Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (May 29, 1920)
"ACM FOVH ■ATURDA*, MAY —, »I —-WX— - PE k S ï N/IL ™ LOCAL The Right Bank One of the most Important factors in your business success is having the right kind of a Bank to deal with. Too much cara cannot be exercised in «election. The all important consideration with this Bank is first to safeguard the money of its depositors and to ren der them such business service as to increase their pros perity and thus increase the value of the account. NATIONAL MrxBU tie: ox; ;.i st m t ST STI’S OF SOITHKHA OREGON STARTS PLAYS THROUGH Tl'KBIlAY I o M orrow MATINEE 1 ] Mrs. F. G. Eddings left thia morn ing tor a week end visit at Gold Hill. Rolled oats. $3.50 per sack. Count'B Feed Store. 86 "Mary Garden" powder. Sabin has 85 it Mrs. Ethel Parent went to Gold Hill this morning where she will spend the week end. Hemstitching and i>ecotlng, 10c and 12c per yard. Nellie Neaa Oltf Kirsch curtain rods at Helmers. "The Home of Good Furniture." 85 Mrs. H. Minor went to Rogue River this morning and will riait there until Sunday evening. church Sunday At the Bajitist night, the preacher will tell a lie that 85 is the truth. Washable cotton rugs at Helmers. "The Home of Good Furniture.” 85 Rolled oats, $2.50 per sack. Count's Feed Store. 86 Mrs. William De Forest is spend ing the day visiting friends in Cen- tral Point. Gas Engines and pumps for all sizes and jobs at McIntyre's the Im- St plement man. Window shades, all sizes, at Hel- mer's. 85 per sack. Rolled oats. $2.50 88 Count's Feed Store. For John Deere. IMin Mowers and Rakes, see McIntyre. 402 South Sixth 85 street. Mrs. Annie Smith, who has been visiting here with Mrs. Martin Con- ger, left this morning for her hotne at Portland. * An excellent line of Armstrong's! print and inlaid linoleums at Hel-' mer's. 851 Orres the ladles' tailor from Ash-1 land, will be at Clevenger's Hat Shop every Thursday, instead of every ‘ Tuesday. 61tf The meeting of the Eastern Star! next Wednesday Is to be in the form I of a birthday party. Everyone is' asked to come costumed to represent ; the month in which they were born. A prize will be awarded to the one | who best represents their month. 85 i L. 8. Morrison returned yesterday from the Illinois Valley and left thia mornins for his home at Inland EaMern Hear Birthday Party— —If you want to «*c just the type of com*Xly that nuil« R 'Je Burk « success on file stage—>ee her lat eat screen laughing success. —AND— MUTT AND JEFF COMEDY —the recognized fun-makers of Am inated cartoon-land. FOX NEWS —Also ON MWNATUItM ALL FANCY NH4DKR INSURANCE — All Nuceanmir to Mr«. E. Rehkopf rnr$. Hellie Deas It's a Matter for Congratulation When They Ask GEO. 8 CALHOUN Exclusive local dealer over IB years HOLMAN’S FURNITURE STORE MORE NEW HANGEN (MADE IX OREGON) ll< M Ml Kit CABINETS—J 1ST ARRIVED RIG SHIPMENTS IRE COMING IX OX TIME. «IMA G STREET OPPOHITK HAND STIMI» Electrical Supplies at PAUL’S Electric Stere New Store to Open The SAMPLE STORE Billie BurKe The Misleading Widow DEPKNDAB1JC Big Reduction Inxur- tdanr- tf I FASCINATING — (HARMING IN JOS. MOSS AGENCY—Fire ance, plate glass liability ano«. 304 H Sixth street. klnde. telephone or write tor raise The following invitation has bee# and eave your time. T. M. Stott, sent to Eastern Star members anj Agent. 