denied unless the During the bombardment of New Or rection. and gave them a description tlve with city wages and the necee- The parade is to be made repre strife which 'threatened to tear this performers can show an actual con leans, iFarragut ordered the man-o'- of the supposed attacker, He stated slt.v of the government to find a sentative of every organisation In nation from Its unity and cause the the county and every organization is tract with some reputable manager war camouflaged and not having the he would go on and secure other means of Importing fertilizer at a disintegration of the greatest de Serbia and Italy are the only two. , necessary paint the frigate was searchers and started on ---- into -- price that American farmers will pay -------------------------------------------- requested to have a representative mocracy the world has ever seen countries Into which Russians can' smeared with mud, partly obscuring I Reuben. The posse continued on its for it. were emphasized today in re- delegation jiartieipate Clowns and | Mr. Johnston rendered moat offer gain admission with ease and even: her from the enemy’s view. I way and within A short distance' ports made public by sub-commit- other mirth-producing stunts will en-1 lively extracts from the famous Do- o they are very cautious about admit A few years later the Richmond found Mrs. Hamilton, still in a dazed tees of the republican national com- liven the pageant. ration Day address of Robert G. In ! ting persons suspected of bolshevlst1 ; was retired but was ,put in commis and semi-conscious condition, and mittee's advisory" committee on pol- wersoll. and carried on the thought , tendencies. sion again in 1898 for the Spanish- learned that the man they had Just icies and platform, Thank* Arc Given— thus developed in 1882 to the pres There are more Russians than oth- American war.'when she was used as passed was the one wanted. It is planned to submit the sugges They General Ixigat^ Post and Cor s ent day. after America has emerged wishes to thank Individually anrt °r nationals in the foreign districts la receliing ship at the Philadelphia turned hack, but he had caught a-lions in the platform committee tif from two more great wars in which .. . of the city. Russian commission i navy yard. Then for almost 20 passing freight train and reached the republican national convention «t collectively those who so willingly she has been Involved with the pow T ’ shops have been opened whore refit-1 years she was held idle at the Nor- Glendale before word reached that Chicago, gave their tlmo and talent In speak ers of the old world. Mr. Johnston's ¡ The sub-committee reporting on ing and In song in the Decoration day i ‘ goes offer their diamonds, laces and I folk navy yard but was put into use place. When the news was finally presentation of the causes underlying to] . ’ other finery for sale. Big Russians' again In the World war as a receiv received at Glendale he was picked agriculture, of which United States -program at the opera house Monday the observance« of Memorial Day ( up on suspicion, but having a good Senator Arthur Capper of Kansas, afternoon and especially to Mrs. Sam and Little Russians, i-aplanders. Si-, ing and training ship. wore deeply appreciated by his au The once great warship's days, of alibi, was released and shortly after-1 was chairman, urged that a national Baker not only for the splendid fieri an s. Georgians and Cossacks of dience, as being fundamental prlnci , ... Lincoln's * Gettysburg <n,u,.uul, «u-i reading » of Ad-| all the various tribes have I been "sefulnees were over and a short wards -disappeared in the immediate commission be appointed to coordi- plea of Americanism that should nate all rail water and motor trans ¡dress. I but for the invitation so court Rh’lttle<l lnto Con,,tantlnople l,Y th(> 'line ago she was towed to Eastport vicinlty of that place. have wider distribution than they eously given that the Decoration day Posses consisting of residents of ¡port with adequate facilities for re Wh'Ch "Wei>‘ °Ver thP Th° ‘?r.c11 ’•82PPUed he5. \C*P- have had of late year» i tain John IF. Turner, of Jtewbqry- Glendale and the surrounding vicin- reiving, handling and transporting I prograin be held tn the Chautauqua J ¡ Black sea. Presentation of the French mem Hotels are filled by Russian bar- port. Mass., holder of the world's ity, and railroad employes, immedi- food between cities. This commis- tent. orial certificates to nearest of kin ons, counts and princes, especially deep sea diving record. After light ately started in pursuit with the ex- sion. it was said, would render a « of tervlce men who died during the Coinniitt •.< to Meet— princes, for every third high class ing several fires from bow to stern press intention of finding the man great national good at this time, retent war with Germany, wat made The executive committee of the ; Russian in Turkey seems to be a Captain Turner hauled do-wn the and lynching him. A good descrip- The international trade and credits by Niel R. Allen, commander <f tLc Josephine County Farm -Bureau will I j prince. Singers and dancers from 1 American flag from the frigate and tion was secured and the searchers committee headed by F. IA. Vanderltp American Ix'gton. nfter dismissal of meet next Saturday afternoon at II the imperial theaters arejn evidence Jumped into '^assamaquoddy Bay. were determined that should he be as chairman, urged the Inauguration the public meeting. Presentation wi.v I :30 at the office of the county agent everywhere, They are so consplcu- lie was picked up by part of the found hie life would immediately pay of an effective cooperation at home preceded by a brief but oTphiitt.- de st the courthouse. Thu mooting is oils they can not be overlooked en- ship’I crew in a dory for the noted the penalty. However, -in spite of a and abroad between government of mand on i.'i half of tho American l.c- Important us the organization of theltlrely, but their efforts to gain pub- diver cannot swim. protracted search, which in fact is ficials who exercise authority In Am g|,n , that Memorial day I i observe) ■•ooperntlve exchange will be dls-jlclty. are not highly successful. The The beach on which the Richmond still in progress, he has not been lo erica’s foreign trade relations. Thia with greater reverence on the part of cussed. cosmopolitan population of Constan- was burned is the most eastern point cated and evidently has reached the cooperation, it was stated, was need the general public than hHR come t- [tfnople has had so many thrills In on the -Maine coast and is where railroad and made his way into Cali ed to replace what was described as courthouse In the morning, and the I the last six years that it is too Jaded | four other wooden frigates, the fornia. he the cnso In re ent vara. a loose and overlapping foreign trade After the singing of "America." veterans and W. R. C. decorated the to respond to the bizarre manifesta-i Frapklin. Wabash, Minnesota and The description given by the worn- service, rife with Inconsistencies and tho patriotic organizations proceeded gHL ves of their deceased comrades tlons of artistic temperment. Pale-1 Vermont, were burned by Junkmen en and by others who saw him is inter-departmental controversies, tn tho railroad park whore exorcise« -nd sisters in the three local ceme faced tenors wandering through ho-¡in other years very clear Ile is between 35 and 40 In des< riblng the shift of the Unit In memory of the unknown dead teries. The flag was flown at half- tel lobbies, fingering strands of lav-■ years of age. about five feet nine ed States international position from woro conducted al the flag polo by miuit until noon whci^ the bells were I ondcr beads and evcnes.ently gown PORTLAND MARKETS Inches in height, volghin-: i«' ■ deM^r nation to a creditor nation, the W. R. and following this wcr« tolled mid was then pulled to the top ed prima donnas loaded with Jewels Portland. June 1. Cattle lower. pounds. He has a ruddy complexion the committee's report stated that ceremonies nt the river In honor of of the stuff nt the last toll. The, and potneranlnn poodles can't startle choice steers. 111.25 at $11.75; hogs and light hair and eyes. He Is the ultimate outcome of this shift those who died nt sea. American legion look charge of the¡-i public which has had so many I steady. prime mixed, *14.75 at $15; dressed In corduroy trousers and a - will mean an excess of imports over Flowers had been gathered at the I flag during the day. I years of war at its front door. others are unchanged. dark coat. ¡exports. FOR PARTY PLATFORM