78tf visitors for their birthday party next Wednesday night The committi 4 FOR LUA Choice bsled alfalfa has gone over the books carefull: iy, hay, ilT par ton. f o. b Orante but in case anyone has been overt Pass Riverbanks Farms 85tf looked they may consider this a spe FOR SIMPldCX" SHAW Ensilage cial invitation. cutters, etc., see the Monroe It I always have wished I'd been born,' .rn eriseli salesman. W 8. Halley, in June. And doubtlee« you feel Just the Min .Murphy. Ore., Rd. 1. phone Pro jn«X and I do; volt. »0 So let's have a birthday party to-f gether. FOR SAIJS Slab wood, dry 83. Kight in the midst of this plcnlcky green 82.50 per tier. Cash on de livery. W. J. Teal, phone 395-R For the day of your birth we don't 85tf care a bit. But if you are longing to make COOK STOVE WANTED Addrees great "hit." Wear something that shows Just the No. 1227, care Courier. 86 time and the season. That you were born in. Be sure MRS. JAS. M POWERS. Studio over "there's a reason " Barnes' Jewelry store. Open Wed We don't ask to know if 'twas night nesday. Friday and Saturday Har or 'twaa mornin', mony class begins June 2nd at But merely the name of the month you were born tn. 10 a. m. 00 Bring a picture to show how you looked when a baby FOR 3AIA0- -Mowing machine. Just For our great guessing contest, overhauled, can be seen at Cook's 'twill win a prtie, maybe blacksmith shop, or inquire of F O Wilcox. 407 Rogue River. Ave | 85 I UNION CENTRAI, IJFE Insurance Company of Cincinnati. One of FOR SAGE—1 quarter sawed oak buffet. 1 oak china closet. 1 oak the ten oldest and largest In the hall seat and mirror. 6 dining United States In reati gate their rates. T. M. Stott. Agent. TStf I chains, 1 fire-place set and screen. 2 electric library lamps. Mrs. R. E. L. GAI j BRAITH— -Real Estate. In G. Smith. 647 North Second St. 86 surance. and plate glass liability. 609 H O street, phone 28. 40tf bXIR SAl«E- Old doors at •Adams’ Electric and Battery Shop. 86 1 AGENTS WANTED—Lady or gentle man agent wanted for the city of FOR 8A1X -lAirge horse in tin« condition. Good worker and good road er Also buggy and harness Ivan Livingston. Grants Pass, Buy Your phone 323-L. 88 Cadillac Auto Stsge ■ ■ The Cadillac Auto Stage is run ning regularly to Crescent City, leav ing at 9:30 every morning, stage takes passengers only, reservations see O. Hiller, Jr. Granta Paas. Hell the original Watklna Producta, Known svery- Watklna where Write today Co. 52 Winona, Minn. 5-1 -Ml Breier & Petersen rhe Josephine County Bank I m the Bank for you, it is strong and takes pride in meeting your requirements with efficiency and dispatch. Your Cheeking Account is welconw and Invited. I WHO AKE OPERATING CHAIN STOKES THICOl'GHOl T THE NORTH WEHT, 12 OF WHICH IKE IN OREGON, WILL OPEN ITS IN Hilts J osephine C ounty B ank TUESDAY, JUNE 1st At 6th and H Street -how-ing the world's latest happen ings. TONIGHT — LAST TIMES OFFERING TO THE PUBLIC A (XIMPLETE STOCK OF Marguerite Clark in “Widow by Proxy —It's funny, «harming and Iteauti- fully done. Men’s Furnishings OREGON f Men’s, Ladies’ and Children’s SHOES MOWERS, RAKES AND BINDERS GAS EXGIXES AND PIMPS HAY TOOI>S OF Aid, KINDS CREAM SEPARATORS THE LATENT IMPROVED HAW—THE COLUMBIA SEE THEM AT % s THIS MERCHANDISE IS OF A HIGH STANDARD, lUH'GHT nY A IH Y- e KW many years EXPERIENCE—ONE WHO has THE PRES TIGE OF A CASH AND QUALITY Bl'YER, AND WILL RE PRICED TO MEET ALL IXy.MPETITION. EVEN Til AT OF THE BENT ESTABLISH ED MAIL ORDER HOCHES 102-lol SO. OTH STREET McIntyre’s Implement House » Watch for the Opening Ad J. B. McKinney, Mgr